David Lynch
Gig Seeker Pro

David Lynch

San Luis Obispo, California, United States | SELF

San Luis Obispo, California, United States | SELF
Band Folk Acoustic


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"David Lynch Pig ‘n’ Whistle Hollywood, CA"

The Players: David Lynch, vocals, acoustic guitar.

Material: Singer-songwriter

David Lynch delivers what he calls “California Bluegrusion,” which is best described as a mixed bag of blues, folk-rock and funk. But these compositions really defy easy catagorization as they are very personal and come straight from the singer’s life experiences, making each one interesting and unique. Lynch plumbs the depths of the human condition through the lens of a breezy and easy-going SoCal coastal town lifestyle that he embraces and clearly wants to share through his songwriting. The result is a cohesive collection of songs that present complex and colorful slices of life for his audience to ponder.

Like a Zen Buddhist paradox koan, Lynch’s lyrics inspire contemplation by juxtaposing the very common with the cosmic. For example, the folk-laced pop tune “Feel the Rush” reminds us that we are all part of the Universe and the clamour and chaos of the daily grind is only as significant as we choose to make it.

Musicianship: With versitle vocals that are sturdy, powerful and fluid, Lynch is able to communicate the vagaries of life that he so elequently captures in his lyrics. His guitar work is intricate and interesting and he plays with an unrestrained passion that really serves the songs. Flowing guitar lines accomplish more than mere vocal accompaniment. Instead, Lynch skillfully uses clever riffs and subtle runs to punctuate his lyrics.

Performance: As might be expected for a Tuesday evening opening slot, attendance was sparse, but that didn’t stop Lynch from giving his all. While the lack of audience members may have tempted some performers to cut to the chase, Lynch took the time to set up each song with a thought-provoking introduction, which served to confirm the suspicion that these tunes are intensely personal. And even though his compositons touched on lofty themes, there was nothing pretentious about this performer. Lynch exuded a Zen-like calm and confidence that put the whole room at ease.

Summary: Often a great song is better served when presented by someone other than the writer. This is definitely not the case here. David Lynch delivers the total package––skillfull guitar work, smooth and sincere vocals and a confident stage presence. And perhaps most importantly, his songs are easy to relate to, which make them memorable. No matter what season of life you find yourself in, this singer-songwriter is including you in his journey. By the end of the set, you are likely to feel as if you know David Lynch, and maybe even yourself, a little better than you did before.
——Lisa Elaine Scott
http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d53b8bf9?page=50#/d53b8bf9/50 - Music Connection Magazine Aug. 2011

"David Lynch, "I Can See Sound""

As we have to expect of David Lynch, his new album ‘I Can See Sound’ offers a mix of quite different sounds, from the relatively dark anti-war song ‘Mahatma’, of a soldier pleading for Gandhi’s help to end war, to the beautifully sad title track. There’s something in the album for everybody, and each track is open to personal interpretation.

Although Mahatma can be taken literally, as a plea for an end to war, it can also be taken as a figurative prayer for help from anybody who is forced into a situation that they cannot leave. Such is the intelligence of David Lynch’s lyrics that they make sense in a literal way, but also have a hidden, less obvious, and sometimes esoteric message with which some can identify.

David Lynch’s style is not country and is not pure blues, although there is an element of each in his attractive acoustic fusion of styles - a funky Cali-pop mix that is easy on the ears with some great lyrics worth listening to. It’s not really possible to put David’s music into any one style, which is a large part of its appeal. You never know what you are going to get next, and each track is different and a delight to listed to.

Right from the start, ‘200 Light Years’ sets the tone, and offers an immediate insight into the intelligent storytelling that is a significant feature of David’s work. “I don’t know what has happened, Don’t know what went wrong, No longer do the work. Only sing this song“. Then, ‘No matter how old he gets’ he can always surf, ‘Half a mile from the open ocean, Quarter mile from the bay’. A reflection on his Californian coastal lifestyle!

Listening to this light and happy first track, with its jangly and catchy guitar work and lyrics, gets you all set for the rest, and ‘Feel The Rush’, next in line, doesn’t disappoint. This is about war, and how people will always fight, but you should shut it all out and focus on yourself: ‘Half the world is fightin’, Because they were fightin’ yesterday’. . . ‘You are the secret of the universe, Let go of all these filters and feel the rush, feel the rush’.

Feel the Rush is sung in a soulful but optimistic fashion, and this isn’t a track you will easily walk away from. Einstein, on the other hand, is light and full of fun, and each of the eleven tracks on this album has something unique to offer, both in terms of musical style and composition, and of the story it has to tell.

David Lynch is an intelligent guy, as his lyrics obviously demonstrate, and he has won several awards for his guitar work and songwriting skills. Hs background is in post-production sound editing, and he has won two Golden Reel Awards and an Emmy, as well has having been nominated for a total of 10 Emmys and 15 Golden Reels. Hailing from southern California, his love of coastal living is evident in some of his work, such as the aforementioned ‘200 Light Years’.

His work cannot be pigeonholed to any one style, and you can call it what you like. It is a mix of funky jazz, country-pop, folk and a bluesy style of bluegrass that some have referred to as Bluegrusion, but why bother - what’s the point in trying to give such an individual style a synthetic name! What applies to one track sure won’t apply to the next, so just forget the labels, stick on the CD, lie back and enjoy it.

You can listen to David Lynch three ways: you can enjoy the fabulous breadth of his musical talent and terrific acoustic guitar work, you can listen to the lyrics that do more than just add vocals to his music, or you can take in the whole David Lynch experience and bask in the entire performance of every song on this fabulous album - without being bored because no two are alike in style or content!

The title track, ‘I Can See Sound’ is placed at the very end, and is worth waiting for. Right from the start you are enthralled: “I can see sound love, and the sound sets me free. You are not listening, and so could not see.” He explains why he is leaving her, and ends with “The water is wide love, where the sky meets the sea, Someone is listening, and waiting for me.”

It’s over, and unfortunately so is the wonderful album.

--Bob Page
http://www.magictraxmedia.com/ - Magic Trax Media Aug. 2011

""I Can See Sound" by David Lynch- Review"

"Can you see sound?
Yes, if you listen to David Lynch’s latest CD “I Can See Sound.”

This is the thematic music of life. Rich melodies brimming with heart and an honest invitation to experience an audio vision. Lynch offers a mixture of romp and contemplation, songs that will cause you to stop what you are doing, listen and experience.

I’ve always been a fan of David’s evocative guitar pieces. He creates movement and place with just a few strings, but with this new CD he has discarded any pretense and opened up his audio soul. He has reworked “Marianne’s Wedding” and “Mahatma” and taken them down a fresh path.

Is it Country? No. Blues? No. Classical guitar? No. Images of these genres dance through Lynch’s music, but these songs will not be pigeonholed. He calls it “California Bluegrusion.” Is this music inclusive? Yes. Emotionally rich? Yes. Musically complex? Yes, but with an ability to dance with your ear?

When my husband put on this CD I was deeply engaged in work. But David’s guitar extended a hand to me and lead me to the playground where his intelligent and unexpected lyrics painted sound images. Who would have thought that the line “You brown my onions,” could be so sensual?

David Lynch you have given me a visual note of your true self and a new favorite CD. Now I can see sound.

Go see sound for yourself and listen at davidlynchmusic.com"

-Keri Dearborn; writer, poet, and urban naturalist in the Los Angeles area. (Dec 04, 2010) - Independent

"Local CD Pick"

David Lynch & Friends -"Dozen"
Having worked in post-production sound effects for two decades, the Emmy-winning Lynch has an ear for things. Normally a soulful acoustic musician, the surfing songwriter has invited two surfing buddies -dobro player Frank Duncan and mandolin player Mark Travis -to help him diversify his sound. The result is a collection of what Lynch calls, "California Bluegrusion," a mash-up of folk and bluegrass string arrangements paired with Lynch's swampy blues vocals. - The Ticket

"5 out of 5 Stars"

Artist Name=David Lynch
Title=I Can See Sound
Record Company=Self-Titled
...And the sound is giving me ol' flicker movies in my mind's eye. However, these
images are all in Panavision and Technicolor. The music on this album are for the
storyteller in you. David's music has that Americana feel to it. His song's lyrics are
familiarly descriptive and witty to say the least. His vocals are smooth and inviting. His
guitar playing is fun and seamless w/ each unique tune. The instrumentation is lively
and timeless. They call this kind of music jangly, breezy, Cali-pop folk music... I'll make
it simple for ya and jus' call it damn good.
Born in Alhambra, California, David started writing his first songs in the fifth grade, and
since then his passion for music and songwriting has continues to flourish. A natural
born musician, Lynch is a self-taught guitar player, and his lyrics have been inspired by
his coastal Southern California hometown, his many and varied life experiences, and
the cultural differences that set us apart and tie us to one another. David has an Emmy
under his belt for his earlier work, but his love for music, family and friends is what really
drives him in his quest to write thought provoking music that conveys his philosophy on
Parting shot across the bow... David is the Norman Rockwell of lazy day music. So pull
up a rockin' chair on the ol' front porch with a cool glass of lemonade and let your mind's
eye run wild.
Author=Scott Thomas
Stars=5 out 5 Stars
- Cashbox Magazine

"5 out of 5 Stars"

Artist Name=David Lynch
Title=I Can See Sound
Record Company=Self-Titled
...And the sound is giving me ol' flicker movies in my mind's eye. However, these
images are all in Panavision and Technicolor. The music on this album are for the
storyteller in you. David's music has that Americana feel to it. His song's lyrics are
familiarly descriptive and witty to say the least. His vocals are smooth and inviting. His
guitar playing is fun and seamless w/ each unique tune. The instrumentation is lively
and timeless. They call this kind of music jangly, breezy, Cali-pop folk music... I'll make
it simple for ya and jus' call it damn good.
Born in Alhambra, California, David started writing his first songs in the fifth grade, and
since then his passion for music and songwriting has continues to flourish. A natural
born musician, Lynch is a self-taught guitar player, and his lyrics have been inspired by
his coastal Southern California hometown, his many and varied life experiences, and
the cultural differences that set us apart and tie us to one another. David has an Emmy
under his belt for his earlier work, but his love for music, family and friends is what really
drives him in his quest to write thought provoking music that conveys his philosophy on
Parting shot across the bow... David is the Norman Rockwell of lazy day music. So pull
up a rockin' chair on the ol' front porch with a cool glass of lemonade and let your mind's
eye run wild.
Author=Scott Thomas
Stars=5 out 5 Stars
- Cashbox Magazine

"David Lynch – I Can See Sound"

David Lynch – I Can See Sound
by Chuck Dauphin
First of all, there are no songs about „Blue Velvet? or „Who Killed Laura Palmer? on this album. But, this is not that David Lynch. Still, just like the movie director paints outside the lines with his creations, this David Lynch does exactly that on this multi-genre style album.
His music has been called „California Bluegrusion,” and with good reason. It?s a unique mix of Blues and Folk, with a little bit of the Coastal sound, as well.
To say this music is diverse would be an understatement. On few albums will you find something as light and easy as “Your Last Man” and “Einstein” coupled with something as heavy as “Mahatma,” a plea to Gandhi for guidance in war times.
There?s also the soothing and relaxing “Feel The Rush” and “Marianne?s Wedding,” both of which just lure you in like an old friend. “Beautiful Blaze” and “No Way To Judge” are great examples of his balladry, and the closing title cut is the shining example of his writing. It?s one of those songs that just when you think all the ideas have been taken….one comes along that makes you sit up and take notice. You?ll do that with this album as well. It enlightens you, entertains you, makes you laugh, and sets you in a relaxing mood, depending on which cut you?re on. A great addition to any collection!
For more on David or to buy the CD, log on to http://davidlynchmusic.com/
- Music News Nashville 2011

"Surf's Up"

Surf’s up!
Fans of jangly, breezy, Cali-pop folk have something to
celebrate on Friday, April 1, when Los Osos-based
singer-songwriter David Lynch releases I Can See
Sound, a collection of 11 acoustic-guitar-driven tunes that
chronicle the Central Coast lifestyle on songs like album
opener “200 Light Years,” where he sings, “I will always
put that wetsuit on, jump in the cold, cold water, get
gone.” No matter “how decrepit,” he sings, he’ll always
The record takes a more contemplative turn on “Feel the
Rush,” a lament on our warring world, which directs
listeners to tune out the angry noise and look within: “But
it doesn’t matter what clothes you wear. It doesn’t matter
if your teeth are brushed. You are the secret of the
universe. Let go all of those filters and feel the rush.”
Percussive, intelligent, and highly infectious, this is an engaging collection of songs from
a songwriter who’s comfortable in his own skin. See him perform a brief in-store set at
Boo Boo Records from 5:30 to 6 p.m. www.davidlynchmusic.com.
Los Osos troubadour
David Lynch releases I
Can See Sound at Boo Boo
Records on April 1.
PHOTO BY JULIE LOGUE - New Times Music, Glenn Starkey 2011

"Become A Friend Of David Lynch"

David Lynch and Friends have just released their new, locally recorded CD, Dozen, featuring 12 catchy, well-worth-a-listen tunes.

Los Osos guitarist/singer/songwriter Lynch has been writing music since he was a youngster, and has been a finalist in nearly every songwriting contest he’s entered. Now he’s teamed up with a fantastic local dobro player, Frank Duncan, who builds the instruments he plays on the new recording. Mandolinist Mark Travis, who also built his own instrument, adds a mischievous twist to the music.

Lynch’s songwriting style isn’t really commercial, it’s more heartfelt.

“I don’t have the typical verse-chorus-bridge structure,” Lynch explained in an interview. “I use whatever structure the song calls for.”

He also uses different guitar tunings to add a distinctive edge to his one-of-a-kind sound.

“I’m an absolute freak for songwriting,” he explained. “I always carry a notebook, I always have a song in my head. Guitars are hanging all over the house. It never turns off for me."

Even when he’s cooking pancakes for his kids’ breakfast, he’s thinking of how to make the words fit: “I enjoy the creation aspect of songwriting. For me, that means writing about what I do every day” --even if its making pancakes. Check out his new song, “Griddle Master.”

Other tunes have a more spiritual base, such as “Mahatma,” a plea to the guru of nonviolence for inspiration in trying times.

“It’s an honest, real approach. That’s what’s in the music, and that’s what people hear,” he said. “I like recordings that sound as if the wheels are about to fall off.”

All sorts of people feel a connection to his songs, he said: “I know I’ve affected black-haired nose-ring Goths, middle-aged people with kids, and kids as well. It makes it hard to do niche marketing!”

In addition to his unique songwriting skills, Lynch is also a talented sound editor. He’s won an Emmy, and is a two-time Golden Reel award-winner. By the way, his dad was also named David Lynch, and in case you’re interested, he says he holds “no animosity whatsoever” for anyone else in the film or music business with the same name.

Dozen is available at Boo Boo Records, along with Lynch’s previous releases, Good Wood and his self-titled debut CD. You can also find them online at CD Baby. But be warned--you may have a hard time listening to anything else for a while!

Check out his music for yourself at www.davidlynchmusic.com or www.myspace.com/davidlynchfriends.
- The New Times

"Favorite of the Year"

"My personal favorite of the year is Los Osos-based singer/songwriter/guitarist David Lynch’s I Can See Sound. It’s fun, funny, intimate, heartfelt, and just plain enjoyable."
- Kathy Johnston, New Times SLO (Dec 30, 2010) - The New Times

"KCBX's Sonnie Brown "I Can See Sound" Review"

“I LOVE it! That's the most fun I've had listening to music in a long time! This CD is going to be easy to include on my SongTown playlist.” - KCBX Public Radio for San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara

"In The Spirit Of Neil Young"

David Lynch may not be a familiar name on the music charts, but he’s made it to the top ten on Neil Young’s list --and he’s still climbing.

Lynch’s song “Mahatma” is currently No. 8 out of more than 2,400 protest songs on Young’s Living With War Today Web site (http://Neil young.com/lwwtoday).

Young, of course, is no stranger to the anti-war song. But Lynch of San Luis Obispo, is probably more known for his laid-back, surfer-friendly acoustic guitar songs.

Like the director of the same name, Lynch had made his mark in film --not as a director, but as a sound effects man. During his 20 years of sound effects, the Emmy winner’s credits include “Lilo & Stitch,” “Frasier,” “101 Dalmatians” and “Malcolm in the Middle.”

While sound effects provided him a career, he’s also a longtime musician, who often performs at local wineries. He has also performed at benefits for Code Pink, the Green Party and Children’s Hope Foundation.

His new album, “Dozen,” is available at Boo Boo Records in San Luis Obispo. Young’s list also includes songs by J.J. Cale and Eric Clapton, James McMurtry and Bright Eyes.

- The Ticket

"David Lynch- "Good Wood""

"GOOD WOOD"... (Surprise Truck) No, this isn't the famously twisted movie director but, judging from the rich atmospherics Lynch chooses to frame his bluesy songs, he could be just as moody and, dare I say, wild at heart. Lynch has crafted a fine acoustic blues CD but it is the blues with a difference - the song structure is not traditional and there is more than a touch of slippery jazz to his songs. In other words, it's not just the traditional two repeating lines and then the punch line blues structure. It's more of an old-timey jazz-bluesy feel updated, say if Leon Redbone played more funky or if Dr. John played acoustic guitar kind of thing. Real slippery and slidey and greasy, with a lot of old-style funk to it, Ray Charles instead of Muddy Waters. Whatever it is, it goes down like a tall, cool glass of sweet tea on a hot day and seems to be the perfect record for relaxing in the hammock and being contemplative. Not country but great stuff just the same. Surprise Truck Entertainment has a very nice site. - Freight Train Boogie

"New Times Music Scene"

Our very own David Lynch, a nationally recognized singer/songwriter/guitarist, pours out a heaping cup of his warm, original tunes at Peet’s Coffee (1075 Court St. in SLO) during Farmers Market on Thursday, Sept. 3. He’ll be joined in a totally acoustic set by awesome dobro musician Frank Duncan and mandolin magician Mark Travis. Listen closely, since it won’t be amplified! His unique sound has been described as a cross between Jack Johnson and David Lindley. This is “California bluegrusion” at its best, with lilting melodies and heartfelt lyrics that make you feel like you’ve been one of David Lynch’s friends all your life. Even his recordings come complete with squeaks and string noise, as if you’re in his living room. Luckily for us, he’s working on a new CD of his latest original tunes, due out next spring. - The New Times


"I Can See Sound"- David Lynch (2011)

"April Fools Blues" - Released as a single (2009)

"Dozen" -David Lynch & Friends (2008 Surprise Truck)

"Good Wood"- David Lynch (2001 Surprise Truck)

"David Lynch" -David Lynch (1996 Nidus Music Productions)



"California Bluegrusion" - the singularly unique music style of California Central Coast-based singer-songwriter-guitarist David Lynch - and Lynch's latest CD I Can See Sound - have been receiving great acclaim of late.

"My personal favorite of the year...fun, funny, intimate, heartfelt, and just plain enjoyable." Kathy Johnston of New Times
"the most fun I've had listening to music in a long time." Sonnie Brown, host of Song Town on public radio station KCBX (where Lynch was "Artist of the Month" in April 2011)
"The Norman Rockwell of lazy day music." Cashbox Magazine
"A unique cross of blues and folk...Lynch delivers with a laid-back vocal ease," writes Country Entertainment USA. "From the surf-inspired "200 Light Years" to the Zen-friendly "Buddha's Belly," the Los Osos resident captures the essence of the SLO life." Pat Pemberton of the San Luis Obispo Tribune
"Percussive, intelligent and highly infectious, this is an engaging collection of of songs from a songwriter who's comfortable in his own skin." Glenn Starkey of New Times

I Can See Sound has received consistent airplay on stations throughout the U.S. and internationally as well - the Bluespower show in Germany and Boom Boom Blues in Croatia, to name a few.

If you met David Lynch in passing, chances are you may not learn much about him. He will probably ask you about yourself and listen intently, and he may pause briefly to make a note in one of the little notebooks he always carries.

Unless you stop and ask him, he will not tell you that he took a $30 junk guitar with dead strings and won third place in the advanced guitar competition at The 39th Annual Old-Time Fiddlers' Convention and Festival during 2009 in Santa Barbara, Calif.

Lynch won't talk about the Emmy he’s earned at his day job for sound design or his devotion to becoming a better musician and better songwriter by listening to and working with musicians and mentors who have high standards.

But he will talk with you about the passion he has for his family, for making the world a better place, and for playing music that conveys his philosophy on life - that you get back what you give and that no matter how tough things are, you can always dance!

I Can See Sound offers the kind of music that is sure to get your body moving, make you smile, and inspire you to think about how you're living life - it's a good thing. Listen and see for yourself!

Press Contact:
Doug Deutsch Publicity Services

Booking Contacts:
Amy Sexton