Coo Coo Birds
San Francisco, California, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2012 | SELF
Coo Coo Birds performing on a bus in downtown - New York Times
Coo Coo Birds
San Francisco rock'n'rollers Coo Coo Birds – self-described “natural enem[ies] to human mothers and boyfriends” – put out a tambourine-shaken party rock album this summer with song titles like “Sake Baby,” “Come into My Cave” and “I've Got a Feeling,” the latter of which includes a saxophone track by Steve McKay of the Stooges, just so you know what you're dealing with here.
With Electric Shepherd, Electric Magpie
Fri/19, 9pm, $7
Thee Parkside
1600 17th St., Sf
(415) 252-1330 - Sf Bay Guardian
A Coo Coo Bird, as defined by specialists of the species, is a type of rock n’ roll animal, “characterized by savage and loud behaviors known to incite frenzy in neighboring populations,” and is also known to be a feared enemy to human mothers and boyfriends. It’s no surprise, then, that San Francisco’s emerging rock getup, Coo Coo Birds, entitled their debut album Don’t Bring Your Boyfriends. Released on July 25th, the record is a party banger from the start, signaled by multi-instrumentalist Jonny Cat’s belting “Sake!”, until the last track, “Gato Malo”.
The Coo Coo Birds’ are comprised of three members, all of whom sing and play multiple instruments in the band. Ryan Zweng’s lyrics, heard somewhere on nearly every song but most noteworthy on “Rock n’ Roll Animal”, are characterized by his confident, high-pitched and breathy croon that carries an unmistakable air of new San Francisco style garage rock. The song is a carefully put-together mix of garage rock, catchy pop-like hooks and old-school psychedelic reminiscent of 60‘s and 70‘s rock bands like Jimi Hendrix or Iggy & The Stooges. The product is a track that would set the mood for a shindig populated by a crowd tired of electronic music and worn-out top 40’s hits that can be heard at most parties.
Charles Gonzalez, who can be heard singing on the tracks with Spanish vocals (“Mariposa Venenosa”, “Muchachita”, and “Gato Malo”) as well as carrying a low and steady garage rock bass line throughout the album, was also the lead producer of Don’t Bring Your Boyfriends album at his local recording studio, Radical Sound. The band chose to record the album all on analog 2-inch tape, a production choice that’s quickly becoming a trend among local bands of similar genre. Gonzalez has recorded an abundance of local Bay Area bands, including Oakland’s Rogue Wave, Sonny & The Sunsets, Blank Tapes, and The Jugtown Pirates, the band in which Jonny Cat formerly played. Zweng and “Cat” had played a few gigs together as a duo known as Coo Coo Birds, then Gonzalez stepped into the mix at one of their shows at The Condor Night Club in North Beach last December, and the Coo Coo Birds became official.
The group now resides in an historic, renovated convent house in Hayes Valley, where the inspiration for the cheeky song “Convent Girl” came from. It’s no secret that many bands and artists play music that mirrors their own lifestyles in sound and lyrics; on Don’t Bring Your Boyfriends, Coo Coo Birds invite listeners into their own kind of modern San Francisco rock n’ roll lifestyle. An earful of their world can be heard in the energy running throughout the album, the upbeat and authentically rock n’ roll vibes that conjure images of fast, spontaneous lives measured in bursts of creativity and good old fashioned SF-style community and love.
Coo Coo Birds aren’t afraid of putting a new spin on the roots of their sound, and invited Steve Mackay, the saxophone player known for playing on Iggy & The Stooges’ album Fun House, to join in on “I Got A Feeling”. Mackay plays a radical sax from the crescendo of the track throughout the slow beat ending. Macay’s cameo gives “I Got A Feeling” something that many psychedelic garage rock songs are missing – soul.
With such a comprehensive debut, and frequent shows around the city like a residency at Amnesia and performances at Cafe du Nord, Milk Bar, and so on, the Coo Coo Birds are already on the rise in the San Francisco music scene. Don’t Bring Your Boyfriends is available for download at a flexible cost allowing listeners to name their own price on the Coo Coo Bird’s bandcamp site. - SF Station
Si le nom des Coo Coo Birds vous est inconnu – et c’est le cas pour la majorité des habitants du vieux continent -, je prédis dans ma haute sagesse qu’il ne le sera plus pour très longtemps. Après être tombés amoureux de Paris lors de leur séjour le mois dernier, et avoir signé chez BeefWellington Records, il y a fort à parier qu’ils reviendront. Et vous êtes tous témoins, lecteurs du Bonbon Nuit, je suis le premier à en parler.
Des Coo Coo Birds dont on parle là ne reste que l’indéboulonnable Jonny Cat. Tête pensante du groupe et personnage à part entière, la première fois que je l’ai rencontré, il m’a dit qu’un de ses groupes préférés était Los Saicos. Pour les cancres au fond qui n’ont pas la culture garage – et on ne râle pas, ça arrive à tout le monde, moi-même je n’ai pas la culture techno – Los Saicos c’est ça.
Un groupe de punk du Pérou de 1965. Oui je suis cohérent dans mes lieux et mes dates. Les Péruviens auraient apparemment inventé le punk en 1965. Oubliez Londres en 1977, dans tous les cas les Sex Pistols n’étaient qu’un boys band trashos. Ça vous la coupe ? C’est normal. Mais là n’est toujours pas le propos.
Cet article étant à lire en musique, voilà votre bande son.
On démarre donc l’album avec un son lourd. Puissant en fait. Ça ronronne. Ça ronronne grave même. La voix éraillée de Jonny Cat me donne envie de danser et la simplicité des paroles permet même au dernier des frenchies de reprendre en chœur le refrain. « Blow away from me ! » En concert ça envoie. Ça doit forcément envoyer vu que je vous vois déjà sauter partout dans votre chambre comme quand vous aviez quatorze ans et que vous deviez vous cacher sous vos lits pour fumer des cigarettes. Ce morceau-là, il a des poils, des bagouzes et quelques tatouages à droite à gauche. Mais déjà à partir du second morceau, ça s’affine, on ressent légèrement l’aspect psychédélique de l’affaire venir se greffer progressivement. La voix s’adoucit, les arrangements sont plus fins, bien que les solos un peu à rallonge aient un aspect 24 heures du manche que j’apprécie moyen. Mais au fil du disque on devient plus pop, plus élégants aussi. Avec des influences empruntées non seulement au rock au sens large du terme mais aussi aux musiques latines. En filigrane bien sûr, mais on le ressent, sans aucun doute. Au moment où j’écris ces lignes, on est à la moitié du morceau “Garage Star”. Et plus j’écoute le disque plus je me dis que les morceaux qui devraient sortir en 45 tours sont nombreux. Le morceau suivant me fait vaguement penser au thème de “Ghostbusters”, l’aspect eighties en moins. Et non, je n’ai pas arrêté l’écoute en cours de route, mais je me vois mal développer pendant dix-huit plombes alors que ce disque est bon. Face A comme face B.
Tout l’album tourne autour du garage punk. Et en Dj set rock, ça envoie. Achetez-le en import, et mangez-en. C’est bon.
En savoir plus sur http://www.lebonbon.fr/night/coo-coo-birds-mexican-cowboys/#q2IIclhBeZxvMIeQ.99 - Le Bonbon Nuit
Don't Bring Your Boyfriends, 2012
Psychedelic Warrior, 2013
Mexican Cowboys, 2014
Dark White, 2015
Meet Me in Paris, 2016

The Coo Coo Birds are a San Francisco-based psychedelic rock band formed in 2012. Their sound is a propulsive, hypnotic mixture of psychedelia, blues, traditional Persian music, and raw rock'n'roll. They have released four albums, one of which was produced in Memphis by Adam Hill (who recorded The White Stripes Get Behind Me Satan) during the group's 2013 tour to SXSW. The group resides together in San Francisco in an old Convent turned artists' collective, and their songs are featured in a Vice documentary focusing on their community.
The trio is composed of Jonny Cat on guitar, keys, and Middle Eastern instrumentation; Ryan Zweng on drums and percussion; and Gray Tolhurst on bass, guitar, and drones. The three share vocal and songwriting duties.
Most recently, in between dates on their European tour this summer, the group recorded a new album in Paris that is due out in the summer of 2016.
Band Members