Dominic Dunn
Liverpool, England, United Kingdom | Established. Jan 01, 2012 | SELF
Playing without his band, Dominic looked a lonely figure upon the outdoor stage, but it didn’t take very long for him to grab hold of every person’s attention as he started with the brilliant ‘On My Way’. As he continued through the set, he displayed more of his considerable songwriting talent, with many influences shining through into his own brand of exciting folky pop. By now the audience were much more into the swing of things, and the day progressed beautifully as The Chicken Brothers took over and the party atmosphere started. - ManGone Blog
"LIV-BCN no tracta de portar Barcelona a Liverpool; és un intercanvi real, una trobada cultural entre ambdues ciutats, artistes i públics per conèixer i compartir", afirmen els impulsors del nou festival independent que vol agermanar la ciutat britànica i la capital catalana el proper 21 de juny. "És una celebració de la rica oferta artística de Liverpool i Barcelona, dues metròpolis creatives i musicals europees que tenen molt en comú i comparteixen un sentiment de respecte i admiració mutu", assegura Oriol Bosch, un dels tres cofundadors de la mostra, que pretén convertir-se en una plataforma de projecció internacional per a joves artistes.
LIV-BCN combinarà música, gastronomia i il·lustració catalanes i britàniques a la ciutat de Liverpool. L'artista folk Joana Serrat actuarà per primera vegada al Regne Unit acompanyada de la seva banda de músics per presentar el seu darrer treball, 'Dear Great Canyon'. També serà la primera visita estival de Dj Coco a les Illes Britàniques, ja que a l'agost serà a Londres per participar al festival Jabberwocky. De la seva banda, el productor musical BeGun oferirà un show amb arts visuals amb Borja V. Conde.
Però no només hi haurà artistes catalans. Les bandes de Liverpool GhostChant, ETCHES i Broken Men, així com el cantautor de 17 anys Dominc Dunn, també formen part del cartell d'aquest festival, que organitzarà una taula rodona sobre la internacionalització de la música i l'escena local i internacional de Liverpool i Barcelona, amb Craig G. Pennington (Liverpool International Festival of Psychedelia, Bido Lito!) i Abel Suárez (Dj Coco), entre d'altres.
L'il·lustrador barceloní Conrad Roset aportarà el seu gra de sorra a aquest projecte artístic elaborant en directe un mural durant un vermut electrònic, amenitzat per The Chicken Brothers i amb tast gastronòmic inclòs.
El festival LIV-BCN, que compta amb el suport de la Generalitat de Catalunya i l'Institut Ramon Llull, ha estat impulsat per tres catalans, que, després d'haver viscut tant a Liverpool com a Barcelona, han volgut crear un pont entre les Illes Britàniques i la Mediterrània a partir de l'escena artística independent.
Leer más: http://www.lavanguardia.com/local/barcelones-nord/20140527/54409365143/barcelona-convidada-estrella-del-nou-festival-independent-liv-bcn-de-liverpool.html#ixzz33IgRdV6Y
Síguenos en: https://twitter.com/@LaVanguardia | http://facebook.com/LaVanguardia - La Vanguardia - Spain
But the highlight of the afternoon had to be Dominic Dunn. The 17-year-old, who recently caught the eye with The Angel (a tribute to Hillsborough campaigner Anne Williams) displayed confidence beyond his years showcasing his own material. One song - I'm on my way - felt like a prophecy that he seems destined to fulfil.
Accompanied by a band of backing singers, guitarists and a drummer, everyone was in full harmony as Dunn weaved his way through. - Liverpool Echo Get Into This
Stepping things up a gear was the ridiculously young and terrifyingly talented Dominic Dunn. The fresh-faced Liverpool teenager was joined expertly by a full band, including three superb backing singers. Dunn is certainly gathering a lot of interest at present and on the strength of this performance it's easy to see why.
Dunn gave an impassioned and incredibly strong vocal performance, storming through his set. From the slow build up of first song I'm On My Way, to the skiffle-imbued tracks lacing the latter part of his set, Dunn was in complete control and not phased by the growing crowd, who roared in appreciation after each number. - Get Into This: Liverpool Echo
Unit 51 is perhaps Threshold’s most consistently lively venue, but as Dominic Dunn and his band take the stage it’s completely packed. Undoubtedly one of Liverpool’s rising stars, the bar is awash with excitable punters, a situation Dunn grabs by the horns. His set is encrusted with character, from the aptly titled opener ‘I’m On My Way’ to the tortured acoustic lilt of ‘La Vie Est Belle’ and the measured swagger of closer ‘Keep Them Tight’, he is every inch the performer and something of a heartthrob for a gaggle of drunk middle-aged women behind me. His band too are worthy of high praise, his three backing singers lending opulent texture to his crafted melodies while dexterous guitars and a thrusting rhythm section give the sense of a highly polished live act. - Liverpool Noise
A charity record in memory of courageous Hillsborough campaigner Anne Williams is released today.
‘The Angel’ was written by Kirkdale singer-songwriter Dominic Dunn for a fundraising night in the Formby mum’s honour last autumn and the track was recorded at the renowned Parr Street Studios just before Christmas.
A launch event was held at the Liverpool Bridewell on Saturday evening and the song is now available on iTunes for 79p, with Dominic having signed over all rights to Anne’s For Justice charity meaning proceeds will go towards supporting Hillsborough survivors.
Watch The Angel video below
Dominic, 17, said, “All we want from the release of this song is to raise as much money as we can for Anne's charity.
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The Angel launch at the Liverpool One Bridewell: pictures by Photomccoy
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“Anne was pivotal in getting to the truth but everyone is still waiting for the justice and we want to make sure we can shine a spotlight on the ongoing fight in every way we can, hopefully the release of the single will help with that.
“I'm honoured to have been asked to write this song about such an inspirational woman and I hope this song goes some way towards keeping her important legacy alive.”
VIDEO: How the Angel was made
Anne’s daughter Sara said, “As soon as we heard Dominic’s song for the first time back in September, we all loved it. It is always very emotional to hear it played and it’s amazing that it is now going to be released for everyone to hear.
“The family are so honoured that Dominic has done this for mum, and we’ll always be very thankful to him.”
Paul Manning from Anfield FM, who along with Jason Morland, helped organise the release, said, “All credit must go to Dominic for writing such a beautiful song and then making the fantastic gesture of signing everything over to Anne’s charity.
“Lots of people have helped to get us to this point though. There are too many to mention everyone but particular thanks must go to Parr Street Studios and Paul Fitzgerald at the Liverpool Bridewell for the use of their facilities.
“We’ve been quite encouraged by the response the song has had so far. Dominic’s going to be performing it tonight as part of Nicky Allt’s You’ll Never Walk Alone show at the Royal Court , LFC TV have featured it and it’s going to be played over the tannoy at Liverpool’s next home game, Everton are putting it in their programme this Saturday and even Celtic had it on their website last week.
"We really need the support of the people of Merseyside and beyond to download the song and drive it up the charts to show the world yet again that Scousers will never, ever give up the fight for justice.
“We really want it to be a success as a tribute to Anne, the 96 and the survivors, who are all very much in our thoughts with the new inquests so close now, so would encourage everyone to support The Angel as much as they can.”
The new Hillsborough inquests begin two weeks today in Warrington . - Liverpool Echo
Dominic Dunn
Dominic was on my ones to watch list for 2014 and he’s already succeeding in making a name for himself.
The 17-year-old from Kirkdale has written The Angel in memory of courageous Hillsborough campaigner Anne Williams.
As well as his solo work he’s now put together a band.
“I’ve always been a solo acoustic act but now I’m working with some amazing musicians and three brilliant backing singers to give my songs a fuller sound,” he says. “My band are all in their early-20s and are from all over the place, from Ireland, Brighton, Wolverhampton everywhere but they’re all based in and around Liverpool now.
Dominic Dunn
“It’s hard to pin my sound down but if I have to I’d say it’s a fusion of folk-pop, funk and sleazy, speakeasy jazz.
“My first ever gig was when I was eight when I played Johnny Cash covers in the Lee Jones centre off Scotland Road, after that I played in the Cavern Club when I was 12 as part of their Cavern Rock School. I’ve gigged regularly since then really and always enjoy playing live.”
What’s your favourite song you have written? What inspired it?
The Angel. Is not really in my usual style but has made me learn a lot about Anne Williams, the Hillsborough campaigner who lost her son Kevin in the tragedy.
The song has introduced me to Anne’s family and friends and I feel that although I sadly never met Anne, writing that song has given me insight into a woman who is a true Liverpool legend.
What have been your biggest achievements so far?
I’ve been really lucky, I played at the London 2012 Paralympics and have played at some great festivals like Threshold, Liverpool Sound City and the London FolkFest. I also played in St George’s Hall for the Liverpool Music Awards last year which was brilliant. I’d say my biggest achievement to date has to be releasing the charity single for Anne Williams’ For Justice charity. The Angel went on release on St Patrick’s day and I signed 100% of the rights over to Anne’s charity so knowing a song I wrote is making some money for such a worthwhile cause is definitely my biggest achievement.
“I run underage events in Brink on Parr St so I’m keen to keep moving forward with them as well. There are loads of talented kids in this city and not many places for them to play to build their confidence and get them a bit of a fanbase so that’s what our Young Musician’s Showcases are all about.
Have you been inspired by any Merseyside musicians?
I love Liverpool music and I regularly listen to loads of music from Liverpool’s past and present scene, I like loads of the new music like Ian Prowse’s new album and anything from Broken Men.
Catch Dominic at the Threshold Festival, on the Sunday in Unit 51 in the Baltic Triangle with the full band.
See http://thresholdfestival.skiddletickets.com @Dominic_Dunn22 or https://www.facebook.com/Dominic.Dunn22?ref=hl - Liverpool Echo
At just 16 years of age, the incredibly talented and driven musician Dominic Dunn has taken Liverpool by storm. Gaining national television airplay with his video for ‘Keep Them Tight’ and showing up more than one “Ones To Watch” in the last few months, the sky is the limit for a young man with seemingly effortless charm, vocal skill and songwriting flair.
Check out the fantastic video below directed by Andrew AB - Threshold Website
The epitome of a starlet, this kid has his whole career ahead of him and has already made the kind of progress that would take some acts years, he has one of the brightest futures in the music industry at the moments. This lads career capabilities are boundless.
Dominic Dunn’s punchy, innovative songs are evolving into a genre of their own. The 16 year old lad from Kirkdale in Liverpool is a hard working musician whose extensive gigging in Liverpool and London has garnered interest from many. Guardian journalist Sachin Nakrani recently tweeted, ‘Dominic is the Coutinho of music, young gifted and from Liverpool.’ Named as Liverpool Echo’s One to Watch in both 2013 and 2014, his recent successes include playing at the Liverpool Music Awards and the London Paralympics and Liverpool Sound City. He has shared stages with Miles Hunt & Erica Nockalls of The Wonderstuff, Daniel Bedingfield, Ian Prowse and Zappa guitarist Denny Walley and supported Luka Bloom and Damien Dempsey as part of the Liverpool Irish Festival. The official video for Dominic's latest song, 'Keep Them Tight' was featured as 'Video of the Day' by BBC Radio 6's Tom Robinson on Fresh on the Net. Tom described the song as 'an assured debut' and said Dominic is 'one to watch'.
Bido Lito (Issue 40) said 'He puts on a valiant effort for a one man show and it would be interesting to see his soulful pop with a full backing band'. Dominic is now working with a full backing band and they made their debut with him at the Liverpool Live TV gig in Eric's in November. The gig was very well received and the bookings are now coming in fast.
Dominic's next gig with the band is at The Zanzibar on January 30th as part of the national initiative, Independent Venue Week which is in partnership with BBC Introducing & Domino Records among others and is supported by Frank Turner and Phil Selway of Radiohead. The aim of the project is to shine a spotlight on the smaller venues that provide the lifeblood to the up and coming music scene. Dominic said, 'I'm made up to be involved with the first ever Independent Venue Week. I organise underage events in Liverpool and independent venues offer the platforms for the next generation of musicians. Not all young musicians are interested in the x-factor route, some of us are keen to serve our time and we wouldn't be able to do that if smaller venues didn't provide a place for us to play.
February finds them in Alexander's in Chester on February 13th followed quickly by a full band set in the very cool District on February 14th. Dominic will also be playing at St George's Hall on March 22nd at a charity event for Fazakerley 9.
Dominic was asked to write a song in memory of Anne Williams who lost her son Kevin at Hillsborough. After Anne's family heard the song they asked him to record it. The Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Gary Millar organised it for Dom to record the track in Parr St Studios and Dom has now legally signed all rights to the song over to For Justice, the Hope for Hillsborough charity. The single will be released in March with every penny made going to the chartiy. #JFT96 You can find out more about this here: http://www.theangel2014.co.uk/
Dominic has organised underage live music events in Liverpool since he was 14. He now runs a monthly underage showcase in collaboration with David Barnicle at Brink on Parr Street. This is a free event, the artists don't have to sell tickets, they can play anything from one song to a full set, covers or originals and the aim is to allow young musicians to build their confidence and their fan base by playing live. - Yeah Buddy Blog
Sixteen-year-old Kirkdale singer Dominic has a talent that belies his years. His songs have an emotional maturity that have won him some big gigs – including the Olympics, Sound City and the Liverpool Music Awards.
Not content with that, he’s been putting his efforts into helping other young people get a foot on the ladder. Expect big things from this talented teenager. - Liverpool Echo
SIXTEEN-year-old singer/songwriter Dominic Dunn is featured in the ECHO's Ones to Watch guide for 2014. The Kirkdale musician is also championing Independent Venue Week with a special gig at the Zanzibar. I caught up with Dominic for this week's ECHO music Q&A...
Tell us about the gig. What can we look forward to? I'm playing with a full seven piece band in The Zanzibar on Thursday January 30 for Independent Venue Week. It's a national initiative with BBC Introducing, Domino Records and loads more, supported by Phil Selway from Radiohead and Frank Turner. There are 18 gigs across the country to promote small local venues which offer a platform to upcoming musicians. We all need these venues so everyone should come along and get involved. The Red Suns are headlining and The Cheap Thrills, Go Fiasco and Liberty Vessels are also playing. - Liverpool Echo
The Social at View Two Gallery - Wednesday January 15, 8pm, £3
The hugely popular grassroots acoustic night at View Two returns with young tip Dominic Dunn heading up the bill.
Also playing are Hannah Mclachlan, Matthew Mcgurty, Leela Dawson, Marianne Ottersen and Holly Fletcher in a fine billing supporting upcoming sing-songwriters from the region. - Liverpool Echo
Dominic Dunn, the 16 year old Kirkdale singer, spoke about his excitement in the run up to the week’s events: “I’m made up to be involved with the first ever Independent Venue Week. Some of us are keen to serve our time and we wouldn’t be able to do that if smaller venues didn’t provide a place for us to play.
I think the project will do a lot for Liverpool’s music scene as it will shine a national spotlight on one of our best small venues. The Zanzibar is central to the current music scene here, so this opportunity to raise the club’s profile nationally is excellent.” - ManGone Blog
Dominic Dunn, like several names on the list, is a name most Merseyside music lovers will be familiar with - yet it's to his credit that he's achieved so much, so soon.
An ear for a tune, a steely determination combined with an affable, infectious nature marks this Kirkdale-born songwriter out from the crowd. Better still, his early rough sketches, which draw upon traditional folk, skiffle, blues and rock & roll, are being honed and we're confident there's oodles of good stuff still to come. - Liverpool Echo Music
New outfit Etches and powerful five piece Broken Men fall into the exciting top ten which is headed up by the hugely talented Jetta. With 2014 booking, Natalie McCool and wunderkind 16 year old Dominic Dunn also making the list plus one or two others who will make up the festival line-up, it’s clearer than ever that Threshold is the place to see the next generation of great artists in the city. - Threshold Festival Website
A song in memory of heroic Hillsborough campaigner Anne Williams is to be released ahead of the landmark 25th anniversary of the disaster.
‘The Angel’ was initially written and performed by Kirkdale singer-songwriter Dominic Dunn at a charity event last September held in honour of Formby mum Anne, who died from cancer five months earlier after being a shining light for over two decades in the battle to uncover the truth about how her son Kevin along with 95 other Liverpool supporters died in Britain’s worst sporting disaster .
Following an overwhelmingly positive response from Anne’s family and friends, 16-year-old Dominic recorded the track at Liverpool’s world-famous Parr Street Studios just before Christmas.
Preparations are now underway to release the song this spring with organisers hoping it can emulate the success of the Justice Collective’s ‘He’s Not Heavy, He’s My Brother’ which was 2012’s Christmas Number One.
Dominic, named as one of the ECHO’s ones to watch in 2014 after a musical career that has already seen him play the Olympics, Sound City and the Liverpool Music Awards , said, “I was asked if I could write a song for Anne a week before the fundraiser in September.
“I wanted it to be a song that touched people and knew it would be hard to write in only a few days but I just got my head down and put my mind to it.
“Anne’s son Kevin was a similar age to me so I had that going through my mind. I read up about the fight for justice and all the work that Anne did, and then just wrote was in my heart.
“Anne’s family told me they really liked it so as long as they're satisfied that's all that matters to me.
“I'm so proud to have been asked to do it and am just made up to be associated with such an inspirational and respected figure within the city.”
Anne’s brother Danny said, “The family consider it an honour to have Dominic write, play and record this for us. He's such a talented young lad and we're sure he's going to go a long way in the future.
“When I first heard the song at the fundraiser I was unable to speak for a while afterwards. It got to us all. It was very moving and a very apt song for how we were feeling at the time, and still do, about our Anne, who we all miss so much.”
Anne’s daughter Sara, added, “The words Dominic wrote really sum up mum's spirit and the fight she showed in fighting for Kevin, the 96 and the survivors.
“Dominic clearly did his homework and he got it just right. It works beautifully with the music that he wrote and is such a lovely tribute.”
The idea to release the song came about after Jason Morland, one of the organisers of the Scouse Reds v Norwegian Wools football match that has twice been played to raise money for Anne’s For Justice charity in recent years, was inundated by pleas to make it happen from people who had heard the song at the fundraising event which followed last September’s game at the Liverpool County FA.
Jason said, “I used to go to school with Dom's mum and knew about his growing reputation so I asked her if he'd be available to play at our charity night.
“I was aware that he was in the middle of his exams so didn't want to put too much pressure on him but right away he said he'd try his best.
“It wasn't until the night itself that I knew for sure whether he'd manage to do it but, as anyone who was there will tell you, he came out with this performance that just blew everyone away.
“The room fell silent as soon as he started playing and you could have heard a pin drop. It was phenomenal but only what I expected really from Dom because he's that kind of lad.
“After the performance quite a few people approached me and Phil Belger, who also helped organised the event, saying we had to do something with the song as it was so special.
“People wanted it out there so they could buy it and listen to it. To be honest me and Phil didn't have a clue where to start so we got our thinking caps on as to who might be able to help us.
“The first person we thought of was Paul Manning, and right away as soon as we approached him he said he'd take it on.”
Paul, who founded Anfield FM, an internet radio station that broadcasts music and LFC-related chat shows to over 10,000 listeners in 137 countries around the world, said, “I firmly believe that without Anne Williams we would not now have the truth about Hillsborough.
“As soon as I heard about this song I knew it was something that needed to happen so I basically just starting badgering people.
“Stuart Fitzgerald who owns the Liverpool One Bridewell got the Lord Mayor Gary Millar involved and within ten minutes we were told Parr Street Studios would let us record there for free.
“Dominic then made the magnificent gesture of offering to transfer over all ownership of the song, the lyrics, music etc to Anne’s charity. We managed to find a lawyer, Francis McEntegart, who draw up the documents for us and Dominic signed it all over after doing the recording at Parr Street so now all the proceeds, every single penny, will go directly to For Justice, and what a great credit that is to Dominic.”
Ian Barnes, trustee of For Justice, said, “The mission statement of Anne’s charity is to raise awareness of Hillsborough and the fight for justice. We also reach out to survivors who are often the forgotten victims and need to be supported.
“What Dom's done will go towards helping those that need it.
“If you listen to the lyrics of the song, every single word reflects what Anne was all about. Every time I hear it I get a lump in my throat. The kid's done really well. I just hope he gets the credit he deserves for doing this”.
Paul continued, “The initial plan is to have the record as an online release, downloadable via iTunes, Amazon, Spotify and all the major sites, in the run-up to the new inquests and the 25th anniversary. We might do a limited run of it on CD as well depending on what the feeling is regarding the song.
“It would be a fitting tribute to Anne and the 96 if we could get it to number one. I realise that's a massive ask but we think it deserves to get there. Whether that's possible who knows but we're going to have a go.
“If we were able to pull it off, it would be a fantastic way of raising the profile of Hillsborough and reminding everyone how ordinary people like Anne took on the might of the establishment and won.
“We can all make a difference and this would be a fitting way of marking the 25th anniversary, as well as a year since Anne's passing which will fall a few days afterwards.
“The Justice Collective record did brilliantly at raising awareness but I think it's just as important as something like this happens in terms of Anne.
“Her contribution to the cause was immense and must never be forgotten. It's such a shame and so sad that Anne's not going to be here to have the justice that Kevin, and she herself, deserved.
“If this can play a small part in redressing that, we would all be so proud and that's why everyone has given their time to try and make this happen.
“We really hope the city of Liverpool rally round this song and get it to where it needs to be for Anne's memory.”
Register your support for The Angel at www.theangel2014.co.uk
* The book Anne started to write, With Hope In Her Heart, has been completed by her daughter Sara and published by the ECHO's sister company Trinity Mirror Sports Media (read the ECHO's serialisations from the book here). To order your copy (£9.99) telephone 0845 143 0001, visit Merseyshop here or order the ebook (£5.14) from Kindle here - The Sunday Echo (first ever edition - 19.01.2014)
Dominic Dunn at the Zanzibar
Sixteen year old Dominic Dunn plays more gigs in Liverpool than most musicians twice his age.
Despite his tender years, the singer/songwriter and guitarist runs music workshops and performed at the Olympics and Paralympics last year.
“I managed to talk myself into a Liverpool Sound City networking event in The Hilton in May, while I was in there I met lots of people from the music industry including representatives from FM First Monday ,” says Dominic.
“I contacted the people from FM First and they sent me details of a few opportunities. Applying to play a set at the Olympics was one of them. I sent in an application with links to all my music and after a few rounds, found out that I'd been offered a slot.”
Dominic’s songs are based on his observations.
“I’m really interested in folk music and I’d like to describe my music as folk but after reading about the genre I don’t think my songs fully fit that description yet,” he explains.”
This year his standout gigs included supporting Luca Bloom at The Zanzibar Club as part of the Liverpool Irish Festival, as well as a fantastic collaboration with fellow Scouse singer Natalie McCool at the Liverpool Music Awards at St George’s Hall. - Liverpool Echo
Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *
It doesn’t seem like five minutes since Dominic Dunn was hoisted upon stage at the Rodewald Suite Liverpool Philharmonic Hall and bought his music to an even wider audience. The young man from Kirkdale has been championed by one of the city’s finest in the form of Ian Prowse and no matter where he seems to be asked to perform this young 16 year old lad gives off the kind of confidence, a stark understanding of his guitar that you can only feel safe in his company.
Coming on stage at The District in Liverpool’s Baltic Triangle can be a daunting task, there is nowhere to hide once the spotlight falls upon your head and even your shadow can retreat back, separate itself from you in a style not unbecoming Peter Pan and wave forlornly from behind the speakers. It takes courage to play inside the superb venue. Thankfully Dominic Dunn is not short of courage, the streets of Kirkdale can sometimes be just as daunting and for a young man to prove there is another way other than standing in a collective group on every street corner is mettle to be admired.
Although the tight schedule of the evening dictated that Mr. Dunn would only be performing a very short set, what he performed gave not just him but all who were there, completely the right start towards an excellent night out.
With songs at his disposal and a guitar that was as rich as Scrooge McDuck and tight as Montgomery Burns, Dominic Dunn performed La Vie Est Belle, Speaking In Tongues, Keep Them Tight and a rather cool cover of Step It Out Mary. Each song given the rapt attention it deserved and the genuine applause of an audience who know a good thing when it is presented to them.
You can never keep a good musician off the stage, nor should you ever try and for Dominic Dunn, whilst his set was over, his night was by far from finished as he joined Natalie McCool on stage for her final song of the evening, the combination of the two differing styles working incredibly well. For anyone who was at District to see this in action the memory will surely never leave them.
Ian D. Hall - Liverpool Sound and Vision
Next up was the lad behind the evening, Dominic Dunn. If you read anything I write you'll be familiar with Dominic and of course his brilliant video "Keep Them Tight"
Dominic opened with another song about boxing "I'm On My Way", followed by "La Vie et Belle", before we all joined in, some better than others :-), with "Can't Take My Eyes Of You". Back to sanity then with a song I'm now word perfect with... the aforementioned "Keep Them Tight".
- SeanLXIV Blog
Opening the night was young Kirkdale songwriter, Dominic Dunn. The teenager has been making waves on Liverpool's acoustic scene for a while now and this was his reward. He didn't let anybody down.
With Keep Them Tight being a particular highlight, Dunn's set was peppered with the kind of percussive and modern songwriting that is his stock in trade. Keep your eye on him. - Liverpool Echo
Damien is joined at the trendy venue by local lad Dominic Dunn, a 16-year-old singer-songwriter from Kirkdale, Merseyside, who includes a contemporary mix of jazz, folk and bluegrass in his burgeoning style. - The Irish Post
Damien is joined at the trendy venue by local lad Dominic Dunn, a 16-year-old singer-songwriter from Kirkdale, Merseyside, who includes a contemporary mix of jazz, folk and bluegrass in his burgeoning style. - The Irish Post
Another artist who is receiving recognition is 16-year-old Dominic Dunn who will also be performing at the LIMF Academy. Dominic not only runs his own underage music nights in the city but also performed at last year’s Paralympic games. - ItsLiverpool Blog
An international charity football match is to take place in memory of Hillsborough mum Anne Williams .
The fixture between Scouse Reds and Norwegian Wools at the Liverpool County FA in Walton Hall Park on Sunday 22 September (1.30pm kick off) will be a re-run of a game played in May 2009 that was followed by a fundraising event which raised over £4,500 for Hope For Hillsborough.
Organisers Jason Morland, Phil Belger and Olav Rosvold decided to arrange the rematch when Anne lost her battle against cancer in April, just months after winning her long fight to have the accidental death Hillsborough inquest verdicts overturned.
Liverpool Sound City winners Cheap Thrills and 16-year-old singer/songwriter Dominic Dunn will perform after the match at the Taxi Club on Walton Hall Avenue, where there will be auctions and raffles to raise funds which will be shared between Queenscourt Hospice in Southport, where Anne was cared for during her illness, and Hope For Hillsborough. - Liverpool Echo
It’s that time of year again! That time to put together your itinerary and hope you manage to make it to as much of it as you can, regardless of clashes and through that drunken haze. If you’re feeling lost as to where to start this year, have no fear. We have compiled a top ten list of our favourite local acts for you to start with. Enjoy… - ManGoneBlog
Ian is nothing but generous with his time and when he spots a fellow musician who he believes in he will go out of his way to embrace their music ability. In Dominic Dunn, who earlier in the year had opened up for Miles Hunt and Erica Nockalls with a riveting performance, there is the latest in line who as Ian says one day will supplant him, Ian invited him up on the stage as he sat down for a well-deserved break in the proceedings. The audience were once again gasping at Dominic’s intelligent and well thought out lyrics and music. It is rare for anyone to get a standing ovation other than Mr. Prowse when he is the main act but Dominic full deserved his moment with the applause ringing round the room. - Liverpool Sound and Vision - Ian D Hall
To be 16 and have the world to explore and be part of the new music renaissance that has been making itself known in the last few years must be a thrilling and exciting prospect. In amongst the burgeoning singer/songwriters, superb groups and dedicated musicians that have put the city firmly in the mind of those seeking a new wave of artists now stands Dominic Dunn... - Liverpool Sound and Vision
To be 16 and have the world to explore and be part of the new music renaissance that has been making itself known in the last few years must be a thrilling and exciting prospect. In amongst the burgeoning singer/songwriters, superb groups and dedicated musicians that have put the city firmly in the mind of those seeking a new wave of artists now stands Dominic Dunn... - Liverpool Sound and Vision
Ian is nothing but generous with his time and when he spots a fellow musician who he believes in he will go out of his way to embrace their music ability. In Dominic Dunn, who earlier in the year had opened up for Miles Hunt and Erica Nockalls with a riveting performance, there is the latest in line who as Ian says one day will supplant him, Ian invited him up on the stage as he sat down for a well-deserved break in the proceedings. The audience were once again gasping at Dominic’s intelligent and well thought out lyrics and music. It is rare for anyone to get a standing ovation other than Mr. Prowse when he is the main act but Dominic full deserved his moment with the applause ringing round the room. - Liverpool Sound and Vision
Hotly tipped Dominic Dunn to support Luka Bloom at Liverpool Irish Festival - Liverpool Echo
Hotly tipped Dominic Dunn to support Luka Bloom at Liverpool Irish Festival - Liverpool Echo
Launch of Liverpool International Music Festival promotions. - Liverpool Echo
16 year old Dominic Dunn to support Luka Bloom, the younger brother of Christy Moore, in the Zanzibar on October 11th 2013. - Liverpool Echo
16 year old Dominic Dunn to support Luka Bloom, the younger brother of Christy Moore, in the Zanzibar on October 11th 2013. - Liverpool Echo
Dominic Dunn is a 16 year old Singer/Songwriter from Kirkdale. Dominic came and played us a new song of his at the Camp & Furnace called 'La Vie est Belle' - Bay TV Liverpool
A special mention went to 15-year-old singer- songwriter Dominic Dunn, who was too young to be nominated - Liverpool Echo
A special mention went to 15-year-old singer- songwriter Dominic Dunn, who was too young to be nominated - Liverpool Echo
He's only 15, but Dominic Dunn doesn't need X Factor to get the breaks, he's doing it his way. And we think the future's looking very good for this inspired and dazzlingly talented teenager... - Seven Streets
FIFTEEN-year-old musician and singer Dominic Dunn will be going for gold when he plays for the Olympics and Paralympics this summer.
The Kirkdale teenager has been selected to perform at the games after impressing the creative team. - Liverpool Echo
FIFTEEN-year-old musician and singer Dominic Dunn will be going for gold when he plays for the Olympics and Paralympics this summer.
The Kirkdale teenager has been selected to perform at the games after impressing the creative team. - Liverpool Echo
FIFTEEN-year-old singer songwriter Dominic Dunn spent the summer playing at the Paralympics and putting on a series of free workshops with industry experts for budding musicians.
"I managed to talk myself into a Liverpool Sound City networking event in The Hilton in May, while I was in there I met lots of people from the music industry including representatives from FM First Monday based down in London," says Dominic, from Kirkdale.
The teenager is already building a following in the city, and has been putting his efforts into helping other young people get a foot on the ladder. - Liverpool Echo
The Kirkdale teenager is already building a following in the city, and he’s putting his efforts into helping other young people get a foot on the ladder. - Liverpool Echo
...rising Liverpool talent Dominic Dunn will perform to crowds on Ladies Day, Friday April 5.
- Liverpool Echo
...rising Liverpool talent Dominic Dunn will perform to crowds on Ladies Day, Friday April 5.
- Liverpool Echo
SEVENTEEN-year-old Kirkdale singer Dominic has a talent that belies his years. His songs have an emotional maturity that have won him some big gigs – including the Olympics, Sound City and the Liverpool Music Awards.
Not content with that, he’s been putting his efforts into helping other young people get a foot on the ladder. Expect big things from this talented teenager. - Liverpool Echo
But the highlight of the afternoon had to be Dominic Dunn. The 17-year-old, who recently caught the eye with The Angel (a tribute to Hillsborough campaigner Anne Williams) displayed confidence beyond his years showcasing his own material. One song – I’m on my way – felt like a prophecy that he seems destined to fulfil.
Accompanied by a band of backing singers, guitarists and a drummer, everyone was in full harmony as Dunn weaved his way through. - Liverpool Echo
AFTER we had played Dominic Dunn on The Anfield Wrap’s CityTalk show, Sachin Nakrani tweeted: “Dominic is the Coutinho of music – young, gifted and from Liverpool.”
I hate it when my friends write about musical more eloquently than me. Atkinson does it all the time, in fact he does it in this issue, and now Sachin is weighing in too.
The beauty of the description is that you can sense older musicians looking at Dominic the way Premier League journeymen look at Coutinho. How does he make it look so easy? Why is he having more fun than me? And does he have to be so bloody handsome too?
But no one in the city has a bad word to say about Dom. When he isn’t writing and performing his own material, he organises and promotes his own nights, which allow fellow ‘underage’ musicians the chance to play in city centre venues.
Because he is ‘17-year-old Dominic Dunn’ to use his full title. He is one of those people who it is apparently illegal to write about without putting their age first. Like when they get someone dead young on The X Factor. But it’s a compliment really. I think it’s actually short for ‘I can’t believe he’s only 17 years old that Dominic Dunn’.
I was still writing songs about girls and drinking when I was 17. In fact, if I was still writing songs they’d probably be about girls and drinking. Dominic has recently written a song about Anne Williams. He actually wrote The Angel to perform at a charity football match, after being given just one week’s notice. He has since signed off all the entire ownership of the song to Anne’s charity For Justice.
The song is being released on iTunes on Monday, March 17 but will be available to pre-order two weeks before. You can hear him perform the song as part of the video in this piece. For more on the campaign to get the song to number one go to: www.facebook.com/theangel.dominicdunn
Pre-order the Dominic Dunn single on iTunes: itunes.apple.com/gb/album/the-angel-single/id827731501 - The Anfield Wrap (TAW)
Still working on that hot first release.

Dominic Dunn's punchy, innovative songs are evolving into a genre of their own which have been given added depth now that he is playing with a full band. The 18 year old lad from Kirkdale in Liverpool is a hard working musician whose extensive gigging in Liverpool and London has garnered interest from many. Guardian journalist Sachin Nakrani recently tweeted, 'Dominic is the Coutinho of music, young gifted and from Liverpool.'"
His recent successes include playing at the Liverpool Music Awards, Threshold, Liverpool Sound City 2013/14 and 15 and the London Paralympics. A charity single he was asked to write as a tribute to Hillsborough campaigner Anne Williams entered the i-tunes singer/songwriter chart at number 2 and the UK official indie chart at no.25 on its release.
He has shared stages with Miles Hunt & Erica Nockalls of The Wonderstuff, Daniel Bedingfield, Ian Prowse and Zappa guitarist Denny Walley. He supported Luka Bloom and Damien Dempsey as part of the Liverpool Irish Festival 2013, Paul Carrick and Toyah Willcox on the Liverpool leg of her Greatest Hits Tour in the legendary Eric's.
The official video for his song 'Keep Them Tight' was debuted on international TV on Steve Bunce's Box Nation and two of Dominic's videos have featured as 'Video of the Day' by BBC Radio 6's Tom Robinson on Fresh on the Net. Tom described 'Keep Them Tight' as 'an assured debut' and said Dominic is 'one to watch' he went on to say 'I'm On My Way' is 'highly impressive'. He has also been named as one of the Liverpool Echo Ones To Watch for 2014 by both Jade Wright and Peter Guy in Liverpool Echo Music.
Expect big things.