It isn't often at all that I ever review anything substantial in the genre of music. In fact I have never done it before at any time during my tenure as a writer. I never truly come across anything that really makes me want to sit down and really get behind someone else's talent. Again, it just NEVER happens. However something has recently crossed my path and I honestly feel its just very worthy of honorable mention by me, which is very significant if I'm taking the time to write about it.
Over the years I have gotten to know some very talented individuals hailing from southside Chicago. Of which, I consider the actual DJ a very close friend of mine who goes by the name of Nick Natural. He recently jumped on the decks and helped produce a mixtape involving the lyricists Danny Darko and Louie Can't Lose. Upon first hearing about it's existence I figured it was going to be good, however I didn't calculate how exceptional it truly was. After listening to it I realized that it was honestly something I would pick up at Best Buy, Sam Goody, or Itunes. You can immediately tell how much time and effort was put into this project to make the authors stand out amongst the rest of the underground hip hop scene.
Why is Dom endorsing this thing?
The reason I'm endorsing this project is because lets face it, Nas was on to something when he said “Hip Hop is dead.” It really is. The majority of everything I hear nowadays, save for a few artists here and there is all shit. The vast majority of people are just using garbage samples that have been done over and over and over, but think because they're the ones rapping over it that it somehow brings new life to an otherwise used up garbage track. Their music is an auditory abortion to the ears. This is really why I just don't endorse anybody's music, it all sounds the same! What people really need to do is step away from the painting for a minute and really take in the big picture and get back to the drawing board, and thats what these gentleman have done.
This sample of hip hop has brought back the old school analog sound which made all of us love rap during it's initial inception back in the late 70's and early 80's. They realized that this new stuff that is constantly coming out is just sounding like a carbon copy of everything and everyone else. So they went ahead and jumped back to a far more genuine and simpler time in the rap game and really laced some outstanding tracks for public consumption. These were doctored on the decks with 100% vinyl, bringing back that edgy, nostalgic tone that many have forgotten ever existed.
The lyrics immediately reminded me of a mix between B-Real from Cypress Hill and the group everyone loves, the timeless Beastie Boys. However neither style was fully engaged and Danny Darko and Louie really brought their own flare to their verbal attack. You can immediately distinguish that these individuals have a real love for what they do and they don't half step when it comes to the creation process. They still look at music production as an art form and not a manufactured, played out hustle inevitably leading to becoming a one hit wonder. I am very certain that if these boys are able to penetrate the hip hop industry they're going to turn a lot of heads and with that help bring new life to an industry and genre of music that has been dead for years. I wish them the absolute best of luck and hope that these tracks make it to the right people who can see the creativity, time, and talent that went into producing all of it. For anyone who has been reading my articles and such the past 5 years or so, you're fully aware that I call a spade a spade and will shit all over something if I think it's garbage. When have I ever written something like this before? Never. I can tell you with all certainty that this will be the one and only music write up I ever do. If I am endorsing this project and have taken the time to actually write about it, you better step up and take a listen.
Here's where you can grab the mixtape:
- Dominic Lacerenza
Who The Hell Is Danny Darko? mixtape dropped april 1st 2009. His single Bang Big has been on I-Tunes since june of 08.

Danny Darko and Louie Cant Lose have been doing music together for almost 7 years. We real, raw, hip hop at its best. We never followed trends, we've always been us. Both of us were raised in the south side of chicago and still reside there, we met each other at the age of 17 and been doing music ever since.