Derek Adams
Boston, Massachusetts, United States
This band has no press
Still working on that hot first release.
Opened for: Jesse McCartney- Beautiful Soul Tour (2006)
Singer Universe's June Singer of the Month (2009)
Star 99.9 Radio "Star Idol" Competition Finalist (2008)
98Q Radio Station Idol Search Competition Winner (2006) top 20 R&B Artist (April 2009) top 10 Artist (March 2009)
Many people start this off with “I have been singing since before I can remember”. Thankfully, Derek Adams’s story is a bit different; the first moment where he made a true connection with music is forever engrained in his mind.
“I remember the exact moment when I realized that I wanted to sing for the rest of my life. It was at a 4th grade chorus concert where I sang my first solo, which at the age of 21, I still remember every word:
History is a book of the past
I read and write in my English class
In Math we add it up to make it all clear
I get a little smarter at the end of each year
Though it was only 15 seconds of fame, this was my first taste of the rest of my life.”
Fun, vivacious, lighthearted, and charismatic. These are not only words often used to describe Derek Adams’s personality, but also words that describe his music. His tunes, laced with infectious hooks, relatable lyrics, and concrete vocal execution, captivate audiences. From classical training to musical theatre, and musical influences ranging from Stevie Wonder, to Lionel Ritchie and John Legend, Derek has created a sound of his own.
Derek Adams's sound has been said to be a unique concoction of John Legend's soul, Jason Mraz's melodic intricacies, and Sara Barielles's instrumentation. But no matter how you describe it, Derek brings a new meaning and new depth to pop music.