Lodi, New Jersey, United States | SELF
Echofission – The Straights (echofission.com)
The raw edge and striking roaring vocals on Echofission’s “The Straights” make for a collection of songs that have an agenda ("Brand New God," "Woman By The Water," "Watch You Breathe"), which adds to the heightened energy of the music. Without question, rhythm is the force behind this band's sound, with steadfast pop punk as a base. Echofission's message is at times rebellious: There aren't any songs about losing your girlfriend of two weeks, or how miserable you feel because school sucks so much. But there are songs that focus on inner strength ("It's On You") and life's gifts ("Illumination") that set Echofission apart and dominate this album.
On a lighter note, the title track “The Straights” is Echofission’s very own theme song,which I think every band should have! Although "The Straights" is more like a musical road map of the band's short but growing story, it reeks with punk pop hooks. The overall result, then, is a record that feels particularly refreshing and usually upbeat, even when the lyrical material is a little gloomy. This is definitely Jersey Shore beach music for 2008! - Phil Rainone
- Jersey Beat
Echofission "The Straights"
Review By: Roadie Bruce Robertson (R. Dogg)
** note on ADVICE: I mean this to emphasize what YOU could improve, not what I could improve (as I am nowhere near your league). As an unbiased reviewer (I try - but I'm still a fan), this is my opinion only and take it as such.
** note on SCORE: This is what I would rate it out of five and in brackets what I would rate it on garageband.com
Example: 4.5 -- (5) or 3.3 -- (3)
"Brand New God"
- CD opens with a solid rocking track backed with a catchy riff and fronted by the in your face "wall-of-vocal"
- really groovy track
- all instruments on board in a tight melodic fashion
- Great opening track - lets the listener know they're in for a treat
- around 2:40 - awesome isolation of the guitar riff into a fantastic guitar solo full of life and energy
- poppy tune with a hard edge and wicked production
- Halfway between heavy and pop -- but all killer on the way
Score: 4.7 -- (5)
- Plucky bass-line grooves with a hooky "beat-beat-beat" change in it that keeps the verse fresh
- Great use of varied tempos and fantastic backing vocals out of the chorus and into the 2nd verse
- Sounds like two or maybe three song ideas melded into one tune "like the best parts of a few different songs" -- but singular in nature - perfect blend in a pop/rock tune
- steady hammered out notes in the lead guitar outro
- nice string bends in the intro
- This song sounded good on first listen -- but better each time I've heard it afterwards
- so many great elements here - a feature that seems to be very upfront and present in Echofission's writing style - which is to say the crafting of genuine songwriting beauty
Score: 4.8 -- (5)
"When Autumn Leaves"
- Really great lead guitar work - catchy with nice build-ups (especially the outro)
- Nice hook in the chorus vocal-wise
- This song is a thousand times better than the crap that gets Top 40 these days
- The song is perfect. I really like how the harmonies come in as they are.
- "kind of like the breeze, when you blew you into me" <--- Very catchy. Very, very catchy. I'm in awe and jealous at the same time
- guitar soloing here very well done again
- Great rocking outro
- Wow.
- Unbelievable. You guys just speak to the soul when you breathe life into these computer speakers. Amazing tune. Solid as steel. Catchy as hell.
Score: 5.0 -- (5)
"San Diego"
- feels a little naked in the beginning, but I think that actually really works for the tune. In fact I've heard it several times now and it really WORKS the feeling of the tune.
- picks up steam and really gets going
- love the backing vocals
- reminds me of a pop-easy rock/alt. kind of Beach Boys -- :)
- song really grows on me
- More listening .... really, really grows on you.
- This song would sound awesome as a live acoustic number in a small club setting.
- The reasons I initially dismissed the song have turned into familiar scars. It's a rough term, I know...but it feels right to me
- love the "Dooo" parts .... I like how this tune adds a different element to "The Straights" CD It's adds great variety
- THE END HALF OF THE TUNE <--- damn, just kicks it up a notch and keeps running stronger and stronger
- I think I have really been forgetting to mention just how tight the drums and bass are. If these songs were buildings, they'd have the best structure supporting them. Well Done.
- This song is fantastic. It really just keeps growing on me and I love it.
Score: 4.7 -- (5)
"The Straights"
- great musicianship and vocals
- opening guitar riffs hypnotically groovy working into a addictively catchy blend of killer 90's riffing with awesome backing vocals blending together with the solid backing drum/bass combo
- Leads are solid, hooking in the listener love the backing vocals over them in places - nice touch going higher at mid point vocally
- Not as heavy as "Twirl" or "Seismic Election" but a touch "pop"-ier and still very radio friendly (aren't all your tunes?)
- the verse guitars are sneaky in how pulsingly grooving they are
- Sounds like 90's indy rock (the best rock if ever there was) if it came out with a 2007/2008 edge to it -- I mean this in the ABSOLUTE best light possible
- Bass really works it's subtle magic on this track
- rarely you get a band with this much talent AND able to showcase it all in one tune so well
- Singer really know how to use his pipes - like a seasoned professional behind the mic
Score: 4.6/5 -- (5)
"Woman By The Water"
- reminds me of cruising in my car on vacation in the summer - lovely melody
- vocals are smoothly delivered hovering over the steady, driving beat of the tune
- Damn fine summer tune
- This might be the best damn track I could ever play while cruising in my '92 LeSabre -- hell in any car
- A touch of Blue Rodeo (just a little touch-mind you) with the indy rocker delivery -- no, with the ECHOFISSION delivery. Perfect blend of ... well, everything
- The drumming is so well performed here
- The ending is ... like what? I could have listened for an hour or two of this song alone -- really, I feel this way when I heard your tune.
- NOTE: three full listens in a row and I cannot stress enough how incredible this tune is.
- ADVICE: You could play this song for 9 minutes during a live show and no one would want you to stop.
- Musicians often hear another's work and they say to themselves - "Why can't I write/perform/record this well?" -- many musicians must be saying this about you guys.
- The lovely bending notes in the solo fills are nice touches
- Wow.
Score: 5.0 -- (5)
"It's On You"
- Almost old west feel to the intro - creates a unique mood to the tune
- This track has grown on me - wouldn't use it as a single, but It'd make a great live rocker...maybe closer ... yeah total live rock-out
- another clinic on how to sing with this song. You have a brilliant way of singing. Your voice, like the band itself, is pure star. No B.S.
- chorus has definite catchy lines "don't know how they're creat-ed" <- nice vocal delivery
- around 4:02 the backing guitars really shine with a killer backing riff that echos out a sweet groove
- Hard edged, long rocking ending -- the FX at the end w/ audience are nice touches
- The tune really make a dent after each listening. I like when an album have immediate hits, grow on you hits, and variety. This is another "fan - fav. if not immediate hit.
Score: 4.3 -- (4)
- Sounds too commercial - or what I think a record company thinks I want to hear
- played well and nothing to complain about musically or vocally
- comes across to me as a bit preachy - not commenting on the message, just not what I'm looking for in my rock music
- Even on additional listens I cannot get into this tune. - not a bad tune -- just not for me (a rare thing w/ your music)
Score: 3.6 -- (4)
- Great backing vocals - and lead vocals
- Drummer knows how to create his beats & bassist knows how to keep it moving
- My opinion on this tune is that it's a well made tune, but not a single
- feels right on this album, though,
- backing keys at 1:18 sounds almost like "magic rain" -- not chocolate rain ;) -- a nice touch
- this tune creates a good mood and has really good elements, but definitely not a high point -- IS NOT a low point though, I stress this
- This tune moves and grooves in it's own way - fits on the CD, but not the "greatest hits"
Score: 3.9 -- (4)
- really nice soft vocals
- nice use of backing keys
- the guitars come through the mix very nice
- a nice slow tune
- not a single, but a very nice tune
- adds a softer touch to the CD as a whole
Score: 4.1 -- (4)
"Watch You Breathe"
- Good rocking track that have groove and solid production (as always) -- I'd like to hear what the live version sounds like...
- nice tempo changes
- Good backing ?keys guitars?
- "Sleep and Watch You Breathe" has a great 'creepy' undertone to it -- very good mood
- vocal FX atv ?2:50 work well
- Bass around 3:40 -- good stuff
- the simple, but well constructed breakdown/solo near the end of the song is a great composition
- not a single - still a cool track
- outro soloing sounds great with the other instruments
- love the fade out on this track
Score: 4.0 -- (4)
"Heroes turn to Thieves"
- pulsing intro works well with that low vocal delivery
- the guitar picking adds to the overall effect and then the verse soloing seals the deal on the opening
- more great drumming and solid bass give this tune some strong backbone
- a well made tune
- not a single IMO, but a great track to have before the end of the CD
Score: 4.1 -- (4)
"Vultures After Dark"
- the riff has such a sad "come listen though" feel to it -- I like it
- That "beach boys-esque" sound returns on the backing on this track - A good thing
- An interesting choice for the last track on the CD, it works though
- 2:54-ish gets a nice temp change w/ cool soloing
- the guitar soling here has a great "quality" that is so 90's pure rock that I love - very nice
- Again, not a single, but a solid tune for the CD
Score: 4.0 -- (4)
HIGHLIGHTS & OVERALL: The entire first half has HIT after HIT. The second half is a solid collection of LP tracks, each with there own unique quality and essence. Add the first six tracks from this LP and all but the first track from their EP and you're looking at a greatest hits compilation. This band has all the skill, style and delivery to make a definate impact on the music scene. Of course, by impact I mean miles wide crater. The best independent band -- ANY BAND -- that I've grooved to in years. Echofission has everything it needs to succeed (and thrive) but the label to spotlight them. If I don't hear these songs on the radio within 12 months it will be a sad statement on the inability for radio stations to realize the talent under their pretentious noses. I count myself lucky for the opportunity to review and appreciate this fantastic statement of music.
Echofission "The Straights" LP Score 90/100 (based on a thirteen song album) -- basically a division of the song by song score and the highest possible score (again song by song)
** this is in my opinion an incredible score - especially considering the number of tracks and "hits"**
- Road Dogg
Review URL: http://blowupradio.tripod.com/review_echof.html
Echofission - "the straights"
In their fifth year together, and 3rd album, Echofission seems destined for a big breakthrough with their new CD, "the straights". This album sees them moving away from the more fast passed jam rock and roll of their last disc, "amplify the sun", and really finding themselves with some very moving artistic, emotionally stirring indie rock, with some incredible harmonies to boot. It's not that this album is necessarily mellower than their previous CD, although at times it is, so much as it's just showed more growth in their songwriting to a level that is both catchy enough to be considered pop, but in a wonderfully artistic way that just blows me away the more I listen.
As any regular reader of my reviews knows, I like albums that are actual albums, with a flow to it. In this day and age with MP3 players so popular, many people do not listen to full CDs from beginning to end anymore. "The straights", is an album that begs to be heard from beginning to end in order to hear the true brilliance of this album.
That's not to say that these songs don't stand well on their own...let's say the songs on this album are ice cream, and the album is like an ice cream sundae with toppings and whip cream. Ice cream is good, but an ice cream sundae is even better.
"The straights", reminds me, in a way, of early albums from The Samples. However, Echofission has managed to create something even more special, an album that, in my opinion, is destined to be looked back on years from now as a "classic album". It is already one of my favorites of this year.
Lazlo, 2008
- Lazlo of Blowupradio.com
Great sounding presentation, from the powerful, pop driven rock melodies (laid out ever so boldly by your wall of guitar sound) to your killer layered vocal harmonies throughout!
In the absence of an accompanying lyrics sheet, I had slight difficulties picking up on each and every lyric, still I found the general idea to be interesting.
The title makes for an effective tag line, and most certainly by the way you've reinforced your hooks with vocal harmonies, it stays in your head without wearing out.
The thing I found most appealing (aside from the vocals) was the melodic, energized guitar work, very cool counter-melodies, well-placed in your transition spaces and solo section. Very inventive and memorable bridge section as well.
9/10 in all categories (8 in lyrics) - TAXI
The interview is too big to fit here. Please copy and paste the link below into your browser:
http://www.jambands.com/NewGroove/content_2008_09_23.00.phtml - Jambands.com
Echofission- a band that I booked to play my EVOLVE Music Festival. I discovered Echofission perusing myspace, and upon hearing their first track, I knew Echofission was a stand-apart talent. I endorse Echofission for their innovation, melodic sensibilities and creative musical arrangements. I remember all the people around me asking me who this band was the first few minutes into their very first song. Geb and the guys are professional and take their music seriously- without being overly serious. I have high expectations for this band and will be looking forward to doing more business with them in the future." - Dave Bryson "Evolve Festival Coordinator"
Lazlo's Top 50 Albums of 2008
It's that time of year again, and below is my top 50 albums of 2008.
As with previous years, let me make the following comments before you see my list:
It is hard doing this list, for several reasons:
1. I have changed this list several times in the past week, and looking at it now, there are still changes I could make. My favorite anything tends to change regularly depending on what I'm in the mood for, so ultimately, the list below is a snapshot of what I liked from 2008 at the particular moment that I finalized the list.
2. It's totally subjective. The list below is strictly my opinion, and does my opinion mean more than anyone else's? To some, maybe, to me, I'm just another music fan making a list. I think it would be very cool to have people e-mail me with their own top 50 list of albums for 2008, so I hope some of you do that.
3. My list is only comprised of albums I've actually listened to from beginning to end. Many albums come out each year, and I get to listen to a few thousand albums in a year, so there are likely many good albums I haven't had the chance to listen to.
So take the list below for what it is, my opinion of my favorite albums of the year, at a moment in time, that I've had the opportunity to listen to.
1. Echofission - the straights
2. Switches - lay down the law
3. Spiraling - time travel made easy
4. Tally Hall - marvin's marvelous mechanical museum
5. Joshua Van Ness - DNA
6. KaiserCartel - march forth
7. Nerve Tonic - Nerve Tonic face the galactic undead
8. Second Dan - bringing down Goliath
9. Counting Crows - Saturday nights and Sunday mornings
10. Anthony Fiumano - when strangers say hello
11. Brian Vander Ark - Brian Vander Ark
12. R.E.M. - accelerate
13. double-breasted - who will love you?
14. Mazeffect - horseshoes & hand grenades
15. The Winter Sounds - pinebox ep
16. Kasey Chambers & Shane Nicholson - rattlin' bones
17. The Polyjesters - kitchen radio
18. Darren Deicide - the Jersey devil is here
19. Paul Sanchez - exit to mystery street
20. Finding Fiction - plastic & change
- Blowupradio.com
"Echofission has a natural chemistry augmented by formidable musicianship that never seeks to impress only delight. Echofission's recent recording "The Straights" is an intimidating display of talent and inventive song-writing. If there is a better indication of a band working in the scene for the love of it I'd like to hear it"!
by JJ Koczan and Patrick Slevin - The Aquarian Weekly
"Echofission has acquired a massive following with their infectious melodies and relatable lyrics".
"Echofission's mature writing process is evident on their LP "The Straights".
by Lani Buess - Exit Magazine
Visit: http://www.garageband.com/artist/echofission
Here, you can click on each song and see how each song charted, what reveiwers had to say, and what awards each song received.
You will see that almost each song has received some kind of award and more to come as songs enter the queue.
Echofission - Garageband.com
Echofission - "Echofission" 2002
Echofisison - "Like Sza Love" 2003
Echofission - "Amplify The Sun" 2006
Echofission - "The Straights" 2008
Tracks are streaming consistently at our myspace, website, garageband, and ilike (facebook) pages.
Echofission is a staple on online (clickradio, blowupradio, homegrownradio) and college radio across NJ and NY (WPSC, WRSU, WUSB) 107.1 The PEAK, and 105.5 WDHA for five years and counting.
Currently the following tracks are being played on the above stations: Lucky, Brand New God, Woman By The Water, When Autumn Leaves, Kids, Door.

See the video for their latest song "The Beast" at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh5o3wwvu6E
Echofission has made their mark with their latest album "The Straights" independently released in March 2008. “Echofission's recent recording "The Straights" is an intimidating display of talent and inventive song-writing” (The Aquarian). The album was engineered and co-produced by Mod, guitarist for popular NYC natives Elefant. It features thirteen tracks flowing from light to dark and features the popular New Jersey FM and college radio singles ‘Lucky’ and ‘When Autumn Leaves’. “Echofission has managed to create something even more special, an album that, in my opinion, is destined to be looked back on years from now as a "classic album" (Blowupradio.com).
2008 has seen Echofission spreading its wings across the live, media and digital spectrums. The band is gigging through a busy live schedule of clubs and festivals and making appearances in film, online and print rock publications and FM, college and online radio to promote the latest album. Noteworthy appearances of the band and their music have been in the film Over The GW (www.overthegw.com), Dig This Real, affiliations with multiple music licensing companies, WDHA FM 105.5, 107.1 The PEAK, Rutgers Radio, Blowupradio.com, and many more.
Echofission has worked with many talented musicians, engineers and producers. Bruce Miller (Aerosmith, Miles Davis, Dave Mathews Band, etc.) mastered the 2006 Amplify The Sun. Lo Faber (God Street Wine) mastered Echofission’s debut album. And the aforementioned Mod (Elefant, Radio4, Teenbeaters, Ape Fight) has recorded and co-produced three of the four Echofission releases.
“Echofission has acquired a massive following with their infectious melodies and relatable lyrics” (Exit Magazine). Echofission has six years stage and recording experience that connect with audiences whether it’s at a venue or in their car listening. “Without question, rhythm is the force behind this band's sound” (Jersey Beat).
Visit the official Echofission website at www.echofission.com.
To buy Echofission music go to the following websites:
For reviews, news, listening, and gigs visit our Garageband page at www.garageband.com/artist/echofission
Also visit our: Facebook page at apps.facebook.com/ilike/artist/ECHOFISSION
For booking and any inquires please send e-mail to echofission@gmail.com or info@echofission.com