Reviews/ Interviews pending publishing in Dec issues with :
NME MAGAZINE - Please check myspace in Dec.
Album near completion produced by Richard Fearless (Death In Vegas)
Mummy what’s a DARK HORSE?
One thing we know is that it begins with the source...LISA ELLE the exterminating angel, the Swedish sonic siren...How many sailors will deliriously drown mistaking her voice for safe harbour?
On her nocturnal dérive’s along the shores of Seagull City, SHE finds such like; FIVE drowned LEATHER boys, shivering under the pier. Nourishing them with spells and drones and words and melodies, she baptizes them DARK HORSES.
Next thing we know DARK HORSES are snowed up in Chicago’s Key Club studio’s sharing beds with THE KILLS. In the control room at SLY STONE’s mixing desk proffer’s the mighty Richard FEARLESS (Death In Vegas / Black Acid), recording their debut long player, in the vocal booth KASABIAN’s Tom Meighan adds vocals.
The few who’ve heard this record ‘hate BLUES’ (working title) have said:
‘Unaware of their significance, the ‘HORSES high-lonesome sound is psychedelic soul to live not die for.’
‘Lisa Elle’s voice is a holy communion of Grace Slick and Siouxsie Sioux’
‘An indelible statement on loneliness and spiritual thirst.’
‘DARK HORSES make mysterious, open-ended songs that tap into spiritual realms and become occasions for our individual meditation.’
Little did KASABIAN’s Serge Pizzorno KNOW that when he pressed PLAY on his Cape Town tour bus cd player to first listen to DARK HORSES that before the song was over he would be surrounded by two armed response team’s, pushing revolver’s in his face demanding him to decease this ‘disturbing clamour immeadiatly’.
Next thing we know DARK HORSES are opening for KASABIAN on their current UK tour, including shows at Brixton’s Academy and Wembley arena.
Its reasonable to suppose that next year SPRING will bring the ‘HORSES long player and a BLACK REBEL MOTORCYCLE CLUB tour of the nation.
DARK HORSES believe that the lighting is within you, let it travel up your spine.
Now we know?