Close2Death (C2D)
New York City, New York, United States | SELF
Close2Death's new EP "Y" is raising temperatures in the indie scene with its steamy metallic rock. Furthering the cause is A&R Select, the premier A&R firm based out of Los Angeles, CA. The song "Change" is just one of several reasons why Close2Death is getting close to listeners' hearts. The hellacious single from "Y" stands for everything that makes this band click and tick. Heady, sultry vocals from a rock diva in the making weave their charm over a hard rock soundscape. It's a convergence of melody, grit, crunch and mood, highlighted by outstanding production that provides the utmost clarity for the musical elements to shine. It's a heavy, sensual feast for the ears.
Rock-n-roll decadence meets grace and beauty. Grace and beauty turns a dark eye to seduction. The listener is wooed into the shadow arts rock-n-roll style that represent what the band is all about. Close2Death is a beautiful voice surfing a sonic wave of metal that churns through pain and sorrow, morphing it all into pleasure, just as the blues heals the blues.
Front lady Dee Dial is more than just sex appeal behind a mic. She's talent, out and out, with vocals that convey the muscle of Close2Death's hard rock
aesthetic coupled with the soft, sexual appeal of pure femininity. The yang to her yin, mic-wise, is Q, delivering a vicious guy's side of vocal expression with equal verve. Mikey Mike Ciazzo hammers out the percussive rhythms with feistiness and precision, and Ben Longwell completes the rhythm section with his rumbling bass grooves. On-fire guitar licks blaze through the songs thanks to the nimble-fingered skills of ax-wielder Chad Garlisi.
Close2Death performs original songs, penned mostly by Dee and Chad. The group has evolved its own distinct hybrid of knife-edge rock and metal,
putting an extra spin on the metal tradition by opting for female vocals instead of just snarling male testosterone, providing balance and originality.
The band evolved from a standard speed metal outfit into the beautiful beast it is now. Close2Death made it to the semi-finals of the 2008 Emergenza International Band Competition and came out victorious in the Supernova Brooklyn Band Battle in October 2007. The group has played acclaimed New York venues such as The Trash Bar, Crash Mansion and The Bitter End.
More information is available by visiting www.close2death.com, www.myspace.com/close2death78 and www.arselect.com. - A&R Select of Los Angeles, CA
Phewf!, what a big mix that was! That was Change from Close2Death off of their new EP "Y"! They are a NY based rock band with A&R Select, they've been evolving and i think they have a very distinct good rock sound, and of course the vocals from dee are absolutely fantastic.
The EP has got some really really good sounds on it, its well worth the going to get.
Absolutely great stuff there!!
Rowley, Host of DarkCompass
http://www.darkcompass.com/2008/10/darkcompass-336-bubbles-and-speed.html - DarkCompass Radio UK
Close2Death's new EP "Y" is streaming on internet radio & receiving airplay. Visit C2D's website to find out where to request songs.
Available for sale on iTunes, Amazon and Rhapsody.

NY/NJ based Close2Death members hale from Austin, Texas; Staten Island,NY and E.Brunswick,NJ. The group writes and performs original songs and has evolved its own distinct hybrid of knife-edge rock, metal and rap.
After numerous personnel changes C2D has found the perfect chemistry in the current line-up. Mike Fennimore is on bass and backing vocals and Nicholas Grasso is on drums. Between them they hammer out the percussive rhythms that carry the muscle of Close2Death's hard rock aesthetic. Their stage show is dynamic and action packed with Dee and Q conveying the emotion of the powerful words with drama that grabs the attention. On-fire guitar licks blaze through the songs thanks to Chad’s nimble-fingered guitar skills.
Close2Death has been building a following in the northeast and are focused on establishing themselves in the national and international scene. Their act has evolved into a crowd-pleaser everywhere they go.
Check them out at www.close2death.com as well as on facebook. Keep an eye on their star as it continues to shine brighter in the rock n’ roll universe.
Band Members