Downtown Attraction
Gig Seeker Pro

Downtown Attraction


Band Rock Punk




This band has no press


Downtown Attraction has one EP with 7 songs. We have airplay on We have been streamed live twice by grammy award winner Tom Weir at his studio Studio City Sound.



Downtown Attraction is a in your face, live, and loud kind of band. We are inspired by rock pioneers Iggy Pop, The Ramones, and The Rolling Stones. We have a 21st century sound but stick to our roots, which results in our unique sound. Each member has their own story and brings their own personality into the music and stage presence. Jack is from DC and is the mysterious asian with a sonic voice. Matti is the laid back Italian who will make any situation fun. Marko, also from Italy, is the responsible dude who brings out his wild side when you least expect it, and Chetan is the class clown who just wants to bang on the drums. We all came to LA with the same dream: to be rockstars. Our music is real, ruff, and dirty. We are never gonna stop!