Darryl McCarty
London, Ontario, Canada | Established. Jan 01, 2014
The wait is almost over for fans of Chasing Arcadia and The Ceramic Flowers as lead vocalist Darryl McCarty is gearing up to release his debut solo album The Speed of Light on March 30, 2014. The memorable songwriter and skilled musician played every instrument on the album besides the drums, which were provided by Francois Parent. McCarty is fearless throughout the album as he puts his heart out on the line with earnest lyrics and traversing vocals.
McCarty’s unique singing style will grab listeners immediately. His voice lands somewhere between Bono’s and Muse front man Matthew Bellamy, while incorporating a unique falsetto range to evoke complicated sentiments. On the momentum filled track “Where We Begin,” Bellamy sings, “It’s alright, it’s alright/Tonight is the end/This is where we begin.” His mesmerizing singing style is also highlighted on the soaring opening track “Sweet Sonic.”
Darryl McCarty - The Speed of LightEmotions are examined through the elements on a trio of tracks. “Walk Through Fire” is about the difficulty of getting to the next level of life and the “Wind and Storm” exposes the beauty and pain that comes along with love. “If love is a crime/I’ll plead guilty/I’ll do my time/Throw away the key,” McCarty confesses. “Strong Wind” gives him the opportunity to communicate with a vast guitar solo that is the best on the album.
“Misunderstood” is one of the highlights of The Speed of Light. Everything works on this minimalist masterpiece. Another strong point is “Church Bells (It Doesn’t Mean a Thing)” with which McCarty describes being lost in a truly profound way. “A million faces passing by/A fading star in a midnight sky/He’s never felt so alone.”
Darryl McCarty doesn’t stray too far from the rock genre on The Speed of Light, but he doesn’t need to. The album is full of “ready for radio” tracks that would sound fantastic in a large venue. It will be exciting to follow Darryl McCarty’s career as a solo artist and fans won’t have to wait long for more great music, as he has already announced that he is working on a follow-up record. - Veggie Fans
The Speed of Light by Darryl McCarty is an awesome album. McCarty’s got one of those “everyman”-type voices that’s just beautiful and simple and really elevates the music itself. If I’m trying to describe the guy, I’d say he’s a cross between Coldplay and Kings of Leon, with a strong dash of Keane. A solid rock album, with some major alternative influences (classified as Brit Pop, no less), The Speed of Light is exactly the kind of stuff I go nuts for.
“Sweet Sonic” kicks the album off, providing a great anthem for the rest of the listener’s experience. A driving track, McCarty’s lyrics guide us through a relationship/love that just doesn’t seem to be working any longer. it’s like a kind of longing-love, the kind of unrequited stuff sensitive schmucks like me go through every few years.
The title track, "The Speed of Light" has some major Muse-y/Coldplay vibes to it, which is nice. It’s a slower jam than "Sweet Sonic", but just as awesome, just as clever. I like how McCarty has an almost storyteller-quality to his lyrics, but I think his voice is the key there. I’d love to see the guy play live, especially accoustic, as cheesy as that might sound.
“Peaceful Shore’ almost has a U2-quality to it. It’s like McCarty woke up that morning and said “Screw it, I’m gonna’ sing like Bono today.” I love it. “Peaceful Shore” is a fun track, evocative of desire and yearning. Overall, I’d say that’s the theme of The Speed of Light, yearning and desire.
Amazing album, overall.
"Darryl McCarty - "The Speed of Light"" is on sale March 30, 2014 from N/A. - Just Press Play
For years, London, Ontario native Darryl McCarty worked hard to keep his multiple bands together (including rock outfits such as Chasing Arcadia and The Ceramic Flowers), sharing his talents with the groups for more than seven years. But then in 2012, McCarty decided it was time to take full control of the ‘American Brit Rock’ he wanted to share with masses, eventually crafting a solo record we’re happy to share with you today – an album titled The Speed Of Light.
We asked McCarty to tell us all about his latest endeavor – he said, “It’s a very organic sounding album, a lot of epic moments as well. I played and recorded everything on the album except drums which were done by Francois Parent. There’s a humanity to it. It’s not perfect; of course what’s perfection when it comes to art? I really wanted that humanity – it’s on a lot of the ‘old’ stuff I listen to. I love character when it comes to recordings…Every song came differently, some came quickly on the acoustic guitar and others I built brick by brick in my home studio.” Sample The Speed Of Light now at http://www.darrylmccarty.com, and look out for a live show, especially if you’re north of the border. Darryl hits the stage with a new backing band that breathes energetic life into these new tunes called The Stereo Division. Get into all of this quickly, as McCarty is already busy on the next record (where he plans to play the drums as well!). Keep reading – there’s much, much more to learn in all the answers to the XXQs below.
XXQs: Darryl McCarty
PensEyeView.com (PEV): How would you describe your sound and what makes you stand out from others in your genre?
Darryl McCarty (DM): American Brit Rock. I love music from the UK, and at the same time I love American music. I think what makes me different is typically I’d be placed in the Brit Rock genre, but I think the American music is just as prominent within my music. There’s almost an American story teller within it.
PEV: What kind of music were you into growing up? Do you remember
your first concert?
DM: I grew up in the church so I listened to a lot of CCM music, anything outside of that was “oldies” stuff. The first band that really knocked me off my feet was America. I was probably 5 or 6 and my parents bought this really old 8-track player with a bunch of 8-tracks. I took ownership of it, one of those 8-tracks was America. I’d lay on my bed facing that old 8-track player with it cranked and listen to America for hours. Later in my teen years, I got into Tom Petty a lot, U2, Doves, Jars of Clay, Snow Patrol, Roy Orbison, Johnny Cash and a lot of old stuff.
PEV: What was it like trying to break into the music scene when you
first started? What was your first show like?
DM: Going back about 10 years, the music scene was different! People went to shows, there were lots of venues etc. Labels were different, there were things like development deals etc. Things were different.
My first show was pretty funny. I basically had never been in a bar or club and we were playing a venue called the Gravity Night Club. The stage was surrounded by a chain linked fence, kinda reminded me of the Blues Brothers.
PEV: What can fans expect from a live Darryl McCarty show?
DM: Something different than the CD! The CD is pretty epic, but man you gotta see the live show. My band (The Stereo Division) is killer. Its such a privilege to play with them. Together we elevate the album to other level! I think. :)
PEV: What is the first thing that comes to mind when you step on stage
to perform?
DM: I played the Rivoli in Toronto a few weeks ago, and I specifically remember a moment on stage thinking to myself “Wow, I can’t believe I get to do this”. Its such a joy to play – I feel like a kid in a candy store.
PEV: What is the best part about being on stage in front of an audience?
DM: The connection and community. Seeing some of the songs really connect with people, connecting us together, such a joy!
PEV: What is the underlying inspiration for your music?
DM: Everyday life.
PEV: Thinking back to when you first started out, do you ever look back on your career and think about your earlier days and how you’ve arrived where you are today?
DM: I haven’t arrived, I’m just enjoying the journey. If anything, I wish I relaxed and enjoyed myself more in those early days.
PEV: What’s one thing we’d be surprised to hear about you?
DM: I can lip-synch every song in the Sound of Music. Don’t judge, I have an older sister. ;)
PEV: What do you do when you hit a brick wall in your writing? What are some methods to get over that?
DM: Sometimes I just wait. I’ll keep coming back to my acoustic guitar and listen to see if anything is there. Sometimes I’ll even change up the writing method. Start with a drum beat, sometimes even start playing chords on the keyboard in GarageBand on my iPhone. Changing things up makes things new again.
PEV: How do you think the industry has changed over the years, since you started out?
DM: Its night and day in so many ways which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. With the internet, in some ways there’s more opportunity, but a lot more noise to break through.
PEV: What can fans expect from your latest release, The Speed of Light? What was the writing process like for this album? What is the story behind the name
of the album?
DM: Its a very organic sounding album, a lot of epic moments as well. There’s a humanity to it; its not perfect, of course what’s perfection when it comes to art? I really wanted that humanity, it’s on a lot of the “old” stuff I listen to. I love character when it comes to recordings.
The writing process was different throughout – I probably wrote 30 – 40 songs working on this album. I have a whole other album worth of songs recorded that I’ll be releasing as a B-sides album very soon. Every song came differently, some came quickly on the acoustic guitar and others I built brick by brick in my home studio. I played and recorded everything on the album except drums which were done by Francois Parent. “The Speed Of Light” is the title of one of the songs on the album. Life goes by fast! Live it.
PEV: With all your traveling, is there one area you wish you could travel around and play that you have not yet?
DM: Touring the UK would be a dream come true. I worked at a church in Boston for a month and a half – I’d love to play there, definitely one of my favorite places.
PEV: How have all your friends and family reacted to your career?
DM: This isn’t a full time thing for me yet, but my wife Carolyn is amazingly supportive. She pushes me when I need a push and this album wouldn’t have happened without her. My family and friends have all been very encouraging and supportive.
PEV: What can we find you doing in your spare time, aside from playing/writing music?
DM: I’m with my wife and kids as much as possible. I feel so blessed to be with my wife Carolyn, and raise our two young kids together. :)
I serve on the worship team at my home church as well.
PEV: Name one present and past artist or group that would be your dream collaboration. Why?
DM: Present artist would be Lorde (interesting songwriter), past artist would be Roy Orbison. Such an amazing voice. And Johnny Cash because he’s Johnny Cash.
PEV: Is there an up and coming band or artist you think we should all be looking out for now?
DM: There’s a band in Toronto we’ve played with a couple of times called The Modern Hearts – great band, great songs.
PEV: If playing music wasn’t your life (or life’s goal), what would you do for a career?
DM: I paint houses for a living now – I’d likely be doing that still.
PEV: So, what is next for Darryl McCarty?
DM: I’ve already got drums tracked for the next album, starting bass and guitars next week. :) This time I’m playing the drums as well. So there will be another brand new album likely later this year. In the meantime, I’m really working on pushing The Speed Of Light, play shows, get the songs out there and be heard. - Pen's Eye View
After playing with bands like Chasing Arcadia and The Ceramic Flowers London, Ontario native Darryl McCarty has struck it solo and is prepared to release his debut solo album The Speed of Light later next month. From the album, you’d think McCarty is from London, England, not Canada, because The Speed of Light plays like a history lesson of the UK’s last three decades of indie and Brit Pop. Songs like “Strong Wind” and “Where We Begin” could have easily come out of the late eighties or early nineties. For a solo album, McCarty has achieved something great and rarely achieved on a debut record by anyone.
I’ve been trying to decide if he sounds more like Bono or Tom Petty, because, strangely, there are elements of both, but I’m going to go with the latter, for I don’t wish comparisons of U2 on anyone. Admittedly, McCarty does sound a lot like Bono, and whether he’s influenced by him or not, The Speed of Light sounds like every decent, non-annoying aspect of U2 with a humbler, more-restrained setting. This album is truly the work of a single individual, and playing almost every instrument himself except for the drums, there is a wonderful, organic mood to the entire album.
McCarty takes a lot from some of the greatest Brit Pop out there, and simultaneously tears away any bombastic qualities of the genre with his quieter, homespun melodies, but nevertheless manages to pull off quite the impressive album for something recorded largely by one person. “Misunderstood,” for example, is a perfectly simple and quaint song, but it’s wonderfully technical and polished for the circumstance. Filled with wholly enjoyable melodies and competent instrumentals, this is nothing short of a beautiful debut from Darryl McCarty. The Speed of Light will be released March 30th. - The Big Takeover
A love song that’s turned into a lovely lullaby is this week’s Reaney’s Pick video hit.
“The song was originally about my wife, but having (a child) . . . it’s broadened it,” Darryl McCarty said of Wind and Storm during this week’s video session.
“It’s pretty surefire,” McCarty said Tuesday of the song’s lullaby success rate on the family’s 14-month-old. Wind and Storm is from his album The Speed of Light which is available for download free this week from his darrylmccarty.com website.
Joining Banting secondary school grad McCarty, 33, in Tuesday’s performance is Timmins-raised drummer Francois Parent, 24, and an Ecole secondaire Gabriel-Dumont grad.
McCarty, Parent and a bassist to be named later are to play the Black Shire Pub on May 3.
Parent and McCarty are often heard on Sundays as part of the music during worship at Gateway Church on Sarnia Rd. and at its Komoka church.
In addition to the influences and personal favourites listed on his Facebook page, McCarty said he is listening most to Rock and Roll Hall of Famers The Band these days.
But could he be called a singer-songwriter, McCarty was asked by a bystander at the video session.
“He’s a singer-songwriter,” Parent said lightly of McCarty while the singer and Telecaster guitar player was thinking about his answer.
“That’s a tough question,” McCarty said. “I love playing my ‘Tele’ (pronounced ‘telly’) and plugging it into a tube amp . . . but not in a rip-your-face-off way.”
There’s no question McCarty was part of one of the coolest gigs in recent downtown London history when he joined Yuri Pool of The McCartney Years and other London rockers in a tribute to The Beatles’ famous rooftop farewell in 1969.
The London gig on Jan. 30, 2009 atop a roof overlooking Dundas St. marked the 40th anniversary of the Fab Four’s last public performance. Pool’s bandmates for the day’s triumphant performance — Will (Ringo Starr) Armstrong; Darryl (Billy Preston) Lahteenmaa; Patrick (George Harrison) Hughes; and McCarty in the John Lennon role — all knew each other from overlapping lineups in other London groups such as Chasing Arcadia.
“To be honest, I could not feel my hands,” McCarty said with a smile of the cold, cold day. “As soon as we went on, a big gust of wind came in.”
- The London Free Press
Still working on that hot first release.

From 2005 until 2012 Darryl McCarty wrestled with keeping bands Chasing Arcadia and The Ceramic Flowers together. A common challenge among musicians. In the process Darryl has had the opportunity to play a lot of shows (opening for such acts as Greg Keelor of Blue Rodeo and Andy Stochansky), written a ton of songs, has had a variety of TV and movie placements and even managed to conjure up some buzz and major label interest.
Early in 2012, Darryl locked himself in his basement studio. This time to put together his first solo album. Originally slated to be an EP, the songs kept coming, and the EP quickly became a full length album. By December about 30 songs got weeded down to 11 songs.
Ladies and gentlemen, "The Speed Of Light", the first solo effort by London, Ontario native Darryl McCarty. Playing virtually every instrument except drums (Francois Parent on drums for the whole album), recording, mixing the entire album, and mastered at Beach Road Studios by Siegfried Meier, the album is truly homegrown.
The Album was released Late 2013.
With the release of the album Darryl put together his live band (The Stereo Division), which includes Chris Standish on bass, Corey Seabrook on guitar, Dave Desmit on Drums, and Marc Tehgrarian on guitar.
With rave reviews, and concert appearances at London Music Hall, The Rivoli, The Cameron House and the Legendary Horseshoe Tavern Darryl and his band (The Stereo Division) have been wowing whoever will listen. Darryl's music has recieved international radio play, and has been licensed for several TV and movie placements.
Currently Darryl is working on his next release, and preparing for a fall mini tour across Ontario.
Band Members