Cody Smith
Sicklerville, New Jersey, United States
This band has no press
I have just released my debut cd, titled 'I Wanna Be The Man'.
Growing up, I was into many of the rock bands from the 70's such as Foreigner and ELO, as well as bands with deeper roots like The Who. Later, I became a big fan of the lyrics and power of Springsteens Born to Run and then some of the new wave bands of the 80's. The 90's produced some music that I really like such as Hooty and the Blowfish and The Goo Goo Dolls.
I have been playing guitar since the age of 13 after a brief stint as a drummer. I have been writing music virtually since the day I started playing. I have written dozens of songs since them and finally go the opportunity to work with a good producer and record my music. My greatest attribute may be perseverence. Altough some things don't some easy to me, I don't give up.
My music is the way it is, meaning I write what comes into my head without trying to write for a certain audience or within a certain genre. Some people love my music and others describe it as awful. That's ok, I don't expect everyone to like it, and in fact, if only a few people are truly touched by it then I consider myself successful.