Boston, Massachusetts, United States | SELF
Yeah, I know I said this would come out yesterday, but when you’re juggling things like work, school, dumpster diving for food, paying for child support, an interpretive dance career and effectively stalking Boys Noize, life can get a little bit hectic.
To change things up a bit this post will be on mashups, EDMs version of inter-racial marriage. Some people will never be fans, but when you find two that were made for eachother, it works out flawlessly.
First up, we have Joseph Yuen, or better known by his stage name Commandah Panda. The 20 year old music industry major at Northeastern University has a knack for blending polarizing opposites like the contemporary with the old school, or the tame with the heavy, and turning them into interdependent yin and yang club anthems.
My rule of thumb for judging whether or not a mashup has been successfully executed is this: if you have a huge goofy smile on your face as you listen to it, it’s a sure hit. Every track should have a real tongue-in-cheek feel to it, and in this regard Panda gets full marks.
The Hong Kong native, who lists a wide spectrum of artists like Laidback Luke, Skrillex, SHM, Afrojack, and Alesso as his influences, has big plans for the balance of 2011. Aside from performing alongside Kyau & Albert in Hong Kong at the end of June, and having just released a SHM bootleg, he’ll also be focusing his attention from mashups to instead developing original tracks.
Stay up to date with Panda by liking him on [FACEBOOK], tweeting his twat on [TWITTER], and checking out many more jams and mixes that we didn’t cover over on his [SOUNDCLOUD]. - dubcomusic.com
Every Monday, Dubco will be featuring a guest mix that was created exclusively for us, which we have in turn posted here for you. If you have a mix that you’d like for us to consider, send it in using our Soundcloud widget to the right. We promise we’ll try to get to all submissions (countless blogger groupies permitting), and will contact you if we plan on featuring yours. This week: COMMANDAH PANDA
This week for Mix Mondays: After Dark, we have an interesting mix that will cater to a couple different tastes. Longtime Dubco readers are already fairly familiar with Panda, the producer/DJ from Hong Kong who performed at Barnaroo. He crafts mash-ups and original tracks by day and preforms at Boston clubs like The Estate and Rise by night.
He has a very prominent European progressive house style that’s generally featured in both his tracks and sets. However, while we were away at Massive this weekend, he was secretly working away at a mix for us with our fans in mind. When he sent it my way he included a brief note saying, “You’ll really like this, included lots of stuff that I don’t usually spin to.”
What followed was the most Jekyll & Hyde mix I think I’ve ever heard, with contrasting peaks and troughs that varies from Panda’s typical Soup du jour. He builds an ambiance as he leads off with the Euro club anthems you can count on in a Panda set. But, as soon as you near the 9 minute mark, your sea of house reaches its first crest, and it gets there fast.
Commandah Panda – Dubco Mix Mondays 11.28.11
Panda reigns the mix in and lets it loose diligently and smoothly, creating a dynamic progressive/electro/dubstep mix that goes in to normally unexplored territory. Definitely a solid pre-game play, this blend will get you up and moving.
Fall Massive coverage starts tomorrow when we release our nominees for The Dubbies, our inaugural festival awards show. It’s as awesome as it sounds.
Till then,
One love. - Dubcomusic.com
Here we go folks a little late notice but we want to wet the palate for 10/28 with a special teaser.
As usual residents Dradis (Drum & Bass) and Riot Now (House, EDM)will be bringing it proper from 10-12, but we have brought in some serious treats to finish the night off right.
SEX GOLIATH (Electro-house, scratch)
He has been an under and overground monster in the Greater boston area for sometime. He'll be crushing the tech 1200's from 12-1. Fastest hands on either side of the bridge. You don't want to miss man.
Pop ya colla's and brush the dirt of shoulders because this kid is too FRESH to DEF. Yes I said Fresh. Up and coming on the scene but has no shortage on talent. Combining top 40 favs with gritty grimy electro beats.
Bring your dancing shoes and call in late for friday because will want to shake that A$$ til 2am.
No Cover
Keep It Casual and Cool
No Fuss
Still working on that hot first release.

Joseph Yuen, or better known by his stage name COMMANDAH PANDA. The 21 year old music industry major at Northeastern University has a knack for blending polarizing opposites like the contemporary with the old school, or the tame with the heavy, and turning them into interdependent yin and yang club anthems.