Doneta Dawson
Cincinnati, Ohio, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2011 | SELF
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Still working on that hot first release.

Independent Christian Artist Doneta Dawson has been given rave reviews for arrangement of music, vocal range, and writing ability. She has released her Debut CD project ‘R&B Repent & Believe’ with much success and great reviews. She also expounds and teaches foundational classes on Kingdom Worship and is in the process of publishing her first ever workbook ‘Worship Unprecedented’. She conducts a prayerline that meets every Friday Morning called the S-T-R-E-T-C-H prayerline as well as the recent expansion to host a radio show on the S-T-R-E-T-C-H which encourages stretching out on the promises of God to have the Capacity to receive that which he has for us a challenging exploration that builds the character of the kingdom citizen.
As a 2014 CWIMA (Christian Women in Media Association) Songwriter of the year finalist, she has also received awards from the Black Essence Awards, and The Gospelfest of the city of Forest Park, OH. She has sung on the Bobby Jones Presents Show, at the Annual IMPACT Conference, The GMWA’s 50 year celebration, Chicago's Dancers Bootcamp, Cincinnati Ohio’s Juneteenth Celebration and many more great venues.
She has interviewed on syndicated television and radio shows such as Bobby Jones Presents on the Impact Network, on Inspirational Baptists church’s City of Destiny Womens conference on The Word Network, Interviewing on the Tamika Hall Show on IHeart Radio, The Yes Hour Christian Hip Hop Radio Station with Mr. C live and more. Sharing the stage with powerful ministers such as Pastor Jackie McCoullough, Psalmist Doris Stokes, and Pastor Phil Tarver , she has ministered in praise and worship as well for many conferences and has been said to bring in the presence of God setting the atmosphere for heaven to invade earth. She is known for her prophetic ability to sing songs of the Lord and flow prophetically through worship.
She has ministered in song for the annual Women Helping Women Expo Luncheon, ministering with Cincinnati's Pharmacy on Tour roster, M.A.P. (Making Apostolic People) Prophetic and Apostolic classes, P4:13 International Ministries, Kingdom Vision International Ministries, and the Youth United Ministries and USAN. Her music, teaching, speaking is loved all over the world.
Singing professionally since the age of 14 she has always had a way with bringing an energetic passion to the audience in Song and dance. Over the years singing in Church, Grade, Jr., and High school choirs, forming girl groups to sing R&B (Finesse) and Rap Groups she's always had a knack for performing and giving the people a great show. After giving her life back to Christ at the age of 23 she began to do what came natural to her once again, Praising and Worshiping God in the song. She directed a youth women’s choir, directed girl group Lilies of the Valley as they sang for their community events in Cincinnati, as well as leading with a dynamic praise and worship team later turned gospel group R.O.G. (Reflections of God).
Accepting the call of a Prophetess in 2008, she was then cast into a journey with God that has forever transformed her life. For the first time ever singing solo with the confidence of her calling, and anointed with deliverance in her voice, Doneta Dawson now ministers in song, preaching and teaching, spoken word, MC, and prophetic exhortation
Her Mission is to bring the Kingdom of God to infiltrate the World through music, expression, and any other venue opened to her. She is ready to bring a Kingdom Sound to the World.
Rev 11:15 The Kingdoms of this World have become the Kingdoms of our God, and His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever.
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