David Martinez
Corpus Christi, Texas, United States | SELF
There’s a sound swelling in Corpus Christi that is shaking the walls of venues from Austin all the way up the West Coast. This sound belongs to our December Texas Music Water Musician of the Month, David Martinez. Martinez is winning accolades in L.A., showcasing at SXSW, and creating albums with a renowned musician and producer that are creating buzz in the U.K.
Posted By ? Leigh
There’s a sound swelling in Corpus Christi that is shaking the walls of venues from Austin all the way up the West Coast. This sound belongs to our December Texas Music Water Musician of the Month, David Martinez. Martinez is winning accolades in L.A., showcasing at SXSW, and creating albums with a renowned musician and producer that are creating buzz in the U.K.
Martinez felt the influence of music at a very young age. His father, a music major and veritable one-man-band, introduced him to all facets of instruments, from drums to keyboard and even vocals. “Growing up, music was pretty much thrown at me. It was always something that I had a passion and obsession with,” says Martinez. With heavy influence from Ace Frehley, Slash and Stevie Ray Vaughan, he chose to focus his talents on guitar. He began writing songs at the age of 15, building on the fundamentals of music theory that he learned early on. After honing his skills in jam sessions during high school and playing shows throughout college, he was urged by friends to take it to the next level.
In 2006, Martinez compiled a demo, raised some money, and was ready to hit the road. Together with musicians Jimmy Wilden and Hope Cassidy, he toured through Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and on into California. “It was kind of like jumping into the fire. We did things the hard way, but it was such a great tour. I got to play places that I never imagined I would be able to.” However, the greatest experience of the tour didn’t happen on a stage, but in a deli. That’s where Martinez met famed producer Leroy Miller.
A year later, Martinez flew back to L.A. and began recording his first album at Leroy Miller’s Hollywood Studio. “It was a challenge. He’s not a ‘yes man’ by any means. He pushed me to the limit and made me do things that I never thought I’d be able to do.” Since then, Martinez has toured across the country playing shows from New York to Seattle and at legendary places such as the Viper Room in West Hollywood. He is a regular showcase at SXSW and was praised during the Land Shark Battle of the Bands.
Currently, Martinez is working with Leroy on a new album, One More Time, which is set to be released on December 11th. “As much as I love my first album, I didn’t want to make the same thing. The new album has a lot of different vibes in it.” Incorporating influences from modern rock to reggae to punk rock anthems, One More Time has something to appeal to all your music preferences. Its hit single, I Wanna Know, is receiving rave reviews and recently won ‘Top Indie Song’ of the summer in LA.
When asked about Texas Music Water, Martinez says, “Texas is like its own country. We have our own music and now we have our own water. As soon as I heard about it I wanted to be involved. Especially since it helps out musicians.” We couldn’t be happier to have David Martinez involved and that’s why he is our Texas Music Water Musician of the Month.
- Texas Music Water
David Martinez is an American singer/songwriter who had music all around him when he was young. Music was all around the house, whether it be my dad playing Kiss, Grand Funk records or my mom playing Wings and Elvis records. I remember that vividly and one of the fondest memories was sitting around with my grandmother and listening to Elvis. She loved him, he tells us. What would he do if he wasn’t doing music? I’m a school teacher, I actually went to college first and got a Bachelors and Masters before I took the whole music thing seriously. I was going to work on my Phd but I knew that would prolong my desire to play music at a professional level. I’m glad I chose music because now I feel I’m on the right track and I love the idea of learning new things all the time.
It started very early for David. My Dad was the guy who showed me all kinds of music and told me he’d love to see me on stage. He never pushed it on me but at the same time he didn’t need to, I was musically obsessed by the age of 2, he continues. But not only parents are an inspiration to artists. There are a lot of musicians who inspired David, like Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Jim Morrison, Slash, Eddie Vedder, Paul McCartney, Ted Nugent, Ace Frehley, Axl Rose, Chris Cornell, Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, Chris and Rich Robinson, Tom Petty, David Bowie and the list goes on. Not only musicians on the list. Other non-musical influences for him are Robert De Niro, Johnny Depp, John Travolta, George Lucas and Harvey Keitel.
In 2008 the “The David Martinez Band” was formed. The band consists of Damian Diaz (bass), Jose Garza (rhythm and lead guitars) and Johnny Ramos (drums and percussion). David explains how the band came together. I put the first lineup together in 2008 after I recorded the first record. I had trouble finding a solid drummer then I got a call from Johnny. He answered an ad I posted at Guitar Center, I remember posting it because I was frustrated. This drummer I had talked to was suppose to show but decided to go to the beach. Johnny has been with me since then. There were some tensions with others as they weren’t on the same page as Johnny and me. We had some fill ins, but finally found two new members (Damian and Jose) with the same vision. Then he continues to talk about the reason they work so good together. The love of music and one thing you would think is that we all have common interests but our backgrounds are so different. This helps keep the ideas fresh. The band has performed their first show on December 19th, 2012 with the new line up and they are going to perform more live show as a band. David gives his point of view on the difference between his group and solo work. I would love to record with my current lineup given that the budget is available and we have the right people to work on the album. My solo work is a little more intimate and raw compared to how we take it to another level with the band. This group of musicians I have are super talented and creative and they help me reach the vision I see these songs going. He plays the newer songs that he has written solo.
I do write my own songs and have been doing so for a long time now. I wrote all the songs on my first record except one which I co wrote with Leroy Miller (producer). On the new record I wrote all the songs except Blue Sky, which Leroy Miller wrote. Leroy contributed some ideas to the others songs and I gave him credit, David makes clear. My band joked with me calling my song catalog sort of a diary of my love life. My songs have a lot to do with love and relationships but on the new album I touched on subjects such as traveling home, Hollywood, to soul searching, he continues, giving an insight to his songs.
In 2009 David brought out his first, self-titled, record. I have a self titled record which I recorded in 2007 in Hollywood, California with Leroy Miller producing. We have great players such as drummer Kane McGee (Northstar Session) and keyboardist Adam Macdougall (Black Crowes) play on the record. Leroy also played on the record too. It took about a year and a half because I wanted to get a solid lineup together and my radio campaign started in January. It is available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, etc, he tells about it. David continues: The response to the album was great and got great reviews. There are people who write me all the time and tell me how this album has changed their lives. It’s pretty humbling. He also gives his opinion on the record industry of today: My opinion of the recording industry today is the way I look at a drug addict looking for a quick fix. There is no more developing of artist, there is the creating of artists. You really think Lady Gaga was Lady Gaga before the industry got a hold of her. The industry used to let artists develop and flourish and that’s what made them great and I was forever inspired. These days you get bands that really don’t match up to the likes of The Stones or Led Zeppel - Jonas De Keukelaere
CD REVIEW: David Martinez
April 10, 2009 11:53 AM
It's past time for a new CD review ... so let's keep it local and see what the new Dave Martinez CD is all about.
The rating system:
5 stars=seek out at all costs
4 stars=just shy of greatness
3 stars=some good ideas in there
2 stars=not bad . . . work on it
1 star=you need a better record collection
no stars=sell the amps today
David Martinez, David Martinez (David Martinez)
This review is a bit tardy. David Martinez passed a copy along after an in-store gig at the Disc Go Round several months back but freelance projects have lately had to take priority and so the blog has suffered a bit of undue negligence.
But Amped Up! has kept the album's tracks on rotation on his TFC Podcast Show and there's been plenty of buzz on the net about the disc. So what can this blogger add to the collective discussion about the David Martinez disc? How about a shot of perspective and a raucous round of hell yeahs?!
David's a relatively recent addition to the Corpus Christi rock scene. In high school though, Dave could be found with his pal Mike D. at various underground punk and metal shows. A decade later, Martinez emerged as a self-contained singer-songwriter with an evolving songbook of solid folk pop tunes and an insatiable drive to make it happen for himself. David worked all sorts of rooms and events just to be heard. Some nights, it was just David and a handful of observers; other nights were better.
Several years ago, David joined forces with a pair of local singer-songwriters and the trio formulated a plan to caravan across the United States and be heard by anyone who was listening. The tour was hardly a runaway success but it did give Martinez plenty of experience working distant stages in front of complete strangers.
Sometime in '07, Martinez mentioned to Amped Up! that he was planning a recording session in LA. It seemed like a crazy idea but Amped Up! has heard far nuttier ideas and so it seemed that if anyone could pull off a stunt like that, Dave could.
Fast-forward to 2009.
The eponymous disc is here and the digipack design is -- in a word -- gorgeous. Far too many bands skimp on design and packaging but Martinez spared no expense to express his vision both in content and packaging.
With regard to the music, Amped Up! can safely say Martinez made the record most musicians can only hope to make. The album was produced by guitarist/producer Leroy Miller, who joined Smashmouth in 2008, and is all the better for it. There's plenty of snap in the snare and crunchy buzz in the power chords amid tight harmonies that never waver and thoughtful leads that enhance the set.
Heavy on the pop, Martinez occasionally veers into jam-rock territory as laid down by the Black Crowes when he kicks it up on a notch on tunes like "Visions" or drops the tempo such as on "Waiting." Martinez's sun-baked melodies sparkle with a familiarity that's comfortable, not redundant -- case in point "Can't Find You" and "Where Could I Go." But the album closer ("Salvation") wins the most points for offering the sweet southern soul only hinted on in "Visions." Its tasteful classic rock flavor adds a great deal of depth to an album heavy on the hook-based pop that rules the pop rock radio world.
And the great news is that Martinez is now sporting a new band featuring local musicians -- drummer Johnny J. Ramos Jr., lead guitarist Joseph Flores and bassist Rusty Sanders. The band opened for Bob Schneider in March and has some Corpus Christi dates for June on its Myspace.
All in all, it's a fine full-length debut from a promising Corpus Christi singer-songwriter whose star will most certainly continue its ascension should he continue to make records with the same spirit and attention to detail that he put into making his eponymous disc. Beers to you, Dave!
Amped Up! sez: ****
NOTE: This CD is available at Disc Go Round in Corpus Christi or through iTunes or CD Baby. - Richard Guerrero - Amped Up! Blog www.caller.com
David Martinez is in a genealogical line with the great Texas Rock 'n Rollers, echos of Buddy Holly, Steve Miller and Los Lonely Boys resound.
-Peter Hay of Twinvision
- Peter Hay Of Twinvision
David Martinez and The David Martinez Band has taken the Classic Texas Rock sound that dominates the music scene of their hometown of Corpus Christi and has given it a soul.
David, along with Johnny Ramos, Joseph Flores and Johnny Mitchell have come together with a style that not only attracted a sponsorship from AXE, but has taken them to the stage of KLRU Studios of Austin, Texas for the Land Shark Lager's Battle of the Bands 2009, which they hold the honor of being the only small market band to play the finals.
David's debut album, simply called David Martinez, was produced by the legendary Leroy (Miller)of Smashmouth and Hollywood Records, whom David cannot say enough about. "Leroy is a wonderful guy and I learned so much from him. One thing he taught me is how to trim the fat off of my songs, he would tell me, 'get to the point David, and sometimes it is best not to give them every detail.'" David tells of going out to California to record under Leroy's supervision " I went there to record a few songs and make a Demo. After we cut a couple of songs, I asked Leroy if they would make a good demo and he said 'I don’t do demos, I do records.' That gave me a whole new outlook on my music."
David returned to Texas, not only armed with his debut CD, but with a new determination to follow Leroy’s advice to "go above" where he was musically.
David has a band now that is solid talent, and all have the same drive to push the envelope with every performance.
"As a drummer, Johnny Ramos is awesome. People are always awed by his performances. He and I are writing a few new songs together too. Joseph Flores is a pure pro. The guy started playing out at concerts when he was about 14. And Johnny Mitchell on Bass, well, you can't beat him. It is like he knows what I have in mind. I don't have to do anything but show him what I am working on and he adds in the bass perfectly."
The David Martinez Band is gearing up for 2010, with shows throughout Texas, looking to tour some of the USA, and working towards the next CD. " Of course we want to work again with Leroy" says David.
David Martinez Band shows are 90% original material, with a few covers sprinkled in, so to hear them live is sure to be an evening one will enjoy. "Most bands play a lot of covers and sneak in an original song, we do it the other way around so that our music gets heard and people can discover what we are all about" says David.
And Just what is David Martinez Band about? They are about music that has a soul. Songs that tell you about having ‘Visions’ ,about ‘What you need’ , and about ’ The Other side’ . Music that you find yourself humming for days, songs that take you along for the ride. And it is all performed by an group of guys that , while are all great musicians in their own right, are pure magic together.
So what are you ‘Waiting’ for? - Birmingham Music Examiner - Susan Leak
Very nice melody line and lyrics, as well as production. Voice is workable, nothing to be scared of. I don't really have anything bad to say, you have a winner here David! Congratz!
Frankie Biggz Record Producer Rama Music (Record Label) Tempo USA (Production/Publishing)
ramamusic.com northavenuestudios.com myspace.com/frankiebiggz
On a scale of 1 to 5 stars
Composition 4 stars
Production 5 stars
Arrangement 4 stars
Performance 3 stars
Hit Potential 5 stars
That's 21 out of 25 or 84% - Frankie Biggz/Music Xrays
Hi David, I really enjoyed 'Visions'. You've got a great voice, and this song does a great job of hitting a tight rock n' roll groove. The melody is very memorable and the instrumentation is very fitting to drive the upbeat nature of the song - Jon Ostrow - MicControl, LLC.
This is Corpus Christi, Texas' David Martinez. A Math and Technology teacher by trade, a musician by desire. At age 15 he started belting out Hendrix and Zeppelin on his first guitar, soon after he got some friends together and started writing music. Sounds like music from a template, but his work sure isn't. Along with drummer & percussionist Johnny Ramos and new bassist Johnny Mitchell, this trio to be known as the David Martinez Band has something many bands wish they had: a genre-crossover sound you'll never get tired of. Some southern rock, some classic rock, some soul and country, lots of storytelling from a very talented singer with excellent songwriting talents to boot. Lyrics placed precisely into instruments that don't overwhelm, taking advantage of Martinez' many influences. Aided in production along the way by L.A.'s awesome Leroy, the band's debut studio album is due for release on January 20th. The music this trio creates is just a treat to listen to, doesn't matter if it's at your local club or on your iPod, driving the Gulf Coast or sitting around a knotted bar table at Lefty's, with friends or by yourself. Their music will keep you in good company. Without a doubt, a band to keep an ear out for. Highly recommended.
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- Chris @ The Local Vertical Blog Spot
This is Corpus Christi, Texas' David Martinez. A Math and Technology teacher by trade, a musician by desire. At age 15 he started belting out Hendrix and Zeppelin on his first guitar, soon after he got some friends together and started writing music. Sounds like music from a template, but his work sure isn't. Along with drummer & percussionist Johnny Ramos and new bassist Johnny Mitchell, this trio to be known as the David Martinez Band has something many bands wish they had: a genre-crossover sound you'll never get tired of. Some southern rock, some classic rock, some soul and country, lots of storytelling from a very talented singer with excellent songwriting talents to boot. Lyrics placed precisely into instruments that don't overwhelm, taking advantage of Martinez' many influences. Aided in production along the way by L.A.'s awesome Leroy, the band's debut studio album is due for release on January 20th. The music this trio creates is just a treat to listen to, doesn't matter if it's at your local club or on your iPod, driving the Gulf Coast or sitting around a knotted bar table at Lefty's, with friends or by yourself. Their music will keep you in good company. Without a doubt, a band to keep an ear out for. Highly recommended.
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- Chris @ The Local Vertical Blog Spot
David's publicity consultant:
Don Cudd
(361) 877-6484
Texas Singer/Songwriter Releases Much Anticipated Debut CD
Project produced by Smash Mouth Guitarist Leroy
David Martinez of Corpus Christi, Texas has developed a loyal, world-wide following since 2006, being featured on numerous websites and podcasts, playing gigs across the American Northwest and Pacific Coast, and finding time to stay connected to his own city's music scene by showing up to plenty of open mic jam sessions, as well as his own solo acoustic shows.
Now David's self-titled debut record will be released January 20th via major Internet music retail sites and in select music stores. David wrote all the songs on the record, with the exception of one, which was revamped and co written with Leroy.
"I'm very proud of this record, and we've spent a long time working on it. A lot of people have been patiently waiting for me to get it out, and that day is finally here. This is very exciting," Martinez said.
This record was produced and recorded in March, June, and July of 2007 in the Hollywood studio of Leroy Miller (known throughout the music world as simply "Leroy") who, in 2008 became the lead guitarist for the nearly legendary band, Smash Mouth. Leroy's other credits include a number of songs featured on television shows such as Scrubs and Arrested Development, as well as movies like 10 Things I Hate About You, Black Sheep, and Driven. Leroy has also worked with the likes of Bob Cavallo, Jack Joseph Puig, John Mayer, Steve Jordan, and Pino Palladino. He has been signed to Geffen records with his former band Hog and Hollywood Records as a solo act.
Leroy became involved with the record after Martinez's tour of the United States West Coast in the summer of 2006. Martinez had long been influenced by Leroy's music and was able to meet up with him at Jerry's Famous Deli in West Hollywood during the tour. After that meeting, the two became regular correspondents and during the Spring Break of 2007, David flew to Los Angeles to record a song from the album, "Can't Find You", with Leroy.
"Having guidance from someone like Leroy is exactly what I needed to take my music to the next level. It was an amazing experience and making this record with a professional attitude and high level of energy is what it takes to reach that pinnacle," Martinez said.
To produce the record, Martinez and Leroy had plenty of contributions from veteran Los Angeles musicians such as Kane McGee(Drums) of The Northstar Session, Adam Macdougall(keys and organ) from The Black Crowes, Steve "Cha Chi" Mitchell on percussion, as well as Leroy on Lead Guitar, Slide Guitar and more. Now, drummer and percussionist Johnny Ramos and bass player Johnny Mitchell -- both of Corpus Christi -- have signed on to join Martinez in the official David Martinez Band. Ramos' father, Johnny Ramos Sr, is also playing lead guitar for the band.
"The Los Angeles sessions were great and I worked with some great musicians. Now with both Johnny Mitchell and Johnny Ramos in the lineup, the game is on and these two guys are both professionals, which is needed in order to achieve our musical goals," Martinez said.
The group is currently booking shows in support of the new record. For an up-to-date schedule, fans should stay connected to www.DavidMartinezMusic.com.
Until now, fans who wanted recordings of David's energetic and soulful music had to be content with a five song demo set he put together on a shoestring in a friend's home studio in Austin, Texas.
"I am very proud of what we did with my demo CD, definitely, but, based on the feedback I've been getting about my music, which includes America and other parts of the world, made it vital to step up and do something of a higher caliber, and that's definitely what the new record has. Leroy is one of the best in the business, and it's amazing that I was able to get someone like him to work on my debut record," Martinez said.
As a thank you to all who supported his earliest work, Martinez has promised to send a free copy of the new record to everyone who bought his demo collection, and he is especially excited that the new album will be available in a vinyl version sometime in 2009.
"I'm really glad to be able to help preserve that part of the world's music heritage," he said.
Because of Martinez's eclectic musical influences -- one MySpace blog says he has been listening recently to everything from Herbie Hancock to the Black Crowes -- describing his music as diverse and different, which is good. Those just discovering him would definitely do well by looking him up on MySpace, which has new cuts from the debut record.
The new record will be available on CDBaby.com, iTunes, Amazon, Rhapsody, Napster, eMusic and other similar sites. The album, along with autographs, posters and other merchandise, will al - Don Cudd from www.hosstheboss.com
David's publicity consultant:
Don Cudd
(361) 877-6484
Texas Singer/Songwriter Releases Much Anticipated Debut CD
Project produced by Smash Mouth Guitarist Leroy
David Martinez of Corpus Christi, Texas has developed a loyal, world-wide following since 2006, being featured on numerous websites and podcasts, playing gigs across the American Northwest and Pacific Coast, and finding time to stay connected to his own city's music scene by showing up to plenty of open mic jam sessions, as well as his own solo acoustic shows.
Now David's self-titled debut record will be released January 20th via major Internet music retail sites and in select music stores. David wrote all the songs on the record, with the exception of one, which was revamped and co written with Leroy.
"I'm very proud of this record, and we've spent a long time working on it. A lot of people have been patiently waiting for me to get it out, and that day is finally here. This is very exciting," Martinez said.
This record was produced and recorded in March, June, and July of 2007 in the Hollywood studio of Leroy Miller (known throughout the music world as simply "Leroy") who, in 2008 became the lead guitarist for the nearly legendary band, Smash Mouth. Leroy's other credits include a number of songs featured on television shows such as Scrubs and Arrested Development, as well as movies like 10 Things I Hate About You, Black Sheep, and Driven. Leroy has also worked with the likes of Bob Cavallo, Jack Joseph Puig, John Mayer, Steve Jordan, and Pino Palladino. He has been signed to Geffen records with his former band Hog and Hollywood Records as a solo act.
Leroy became involved with the record after Martinez's tour of the United States West Coast in the summer of 2006. Martinez had long been influenced by Leroy's music and was able to meet up with him at Jerry's Famous Deli in West Hollywood during the tour. After that meeting, the two became regular correspondents and during the Spring Break of 2007, David flew to Los Angeles to record a song from the album, "Can't Find You", with Leroy.
"Having guidance from someone like Leroy is exactly what I needed to take my music to the next level. It was an amazing experience and making this record with a professional attitude and high level of energy is what it takes to reach that pinnacle," Martinez said.
To produce the record, Martinez and Leroy had plenty of contributions from veteran Los Angeles musicians such as Kane McGee(Drums) of The Northstar Session, Adam Macdougall(keys and organ) from The Black Crowes, Steve "Cha Chi" Mitchell on percussion, as well as Leroy on Lead Guitar, Slide Guitar and more. Now, drummer and percussionist Johnny Ramos and bass player Johnny Mitchell -- both of Corpus Christi -- have signed on to join Martinez in the official David Martinez Band. Ramos' father, Johnny Ramos Sr, is also playing lead guitar for the band.
"The Los Angeles sessions were great and I worked with some great musicians. Now with both Johnny Mitchell and Johnny Ramos in the lineup, the game is on and these two guys are both professionals, which is needed in order to achieve our musical goals," Martinez said.
The group is currently booking shows in support of the new record. For an up-to-date schedule, fans should stay connected to www.DavidMartinezMusic.com.
Until now, fans who wanted recordings of David's energetic and soulful music had to be content with a five song demo set he put together on a shoestring in a friend's home studio in Austin, Texas.
"I am very proud of what we did with my demo CD, definitely, but, based on the feedback I've been getting about my music, which includes America and other parts of the world, made it vital to step up and do something of a higher caliber, and that's definitely what the new record has. Leroy is one of the best in the business, and it's amazing that I was able to get someone like him to work on my debut record," Martinez said.
As a thank you to all who supported his earliest work, Martinez has promised to send a free copy of the new record to everyone who bought his demo collection, and he is especially excited that the new album will be available in a vinyl version sometime in 2009.
"I'm really glad to be able to help preserve that part of the world's music heritage," he said.
Because of Martinez's eclectic musical influences -- one MySpace blog says he has been listening recently to everything from Herbie Hancock to the Black Crowes -- describing his music as diverse and different, which is good. Those just discovering him would definitely do well by looking him up on MySpace, which has new cuts from the debut record.
The new record will be available on CDBaby.com, iTunes, Amazon, Rhapsody, Napster, eMusic and other similar sites. The album, along with autographs, posters and other merchandise, will al - Don Cudd from www.hosstheboss.com
“It’s startling enough when a debut album is packed with quality songwriting and musicianship. David Martinez takes you on a journey with such great care, you’ll want to go again.” –Maggie DiPietra, WMNF 88.5 FM Tampa - Maggie DePietra
“It’s startling enough when a debut album is packed with quality songwriting and musicianship. David Martinez takes you on a journey with such great care, you’ll want to go again.” –Maggie DiPietra, WMNF 88.5 FM Tampa - Maggie DePietra
David Martinez – David Martinez
2008, David Martinez
Corpus Christi, Texas-based David Martinez has developed something of a following over the past few years. Significant touring of the U.S. Northwest and West Coast have helped Martinez build a critical buzz as well as develop some very helpful contacts. In 2008, Martinez released his second CD, entitled David Martinez. Produced by Leroy Miller (guitarist - Smash Mouth, Hog), David Martinez is 10 songs of acoustic based folk/rock. Nine songs are all Martinez, and Leroy Miller helped revamp one of the tunes, but it quickly becomes clear why Martinez has generated so much attention.
David Martinez has ups and downs on his self-titled debut. He seems to get a little lost on some of the mid-tempo songs (The Otherside, Waiting), but has a real ear for upbeat folk/pop music. Can’t Find You is incredibly catchy with something of a Del Amitri vibe. What You Need is a great party song. It’s the sort of song that if it hits at the right point in spring it will stay on the radio all summer long. Walk On Air is another good one; an upbeat love song with some funk in its genes and some pretty excellent guitar work. Visions is something of a surprise, falling more into the AOR/Rock category. Great harmonies and a big chorus make this a very memorable tune.
Martinez does well with songs like the opening track, Heal, which sounds like it has Hootie and the Blowfish in its ancestry. Sweet Sister walks the line; a schmaltzy ballad that’s a bit overdone and cliché but has an honest quality that’s endearing in spite of all that. There are a few songs here where Martinez just sounds lost, like perhaps he had a great lyric or chorus or hook that he built a song around but never found the passion for the whole of the song that he did for its genesis. Nevertheless, six songs out of ten are very much worth hearing. The rest aren’t bad, but won’t stick with you either (that’s not a bad ratio).
David Martinez sounds young, and has a fair amount of talent. His voice is just a bit left of center and memorable. He won’t blow you away with his vocals but he is pleasant to listen to. Martinez seems to find moments of true musical inspiration at times on David Martinez, generally in the more upbeat folk/rock tunes. Fans of Pat McGee band, Hootie and the Blowfish, Del Amitri and the like will definitely dig David Martinez. All others should at least hear a song or two that catch their interest.
Rating: 3.5 Stars (Out of 5)
You can learn more about David Martinez at www.myspace.com/davidmartinez. You can learn more about Producer Leroy Miller at www.myspace.com/leroymusic. You can purchase a copy of David Martinez at www.cdbaby.com/cd/davidmartinez2. - Wildy's World
David Martinez – David Martinez
2008, David Martinez
Corpus Christi, Texas-based David Martinez has developed something of a following over the past few years. Significant touring of the U.S. Northwest and West Coast have helped Martinez build a critical buzz as well as develop some very helpful contacts. In 2008, Martinez released his second CD, entitled David Martinez. Produced by Leroy Miller (guitarist - Smash Mouth, Hog), David Martinez is 10 songs of acoustic based folk/rock. Nine songs are all Martinez, and Leroy Miller helped revamp one of the tunes, but it quickly becomes clear why Martinez has generated so much attention.
David Martinez has ups and downs on his self-titled debut. He seems to get a little lost on some of the mid-tempo songs (The Otherside, Waiting), but has a real ear for upbeat folk/pop music. Can’t Find You is incredibly catchy with something of a Del Amitri vibe. What You Need is a great party song. It’s the sort of song that if it hits at the right point in spring it will stay on the radio all summer long. Walk On Air is another good one; an upbeat love song with some funk in its genes and some pretty excellent guitar work. Visions is something of a surprise, falling more into the AOR/Rock category. Great harmonies and a big chorus make this a very memorable tune.
Martinez does well with songs like the opening track, Heal, which sounds like it has Hootie and the Blowfish in its ancestry. Sweet Sister walks the line; a schmaltzy ballad that’s a bit overdone and cliché but has an honest quality that’s endearing in spite of all that. There are a few songs here where Martinez just sounds lost, like perhaps he had a great lyric or chorus or hook that he built a song around but never found the passion for the whole of the song that he did for its genesis. Nevertheless, six songs out of ten are very much worth hearing. The rest aren’t bad, but won’t stick with you either (that’s not a bad ratio).
David Martinez sounds young, and has a fair amount of talent. His voice is just a bit left of center and memorable. He won’t blow you away with his vocals but he is pleasant to listen to. Martinez seems to find moments of true musical inspiration at times on David Martinez, generally in the more upbeat folk/rock tunes. Fans of Pat McGee band, Hootie and the Blowfish, Del Amitri and the like will definitely dig David Martinez. All others should at least hear a song or two that catch their interest.
Rating: 3.5 Stars (Out of 5)
You can learn more about David Martinez at www.myspace.com/davidmartinez. You can learn more about Producer Leroy Miller at www.myspace.com/leroymusic. You can purchase a copy of David Martinez at www.cdbaby.com/cd/davidmartinez2. - Wildy's World
"Pop Rock with Classic Rock overtones, ala the middle ground between Los Lonely Boys, Jack Johnson, and the Allman Bros...." -TAXI A&R Taxi.com - TAXI.com
"Pop Rock with Classic Rock overtones, ala the middle ground between Los Lonely Boys, Jack Johnson, and the Allman Bros...." -TAXI A&R Taxi.com - TAXI.com
David Martinez (2007) Debut Album
Hey Mary (2010) Single
I Wanna Know (2012) Single
One More Time (2012)

David Martinez, singer/songwriter, who is currently the #1 Alternative artist in Corpus Christi, Texas,
has released his greatly anticipated new album "One More Time", produced by the acclaimed Leroy Miller of CA.
Music started at a young age for David, who was influenced by his father, a multi-instrumentalist. Early
influences were Grand Funk Railroad, Kiss, Steve Miller Band, and Led Zeppelin, which led David into
trying his hand at songwriting on his first guitar. During his early college years, David recorded his first
demos in a studio put together by friend Robert Davis. With encouragement from friends Eduardo Garza
and David Navertte, he ventured into the local music scene sharing his songs at area open mic nights
while continuing his education.
After grad school, David assembled his demos and songs, and in 2005, discussed touring with local
musician Jimmy Wilden. Together, they formulated a tour plan, and in 2006, along with Hope Cassidy,
played a string of shows ranging from Houston, San Marcos, and Dallas, TX out to Albuquerque, NM,
Tucson, AZ. They then headed to CA to play Pacific Beach (San Diego), West Hollywood, San Francisco.
Heading north, they hit Seattle, WA, then over to St. Paul, MN, Janesville, WI, and returned to a great
homecoming in Corpus Christi.
The LA experience proved fruitful for David, as that was where the musical fusion with famed producer
Leroy Miller began. After a lunch meeting at Jerry’s Famous Deli, Leroy agreed to listen to David’s
demo. David’s music sparked interest and the two began to discuss ideas about recording. In 2007, David
was invited to Leroy Miller’s Hollywood studio and ‘Can’t Find You’ and ‘Where Could I Go’ were
recorded with Kane McGee (Drums), Cha Chi (Percussion), Leroy Miller, and Adam Macdougal (keys)
from The Black Crowes. David also did a live set in Santa Barbara with Claude Hopper at Cold Stone
In 2008, the David Martinez Band was formed, consisting of David (Acoustic Guitar/Lead Vocals),
Johnny Ramos Jr. (Drums/Percussion), Joseph Flores (Lead Guitar), and Johnny Mitchell (Bass),
releasing an EP in 2009. Sponsored by AXE, they opened for Bob Schneider, and then showed great
promise at KLRU in Austin, TX in a National Battle of The Bands filmed by the Austin City
Limits crew and sponsored by Land Shark Lager, Rhapsody Music, and Sonicbids.
In 2010, the David Martinez Band had quite a year, and performed the first gig during SXSW in
Austin which included Keaton Simons joining in for a set. In July, they embarked on an acoustic tour
of CA, hitting San Diego, Los Angeles, and Santa Barbara. On July 18th, they played at the legendary
Viper Room in in West Hollywood. David flew out to Nashville to work with Leroy Miller yet again,
recording ‘Hey Mary’, released in December of that year.
2011 brought a rush of activity for David, playing in the Cincinnati area in March in collaboration with
Indie On Air acts including Danika Holmes and Lovebettie. SXSW was again on tap, this time with Indie
On Air and Planet LA acts, including a series of shows during the conference. David was then chosen to
play a showcase in Austin, Texas in May. In July, he appeared in Lake George, New York; and in October,
played in Seattle and Tacoma with Match1Entertainment. November brought a gig - opening for Danika
Holmes for her CD release and another show with Jason Jeka of Fivestar Deluxe.
For the third year in a row, David played a series of shows at SXSW in 2012. He then headed out to
CA once again to work with producer Leroy Miller in July. Release date of that EP is set for December,
and his new single ‘I Wanna Know’ is currently out and airing across the US/UK on indie radio.
Additionally, the single won the title of ‘Top Indie Song’ for summer 2012 on Indie 104 LA. An acoustic
tour of southeast US is being planned for 2013 to promote David’s new music.
Thanks to the following indie radio stations,
TV stations, podcasts, etc. for the support of my music:
Beyond the Dawn Radio
Ryan Hiller of Omnes TV
Sam Watkins of 'In the Neon Spotlight'
Rob and Ron of Skycast Radio
Daniel Haight of Independent Corner
David Durant of Brooklands Radio
DocG at Hamilton Radio
Rob at Crunch Radio
Matt Kacar of Artist Connection Podcast
Matt Barker of Krystal Radio
DJ Shaz Pratt of 'Kuiama's Choice' on QStar Radio
New Driven Cruisin Show
Mike Lidskin at Twirl Radio
Big Blend Radio
Courtesy of Ladylake Music