Elvis Before Noon
Phoenix, AZ | Established. Jan 01, 2008 | SELF
The Music: Elvis Before Noon brings its classic rock covers and power pop originals to the bar's backyard every Sunday. They've got great song choice and stage presence. - Phoenix New Times
For fans of the '90s Tempe sound (think the Refreshments, Gin Blossoms), Elvis Before Noon is a modern-day group to check out.
Besides playing in the same sort of power-pop, indie-rock style, the Phoenix band also boasts Scott Johnson, a Gin Blossoms member, on guitar and vocals.
The current lineup, including vocalist-guitarist Daylon Greer, bassist-vocalist Mr. P-body and drummer-vocalist Ringo Fire, has been playing together for about a year and currently has weekly summer gigs at the Hotel Valley Ho and the Vig.
Their roots go back about eight years ago. One day, while Greer was playing a Gin Blossoms song in a bar, Johnson walked in and started playing with him, and Elvis Before Noon was born.
P-body, who is also a popular Valley DJ, talked to us more about the band and his hopes for the Phoenix music scene.
What do you hope people take away from the music?
Our music is sort of a dusty power-pop something. It sounds like Arizona to me. It's simple, it's fun, but it's got heart and character.
I would hope that they would find it to be not only authentic but real. It really is truly heartfelt. Daylon's a very real person. There's nothing that's fake about him at all. When I hear the songs, they certainly sound, to me, like they really are from the heart. They really express something that he has felt or is feeling
How would you describe your live show?
Our shows are very funny because we'll crack a lot of jokes. Daylon's quite the impersonator. His Johnny Cash will drop you.
How would you characterize Phoenix music audiences?
I love this place and always want to believe it's getting better and it's growing, but I think it somewhat lacks its own identity. I don't necessarily mean the city but some of the people. You'll see people behaving in a certain way as if they want to be in some other city. I go to those cities, and it's not even like that in those cities.
I think that maybe perhaps the city is too beautiful for its own good. I think maybe people are too concerned with looking at each other. It's like, why would I look at the band when the girl in the booth next to me looks like she should be in a magazine?
Why do you think Phoenix lacks a passion for live music?
The people in this city don't ever want to do something that isn't something they're already doing. It's ridiculous. Everything is just so separated. The city and the people would be much more interesting if everyone dabbled a bit in what's out there.
Why should people come and check you out?
We're fun and funny. I think this is probably a pipe dream, but I think that it's much more interesting when you take in other things, and I think that with everything else that's out there, why not take a break and do something different? Will it really kill you to go out and see a good band? People get so stuck in routines they don't ever want to break from, and we're a break from the norm.
Read more: http://www.azcentral.com/community/tempe/articles/2009/07/02/20090702elvis.html#ixzz3AAHK5jEP - AZ Central
Elvis Before Noon
Writer Lynette Carrington catches up with the band that covers the classics and creates new ones, too.
Much in the way that Elvis Presley is unforgettable Valley band Elvis Before Noon will leave listeners with solid memories of the night before. The band whips out some wicked cover tunes and has a distinctive sound that is instantly recognizable as Tempe inspired, with equal parts classic rock and power pop and just a bit of country.
The seasoned members of the band have been together since 2008 and include vocalist and songwriter Daylon Greer, drummer “Ringo,” guitarist Roger Singleton (or sometimes Scott Johnson of the Gin Blossoms), and bassist Mr. P-body, also an area DJ. “Roger plays with us quite frequently because Scott Johnson is in the Gin Blossoms and he’s gone a lot,” says Mr. P-body, who aptly named himself after the bespectacled character from the Mr. Peabody & Sherman cartoon. Mr. P-body, who simply chooses to be known by his stage name, and ran me through the metamorphosis of Elvis Before Noon.
The members first came together by accident at The Vig. “Although Daylon and Scott were playing there before, Daylon’s friend Ringo plays drums, and he would play with them at parties,” Mr. P-body says. “The owner of The Vig said, ‘Hey, you should bring a drummer.’”
Scott later ran into Mr. P-body and mentioned he was playing at The Vig. Mr. P-body visited the club to hear them and loved the variety of music. He mentioned to them that he had a bass at home. He joined in on the sessions, and the rest, as they say, is history.
“The story of our name is sort of an inside joke, but we also found it interesting that Elvis Presley was delivered to Graceland just before noon,” Mr. P-body said.
Many of the Elvis Before Noon members grew up when the Tempe music scene on Mill was the hottest thing in Arizona, and those musical influences are echoed in the band’s music today.
They tend to like the classics, although the band does play more recent numbers. Besides the cover songs, the band has a CD of original music, which was recorded at the studio of the Gin Blossoms’ front man, Robin Wilson. The CD is available through the band’s website and on iTunes.
“If we didn’t tell you that we were playing an original, it would just slip into our set and you wouldn’t know it,” Mr. P-body says. He points to the great songwriting of Greer and their cohesiveness as a band for the great sound of their original songs.
“We’re getting ready to come out with a live album that will consist of some of the covers because we have some favorites that people like to hear, and we have some unique takes on the stuff we do,” Mr. P-body says. “We’ll take two songs and mash them up. There’s Marshall Tucker Band mashed up with Oasis or Vanilla Ice mashed up with a whole number of things.”
For more information about the band, visit elvisbeforenoon.com.
Elvis Before Noon performs at a diverse set of venues. The band says they were “born at The Vig” and continues to play there on a regular basis; you can also catch them poolside 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. each Friday at Hotel Valley Ho. Additionally, the band plays events and private parties and holds court at high-profile events on a regular basis, including the Scottsdale Culinary Festival and the annual Pat’s Run and Circus Mexicus in Rocky Point. Find them at these other Valley spots:
Coach House
Aunt Chilada’s
Old Town Tavern
Blue Martini
Nabers - Scottsdale.org
Elvis Before Noon interview at Hotel Valley Ho with Spotlight AZ - Spotlight AZ
Best of Our Valley 2016 Winners: The List:
Best Local Band/Musician: Elvis Before Noon - Arizona Foothills Magazine
Life On Top
You Make It
What I'm Made Of
Mind Games
Free Fall
Go Without Them
I Like It*
I Walk The Line
Say It Ain't So
I Want An Alien For Christmas
Burning Love
Paint It Black
Folsom Prison Blues
The Middle
Dukes of Hazard Theme
Runnin' Down A Dream
Danny's Song
Under Pressure (the monster mash-up)
Mind Games*
Suspicious Minds
Stocking Stuffer*
ELVIS BEFORE NOON--Debut Album (2012)
She's Got My Heart
Loss of Words
Best Year
Thing About You
Street Lights
I Like It
You Were Here
Mrs. Potter

No, they are NOT and Elvis Presley tribute band. Elvis Before Noon is much more like that cool band that plays down the street in your neighborhood--a band of 4 guys that just happened to meet and love to perform music to please anyone listening. Daylon Greer, is the band’s primary vocalist and songwriter and from the beginning, the group has been writing and recording its own original songs. Their well-crafted power pop numbers and early 90s/2000s vibe might be reminiscent of the twangy "desert sound" that made Tempe famous but then again they truly have their own sound. This has garnered them opportunities to mingle with legacies that went from local AZ to national--they've shared stages with both Gin Blossoms and Roger Clyne. You can catch them locally (Sundays at The Vig Arcadia) at various East Valley venues, special events and festivals and even down South in Puerto Penasco (Rocky Point) especially in June during Roger Clyne's festival, "Circus Mexicus." You can also download EBN's original songs on iTunes. Their new album, “Original” is just another blueprint for keeping the AZ power-pop vibe alive.
Band Members