David Altenor
Everett, Massachusetts, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2010 | SELF
David Altenor (2011)
By Bob Marovich for The Black Gospel Blog.
“This track has a new sound/But if you think it’s about the club, slow down.”
Over a thumping beat and a techno soundscape, 23 year-old singer-songwriter-producer David Altenor implores listeners to give props to the Almighty when He blesses you and not “act like it was [done] on your own.” He also takes aim at folks who “blow their cash” on designer items and go broke in the process. Altenor’s rebuke is not mean-spirited; he hopes they will change their lives for the better, the real better, and give thanks to Him who made their salvation possible.
Altenor’s own story, which he shares on the excellent and poignant “It Was You,” is quite the reverse. It involves not the amassing of riches but the tragic loss of his father to cancer in 1996 and his 26 year-old brother Lou to cancer in 2008. Then his mother suffered a stroke in 2010. The combination of these circumstances could have destroyed Altenor. Instead, they cemented his faith and commitment to religious music.
Another strong release, Altenor's introspective, piano-driven “Just Like Me,” expresses his frustration with today’s many social problems. The song is an "is anybody there?" cry from the depths of loneliness, hoping for sympathetic ears to respond back.
Ministering in a style similar to Aaron Sledge and J Moss, the Boston-based David Altenor is a talent to follow. - The Black Gospel Blog: Bob Marovich
PIE EXCLUSIVE: Interview with David Altenor
Questions by Ben Franks
United States, Bolton-based musician David Altenor, a pioneer of the music ministry, has produced, written, sung and played music throughout his life. At the end of February he agreed to an exclusive interview with Pie Magazine regarding his influences, aims and more.
Ben Franks: David Altenor, the majority of our readers are made up of young people in the UK and United States who are between the ages of 11 and 24, if there was one piece of advice you could offer those who aspire to be musicians, what would it be?
David Altenor: I would tell them to stay true to what they believe in, take the time to study the music business and know what they’re getting themselves into. I would also tell them that this is a journey that will take a lot of work and dedication in order to be successful.
BF: Have you always aspired to be a musician yourself or did your ideas change as you grew up?
DA: I’m 23 now and although I have always loved music, I didn’t play the piano (my first instrument), until I was 14 years old. I’ve struggled between going into business or Pastoral ministry, but realized that music was my calling in early 2010.
BF: Who would you say is your greatest inspiration and why?
DA: I draw my inspiration from God by acknowledging that He’s the source of my talent and in thinking about how He loves all people and cares for us. So many other things inspire me like other art forms, people, news and stories. I tend to draw inspiration from anything.
BF: For those of our readers who struggle to search for inspiration, what would you suggest?
DA: An easy answer is faith, but I would also say to really take time and think about what matters the most to them. I’ve found that it’s easiest to be inspired by things that matter to me. We shouldn’t be afraid to express ourselves through art. It’s freedom of expression that makes art so special.
BF: What do you wish to achieve through your music?
DA: I wish to use my music as a tool to promote God’s love in the world, social change and to inspire all people.
BF: If your music could reach anyone in the World, who would it be?
DA: I would like my music and more importantly, its message, to reach all people. However, if I had to be more specific I would want it to reach those who have lost hope and faith in God and who are in need of inspiration in a world which appears to be dying.
BF: As a writer of music, where would you say was the best place in the world to be to write your lyrics?
DA: The best place is wherever you feel comfortable. I mostly write in my studio, but I’ve written songs on a drive to the store, a long train ride and have gotten ideas while playing other songs.
BF: Who do you listen to?
DA: I listen to a bit of everything and every genre. I do admire Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles and Tye Tribbett among others.
BF: Have you got any plans for the near future or any albums coming up that our readers can buy and listen to?
DA: I have my Demo CD “The David Altenor Project” on iTunes and also available for free download here: http://www.hulkshare.com/davidisoffkey. I also have some new music coming in the next couple of months.
BF: Thank you for answering our questions, finally: is there anything you’d like to add?
DA: I would like to tell everyone to be encouraged and stay positive. If we all work together we really can make the world a better place to live in for future generations. Take a listen to my music and feel free to share. God Bless!
You can follow David on his twitter, stay up to date via his facebook or subscribe to his YouTube channel for the latest videos and news. David’s own site is linked here. - Pie Magazine - Based in the UK
101PR Report Card: Baby T, Solom'n, Kasino Will, David Altenor, The ILLusionists| New Music: Desyree
February 11, 2011
Email: hiphopstardom101@gmail.com
Url: http://www.hiphopstardom101.com
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HHS101 Press Review Report Card
David Altenor
Click Below to Read Review
http://www.hiphopstardom101.com/Reviews - Urban Music News Network
August 6, 2010 | by Skope Staff
Who says that you cannot make music that is positive but yet still make it sound good in the clubs? My next guest is coming straight out of the metro Boston area and he is doing just that. David Altenor is a man and a musician that is full of faith in himself and God. We caught wind of David after reading a Jimmy Rae review of his new album, ‘The Dave Altenor Project’ here on Skope. If you want to start your weekend or day off on the right foot, submit yourself to the sounds of David Altenor!
Stoli: So where are we talking from today and how is your summer going?
David Altenor: Hi, I’m in my hometown Everett, MA and my summer is going really well! Things have really picked up since I released my demo in July.
Stoli: At what age did you fall in love with music and decide you want to pursue music?
David Altenor: This may seem silly, but I spent a lot of my childhood playing video games and have always loved the music in the games. It wasn’t until I heard the songs from School House Rock in the 5th grade that I began to feel a conscious passion for music. Finally, at the age of 14, I finally decided to start playing the piano and things developed pretty quickly from there.
Stoli: Do you do music full time or do you have a job as well?
David Altenor: Aside from my music project which is the newest thing for me in terms of music, I am currently doing music part-time and working with choirs and artists in the area as well as working at a renewable energy company as a financial associate.
Stoli: Your mother suffered a stroke earlier this year. How are you doing with that and how has music helped you with the healing process?
David Altenor: Well my mother is doing a lot better now, which is a blessing. I’ve really felt that music has been a great way for me to channel my feelings and emotions about my mother and my life.
Stoli: After you master a new song. How do you test that track out to see if its a hit or not?
David Altenor: When God inspires me with a song, I don’t really worry about whether it’s a hit song. It’s more important that it carries a message that will inspire or uplift people, while expressing my love for God in a new and different way. I do have some close friends and people I respect musically that will take a listen to my song and offer their opinions and suggestions.
Stoli: You do everything from vocals to production. Is that by choice or do you just find it easier than dealing with multiple opinions?
David Altenor: I find it a lot easier to do everything because it’s my way of giving my “all” to God in a very literal sense. I also feel that God has blessed with me with the ability to do all aspects of the music process, for which I’m thankful for, and I’m using all the talent God gave to me to give back.
Stoli: You recently put out ‘The David Altenor Project.’ Where did you record that and where can readers grab a copy?
David Altenor: I made the tracks for my Demo CD at my home studio and recorded the vocals at http://www.split2nd.com/ with Mike “Cip”, who’s a good friend of mine. Readers can purchase a copy of my Demo on iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/the-david-altenor-project/id381700323. They can also find it on Amazon.
Stoli: I find your music to be very soulful & positive. How does your strong belief in God & faith inspire & influence the music that you put out there?
David Altenor: Thanks, I appreciate your support. My belief in God has everything to do with the music I make. I really give all the credit and honor to God because I know that all the music I make is God-inspired. I’m very grateful that God uses me to channel His sound through me.
Stoli: What do you say to those record execs that just want to sign artists that want to just talk about guns, drugs, murder, and toxic subjects?
David Altenor: One thing I say is to really think about the future of this world and the children that have to grow up in this society. I feel the individuals that have been given the power to make music must also shoulder the responsibility of making a positive impact in the world through their lives and music. I pray that I can do that.
Stoli: I cannot stop dancing to your track, “Remember.” When did you record that song and what is the message?
David Altenor: I’m glad you like that song! I recorded it in April 2010. It’s a song about being blessed with gifts and material things from God and being grateful for what you have. It’s also stating that God has all that you need.
Stoli: What is coming up for David Altenor and where can we follow your next moves?
David Altenor: There are so many things coming up and that I have on my plate. One of them is a National Competition that I’m a part of at http://www.dreambighustlehard.com. In this competition, 10 artists from around the U.S are competing for a record deal with a major label and I’m representing Boston. You can follow me on http://www.facebook.com/davidisoffkey or my website http://www.davidisoffkey.com. I keep those websites updated with the latest news on my music ministry and project.
Thank you for the interview. I really appreciate it! - Skope Magazine - Jimmy Rae
David Altenor started a music project on www.davidisoffkey.com and released his Demo CD on iTunes. - Boston College Magazine - Timothy Bates
Track Review Rating: *** = Fire
FeedBack: Well executed to Mr. David Altenor, this Demo brings a new fresh voice to Christian HipHop, very talented, we hope to hear more music, Thumbs UP!
Bottom Line: Website URL: http://www.davidisoffkey.com/live/
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/davidisoffkey Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/davidisoffkey,
Booking/ Contact: Booking@davidisoffkey.com
- Hip Hop Stardom/Timeless Music Entertainment
Interview with“David Altenor” from Everett, MA.
Q. How did the project come into existence?
After years of being a keyboardist and choir director in the Boston area, I started working on my music project in late January of 2010. My mom had just suffered a stroke and I decided to give up playing secular music and use my music solely to honor God and to inspire and uplift people. Once I made the decision, I experienced an explosion of musical ideas and wrote over 20 songs in the next two months.
Q. Who are the members of the band if any and please tell us about it?
I am a solo artist. I’m a producer, songwriter, singer, rapper, keyboardist and arranger. I create and record all of my music, for which I am grateful to God.
Q How would you describe your sound/genre?
I would describe my sound as very unique and fresh. It’s urban mix of genres that has a youthful flavor.
Q. What formal training or previous experience do any of the members have?
When I first started playing the piano at 14, I took several basic lessons. Everything else that I learned was self taught, either through experience or reading books, watching videos and other keyboardists play.
Q. Are you working w/ a producer on your upcoming album?
Although I am working on a lot of new songs, I produce all of my own material.
Q. Who would you say has been the biggest influence on the band’s sound or that you have used as inspiration for your music?
God has really been a great influence on my sound. When creating music, I really try to tap into the sound that God has placed inside of me. Artists that I listen to are Tye Tribbett, Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles and others.
Q. What advice would you give to others starting out?
I would tell them to stay true to what they believe in, take the time to study the music business and know what they’re getting themselves into. I would also tell them that this is a journey that will take a lot of work and dedication in order to be successful.
Q. Where can people go to learn more about you and hear your music?
People can go to my website: www.davidisoffkey.com , Facebook: www.facebook.com/davidisoffkey , YouTube: www.youtube.com/davidisoffkey and iTunes, Amazon and Sonicbids.
Q. If you could play anywhere in the world or with anyone you wanted where and who would it be with?
I could pick one random place I would say Haiti (where my family is from) with whoever would want to come out with me.
Q. What has been your greatest experience so far either individually or as a whole?
My greatest experience has been seeing the faces of young children and people that have been truly inspired by what God has called me to do. The music is fun, but that’s what it’s all about…the people. The focus of my music is to inspire and uplift people and to show them what God can do if you trust in Him and respond to His plan for your life.
Q. Do you have any upcoming events or news you would like to tell our readers about?
I will be releasing a whole new list of concert and tour dates for 2011 soon. Also, be on the lookout for new videos that I’ll be putting on YouTube!
Q. Where do you see yourselves or hope to be in about 5 years?
In 5 years, I see myself wherever God desires me to be. If I were to guess, it would be on tour spreading love, positivity and the Word of God as far as I can go! - AJ & DBS
"I would like to continue inspiring people through music and by leading a life of example, as difficult as it may be in this world.” -David Altenor
David Altenor is a man who has found his direction through raw inspiration. In the wake of a series of tragic events (David lost his father in 1996 and his brother in 2008, both to cancer) Altenor heard his true calling from above, and since has not wavered in his dedication to that path. This young BC grad is now genuinely focused on creating music for the purpose of inspiring those around him. Altenor’s commitment to music and his profoundly formative relationship with God has pushed this exceptional young man to explore the depth of his gifts and share them with the world, all with a thankful heart and an open mind.
A theology major at Boston College, Altenor graduated in 2009, but initially was unsure of the road ahead. This impressive young man has always played the role of the leader, as he certainly displays as the director of a number of choirs around Boston . But Altenor’s talent needed a channel that could let him unleash his true creativity. The spark that fueled the flame hit him in early 2010, when his mother (with whom he has an inseparable bond) suffered a stroke. After her recovery, David did not hesitate to activate himself, and he simply began writing and producing music. In his first two months, David arranged 20 songs spanning almost every main music genre. Talk about getting in there.
“The vision and focus of my music is to go out to the world and spread the word of God, to inspire and spread love.”
Now that David has found the path, he is excited for the journey ahead. This guy grinds day in and day out to make the most of every opportunity that comes his way; and from all indications, he has no intentions of slowing down. When asked how the future might play out for him, Altenor responded, “I see myself touring the world and using my music to help people in a real way. One of the most mentioned statements at Boston College, my Alma mater, is to ‘Go set the world aflame,’ originally said by Ignatius of Loyola. I want to be remembered as someone who did just that!”
There’s no doubt in my mind that the world could use more examples like David Altenor. A lot more. David continues to break the mold at every turn, but his humility compels him to stop and clean up the pieces before he moves on to the next bigger and better thing, lest he flaunt his talents.
On behalf of all of us wishing for a kinder, more inspired world, I want to express my sincere gratitude to you, David. You’re a shining example that getting in there to pursue your dreams can and will engender real, positive change in a world that’s in an inspirational recession. Best of luck on your journey, David! You’ll have our support every step of the way.
In addition to the interview, Mr. Altenor was kind enough to provide us with a sample of his work. This skillfully arranged track is entitled “Just Like Me- Ft. Harold Hinds” and offers a glimpse into David’s adept musicality. A great message in the song, as well. Download it here and spread the word! - Getting In There - GITMAN
David Altenor, representing Massachusetts, is providing a fresh look into the worlds of Hip-Hop and gospel. A musician and "choir boy" by trade, he's taking his musical gifts to the next level. Oh, by the way, he creates and arranges all of his own music. Show him some love and check out why he deserves your support.
BV: Tell us where you're from and how you got started in music.
DA: I'm from Everett, Mass. I started playing the piano at the age of 14 in church. I learned by ear, playing for services and the church choir, and eventually became the choir director. I've been producing and writing choir songs for years but being an artist and a rapper is something completely new to me! I was inspired to become an artist earlier this year [2010] after God revealed to me that it was my purpose in life.
BV: Your music has a contemporary gospel vibe to it. Tell us about your music and what your fans can expect.
DA: When I was initially inspired to start this music project earlier this year, I wrote songs in different genres. I have learned when God inspires you there is no limit to the type of music you can make because God is unlimited. It's really on my heart to make positive music with a totally new and contemporary sound to it.
BV: What was the concept behind "Song For You"?
DA: This was the first song I wrote when I heard the "call" from God to become an artist. It has a contemporary feel and the words are meant to appeal to the younger generation. I used some "word painting" and vocal techniques that put an emphasis on important phrases. This song really shows all the aspects of my musical ability, while giving honor to God in a new way.
BV: Where can your fans see you in person? Do you have any upcoming performances?
DA: Yes, I have a few performances coming up. I will be performing in the "Future Stars Showcase" at the Apollo Theater on July 3rd and the "Dream Big Hustle Hard" National competition finals in Miami in late August. Details are on the website: DreamBigHustleHard.com.
BV: What are some goals that you've set for yourself as an artist?
DA: My main goal is to evangelize and spread love, inspiration and the Word of God in a unique way to as many people that I can reach.
BV: What are you doing personally to make sure that you become educated and as knowledgeable as possible about the ins and outs of the music business?
DA: I started reading the book "All You Need to Know About the Music Business" by Donald Passman. I also recently took part in the music conference "Indie University" in Nashville, TN which taught me a great deal about the music industry for independent artists.
BV: How many personal sacrifices have you had to make to be where you are with the music today?
DA: I really had to buckle down and get some things in my life in order before I started this project. I have always been very involved in the church, but I had to work on my personal relationship with God, change some aspects of my lifestyle and finally accept my calling to become who God wanted me to be.
BV: Are you involved and/or participating in any upcoming industry or networking events?
DA: I'm trying to get involved in more events, but so far DreamBigHustleHard.com and SonicBids.com have been very helpful.
BV: If you weren't doing music, where would you be?
DA: That's hard to imagine, but if I weren't doing music, I'd be going to graduate school for either my MBA or Divinity School depending on where I was led by God.
BV: Who are the Top 3 artists that you'd like to work with?
DA: There are so many artists that I'd love to work with, but three artists that have really inspired me and I'd love to collaborate with would be: Tye Tribbett, Mary Mary and Drake.
Website: http://www.davidisoffkey.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/davidisoffkey
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/davidisoffkey
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/davidisoffkey
Buy Music: http://www.indieheaven.com/davidaltenor
Click for David Altenor's single "It Was You"
Click for David Altenor's "Song For You"
David Altenor
David Altenor
David Altenor - BlackVibes
The expression I swear to God comes to mind because David Altenor is doing just that in every sense of the word. This four-track demo is a true testament to Altenor’s strong faith to make music for the lord. But don’t assume that this is your typical Christian or Gospel record because if you did you’re completely off. The David Altenor Project is full of fresh, cool & hip sounds that every person can appreciate. David is proving to everyone that just because you make an album dedicated to Jesus doesn’t mean you have to stick to a certain style or genre. No classifications are needed when you’re making songs about God because just like anyone I’m sure he also gets bored with the same-old, same old. That is why David Altenor has taken it upon himself to come up with catchy, fun and original tunes for the almighty one.
Altenor has been involved in music ministry for over half of his life. As a singer & keyboard player, David has played for and directed choirs all over the Boston area. He even played in one of Boston’s top up and coming bands touring the entire east coast at one point. Even with the sudden success of being in a band, Altenor’s heart wasn’t in it all the way and he felt that something was missing. His true purpose in life was not being met and with personal obstacles hitting him hard, David Altenor finally realized what he was meant to do. He decided finally that he was supposed to play for one team and one team only—the 1 of God that has the best record of all time.
In light of his crucial decision, David Altenor now has a mix of songs for the whole world to enjoy. On the new disc, David is responsible for writing all four tracks, singing lead and back-up on all of the songs, playing piano/keyboard as well as producing & arranging the entire work. This talented young artist has come full circle to make a difference in not just his own life but for the lives of many others. The CD offers up some very cool styles that include: rap/hip-hop, R&B and pop. The opening number, “Song For You” is sung from David’s mouth to God’s ears as he rejoices in what he calls the “kingdom sound”. Next up, “It Was You (Dedicated to Lou Diamonds)”, supplies the listener with inspiring lyrics and a powerful message that will make you think about life in general. On track three, “Just Like Me (Featuring Harold Hinds)”, you’re hearing an incredibly nice touch on the keys while David is vocally on top of the world. He is reaching to ALL by asking the simple question, which is “Is there anyone that feels like me?” The Boston native ends the record with a song titled “Remember” where he’s telling people not to forget where they came from and where they got everything from. The track will definitely get you to remember what’s important and it will also help keep you in check & grounded.
The sound is hot and the beats are nice but David’s not performing club hooks; he’s singing his praises for the hook of heaven. David Altenor is proving to the whole world that we are not alone on this mission or test that we call life. For more on this multi-talented music artist, SKOPE out www.davidisoffkey.com.
By Jimmy Rae (jrae@skopemag.com)
- Skope Magazine
avid Altenor (@DavidIsOffKey) stops by for a Sit Down! This guy owns his own music label (Kingdomsound Music Group), song writes, produces, is a pianist, a music director at Boston College and STILL finds time to be a Music Artist! Hear His Story. Please Rate, Leave a Comment, and Subscribe to our Channel! #NEWBoston
David Altenor
David Altenor – Holiday VIDEO
Instagram: @DavidIsOffKey
Twitter: @DavidIsOffKey
Instagram: @TheMuseumFile
Twitter: @TheMuseumFile
Instagram: @Bro_Got
Twitter: @R_TheMUSEUM
MUSIC - The Museum File
"The Freedom Project" - EP - Release in June 30, 2015
"The David Altenor Project" - Demo CD - Release in July 2010
New Single "WHY" to be Released on May 3rd 2011
GRAMMY Recording Academy Member
Head Gospel Music Director at Boston College (Youngest in College's History)
Owner of Kingdomsound Productions, LLC http://www.kingdomsoundpro.com
Nominee 2012 Boston Music Awards Gospel Artist of the Year
Nominee 2011 Boston Music Awards Gospel Artist of the Year
Nominee 2011 New Ungland Urban Music Awards Male Gospel Artist of the Year
Nominee 2011 New Ungland Urban Music Awards Producer of the Year

David Altenor has been involved in music ministry for most of his life, playing for and directing choirs all over the Boston area. Being a keyboard player, his dream was always to play and arrange music for a gospel artist and tour the world. However, after finding that many gospel artists in Boston already had musicians, David turned to the world for opportunities.
He auditioned for one of Boston's best up and coming bands and made the cut, doing shows in clubs and bar venues on the east coast. Even though the bands success was mounting, David felt God pulling at his heart to remain fully in music ministry. In January as the band was scheduled to go on a two month U.S. tour several things happened that changed David's life: The devastating Earthquake in Haiti on January 12th 2010 and his home church telling him that he couldn't remain as their Music Minister because he was playing for a secular group. These occurrences made David re-think his decision to continue performing with the band but he still hadn't fully turned to God musically. However, when his loving and God-fearing mother Marie had a stroke on January 27th 2010, it was a major wake up call in David's life similarly to when his Brother Edjir "Lou" Altenor died of brain cancer on October 18th, 2008. These two situations couples with his father passing away in 1996 due to lung cancer created one of the biggest turning points in Davids life.
Once his mother was out of the hospital, David made the decision to fully commit to God, finally understanding that "obedience is better than sacrifice". It was at this moment that David experienced an explosion of songs ideas, tracks, lyrics and melodies. That powerful experience led David to write over 20 songs in two months with music spanning almost every main music genre. He still continues to hear new sounds every day. God has even multiplied his initial anointing, allowing David to add rap to his increased abilities to sing, play piano, produce, arrange live music and write songs. David, who once hated the idea of being an artist, had finally found and accepted his true calling, which is to bring a fresh sound to the world that carries the message of Jesus, hope and inspiration through a blend of various genres.
"It's crazy how God can inspire you, when you submit to the plan that he has for your life, so one day I did, and He inspired me."
~David Altenor~
Band Members