Clarisse Albrecht
Gig Seeker Pro

Clarisse Albrecht

Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional, Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional, Dominican Republic
Band World EDM


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This band has not uploaded any videos



"Clarisse Albrecht : Confessions d'une artiste"

"Clarisse Albrecht, chanteuse à la voix douce et suave qui invite au rêve."

"(...) Cette fois-ci, c'est au tour de Clarisse Albrecht, on peut lire sur son myspace : "Femme bohème aux textes empreints de mélancolie, quand elle chante, Clarisse nous invite à l'évasion", c'est un très bon résumé quand à l'identité de l'artiste. (...)"
"Cette envie de devenir une artiste internationale elle la doit à un poème qu'un ami lui a écrit sur la plage, il lui disait que "lorsqu'elle souriait de tout son cœur et de toute son âme, elle devenait une "Mulata Universal", une métisse universelle." Ses chansons sont relaxantes et invitent au voyage à travers une voix tendre avec un accent venu d'ailleurs. Une belle voix comme Susan Boyle qui fait fureur en ce moment, une artiste à découvrir." - Melty - France

""Você Me Dá" : un clip qui sent bon l'été !"

La jolie Clarisse Albrecht, voit son single "Você Me Dá", au tracklisting de la compilation "Summer Club Electropical 2010", actuellement en bacs. Un morceau ensoleillé, qui sent bon l'été, et dont nous vous proposons de découvrir le clip !
Clarisse Albrecht, est née d’un père français et d’une mère camerounaise. Elle a partagé son enfance entre la Guinée-Bissau, le Mozambique et la France, passant ses premières années à Bafatá, une petite ville de Guinée-Bissau, puis quelques temps en France pour retourner ensuite en Afrique, à Maputo, Capitale du Mozambique.

Chez elle, il y a toujours de la musique. Africaine, latine, chanson française… Ses parents ont l’habitude d’organiser de grandes fêtes où l’on danse sur du makossa, marabentta , rumba zaïroise, MPB, soul, funk, R'n'b, disco… Des rythmes venus d’un peu partout. Après son baccalauréat en Lettres & Langues, elle étudie le cinéma à La Sorbonne. En parallèle, elle est choriste dans un groupe de reprises soul et funk, qu’elle quittera rapidement.

C'est avec la complicité de LS (Afrodiziac), producteur et compositeur, qu'elle enregistre ses premiers titres. Des chansons aux textes imprégnés de “saudade”, traduisant les stigmates de son passé, ses racines, ses nombreuses influences, ses sentiments, sa vie de bohème.
À travers ma musique, je tiens à faire partager un état d'esprit, une ambiance, une humeur… déclare la chanteuse, forte aujourd'hui d'un premier single très prometteur : "Você Me Dá". - Charts In France - France

"Clarisse Albrecht s’invite sur Afrobuzz !"

"(...) Clarisse Albrecht apporte un vent de fraicheur au monde musical avec son «Mulata Universal» un univers artistique pure et multiculturel! Découvrez son premier single ‘Você Me Dá’ sur Afrobuzz mais également sur les meilleures plateformes digitales.(...)" - Vox Africa - France & UK

"Soundtrack to your Summer : Clarisse Albrecht"

"Voce Me Da: a delightful slice of summery soulful house

Recently there has been a healthy crop of good music floating across the Atlantic courtesy of some lovely ladies from Lusophone Africa. New York-based Cape Verdean Anane has made ripples this year with her quality homage-to-disco album ‘Ananesworld’. The beautiful Samba/Jazz sensation Mayra Andrade-also from Cape Verde- has recently played the Royal Festival Hall. Clarisse Albrecht is the latest to join the fold. Born to a Cameroonian mother and French father, Clarisse has lived in Guinea-Bissau, France, and Mozambique and grew up listening to music from across the globe. Her new single Voce Me Da – a delightful slice of summery soulful house complete with wispy, inoffensive vocals-reflects some of Albrecht’s international flavour. With five mixes available there should be a little something for everyone. The Bodha Satva Be Africa mix’s sparse deep house arrangements gives it a quasi-primal feel, conjuring up images of being underwater and frenetic dancing in rainforests all at the same time. The Lil Lion House Mix has many of the hallmarks of 90s pop-friendly Euro-house for all those old enough to remember and who’d like to reminisce. Soulful Avenue’s Tropicalita’s mix and its plangent chords lends this interpretation a pensive edge; ideal for relaxing in the ambient room. The original version however is the most delicious; all funky guitar licks, infectious samba-influenced percussion and luscious harmonies. Voce Me Da should not fail to find itself on heavy rotation playlist-wise over the coming months." - Catch A Vibe - UK

"Voce Me Da - Clarisse Albrecht."

"This is the debut single from Clarisse Albrecht, which is already being played by many quality DJ's around the world - it also appears on the current Soul Unsigned album 'The 2010 [Summer] Session,' compiled by DJ Mike Thompson. 'Voce Me Da' is sung in Portuguese, and is a track which will either make you sit back and think of a romantic holiday in the sun, or tap your feet to the addictive, soulful rhythm.
This track is pure class, and the EP features several different mixes, so something for everyone!" - The Paul Miller Soul Show on BBC - UK

"Interview for Asante Magazine"

What difficulties have you encountered by living in different places and what were the positive aspects of that?

When I was a kid, I never really had big issues about living in different places. I have two sisters and one brother so as long as we were together, I was always very excited even if it was kind of hard to say goodbye wondering if you will ever come back again. As an adult, I would say that the hardest part is to handle being far from family and friends which in a certain way is positive; distance helps to become stronger and gives you an unexpected freedom and independence. Another positive aspect is really that it opens your mind a lot, giving you the opportunity to face your culture, your way of thinking to other ones and improve another way of life. It allows you to take the best part of anything. I always lived knowing that you can move; from your job, your city, your country, your way of life. This world if full of options.

When did you first realize that you wanted to be involved in music and what were your first influences in music and totally?

I was always dealing with music on the side, singing in a choir, in a band, writing songs… My dream was to live from my music, someday. But I was spending my time trying to make a living another way. Until I drop a project I was working hard on for a while realizing that it was a waste of time cause this is not where I wanted to go. From then, I decided to dedicate myself to music. Concerning my first influence, it might be this mix of musical genres we had home : African music, Brazilian music, French songs, Funk, Soul, Pop… Totally, there’s a lot but the ones always remaining are Sade, Marvin Gaye, Bob Marley and Michael Jackson.

What do you find most satisfying when doing music?

Doing music is so fulfilling, even if most of the time, I have to deal with a lot of mixed emotions. But it makes me feel free, proud and grateful.

What kind of music do you listen? Are there any bands whose music you highly enjoy?

Depends on the mood. What I listen to most is Soul, Reggae, Funk and electronic music. There’s so many bands I highly enjoy, besides my top 4 (Sade, Marvin Gaye, Bob Marley and Michael Jackson). I love Morgan Heritage, Amy Winehouse, Amel Larrieux, Alcione, Jõao Gilberto... There’s too many to mention everyone!

Your music indicates that you don't forget your African roots. What does Africa mean for you?

It’s more than a meaning. Africa is part of me, it’s in my blood. It’s part of my culture, my roots and my childhood. Africa is my Mother’s land, the amazing continent my father fell in love with. I always felt it was a duty for me to open people’s mind about Africa, tell them that it’s not only what they see or heard about it. Share this African culture of mine.

You have studied Cinema at the University of Sorbonne. Have you ever worked on that or intend to?

It’s funny you ask, I just got back from Cannes Film Festival! Well, my first job was being an extra on a feature film, I was 14. Lately, I’ve been acting in a couple of TV movies. I’ve studied Cinema more because I wanted to make sure that when I’ll have to work on an exam, I will enjoy doing it. As I always wanted to make music, I was not really planning to work in this business although life brought me to work on music-videos, from time to time, as a stylist and casting director. I’m now involved with a production company in Dominican Republic.

What does "Saudade" mean for you?

Saudade could be a way to describe my personality. I’m a very nostalgic person and Saudade is the best word to describe this part of me. It’s also the mood where I get more inspired.

What would you say to those who in the year 2010, poison people with racism?

Well, I’m not sure they will listen to me! But, if I could, I might ask them why they waste their time “poisoning”? You don’t have to love everybody but “not loving” doesn’t necessary means “hate”. Hatred is a feeling way too heavy for a human heart, you’re poisoning yourself : release your heart my friend, move on, live your life chillin’.

Do you believe that worldwide peace and a common path for nations is feasible?

I’m always thinking that it might be too late to change this world, but just I case, let’s try, it’s worth it. So yes, I believe. I believe that every single day you can add your brick to the wall. Everything starts with the impulse of just one person. We all have vibes and energies; this good vibe somebody gives to you, this hand you give to somebody, don’t have to come back to him or to you but to someone else. And it goes like this, this positive energy flows and step by step, we could spread it worldwide. It sounds naive and utopian, but if you really think about it, it can be as simple as that. I’m actually supporting an event that I saw as a metaphor of this “theory”. It’s called Swim Accross The Continents: One man, five continents, many voices. Everybody’s welcome to join:

What are your future plans, dreams and aspirations?

I want to release my debut album, spread a positive and strong message like Bob Marley did, go back to Cameroon and Mozambique soon, discover Mongolia, go to a sound system in Jamaïca, perform on Copa Cabana’s beach, have some kids and watch them running on the beach… I’m full of plans, dreams and aspirations.

What message would you send to Asante's readers?

Be a positive butterfly. - Asante Magazine - Greece

"Nouvelle wibes avec Clarisse Albrecht"

"Voici une nouvelle chanteuse auteur-compositeur, Franco-camerounaise, que vous devriez écouter. Clarisse a tout de la surdouée. Elle est belle, a une belle voix, écrit ces textes en anglais et portugais. Sa musique fait penser aux airs de Zuco 103, groupe Brésilien tendance afro-électro-groove." - Lusomusic - France

"Interview Mboa Magazine"

Pourquoi étudier le cinéma à la Sorbonne après votre Baccalauréat en lettres et langues alors que vous vous sentez habitée par la musique ?
La musique est ma passion depuis toujours mais j’avais envie d’aller à l’université, de faire des études afin de boucler la boucle de toute ma scolarité en quelque sorte et me dire que je n’avais pas fait tout ce chemin pour ne pas goûter à la vie étudiante. J’aime beaucoup le cinéma d’où ce choix. Ma passion pour la musique n’entrait pas en ligne de compte. J’ai toujours été intimement convaincue que mon destin serait de faire de la musique mais je voulais trouver ma voie, la façon dont j’allais m’exprimer dans cet art. En attendant, j’ai donc fait beaucoup de choses en parallèle pour pouvoir conserver le côté précieux et intime de la musique. Je ne voulais pas chanter pour chanter.

Vous avez vécu dans plusieurs pays dans le monde, combien de langues parlez-vous ?
Quatre. Français, Anglais, Portugais et Espagnol.

Que vous a apporté le fait d’avoir été choriste ?
J’aimais beaucoup chanter dans la chorale de Gospel quand j’étais à Cergy. C’était un grand plaisir de chanter régulièrement et d’exercer ma voix. Cela m’a permis de me confronter au public, de rencontrer d’autres chanteurs, d’autres jeunes qui comme moi avaient pour ambition de faire de la musique mais aussi des gens qui aimaient chanter tout simplement sans envisager d’en faire une carrière. Ce sont de très bons souvenirs. Malheureusement en étant à l’université à Paris, il m’a été difficile de continuer à y aller. J’ai alors rejoins un groupe de reprises; C’était complètement différent. Cela m’a permis de réaliser que je ne me sentirais pas complètement à l’aise en étant simplement une interprète ou une choriste, alors que je voulais m’exprimer davantage à travers la musique. C’est à ce moment là que j’ai décidé de prendre du recul pour trouver ma voie en tant qu’artiste.

Vous venez de sortir votre premier single dont le clip « vo cé mé dà » est actuellement diffusé en exclusivité sur MBOA TV. Comment l’avez-vous conçu ?
Je voulais un clip simple, naturel et coloré. Le réalisateur m’a proposé l’idée de la caméra suggestive, qui représente la vision de l’être aimé qui me suit à travers une journée faite de plaisirs simples dans un décor paradisiaque.

De quoi parle cette chanson ?
C’est une chanson qui parle de ce que l’amour apporte; des émotions que nous donnent l’être aimé et ce peu importe son origine, sa couleur. L’’important dans la passion c’est l’émotion et le bonheur qu’elle nous apporte.

Quels sont vos projets immédiats ?
Je continue à promouvoir mon premier single, je vais bientôt entrer en studio pour enregistrer mon premier album. Je vais également donner quelques concerts; je vais notamment participer à un concert de soutien pour Marcos Diaz et Swim Across The Continents. Il s’agit d’un événement qui a pour but de rappeler aux gouvernements engagés, les promesses faites en 2000, concernant les buts du millénaire. J’invite tout le monde à rejoindre le mouvement :

Propos recueillis par Jean Roke Patoudem - MBOA Magazine - France

"“Retranscribo mi mestizaje a través de la música”"

Lo grandioso de la multiculturalidad se refleja en esta cantante de casi seis pies de estatura, cuyo padre es francés y su madre proviene de Camerún, un país de África Central y, para rematar, ha vivido en diferentes países africanos, a la vez que ha experimentado la vida parisina. Toda esta mezcla cultural, Clarisse la transmite por medio de su música, la cual es en la actualidad su mayor pasión: “Hice muchas cosas sabiendo que mi destino sería musical; siempre he tenido esa necesidad, pero tenía que encontrar el buen camino para hacerlo”, afirma la cantante y compositora.

La mayoría de las canciones que escribe son en el idioma portugués y su música tiene un toque electrónico y de soul. A la hora de componer, Clarisse se inspira de diversas fuentes, de los demás, de sus propias experiencias, así también como de un libro, una película, un momento, una historia que desea contar o el simple deseo de crear una atmósfera. La mulata universal se define como una persona auténtica, sincera e impulsiva, pero ante todo se considera melómana, es decir, una fanática de la música. Es por esto que uno de los objetivos principales que quiere lograr en su público es brindarles felicidad a sus vidas: “imaginar que una de mis canciones evoca una bella memoria o acompaña un buen momento, es maravilloso”.

Su mayor logro profesional, hasta el momento es auto producir su primer sencillo, que aunque es “un pequeño paso, el camino fue largo”. De acuerdo con Clarisse, este proyecto le demandó mucha paciencia, trabajo, inversión personal, económica y emocional, además este producto tuvo que embarcarse en muchos viajes: “Estoy instalada en Santo Domingo, donde hicimos las fotografías, grabé y mezclé en París, donde está el productor musical, el mastering fue hecho en Senegal y la primera radio que tocó la canción fue una estación londinense”.

La joven artista tiene como meta conquistar a Santo Domingo, compartir su música por medio de los conciertos, tanto aquí como en París, a donde piensa ir a finales de año; además seguir trabajando en su primer álbum, titulado Vocé me dá, el cual constituye su “próximo gran paso” a nivel profesional. Definitivamete Clarisse es “la mulata universal”, su mestizaje y multiculturalidad hacen de su música, de sus composiciones, piezas con las cuales individuos de cualquier parte del mundo se pueden identificar y disfrutar.

•En la actualidad Clarisse Albrecht produce el video musical de su primer sencillo Você Me Dá, el cual se estrenará en formato digital, disponible en iTunes y Amazon. También está preparando unas presentaciones unplugged para octubre. Si quieres saber más sobre ellas, visita: y - Oh! Magazine - Listin Diario - Dominican Republic


Single : Você Me Dá - EP
Prisca Musique/Ultrasubtile - France

Compilation : The 2010 [Summer] Session - Compilation
Soul Unsigned - United Kingdom

Compilation : Summer Club - Le Son Electropical 2010
Wagram - France

Album : Swept Away by SoulAvenue (2 remixes tracklisted)
Soulavenue - Sweden

Compilation : Cool Off Chillout
Sine Music - Germany



Born to a French father and Cameroonian mother, Clarisse split her childhood between Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and France.
She spent her first years in Bafatá, a town of Guinea-Bissau, then a while in France before going back to Africa, in
Maputo, capital of Mozambique.

As a child,Clarisse was a shy and dreamy little girl. She was always reading, writing stories, singing and dancing.
Her dream was to one day sing beautiful songs with the elegance of Sade.

At home, there were always listening to music. African, Latin, French… Her parents use to have big parties where people were grooving on Makossa, Marabentta, Rumba Zairean, MPB, Soul, Funk, R&B, Disco …
Rhythms from all over the world.

Years she spent in Maputo have certainly been the most striking moments of her childhood. This is where she learned Portuguese, by watching Brazilian novelas on TV.
At the French School where she used to go, her friends were Canadian, Portuguese, Swiss, Malagasy, Congolese… She grew
up in this cosmopolitan atmosphere. In the early 90s, her family went back to settle down in France. The change were not easy and Clarisse became very nostalgic of her African childhood. However, she learnt to enjoy her teenager life in Parisian’s suburb. France is also a part of her and offers an incredible blend of cultures. She discovered hip-hop, electronic musics, R' n‘B …

In France, still, her friends had various
origins. She remained surrounded by a blend of multiple cultures and traditions.

She was also still enjoying writing. Her music desire vividly inside. During high school times, she joined a Gospel choir, within which she did her first performances on stage as a lead and chorister. She began to wonder about the musical way she should follow to quench this desire.

After her diploma in Letters & Languages, she studied Cinema at La Sorbonne. By then, she was singing as backup vocalist in a band making Soul & Funk covers. She will quickly leave the band. The will to express herself in a different way than being a just performer were too strong. She needed to find her way. With her eclectic musical tastes, it wasn’t easy task. But she decided to take it easy. Time will tell.

From her childhood, she kept love for
travels and a certain attachment for the Portuguese language. This tongue which transcribes so well her deep nostalgia. So she decided to workon Brazilian standards. MPB, Bossa, Samba. She got herself engrossed into this culture, into this music full of
" saudade1 ", so connected with her memories of Maputo. It was now time to achieve another big dream : fly to Rio de Janeiro.

During her journey, she soaked up the
atmosphere, the sounds, the spirit of Rio... The city brings much more than expected. As if she found a piece of herself over there, this city’s just like a synthesis of what she is. African, European and so much more.
One evening, chilling at posto 6 of on Copacabana’s beach, a friend wrote her a poem. A poem saying that when she smiles with all her heart and soul, she becomes a " mulata universal ". For Clarisse it’s an eye-opener. Here it was. What she needed to express. The essence of what her music should be. The soul of a woman with a universal interbreeding.

Back to Paris, she focused on creating her own music, even if it has to keep her away from stage for a while. Songwriting is so fulfilling.

She writes, composes, in Portuguese, in English. With the help of LS (Afrodiziac), a composer and producer, she recorded her first songs. She wrote lyrics full of “saudade”, translating stigmas of her past, her roots, her influences, her feelings and her bohemian spirit.

“ Through my music, I want to share a state of mind, an atmosphere, a mood … “

With her sultry and mesmerizing voice, when she sings Clarisse invites us in her cosmopolitan and warm shelter.

Welcome to Mulata Universal’s world.