Gig Seeker Pro


's-Hertogenbosch, North Brabant, Netherlands | Established. Jan 01, 1993 | INDIE

's-Hertogenbosch, North Brabant, Netherlands | INDIE
Established on Jan, 1993
Band Metal Progressive




""To be honest, I count this record even among the best prog metal albums I have heard so far." "

Quality does not always know the reputation it deserves. After all, reaching the general public is also a matter of luck. For example, Cirrha Niva is a name that has been praised several times by reviewers, but is not yet sung by progmetal fans. Unjustly in my opinion! It is not due to the music.

"For Moments Never Done" is already from 2009, but has recently been re-released on LP. At the time, the album was reviewed by prog-world colleague Erik Groeneweg. He turned out to be somewhat disappointed with the long wait for an album that contained only 45 minutes of song-like prog metal that, above all, did not live up to its expectations. That is conceivable! In my opinion, however, this album deserves a reappraisal, as it has held up amazingly well ten years later. In terms of style, this music is reminiscent of Pain Of Salvation, but also Queensryche and perhaps even W.A.S.P. It is in any case progmetal with many symphonic moments and a somewhat rebellious atmosphere. The band also has a certain jumpiness reminiscent of the metal of the 80s. The expressive vocals of Legrand are characteristic here. It gives the music a lot of personality.

The compositions are also full of character, which the penetrating The Fooling immediately shows. It is a baptism of fire with a howling intensity that grabs the listener by the lurves and by means of the compelling melodies no longer let go. The voice samples from a 911 call are very lurid. They take the breath away. The guitar solo that concludes this song is even breathtaking, allowing the listener to continue his listening turn with a version of adrenaline. We also notice at Framed that the guitarists always deliver exciting work here. This composition has a strong middle piece full of melancholic, searching tones that are pushed back into the battle by reassuring bass work. In addition to these two toppers, this album also contains some captivating, quiet songs. Spring Before Winter, for example, has a beautiful Pink Floyd’esque float. In addition, the saxophone part of Bouke Visser is a beautiful sensual addition that may even be the highlight of this album. Finally Self-Chosen is nice and threatening. It is a rotating metal part full of angular melodies, explosive declamations and an uncomfortable intermediate piece. Only rain remains to end this experience. Very cool!

Although the songs are strongly structured, the compositions may have had more variation. Moreover, the band does not focus on complex playing schedules, which means that the music sometimes sounds a bit simple. The combination of these two factors makes this album a bit ordinary for some. Perhaps even unnoticed! Nevertheless, in my opinion, this record distinguishes itself in a positive sense from many people in the genre. For example, the arrangements have been well thought out. These feel energetic and focused. A few well-timed side steps and refreshing instrumental treats prove to be sufficient to hold the attention. It is also noticeable how warm this music feels at times, which contrasts with the metal that in turn creates rough edges. This interaction is exciting and pleasant in any case. So what this album offers in particular is uncomplicated musical quality. Sometimes that is more than enough.

To be honest, I count this record even among the best prog metal albums I have heard so far. It contains focused music with personality. Every composition is striking! Well, there is more inventive prog metal to be found, but with such beautiful, lush and sparkling arrangements you won't hear me complain. An undervalued masterpiece, I think! - CD Review - For Moments Never Done - Progwereld (NL)

""This album will rank high in my 'Best album' yearlist""

Ik durf het bijna niet te zeggen, maar de band Cirrha Niva ken ik. Jazeker. Ik heb ze zelfs al een aantal keren live mogen aanschouwen. Ik was ook redelijk op de hoogte van het opnameproces van hun nieuwe album Out Of The Freakshow en ben daarom ook zeker blij dat ik hem mag bespreken.

Cirrha Niva is een band met hun thuishaven in het Brabantse ’s-Hertogenbosch en is al actief sinds begin jaren negentig. Van de toenmalige samenstelling is alleen Ron Willemse nog over. Sinds die tijd is het een komen en gaan van bandleden geweest. Sinds hun vorige plaat For Moments Never Done zijn de zanger Legrand (Michael de Groot) en gitaristen Ron Willemse en Carlo Heefer nog steeds bij de band. Nieuwkomer zijn bassist Michel Steenbekkers (Fuelblooded, The Covering) en drummer Robert van Kooij (Toyz). Al heeft Nathanael Taekema de nieuwe plaat van drumtracks voorzien.
Zeven lange jaren hebben we moeten wachten op deze plaat. Is het de moeite geweest om zo lang te moeten wachten, nou ik denk het wel. Ik ben/was aangenaam verrast door het eindresultaat. Ik heb dankzij een streaming site nog even snel naar het vorige album For Moments Never Done geluisterd en kan eigenlijk alleen maar zeggen: klasse. Je kunt goed horen dat de band de tijd goed heeft besteed bij het opnemen van deze plaat. Ook de mix is dik in orde, alle lof aan Jochem Jacobs. Je kan wel horen dat de muziek goed aansluit op zijn voorganger, maar dat de band ook een duidelijke stap vooruit heeft gezet. Muzikaal is het allemaal dik in orde, en kan je horen dat ze al wat jaren meedraaien. Enkele nummers worden voorzien van muzikale bijdragen van Devon Graves (Psychotic Waltz)[Just Another Legacy] op zang en dwarsfluit, Erik van Ittersum op keyboards en Lisette van den Berg (Scarlet Stories) [Afraid To Bleed] op zang.

Het album start met het bijna bombastische I Guess, dat duidelijk de toon zet. Verdere uitschieters, al staan er geen slechte nummers op, vind ik 24/7 Smile, Afraid To Bleed en Just Another Legacy, een bijna 12 minuten lang epos. Ik heb mezelf er een paar keer op betrapt dat ik dacht dat de plaat niet zo lang duurde, maar hij klokt toch 56 minuten. Op zich een goed teken, er zijn platen die net zo lang duren maar dat het lijkt of er geen einde aan komt.

Ik denkt dat deze plaat zeker in mijn jaarlijst zal verschijnen. Ik baal er stiekem wel een beetje van dat ik niet naar de releaseshow kan gaan op 22 april in W2; ik heb andere verplichtingen bij Dynamo. We geven bij WingsOfDeath geen punten, maar Out Of The Freakshow scoort zeker hoog! - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - Wings Of Death (NL)

""...all the best bits of progressive rock and metal from the past four decades into one album""

“Ladies and gentleman. Brothers and sisters. Geeks and gorillas. For the world of the bizarre we proudly present the world’s largest congregation of human oddities.” So begins Out Of The Freakshow, the forth studio album from this slightly crazed Dutch quintet with a clear aim to combine all the best bits of progressive rock and metal from the past four decades into one album! Heavier than their past output but still offering a sense of melody and structure, and fronted by the slightly oddball theatrical vocals of Legrand.

Listen to it now: Full album on Spotify
More Information: Artist website-Out-Of-The-Freakshow - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - WeekendProg (NL)

""With every spin the album reveals more of it's secrets""

Het Nederlandse Cirrha Niva timmert reeds sinds 1993 aan een muzikale carrière die zich situeert in de hoek van de progressieve metal. Erg productief kan je dit gezelschap niet noemen daar deze ‘Out Of The Freakshow’ pas hun vierde full-album is en dat er ook zeven jaar zijn voorbij gegaan sinds hun vorige album, ‘For Moments Never Done’. Al zijn er wel verzachtende omstandigheden in te roepen met het feit dat er heel wat wijzigingen plaats vonden in de line-up. Het huidige vijftal – Legrand (vocals), Rob Willemse (gitaar), Carlo Heefer (gitaar), Michel Steenbekkers (bass) en Robert van Kooij (drums) – zorgen hier voor acht nummers die zweven tussen progressieve metal en progressieve rock die van vrij krachtig en stevig gaan tot eerder rustig, melodieus en zelfs wat invloeden uit pop laat horen. Bij dit laatste denk ik vrijwel automatisch aan Marillion – ’24/7 Smile’ is daar een mooie indicatie van. Maar het is niet enkel werk van deze Britten die hierin door klinkt. Ook bands als Queensrÿche en Crimson Glory drukken hun stempel op de muziek van Cirrha Niva, terwijl ik tijdens ‘From Ego’ zelfs aan Rush moest gaan denken. Veel variatie dus in de acht tracks op dit album terwijl ook al iedere track apart tal van wendingen laat horen. Sommige ideeën vind ik minder geslaagd (de radiofragmenten tijdens ‘Afraid To Bleed’ bijvoorbeeld), maar dit is wel een album dat bij iedere nieuwe luisterbeurt iets meer van zijn geheimen prijs heeft. Toch is het niet allemaal rozengeur en maneschijn daar de ietwat schelle vocalen van Legrand me toch niet volledig kunnen overtuigen.
Luc Ghyselen (75)

Parnassus Records PCNCD 006
Tracklist: 1. I Guess 2. From Ego 3. 24/7 Smile 4. Afraid To Bleed 5. Silver Tongues 6. Time 7. Reprise Of A Beautiful Day 8. Just Another Legacy - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - Musika (B)

""Exciting soundscapes between Pain Of Salvation & Psychotic Waltz""

CIRRHA NIVA gelingt auf „Out Of The Freakshow“ (Parnassus/JBM) das Kunststück, epischen, leicht düsteren Neunziger-Jahre-Prog-Metal zu zocken, der durchaus offensiv technisch angelegt ist, aber dennoch hochemotional und sehr organisch daherkommt. Im weiten Feld zwischen Pain Of Salvation, Psychotic Waltz, Magellan, Enchant, Nevermore und Mekong Delta kreieren die Niederländer spannende Klanggemälde, bei ´Just Another Legacy´ sorgt Devon Graves als Gast für einige besonders elegante Farbtupfer.
Dieses Review stammt aus der Rubrik Dr. Prog. - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - Rockhard (GER)

""We are impressed. Deeply impressed!""

De Nederlandse Progressieve metalband Cirrha Niva werd opgericht in 1993. De band heeft ondertussen verschillende demo's en platen uitgebracht. In een recent interview deed gitarist Rob Willemse uit de doeken wat die naam betekend. We citeren: Cirrha Niva is afgeleid van Cirrha & Nisa, de bergtoppen van de Parnassus, symbool van goddelijke wijsheid, Poëtische Inspiratie en het menselijk weten/kennis. Dit komt uit het boek “La Divina Commedia” geschreven door Dante Alighieri. Het volledige interview kunnen jullie hier nog eens nalezen:

For Moments Never done, hun laatste plaat, dateert al van 2009. Dus werd het hoog tijd om weer eens iets nieuw op het publiek los te laten. Out of the Freakshow, de naam zegt het zelf, doe je als luisteraar niet alleen huiveren van puur genot, maar bovendien vertoeven in een wat vreemd aanvoelende wereld. Met songs die angst bezorgen, maar ook een zekere gemoedsrust.

I guess laat al een tipje van de sluier zien en horen. Eerder bevreemdende klanken, gecombineerd met een stem die je koude rillingen bezorgt, het is de rode draad doorheen de song en eigenlijke het volledige album. From Ego is puur genot voor liefhebbers van bizarre riffs, waardoor je als luisteraar eigenlijk niet goed weet wat er net aan het gebeuren is. Echter is dat net wat Out of the freakshow zo boeiend maakt, de - laat ons maar stellen - vrij experimentele aanpak. Het trekt ons uiteindelijk compleet over de streep. Met als ultieme orgelpunt die toch wel heel tot de verbeelding sprekende vocalen, die telkens zorgen voor kippenvelmomenten. Luister maar naar het heel lang uitgesponnen 24/7 Smile, een song die je van begin tot einde een krop in de keel zal bezorgen. Zonder meer is deze trip niet voor iedereen een even hapklare brok vlees, de meest toegankelijke wegen worden niet ingeslagen. Maar telkens voelen we toch die ijzingwekkende klauwen onze strot dichtknijpen bij elke riff, en bij elke hoog stembereik. Want het is, en dat kunnen we niet genoeg herhalen, die vocalen die ons de uiteindelijk doodsteek bezorgen, waardoor we prompt overslag gaan.

Al is het album een tikkie complexer is dan de voorganger het brengt volgens mij de toegankelijkheid, openheid en melodie zeker niet in gevaar. Ik dring er inmiddels wel op aan dat recensenten het album vaker beluisteren voordat ze hun oordeel vellen. Wist Rob ons in eerder vernoemde interview te vertellen. We hebben dat advies dan ook gevolgd. En wat stellen we vast? Dat laatste blijkt zeker te kloppen. Bij een eerste luisterbeurt lijken de wat bevreemdend aanvoelende klanken je eerder de wenkbrauwen te doen fronsen, maar na enkele luisterbeurten voel je toch degelijk aan dat hier is over nagedacht. Nee, dit is geen progressieve metal Plaat voor beginnelingen, maar voor gevorderde luisteraar, die het genre door en door kennen. De Freakshow die deze heren , vocaal en instrumentaal, daarbij opvoeren doen wel degelijk de haren op onze armen recht komen. Bezorgen ons ook angstaanvallen, en zelfs donkere gedachten komen boven drijven. Dat is het soort progressieve metal, waarvoor we heel graag uit onze zetel zouden komen om dit live te aanschouwen.

Want binnen elk van de songs stellen we ons de vraag ''hoe zal dat op het podium overkomen, met een bijgaande show opvoering''. Deze plaat smeekt dus gewoon om live gebracht te worden. Met bijhorende visuele effecten, en eventuele verkleedpartijen zal dit een onvergetelijke totaalbeleving worden, voor oog en oor. Afraid to Bleed, Silver Tongues - met wederom die verdomd indrukwekkende vocalen - Time ze doen je als progressieve metal liefhebber watertanden, vooral door de combinatie vandie telkens opnieuw bevreemdend aanvoelende aankleding gecombineerd met indrukwekkende perfectie, zowel vocaal als instrumentaal. Het sluitstuk Just another Legacy , een parel van meer dan elf minuten, bevestigt deze stelling nog maar eens.

Onze eindconclusie: Geef deze plaat echt meerdere kansen, eer je hem opzij zet. Het loont zeker de moeite, eens je hebt begrepen waar het echt om draait. Cirrah Niva verleggen met Out of the Freakshow als het ware grenzen binnen het typische progressieve metal gebeuren. In plaats van de gemakkelijke weg te kiezen, en zichzelf te herhalen en zo te vervallen in een routine klus. Durven ze echter onontgonnen wegen in te slaan, en te experimenteren met hun geluid. Waardoor een plaat wordt voortgebracht, die is uitgegroeid tot een inderdaad heel 'freaky' aanvoelend kunstwerk, dat je koude rillingen zal bezorgen. Vreemd zal doen opkijken. Maar uiteindelijk verweesd zal achterlaten, tot een ware krop in de keel bezorgen. Wij waren alvast diep onder de indruk. Heel diep onder de indruk. - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - Snoozecontrol (B)

"Rating: 7/10 - "laat de band nog altijd een groot deel van de binnenlandse concurrentie achter zich""

For Moments Never Done vind ik zeven jaar na dato nog steeds een lekkere plaat. Een schijfje vol uitstekende metal. Dan weer progressief, dan goed stevig en lomp en uiteindelijk altijd melodieus. Dat die cd zo goed is, is mijns inziens vooral te danken aan de zang van Michel de Groot, oftewel LeGrand. De voormalig zanger van Ulcerate Fester en Liquid Baby geeft de muziek kleur en karakter.
Op Out Of The Freakshow doet de zanger uit Almelo dat opnieuw. Sterker nog, als hij niet mee had gedaan, dan was deze nieuwe plaat waarschijnlijk maar een doordeweekse aangelegenheid geweest. Ik heb de cd talloze malen beluisterd, maar ben nog altijd niet helemaal overtuigd. De muziek is beslist goed ingespeeld en er zitten lekkere riffs en solo's in de nummers, maar For Moments Never Done bevatte in mijn optiek de betere songs. Een prachtliedje als Running From The Source of thrashy krachtpatsers als Framed en Golan Heights heb ik hier niet aangetroffen.
Opener I Guess vind ik zelfs een vrij matig nummer, mede door de jolige intro. From Ego is dan een stuk beter, mede door het spannende middenstuk en het prima zangwerk. Leuker wordt het bij slotstuk Just Another Legacy, het prijsnummer van de plaat. Structuur, riffs, zang en melodieën kloppen hier als een bus. Gave details zijn de gastzang en het fluitwerk van Devon Graves (of Buddy Lackey) van Psychotic Waltz en Dead Soul Tribe. Zijn aanwezigheid is een leuke opsteker voor de band en vooral LeGrand, die zelf groot fan is van de Amerikaanse zanger.
Goed of slecht. Middelmatig of best lekker. Termen die bij deze plaat eigenlijk dichtbij elkaar liggen. Het ene moment zit ik er lekker in en denk ik: "Ja, zo hoort het", maar tien tellen later kan een misplaatst riffje of te uitgesponnen partij alweer roet in het eten gooien. Dat gevoel is na al die draaibeurten nooit echt weggegaan. Misschien dat ik er over een jaar heel anders over denk, maar vooralsnog is onderstaand cijfer het eerlijkste dat ik in de aanbieding heb. Ergens knaagt dat, want ik had toch op een absolute topper gehoopt, maar aan de andere kant laat de band nog altijd een groot deel van de binnenlandse concurrentie achter zich. Ik begrijp dat het publiek er geen bal aan heeft, maar ik ben toch geneigd om even af te wachten.
Score: 75 / 100

Reviewer: Jeroen
Toegevoegd: 8 september 2016
Koop dit album in - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - MetalFan (NL)

"Rating: 3,5/5 "Un groupe à suivre de près donc""

Voici l’histoire d’une rendez-vous manqué. Une promotion qui nous parvient le jour où je décide d’exploser mon rein gauche. L’album avait titillé mes tympans, mais pris dans la tourmente des perfusions, scanners et lit d’hôpital, il passa à la trappe. Puis, deux mois plus tard, en pleine convalescence, un clip bien ficelé attira mon attention et me décida à acheter le CD. C’est alors que je retrouvais la mémoire, m’apercevant que Cirrha Niva était référencé chez nous depuis peu et que leur label nous avait envoyé Out Of The Freakshow en promo.

Après un bref retard postal (Rob, leur guitariste s’en est excusé, il était en vacances), l’album arrive par une caniculaire journée d’août, en même temps que le coffret de Lacrimas Profundere et la promotion du dernier John Wesley. Cruel dilemme, qu’écouter ? La Hifi fut finalement réquisitionnée pour Cirrha Niva, nous avions du retard à rattraper.

Cirrha Niva est formé de cinq musiciens venus des Pays-Bas. Ils jouent un heavy prog qui puise son inspiration dans le prog 70’s, le néo-progressif d’Arena et dans la bonne énergie venue des hauts fourneaux.

Dès la première écoute, le titre ‘From Ego’ qui semble tout droit sorti de The Visitor, accroche l’oreille. Une entrée en matière heavy sur des orgues, un refrain à tomber par terre et un final instrumental haut en guitares, voilà sept minutes de bonheur à l’état pur à ne manquer sous aucun prétexte (regardez plus bas la vidéo). Rapidement, une seconde pièce se détache, ‘Just Another Legacy’, douze minutes qui concluent superbement Out Of The Freakshow. Un piste progressive avec de la flûte à la Harmonium (Devon Graves), des guitares à la Iron Maiden, des arrangements à cordes (Eric Van Ittersum) et un choeur d’enfants. Il serait injuste de passer sous silence ‘I Guess’ qui ouvre l’histoire sur une harangue de foire “Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, geeks and gorillas…” et où la basse de Michel est en valeur comme sur ‘24/7 Smile’. N’oublions pas ‘Afraid To Bleed’, un titre où l’on retrouve encore la patte de Iron Maiden avec Lisette Van Den Berg qui accompagne Legrand au chant. Et puis il y a l’unique instrumental de l’album, ‘Reprise Of A Beautiful Day’, sorte de ‘Serenity’ de Out Of The Freakshow. Tout ça pour dire que cette galette possède de sérieux atouts pour vous séduire.

J’ai parlé de l’histoire tout à l’heure. Regardez l’artwork sépia de fête foraine : grande roue, chapiteau, carrousel, médium, magicien et crâne de monstre dans un bocal. Cirrha Niva nous convie à visiter ce qui se déroule sous la grande tente rouge et blanche, alors ouvrez le livret et découvrez leur univers.

Le son manque de profondeur et tous les morceaux ne se valent pas, mais pour une premier album, Cirrha Niva fait un beau départ. Un groupe à suivre de près donc.

Facebook : - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - Neoprog (FR)

"Rating: 8/10 "Mehr als nur für 90s-Prog-Affiniciados, sondern ebenso für solche von heute""

Die Niederländer CIRRHA NIVA mussten zwar im Laufe ihrer Geschichte, die bereits seit 1993 vier Alben zu verzeichnen hat, einige Line-up-Wechsel verkraften, doch ihre Musik konnten sie nach und nach immer mehr in Richtung Selbstständigkeit entwickeln und kräftigen.
Anfängliche Ähnlichkeiten mit NEVERMORE oder PAIN OF SALVATION sind auf ihrem nunmehr fünften Album ´Out Of The Freakshow´ nur noch von minimaler Natur. Vielmehr hat es die Band geschafft, einen facettenreichen Prog Metal zu kreieren. Mit leichten RUSH-Eingebungen, härter als es MERCURY RISING jemals waren, und sogar klassisch im Sinne der Neunziger, PSYCHOTIC WALTZ dabei nicht allzu fern. Zur Krönung dieses Konzeptwerkes gönnt sich PSYCHOTIC WALTZ-Sänger Buddy Lackey sogar ein Stelldichein beim langen und exzellenten Abschlusslied.
Mit ihrem vielseitigen und außergewöhnlichen Sänger LeGrand sowie einem Gitarrendoppelpack mit Rob Willemse und Carlo Heefer können CIRRHA NIVA somit einen eigenständigen Sound präsentieren, der mit guten und oftmals etwas längeren Songs wuchern kann. Mehr als nur für 90s-Prog-Affiniciados, sondern ebenso für solche von heute.´Out Of The Freakshow´ - eine Freakshow zum Feuer fangen.
(Big 8 Points)

Von: Michael Haifl - CD Review - Out Of The Freakshow - StreetclipTV (GER)

""Out Of The Freakshow is an excellent album!""

Ruim twintig jaar geleden richtte de gitaristen Rob Willemse en Peter Vennema de progressieve metal band Cirrha Niva op. De bandnaam danken ze aan de twee toppen van berg Parnassus, Cirrha en Nisa, uit de 14-eeuwse epos “De Goddelijke Komedie” van Dante Alighieri. Hun label dat ze in eigen beheer voeren is verder vernoemd naar deze berg. Sinds hun oprichting is dit hun vierde album, waarbij het zo’n negen jaar geduurd heeft sinds hun vorige album “For Moments Never Done”

Het album start met een circusachtige aankondiging “Ladies and gentleman. Brothers and sisters. Geeks and gorillas. For the world of the bizarre we proudly present the world’s largest congregation of human oddities.” Hun muziek past hier ook heel goed bij, want het lijkt alsof je in de circusvoorstelling van de progressieve muziek beland bent. Met hun audiovisuele rockshow rondom het album “Liaison De La Morte” verkregen ze financiële ondersteuning van Het Fonds voor Amateurkunst en Stichting Brabant Pop en met dit album staan ze op de planken bij de Freak Chique fashion show van Ingeborg Steenhorst.

De muziek is nog steeds in de basis traditionele metal met een ‘seventies’ randje. De metal bands uit deze periode lijken – in elk geval op de diverse festivals – te herleven en daar weet deze band uit de negentiger jaren ook van de profiteren. Cirrha Niva weet echter meerdere muzikale stromingen aan hun muziek toe te voegen, waardoor een bizarre, excentrieke en origineel vervreemdende soort progmetal ontstaat. Evenals bij de genoemde metalbands speelt bij Cirrha Niva de gitaar de boventoon. Oprichter Rob Willemse is een ware virtuoos op de gitaar en samen met Carlo Heefer wordt een flink aantal gitaar georiënteerde passages aan het album toegevoegd.

Cirrha Niva weet altijd een bijzondere selectie van gastmuzikanten te verzamelen voor zijn albums. Hadden we op het album “Liaison De La Morte” onder andere de halve bezetting van Pain Of Salvation en bij “For Moments Never Done” onder meer Yuval Kramer en Joost van den Broek, nu treffen we Lissette van den Berg (Scarlet Stories) aan op Afraid To Bleed en Devon Graves (Psychotic Waltz, Dead Soul Tribe) op Just Another Legacy. En als een soort zesde bandlid hebben we Erik van Ittersum op toetsen. Was het in de zeventiger jaren metal ook niet gebruikelijk om de toetsenist niet als volwaardig bandlid te beschouwen …? Onterecht, want onder de bezielende leiding van Joost van den Broek weet van Ittersum een instrumentaal nummer als Reprise Of A Beautiful Day naar grote hoogte te brengen.

Met dit album heeft Cirrha Niva de progressieve metal tot een ware freakshow verheven. Bizarre, soms onsamenhangende geluiden zijn op een vreemde manier samengekomen en vormen een interessant geheel. Op een aantal momenten klinkt het album perfect, maar dwaalt soms ook af naar een onbeduidend niveau, om vervolgens weer geniaal terug te slaan. Ik zou eigenlijk gewoon willen eindigen met de woorden van collega Erik Groenweg “Cirrha Niva is een prima band en “Out Of The Freakshow” is een uitstekend album, niet meer en niet minder.” - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - Progwereld (NL)

"Rating: 8,1/10 "Music in the way of bands like RUSH, Sanctuary and Queensrÿche. And it doesn’t get boring for one second!""

Cirrha Niva from the Netherlands are a well known name in ‘the world of prog metal’ and are already busy since 1993. With two demos, an EP and 3 full length albums, they now bring us their 4th album ‘Out Of The Freak Show’.

My first impression is that this album sounds really good, with 8 tracks of well executed progressive metal. Very technical riffs combined with a big dose of melodies and filled with solos. The drums are very progressive and packed with variety. Most of the time drummers have the urge to fill everything with everything. This drummer uses everything well dosed, so you can hear all the details very well. The bass player brings a big dose of groove to the songs and then you have the vocals! In my opinion one of the better clean metal singers in the Dutch prog-scene. You can hear Geoff Tate (Queensrÿche) influences and that can be considered as a large compliment! It’s also nice to see and hear that these guys are not afraid to play some clean passages. It makes this album more exciting and gives it alternation and some moments of rest.

This is a band that gets better and better by every album they make. ‘Out Of The Freakshow’ brings you music in the way of bands like Rush, Sanctuary and Queensrÿche. And it doesn’t get boring for one second!
Score: 8.1 /10 ★★★★☆
1) I Guess
2) From Ego
3) 24/7 Smile
4) Afraid to Bleed
5) Silver Tongues
6) Time
7) Reprise of a Beautiful Day
8) Just Another Legacy - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - PitKings (NL)

"Rating: TIP notation "Splendit achievement"

Het Nederlandse cirrha Niva is het schoolvoorbeeld van een band die veel in eigen hand wil houden zowel de vorige twee platen als de nieuwe out of the freakshow zijn in eigen beheer opgenomen dat heeft vaak gevolgen voor de productiekwaliteit, maar daar staat volledige muzikale vrijheid van de band tegenover.
In de praktijk is de nieuwe cd gewoon een lekkere, stevige plaat hoewel veel van de van cirrha Niva bekende heftige gitaarpartijen zijn verdwenen er is meer melodie en rust gebracht in de nummers van deze op dantes goddelijke komedie gebaseerde band met als hoogtepunt het elf minuten durende just Another Legacy. Prachtig gezongen door Legrand, maar ook uiterst divers in ritme en instrumentgebruik deze verandering geeft echter ook stof tot nadenken, want een band die al zeker 23 jaar meedraait in het circuit, zal inderdaad nieuwe dingen moeten uitproberen uiteindelijk is het album juist daardoor goed geslaagd.
Maar wordt het eufo- rische gevoel enigszins gedempt door de productie er zijn namelijk heerlijke, stevige nummers te vinden op dit album vooral bij i guess, from ego en time is het genieten geblazen voor wat betreft het technische gitaargeweld helaas klinken de riffs wat dof het had allemaal net iets vetter aangezet kunnen worden in de mix Alleen dan hadden deze nummers de luisteraar compleet kunnen wegblazen maar ondanks de keerzijde van deze eigen- beheeruitgave is het belangrijkste dat cirrha Niva, ondanks opnieuw twee bezettingswijzigingen, een heel knappe prestatie geleverd heeft
ruben Borger

Translated from Dutch to English with Googel Translate:
the Dutch Cirrha Niva is the perfect example of a band that wants to keep much in their own hands both the previous two records as the new out of the freak show its own management states that often affects the quality of production, but the complete musical freedom band opposite in practice, the new CD is just a nice, solid plate although many of Cirrha Niva known heavy guitar parts are gone, there has been more melody and tranquility in the numbers of those in dantes divine comedy based band culminating elf minute adjustment Another Legacy, beautifully sung by Legrand, but also extremely diverse in rhythm and instrument use, however, this change also gives food for thought, for a band that has been around for least 23 years in the circuit, will indeed have to try new things ultimately it album because of it passed well, but it eufo- toric feeling somewhat muted by the production because there are to find delicious, hearty songs on this album especially when i guess, from ego and time is the pure enjoyment with regard to the technical guitar violence unfortunately sounding riffs dull it was all just a little fatter turned to be in the mix only then did these songs the listener completely have puffed but despite the keerzijde of these own-beheeruitgave the most important thing Cirrha Niva, despite two more bezettingswijzigingen, a very achievement has made
ruben Borger - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - IO Pages (NL)

""Directly on top of 2016! - I'm overwhelmed!""

Αυτό ακριβώς. Επιτέλους λίγο βαρύ μέταλλο γιατί τελευταία άρχισα να πιστεύω πως κάθε χρονιά στηρίζεται σε καμιά δεκαριά άλμπουμ μέχρι το τέλος της. Με πολύ λίγα πραγματικά best. Oι Ολλανδοί progsters CIRRHA NIVA είναι εδώ για να ταρακουνήσουν την όποια πραγματικότητα μας!

Πέρασε αρκετός καιρός από τo 2009 που το πανέμορφο For Moments Never Done και μέσα σε αυτά τα χρόνια αναγνωρίστηκε σαν μια εξαίσια κυκλοφορία. (Βέβαια πιο πίσω στο 2001 έχουν βγάλει το Rock Opera Liaison De La Morte, και ακόμα πιο πίσω στο 1999 ένα Mini-CD το Enter The Future Exit). Εντάξει πέρα από τις μουσικές τους, οφείλω να πω πως ένα από τα μεγάλα αβαντάζ της μπάντας τα απίστευτα φωνητικά του LEGRAND. Το τι νότες πιάνει ο τύπος..τι εκφραστικότητα έχει... εντάξει! Από τότε λοιπόν μέχρι σήμερα άλλαξαν αρκετά. Ας πούμε τώρα με το Out Of The Freakshow την πολύ πρόσφατη κυκλοφορία τους πρώτο και καλύτερο άλλαξε το στυλ τους, το image τους παρουσιάζοντας τους με ρόλους από το μουσικό τους Freakshow.


Αν γνωρίζεις την μπάντα θα δεις αμέσως πως εδώ έχουμε νέο μπασίστα που έρχεται από τους ex-Fluelblooded και είναι πυρετός σκέτος, απίστευτο παίξιμο. Ο ντράμερ είναι το δεύτερο νέο πρόσωπο από τους ex-Toyz που είναι μια ακούραστη μηχανή! Είναι από κείνες τις μπάντες που παίρνουν τον χρόνο που θέλουν προκειμένου το επόμενο βήμα τους να είναι σταθερό και βαρύ. Και πολύ καλά κάνουν. Τα έχουμε πει αυτά. Καλύτερα αργά και υπέροχα παρά βεβιασμένα συμβόλαια με ημερομηνίες και ρηχές κυκλοφορίες.
Γράφω και ακούω, έχω φτάσει ήδη στο Silver Tongues που βρίσκεται στην πέμπτη θέση στην λίστα και εν τω μεταξύ έχω βρεθεί σε δίλημμα αν θα πρέπει να αναφερθώ αναλυτικά σε κάθε κομμάτι ή στην ολότητα του...και που μάλλον το δεύτερο θα κάνω. Μέσα στους καλεσμένους εμφανίζονται και τα γυναικεία φωνητικά από την Lisette Van Den Berg (Scarlet Stories) και του πληκτρά η παρουσία Erik Van Ittersum (Theater Equation) δίνοντας στις νότες του πιάνου μια άλλη διαφορετική αξία. Τι να πω. 8 συνθέσεις που ξεκινούν από 4.24 το μικρότερο σε διάρκεια και καταλήγουν στα 11.54.

Μεγάλες συνθέσεις με πολλά ηχητικά χρώματα, κεντημένες με τα φωνητικά του LEGRAND, που ρε φίλε...ναι, έχουν εκείνη την μοναδικότητα στην έκφραση του Geddy Lee (RUSH). Άλλωστε είναι μέσα στις μουσικές τους αναφορές όπως και οι THIN LIZZY, LED ZEPPELIN, DREAM THEATER, NEVERMORE, PSYCHOTIC WALTZ. Τα τεχνικά riffs πρωτοστατούν αγκαλιά με το απίστευτο bass playing. Όσο για τον ντράμερ ...οκ, τον έχουν αφήσει να ζωγραφίζει! Οι συνθέσεις είναι απίστευτες. Έντονες, γρήγορες, μελωδικές, (με shredding guitar solo) επικές, μια υπόσχεση καρδιακής ανεπάρκειας στην δίνουν. Όσο για πώρωση, ναι θα το πάθεις και αυτό. Ένα άλμπουμ μέσα στο χειμαδιό που κάνει τη διαφορά! Λατρεία για τα αρρωστάκια των riffs. Nαι υπάρχει η εμπειρία από τα 70'ς μεριά με την μοντέρνα του σήμερα απόδοση, συναίσθημα και τεχνική. Έχω ήδη φτάσει στο Reprise Of A Beautiful Day και μου έχει πέσει το σαγόνι στο πάτωμα. Απίστευτο, μελωδικό μπαλαντοειδές instumental.
(Με δαύτους ξέχασα τις πολύπλοκες και συγγραφικές μου ιδιότητες και το ιδιαίτερο λεξιλόγιο μου...θα επανέλθω όμως..) :P
Και για το τέλος με το Just Another Legacy, 12 λεπτά παρά κάτι δεύτερα – η κορυφαία στιγμή του FREAKSHOW - ετοιμάσου να φας άλλη μια σφαλιάρα με την συμμετοχή του μοναδικού DEVON GRAVES όπου και απογειώνει το κομμάτι με τα απίστευτα μυστηριακά / μαγευτικά φωνητικά του αλλά και το φλάουτο του.
Τι μελωδίες...πωωωω! Ότι και να σου γράψω εγώ τώρα εδώ, δεν μπορεί να είναι παρά μια περιγραφή, θα το νιώσεις στο πετσί σου μόνο αν αφεθείς στην απόλαυση του.
Κατά τα λεγόμενα του LEGRAND η θεματολογία του άλμπουμ έχει ως εξής: “Αφού καταφέρεις να δραπετεύσεις από τον χειρότερο εφιάλτη σου ξαφνικά βρίσκεσαι σε έναν ακόμα χειρότερο. Με αυτό έχει να κάνει το Out Of The Freakshow. Προσπαθείς να γλιτώσεις από οτιδήποτε θες, αλλά πρέπει να προσέξεις την εναλλακτική, αυτό που θα ακολουθήσει. Όλοι έχουμε μέσα μας ένα φρικιό / τέρας που ψάχνει την κατάλληλη ευκαιρία να βγει προς τα έξω. Βρώμικα ψέματα και σκοτεινές πτυχές που κρύβουμε στις σκιές. Ναι, φυσικά, κάνεις μόνο το καλό και οι λέξεις Ζήλια και Φθόνος είναι μόνο λέξεις που απελευθερώνονται μέσα από την Εγωιστική πλευρά σου. Το μόνο που περιμένεις φίλε μου είναι με την τελευταία σου πνοή να βγεις, να λυτρωθείς επιτέλους από αυτό το Freakshow.” Το αριστούργημα αυτό κυκλοφορεί σε Digipack CD και Gatefold 180g double black vinyl. Σε όποια μορφή το βρεις μην το αφήσεις και περάσει έτσι. Το εκπληκτικό artwork δημιουργία από Blacklake Design (Damien Wilson, Maiden United).
H ανάλυση σταματά κάπου εδώ. Ψάξε και άκου καλά το νέο άλμπουμ των CIRRHA NIVA, βρες τους εδώ. Μέσα στην λίστα με τα καλύτερα του 2016... χαλαρά! ;)
Τέλος...ένα μεγάλο ΧΕΙΡΟΚΡΌΤΗΜΑ! Είστε μορφές κύριοι!
Λιβεράκου Eriksson Ελένη - CD review - Out of the Freakshow, - Rock 'n Roll Monuments (GR)

"Rating 7/8: "A top notch performance""

Click on the link to read the full review - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - Powerplay (UK)

"Rating: 8/10 "Prog advanced""

Hooggeëerd publiek! Voor u in ’t speciaal, terug in de ring van het Zware Metalen-circus, voor het eerst sinds 2009: de band, de mythe, de legende.. Cirrha Niva! Inderdaad, vandaag speel ik even voor besnorde circusdirecteur en neem u mee langs het rariteitenkabinet dat dit Nederlandse vijftal tentoonstelt op hun vierde langspeler, Out of the Freakshow.
Hoewel ik bekend was met de bandnaam, moet ik eerlijk bekennen dat ik nooit eerder naar de muziek van Cirrha Niva luisterde. (Voor de liefhebbers: lees Dante Alighieri’s De Goddelijke Komedie, en u weet waar de bandnaam vandaan komt.) Bij binnenkomst in de bedompte circustent trekt de band meteen stevig van leer met het bij vlagen lekker dissonante I Guess en het iets meer catchy From Ego. Vocalist Legrand zingt niet per definitie mooi, maar zijn stem past perfect bij de vervreemdende, onalledaagse progmetal die zijn bandmaten ten gehore brengen. Mochten de vocalen je écht niet liggen, kun je je altijd nog wagen aan het instrumentale Reprise of a Beautiful Day.

Dat Cirrha Niva niet voor één gat te vangen is, moge duidelijk zijn. Van Rush-achtige cleane passages in een fractie van een seconde naar een onmogelijke combinatie van overstuurde klanken (Time!) waar Opeth alleen maar van kan dromen. De verplichte Malcolm X passage (“The price of freedom is death”) hebben we al ettelijke malen in alle metalgenres langs horen komen en lijkt wat overbodig in een nummer als Afraid to Bleed, maar een dergelijk detail mag de pret eigenlijk niet drukken.
Out of the Freakshow is geen gemakkelijke tentoonstelling geworden. Het is muziek waar je voor moet gaan zitten. De consonante, veelal cleane, gitaarstukken gaan er bij ondergetekende in als zoete koek, maar de muur van geluid die daar vaak op volgt, vergt de volledige aandacht. Prog voor gevorderden, zo zou je de vierde van Cirrha Niva kunnen omschrijven. Laat de plaat niet na één luisterbeurt stof vangen in de (digitale) platenkast, maar geef haar nog een paar keer de kans zich te ontwikkelen. Gevalletje ruwe bolster, blanke pit.

Score: 80/100
Martijn Doornekamp - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - Zware Metalen (NL)

"Rating: 4/5 "Genuine demonstration swirling progressive and theatrical music""

Groupe hollandais dont l'histoire est marquée par de très nombreux changements de personnel, Cirrha Niva publie son quatrième album. L'ambition affichée de "Out Of The Freakshow" est de proposer une musique progressive et théâtrale aux émotions variées. Le "Freakshow" est l'exposition d'êtres humains considérés comme difformes ou en tout cas hors normes (femme à barbe, Elephant Man, nains...) dans le but de choquer et de susciter les plus vils sentiments humains. Influencés par Dream Theater, Nevermore, Psychotic Waltz mais aussi du hard rock plus classique, les Bataves ont pour objectif de surpasser un "For Moments Never Done", paru en 2009, déjà bien apprécié.

Pour ce nouvel opus, Cirrha Niva prend le pari de laisser libre cours à la créativité et à une certaine outrance qui n'est pas sans rappeler certains albums d'Evil Masaquerade, et assume une exubérance dans l'expression. Ainsi 'I Guess' débute avec une invitation sur le mode du spectacle avant de développer une atmosphère lourde qui évoque le regretté groupe allemand Superior, le chant renforçant largement cette impression. Mais la force de ce groupe reste sa personnalité assez remarquable qui emprunte effectivement à Psychotic Waltz dans certains passages de 'From Ego' notamment, mais aussi à tant d'autres artistes que finalement, il s'agit là d'un groupe possédant un caractère qui lui est propre. L'aisance des musiciens leur permet de jouer dans tous les registres avec ce soupçon persistant de légère décadence.

Le chant de Legrand est démonstratif et théâtral à souhait. Il contribue à placer l'auditeur dans cette ambiance un peu malsaine, dans laquelle les émotions sont surjouées, surtout si elles sont pernicieuses. L'ambition étant de révéler les monstres que chaque être humain camoufle en lui. Legrand et les chanteurs invités que sont Devon Graves (Psychotic Waltz, Dead Soul Tribe), Lisette Van Den Berg (Scarlet Stories, Karmaflow) expriment cette part sombre au travers de ce chant emphatique qui se pose parfois pour accompagner les accalmies instrumentales. Car, la voix n'est pas la seule à exprimer cette outrance. En effet, les guitares sont alternativement virevoltantes, sages, agressives ('Time'), planantes ('Reprise Of A Beautiful Day') mais toujours en action, soutenues brillamment par la basse très présente de Michael Steenbekkers et la batterie variée de Nathanael Taekema. Notons la flûte de Devon Graves sur 'Just Another Legacy', titre éminemment progressif et entraînant bien qu'un peu long et répétitif sur la fin.

C'est une œuvre remarquable et très personnelle que propose Cirrha Niva avec ce spectaculaire défilé des horreurs dans lequel la colère côtoie l'abjection mais aussi une expression plaintive. C'est une musique qui coïncide pleinement avec l'adjectif progressif qui laisse entendre une grande liberté d'expression. Il en faut peu pour se laisser entraîner dans ce déluge bien ficelé et attachant.

(Translated from French to English with Google Translate!)

Dutch group whose history is marked by numerous personnel changes, Cirrha Niva publishes its fourth album. The ambition of "Out Of The Freakshow" is to provide a progressive and theatrical music with varied emotions. The "Freakshow" is the exposure of human beings considered misshapen or at least unconventional (bearded lady, Elephant Man, dwarves ...) in order to shock and arouse the basest human feelings. Influenced by Dream Theater, Nevermore, Psychotic Waltz but also hard rock classic, the Batavians aim to outperform a "For Moments Never Done", published in 2009, already well appreciated.

For this new album, Cirrha Niva is betting free rein to creativity and a certain excessive that is reminiscent of some albums of Evil Masaquerade, and assumes an exuberance in the expression. And 'I Guess' begins with an invitation to the show mode before developing a heavy atmosphere that evokes the late German group Superior, singing largely reinforcing this impression. But the strength of this group is its remarkable personality which actually borrows from Psychotic Waltz in some passages of 'From Ego' in particular, but also many other artists that eventually, this is a group with a character its own. The ease of the musicians allows them to play in all registers with this persistent hint of slight decline.

The song Legrand is demonstrative and theatrical wish. It helps to place the listener in this atmosphere a little unhealthy, in which emotions are overplayed, especially if they are pernicious. The ambition is to be the monsters that every human being camouflaged in him. Legrand and guest singers are Devon Graves (Psychotic Waltz, Dead Soul Tribe), Lisette Van Den Berg (Scarlet Stories, Karmaflow) express this dark side through this emphatic vocals that sometimes arises to accompany instrumental lulls. Because the voice is not the only one to express this excess. Indeed, the guitars are alternately twirling, wise, aggressive ( 'Time'), planing ( 'Takeover Of A Beautiful Day') but always in action, brilliantly supported by the bass very present Michael Steenbekkers and varied battery Nathanael Taekema . Note flute Devon Graves on 'Just Another Legacy', as eminently progressive and driving though a bit long and repetitive towards the end.

This is a remarkable and very personal work that offers Cirrha Niva with the spectacular parade of horrors in which anger alongside abjection but also a plaintive expression. It is music which coincides fully with the progressive adjective suggesting a greater freedom of expression. It takes a bit to get drawn into this well-crafted and engaging flood.

More information on - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - Music Waves (FR)

"Rating: 4,5/5 "This album proves that Cirrha Niva is one of the better bands in the Netherlands""

Seven years waiting for an album is long, very long.
It's something only the great ones of the earth get away with it, but when you are a relatively unknown band from the Netherlands then you have to start all over again.
In 2009 I already wished that there would soon be a successor to the brilliant For Moments Never Done.
Unfortunately, it does still have lasted very long before Cirrha Niva has finally found time for a new record. Let this be the only point of criticism, as the quintet again made a top-notch album.
It is obvious that Out Of The Freakshow will be played a lot by me.

At its core Cirrha Niva still remained the same band.
This means that the two guitarists, Rob Willemse and Carlo Heefer, again responsible for the smashing guitarparts and that Legrand again pinches flexible voice in all corners.
The fact that the band in seven years is sounding something different is not really crazy, though we still hear very clearly Cirrha Niva.
Now everything will be a lot less and druistig heavily as its predecessor, which is also partly due to the nice open production.
The progressive metal influences are still present, but the existing quiet areas provide more dynamic and a lot of variety.
This allows you suddenly hear different influences and the band in the narrative '24 / 7 Smile ', suddenly thought of a prog band like Arena.

There are also some guests summoned.
The singing of Lisette van den Berg, for example, in the last part of "Afraid To Bleed 'is a nice addition and the keyboard work of Erik Van Ittersum, accompanied by Joost Van Den Broek, is beautiful, but the most striking is the singing of Psychotic Waltz singer Devon Graves who has lent his voice to the epic 'Just Another Legacy'.
The singing of Graves with Legrand is beautiful.
The addition of a flute, also played by Graves, gives the music a real moments seventies prog rock atmosphere.
What a matchless piece of music is this final piece of the album.

Lets forget the hope of a quick follow-up, but it shows class that after so much time they came up with this killer album. Out Of The Freakshow is at least as convincing and timeless as its predecessor and proves that Cirrha Niva is one of the better bands in the Netherlands. Jan Didden
(Translated from Dutch to English with Google Translate)

Zeven jaar op een album wachten is lang, heel lang. Het is iets waar alleen de groten der aarden mee wegkomen, maar ben je een betrekkelijk onbekende band uit Nederland dan kun je het wel schudden en moet je weer opnieuw met de opbouw beginnen. Ondergetekende sprak in 2009 al de wens uit dat er snel een opvolger voor het briljante For Moments Never Done zou komen. Helaas, het heeft dan toch wel erg lang geduurd voordat Cirrha Niva eindelijk tijd heeft gevonden voor een nieuwe plaat. Laat dit dan het enige punt van kritiek zijn, want het vijftal heeft er wel weer een topplaat van gemaakt. Het is duidelijk dat ook Out Of The Freakshow weer lang te horen zal zijn bij ondergetekende.

In de kern is Cirrha Niva nog dezelfde band gebleven. Dit betekent dat de beide gitaristen, Rob Willemse en Carlo Heefer, weer verantwoordelijk zijn voor het spetterende gitaarwerk en dat ook Legrand weer zijn flexibele stem in alle bochten wringt. Dat de band in zeven jaar iets anders is gaan klinken is niet heel gek, al horen we nog steeds heel duidelijk Cirrha Niva. Het komt nu allemaal wel een stuk minder druistig en zwaar over dan op de voorganger, wat ook voor een deel komt door de lekkere open productie. De progressieve metalinvloeden zijn nog altijd aanwezig, maar de volop aanwezige rustige stukken zorgen voor meer dynamiek en een hoop afwisseling. Hierdoor hoor je ineens heel andere invloeden en doet de band in het verhalende ‘24/7 Smile’, ineens aan een progband als Arena denken.

Ook zijn er nog wat gasten opgetrommeld. De zang van Lisette van de Berg, bijvoorbeeld in het laatste stukje van ‘Afraid To Bleed’ is een prettige toevoeging en het toetsenwerk van Erik Van Ittersum, begeleidt door supertoetsenist Joost Van Den Broek, is fraai, maar het meest opvallend is de zang van Psychotic Waltz zanger Devon Graves die zijn stem heeft uitgeleend aan het epische ‘Just Another Legacy’. De samenzang van Graves met Legrand is prachtig. De toevoeging van een fluit, ook door Graves gespeeld, geeft de muziek een op die momenten echt jaren zeventig progrocksfeertje. Wat een weergaloos brok muziek is dit slotstuk van het album.

De hoop op een snel vervolg laten we maar varen, maar het getuigt van klasse dat je na zoveel tijd weer met zo een dijk van een plaat op de proppen weet te komen.Out Of The Freakshow is minstens zo overtuigend en tijdloos als zijn voorganger en laat horen dat Cirrha Niva bij de betere bands in Nederland hoort.
Jan Didden - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - Festival Info (NL)

"Rating 5/5: "More than the maximum score I cannot give""

About 15 years ago Cirrha Niva and their album "Liaison de la Morte 'by the year's revelation for me. Their music and shows were a real rock opera with a mix of horror and romance. Their appearance, costumes and decor were all in Halloween style.
In 2009 they released 'For Moments Never Done' out. What a transformation. Another occupation, Rob Willemse still as composer and guitarist, but with excellent new musicians. The music sounded totally different. Harder, more progressive metal, with particular attention to the music, as the horror show was not there during the performances. When I gave them in my review the maximum points and this is their latest CD no different.
Actually, my discussion may be very short. One sentence with all the superlatives that I know, and then you buy course all at once the album. But so easy is the life of a reviewer now it is not. (;-)
Their music is still progmetal but this time with a seventies edge. It is only during the last track of the CD that I noticed what influence there in lights. Because it plays Devon Graves (Psychotic Waltz, aka Buddy Lackey Dead Soul Tribe) a flute solo and he also sings a piece of it. And the influence of Psychotic Waltz is also here and there audible in their other songs. The fantastic styling Ingeborg Steenhorst I Style Stars (Lacuna Coil, Epica ...) brings visually a little back the atmosphere of yesteryear. Legrand has a voice that fits perfectly with the music and where every progressive metal group may be jealous. Rob is a virtuoso on the guitar but more recently assisted by Carlo Heefer who knows the ropes. The rhythm section should also be pointed out and that is expressed very soft. The best songs are in my 'Afraid To Bleed "with a guest appearance by Lisette van den Berg (Scarlet Stories) which brings the number to higher spheres with her voice. (More than the maximum I can not give ;-) and 12 minutes long (but it shows you not) "Just Another Legacy 'with the aforementioned Devon Graves. But those favorite track changes with every listening. Just listen to the instrumental 'Reprise of a Beautiful Day. " I have also stopped Erik van Ittersum (Theatre Equation) stating that helped by the advice of Joost van den Broek (ex-After Forever) plays the keyboards. And then there's the production team, Jochem Jacobs and Bouke Visser of Split Second Sound Studio (ao Textures) which I think all these albums Cirrha Niva must tackle. What an album !! Spread the word, because they deserve the full attention! Danny Focke (5/5)
(Translated with Google Translate from Dutch to English)

Zo’n 15 jaar geleden was Cirrha Niva en hun album ‘Liaison De La Morte’ voor mij de revelatie van het jaar. Hun muziek en shows waren een ware rock-opera met een mix van horror en romantiek. Hun uiterlijk, kostuums en decor waren allemaal in Halloweenstijl.
In 2009 brachten ze ‘For Moments Never Done’ uit. Wat een transformatie. Een andere bezetting, met Rob Willemse nog steeds als componist en gitarist, maar met uitstekende nieuwe muzikanten. Ook de muziek klonk totaal anders. Harder, meer progmetal, met vooral alle aandacht voor de muziek, want de horrorshow was er niet meer tijdens de optredens. Toen gaf ik ze in mijn review het maximum van de punten en dat is met hun nieuwste CD niet anders.
Eigenlijk kan mijn bespreking heel kort zijn. Eén zin met alle superlatieven die ik ken en daarna kopen jullie natuurlijk allemaal onmiddellijk het album. Maar zo makkelijk is het leven van een reviewer nu ook weer niet. (;-)
Hun muziek is nog altijd progmetal maar deze keer met een seventies randje. Het is pas tijdens het laatste nummer van de CD dat ik opmerkte welke invloed er ook in steekt. Want daarin speelt Devon Graves (Psychotic Waltz, alias Buddy Lackey van Dead Soul Tribe) een fluitsolo en zingt hij ook een stuk mee. En die invloed van Psychotic Waltz is ook hier en daar hoorbaar in hun andere nummers. De fantastische styling van Ingeborg Steenhorst van I Style Stars (Lacuna Coil, Epica,...) brengt visueel een beetje de sfeer van vroeger terug. Legrand heeft een stemgeluid dat perfect past bij de muziek en waar iedere progmetal groep op jaloers mag zijn. Rob is een virtuoos op de gitaar maar wordt sinds kort ook bijgestaan door Carlo Heefer die ook van wanten weet. De ritme sectie mag er ook wezen en dat is dan heel zacht uitgedrukt. De beste nummers zijn volgens mij ‘Afraid To Bleed’ met een gastoptreden van Lisette van den Berg (Scarlet Stories) die met haar stem het nummer naar hogere sferen brengt. (meer dan het maximum kan ik echter niet geven ;-) en het 12 minuten lange (maar dat merk je niet) ‘Just Another Legacy’ met de eerder vernoemde Devon Graves. Maar die favourite track wijzigt bij iedere beluistering. Luister maar eens naar het instrumentale ‘Reprise of a Beautiful Day’. Ik moet ook nog even Erik van Ittersum (Theater Equation) vermelden die geholpen door de goede raad van Joost van den Broek (ex-After Forever) de keyboards bespeelt. En dan is er nog het productie team, Jochem Jacobs en Bouke Visser van Split Second Sound Studio (o.a. Textures) dat volgens mij alle volgende albums van Cirrha Niva mag onder handen nemen. Wat een album!! Zegge het voort, want ze verdienen de volle aandacht!
Danny Focke (5/5) - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - Keys & Chords (NL)

"Rating: 4/5 "Really good fucking music!""

Dutch progressive metal group, Cirrha Niva has already come a long way since the group's creation in 1993. In fact, the combo has attracted the attention of a growing audience but also the organizers of favors major festivals and biggest names in rock, and, thanks to two excellent albums released in 2001 and 2009. "Dead Link" and especially the album "for Moments Never done" have clearly been the glory of the group, it is to accompany the American band Crimson Glory on a European tour in 2011.

Playing in major festivals internationally (Alcatraz Metal Festival, Open Air Dokk'em ...) Cirrha Niva pay the luxury of supporting bands like Lacuna Coil, Evergrey, Pain Of Salvation, Skyclad or Planet X, the musicians have therefore built a solid reputation in the world of progressive metal. Starting their career with an album, a demo and an EP, will therefore follow two famous albums already mentioned finally returning seven years later with the album before us today.

Currently formed by Legrand (vocals), Rob Willemse (guitars), Carlo Heefer (guitars), Michel Steenbekkers (bass) and Robert Van Kooij (drums and percussion), the group enjoys here with many guest musicians from training known. This is started on guitar riffs that launch a more melodic passage where, vocals and guitar procrastinate the heaviness of the whole. The guitars are here both melodic and fast (shred), forming a composition in two tempos-keeping despite all power and velocity.

A cleverly mixed drums and heavy guitars keep the energy on the second composition in which the high-pitched vocals and more melodic passages offset the aggressiveness of metal-progressive group. Of course the inevitable ballad "Smile" comes in third, with a moment of relaxation for the nerves already put on edge. A beautiful melodic work and a beautiful vocal work here remind us of Skid Row and Thin Lizzy, through great melodic songs. Note also the song "Silver Tongues", which also gives pride to beautiful guitars developed.

Who said progressive metal, said longer compositions with actually several pieces whose timing varies between 8 and nearly 12 minutes to the last track. Songs that allow the group to show its know-how in many thoughtful technical demonstrations where, many instruments (flute, piano, organ, keyboards ...), bring additional dimensions to the music. Music that despite the purely metal parts, offers the listener a result more enjoyable to follow.

Cirrha Niva has clearly maintained its level reached with previous games, offering us an album of progressive metal-complex and full of sound research. Obviously the work of guitars here is excellent, but is not counting on the rendering of other instruments and of course singing. Riffs techniques judiciously placed drums, melodic and technical guitar solos here are the elements of a really good fucking music!
(Translated with Google Translate from French into English)

Groupe néerlandais de métal-progressif, Cirrha Niva a d'ores et déjà fait du chemin depuis la création du groupe en 1993. En effet, le combo a su attirer l'attention d'un public grandissant mais aussi les faveurs d'organisateurs de grands festivals et de grands noms du rock, et ce, grâce à deux excellents albums sortis en 2001 et 2009. "Liaison de la Morte" et surtout l'opus "For Moments Never Done" ont manifestement fait la gloire du groupe, ce dernier se permettant d'accompagner le groupe américain Crimson Glory dans une tournée européenne en 2011.

Jouant dans des festivals majeurs sur la scène internationale (Alcatraz Metal Festival, Dokk'em Open Air...), Cirrha Niva se paye le luxe de supporter des groupes comme Lacuna Coil, Evergrey, Pain Of Salvation, Skyclad ou Planet X, les musiciens se sont donc forgés une solide réputation dans le monde du métal-progressif. Démarrant leur carrière par un album, une démo et un EP, vont donc suivre les deux fameux albums déjà cités pour revenir finalement 7 ans plus tard avec l'opus qui nous intéresse aujourd'hui.

Actuellement formé par Legrand (chant), Rob Willemse (guitares), Carlo Heefer (guitares), Michel Steenbekkers (basse) et Robert Van Kooij (batterie et percussions), le groupe bénéficie ici de l'aide de nombreux guest musiciens issus de formations connues. Sur ce on démarre sur des riffs acérés de guitares qui lancent un passage plus mélodique où, chant et guitare temporisent la lourdeur de l'ensemble. Les guitares se font ici à la fois mélodiques et rapides (du shred), formant ainsi une composition à deux tempos gardant malgré-tout puissance et vélocité.

Une batterie savamment mixée et des guitares heavy maintiennent l'énergie sur la seconde composition où, le chant haut-perché et des passages plus mélodiques contrebalancent l'agressivité du métal-progressif du groupe. Bien sûr l'immanquable ballade "Smile" survient en troisième position, offrant un moment de relaxation pour les nerfs déjà bien mis à vif. Un beau travail mélodique et un beau travail vocal nous rappellent ici Skid Row ou Thin Lizzy, dans le cadre de grands morceaux mélodiques. Notons encore le morceau "Silver Tongues", qui fait aussi la part belle à de très beaux développés des guitares.

Qui dit métal-progressif, dit compositions plus longues avec effectivement plusieurs morceaux dont le timing évolue entre 8 et près de 12 minutes pour la dernière plage. Des chansons qui permettent au groupe de montrer tout son savoir-faire, dans de longues démonstrations techniques bien pensées où, de nombreux instruments (flûte, piano, orgues, claviers...), apportent des dimensions supplémentaires à la musique. Une musique qui malgré les passages purement métalliques, offre à l'auditeur un résultat des plus agréables à suivre.

Cirrha Niva a manifestement conservé son niveau atteint avec les précédents opus, en nous proposant un album de métal-progressif complexe et bourré de recherches sonores. Evidemment le travail des guitares est ici excellent, mais c'est sans compter sur le rendu des autres instruments et bien sûr du chant. Riffs techniques, batterie judicieusement placée, soli mélodiques et techniques des guitares sont ici les éléments constitutifs d'une musique vachement bien foutue ! - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - Music In Belgium (BE)

"Rating: 9/10 "Spin after spin the album is getting better and better""

When I saw a mail from JBM events with the announcement of a new Cirrha Niva album I didn’t know how fast to react volunteering to review it. 7 years ago the sublime album ‘For Moments Never Done’ was released and still I listen to it on a regular base. That really says something, because I also can put on 5,000 others if I want…. I just like the style of this Dutch Prog metal band.
Under the guidence of producers Jochem Jacobs and Bouke Visser of Split Second Sound Studio they recorded this ‘Out Of the Freakshow’. Like on the predecessor there is no doubt about the skills of every member. The technical riffing, melodic guitar solos sometimes accompanied by a seventies kind of feeling works. Using Hammond organ, piano and soundscapes the band creates sometimes a theatrical atmosphere.
I have to admit that I was not immediately overwhelmed after the first spin, because it is sure a bit different from ‘For Moments Never Done’. Spin after spin however the album is getting better and better. The theatrical sounding voice of Legrand makes the band different from the lot. The music is still influenced by nineties prog bands, but the heavy riffs remind of Nevermore, the hammond organs of the 70’s, the atmosphere of Psychotic Waltz and parts of Rush aren’t far away either. The best song is the almost 12 minutes long closing track with Devon Graves singing and flute contribution. When Devon does his part, the song reminds of course of Psychotic Waltz. The biggest difference with the predecessor is that the band has implemented the use of more hammond organs and I experience some more softer parts, which could be just my impression…
The band sure didn’t invent a new form of prog metal, but just added some new parts to their common style. If you like their 2009 album, you like this also. I can also advice fans of Psychotic Waltz to give this album a chance, there are some parts you will sure like, especially the last song. - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - Power of Metal (DK)

"Rating: 8/10 "Like good prog should be: challenging & rewarding""

"Like good prog should be: challenging & rewarding" - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - Rock Tribune (B)

"Rating: 8,5/10 Album Of The Week - "Turn up the volume and play it loud""

Gitarist Rob Willemse en voormalig gitarist Peter Vennema hebben de progressieve metal band Cirrha Niva in 1993 opgericht. Over een paar jaar viert de band hun zilveren jubileum en dit jaar verschijnt de vierde full-length ‘Out Of The Freakshow’. Invaller Nathanael Taekema (Thomas Zwijsen) neemt op dit album alle drumpartijen over van Robert van Kooij.

Het intro van ‘I guess’ is opvallend. Vooral door de tekst van Mr. Gold. Hij zegt met theatrale stem:
“Ladies and gentleman. Brothers and sisters. Geeks and gorillas. For the world of the bizarre we proudly present the world’s largest congregation of human oddities.”
Hierna verwacht je zware, bijna bizarre muziek. Maar Cirrha Niva zet je op het verkeerde been. De hel breekt niet los maar er zijn vrijwel direct diverse wendingen. De drumvellen zijn vrij strak gespannen door Nathanael. Dit gaat iets ten koste van de dynamiek. De drums klinken minder donderend. Het donderende geluid had best gepast in het totaalplaatje. Er komen duistere klanken onder de snaren vandaar. Het is duidelijk dat Rob niet de enige gitarist is, ook Carlo Heefer is gitarist. Michel Steenbekkers is de bassist. Zanger Legrand heeft een lekker, licht rauw randje op zijn stem. Bovendien heeft hij een hoog bereik mèt power.
Het intro van ‘From Ego’ doet de eerste seconden een klein beetje denken aan ‘Halo of flies’ van Alice Cooper. Daarna is het nummer duidelijk anders. Net als het openingsnummer is ook dit nummer mooi opgebouwd. Puur genieten dus. De geluidskwaliteit is goed.
Het samplen tijdens het intro van ‘Afraid to bleed’ verloopt niet soepel. De muziek zet iets te vroeg in. Daar zit een stukje disbalans. Ook in het samplen wat verder op, is het verband niet direct geheel duidelijk. Dit komt vooral omdat niet alle tekst (gezongen en samplen) te verstaan is. De zang is te zacht gemixt waardoor de power en de pijn in de stem van Legrand te veel op de achtergrond blijft. Gast zangeres Lisette van den Berg (Scarlet Stories) zorgt voor een gave climax richting het einde van dit nummer. Waarna het nummer instrumentaal mooi weg sterft.
‘Reprise of a beautiful day’ start sferisch met piano en keyboard gespeeld door Erik van Ittersum (Theater Equation). Het gitaarwerk zorgt voor kippenvel. Wat is dit mooi! Een klein, kort schoonheidsfoutje in het geluid is jammer. Maar dat hoor je alleen maar met een goede koptelefoon. Op het einde van dit instrumentale nummer hoor je een enkele toon op piano en een lang aanhoudende toon op het keyboard die langzaam weg sterft.
‘Just another legacy’ begint goed, na een seconde of 12 een licht ploppend geluid waarna het geluid wat doffer is. Jammer! Het geluid van ‘strijkers’ past goed in het geheel. Devon Graves (Psychotic Waltz) speelt fluit. Hij speelt de aanzet van de noten zo dat ze soms trillend klinken. Hoewel dit binnen het geheel past, was een iets strakkere manier van spelen mooier geweest. Het gillend gitaarwerk klinkt hier wat dof. Legrand en Devon zingen soms tegen elkaar in, toch is dit perfect in balans. De laatste vocale uithaal had langer mogen duren om dit nummer perfect te laten eindigen.
Deze 8 nummers duren bij elkaar 56 minuten. In de meeste nummers is het geluid goed. Hierdoor komen zowel het gillend als het zwaardere gitaarwerk goed uit. De bas groove is aangenaam vaak te horen. Bij dit alles verliezen Cirrha Niva de melodie niet uit het oog. De opbouw van de meeste nummers is prima. Het is heerlijk om het volume lekker ver open te draaien en ‘Out Of The Freakshow’ door de huiskamer te laten denderen. Ook verkrijgbaar in vinyl!
(8,5/10) (Parnassus records) - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - Rockmuzine (NL)

""It's a good album""

I don't know if this genre exists, but I would categorize the music that Dutch act Cirrha Niva produces on their album Out Of The Freakshow under neo progressive metal. Neo prog metal with symphonic influences. The musical compositions have a neo progressive rock feeling, while most songs are filled with heavy guitars and typical metal guitar solos. There are also a few hunches of Tool here and there in some of the tracks. The guitar solos are good, sometimes very surprising and well thought about. Legrand is a good singer, but not spectacular in my opinion. The sound of the album is fine, but the drums sound a bit too compressed, and the total picture misses some dynamics.

The opener track I Guess has heavy riffs and drums, and is also the darkest track on the album. From Ego carries the same vibe as the opener track. Some passages of the song are more calm and leaning towards neo prog as I mentioned earlier. Third track 24/7 Smile has a catchy rhythm and chorus, but later on the track becomes more dark and rough. Afraid To Bleed contains different long guitar solos that are well executed, and the symphonic rock like mid-section and outro are quite interesting. Silver Tongues is a musically cheerful song, and isn't leaning towards metal. This track reminds me of Pendragon as well. Time contains a lot of double bass drum moments, and even has an Iron Maiden feel. Reprise Of A Beautiful Day has a piano versus guitar intro. An instrumental metal ballad. Just Another Legacy is the longest track on the album. I like the flute solo in the middle, but somehow it doesn't really fit the music compared to the rest of the album. The guitar solo that follows up the flute solo however, is very well played. The vocal style reminds me of a combination of Dream Theater's James Labrie and Iron Maiden's Bruce Dickinson.

This is sadly not album that keeps my full attention in its entirety, and I found it difficult to review this album. The prog rock songs are more interesting than songs that lean towards metal in my opinion. It's a good album, and I'm sure some people will really love it, but this isn't something for me sadly. Just because this isn't something for me doesn't mean you will like it, so listen to it and decide for yourself!

***+ Iris Hidding (edited by Astrid de Ronde) - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - BackGround Mag (NL)

"Rating: 84/100 "Out of the Freakshow was more than worth the wait!""

Seven years Cirrha Niva did it take to come to a successor of the atmospheric 'For Moments Never Done. " At that time the band had a new rhythm section with bassist and drummer Michel Robert. The long break did the band obviously a lot of good, "Out Of The Freakshow" is a strong album with lots of variety and weather own horror soundje. Through the cooperation of a number of guest musicians (Devon Graves - Psychotic Waltz, Joost van den Broek - After Forever and Erik van Ittsersum - The Theater Equation) is provided an additional dose of atmosphere. And with the talented singer Lisette Mountain (Scarlet Stories), there is an additional asset vocal presence (superb vocals in 'Afraid To Bleed "). Cirrha Niva has grown musically and offers a nice mix of Nevermore. Dream Theater and yes, Psychotic Waltz. Especially singer Legrand convincing little more and guitarist Rob Willemse also sounds clear growth in its melodic game. Sometimes something the long wait doubly well spent and that certainly goes for "Out Of The Freakshow 'by Cirrha Niva.
(Translated with Google Translate from Dutch to English)

Zeven jaar had Cirrha Niva ervoor nodig om tot een opvolger van het sfeervolle ‘For Moments Never Done’ te komen. In die tijd verwelkomde de band een nieuwe ritmesectie met bassist Michel en drummer Robert. De lange pauze deed de band overduidelijk veel goed, op ‘Out Of The Freakshow’ is een sterk album met veel afwisseling en weer dat eigen horror soundje. Door de medewerking van een aantal gastmuzikanten (Devon Graves – Psychotic Waltz, Joost van den Broek – After Forever en Erik van Ittsersum – The Theater Equation) wordt een extra dosis sfeer aangebracht. En met de talentvolle zangeres Lisette van de Berg (Scarlet Stories) is er ook een extra vocale troef aanwezig (prachtig zangwerk in ‘Afraid To Bleed’). Cirrha Niva is muzikaal gegroeid en biedt een leuke mengeling van Nevermore. Dream Theater en ja, ook Psychotic Waltz. Met name zanger Legrand weet iets meer te overtuigen en ook gitarist Rob Willemse laat ook duidelijk groei horen in zijn melodieuze spel. Soms is iets het lange wachten dubbel en dwars waard en dat geldt zeker voor ‘Out Of The Freakshow’ van Cirrha Niva.
Winston - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - Lords of Metal (NL)

"Rating: 80/100 "A small masterpiece""

There was great curiosity for new work record license plate Cirrha Niva, progressive Dutch band already messasi on display with the previous "For Momente Never Done", but remain still in limbo underground. With Out of the Freakshow nederlandesi the attempt, then, the leap and the ability to succeed are better than good.

The band shows a prog that does not seek ever the way of the easy refrain, as do the more famous colleagues, but "forced" to follow them through intricate arrangements and steps far from immediate, consumed within the length pieces MDIO-long. The instrumental system is an excellent blend of Nevermore, Dream Theater and Pain Of Salvation, enriched by the performance of good vocalist Legrand, halfway between Geddy Lee of Rush and Daniel Gildenlöw the same PoS. Even the comrades dell'istrionico singer is no exception: Rob Willemse and Carlo Heefer guitars do a great job, including solos, riffs insightful and acoustic passages, without getting lost in useless, and the stain virtuosity ends in themselves, accompanied by timely and accurate rhythm section of Michael Steenbekkers on bass and Robert Van Kooij on drums.

"I Guess" introduces the musical journey with a welcome recited mo 'circus by this Mr. Gold, who will speak with other parties talk over the track. The Rush's influence is felt, and the refrain is accompanied by a barbarian choir worthy of a viking band, and now we can appreciate the skill of Legrand and production DIY really level. Follows the long "From Ego" articulated and darker tones (and here you can hear the influence Nevermore), graced with a precious central solo and Legrand at ease even on high notes. "24 \ 7 Smile", track too long and not at all immediate, the scenery changes again, opening with acoustic guitars and a seemingly more cheerful flavor, with Rush again as a beacon to follow, while maintaining its own identity. The nearly nine minutes of "Afraid To Bleed" are perhaps the best that Cirrha Niva offer us in Out Of The Freaksho w, with swirling instrumental passages where the guitars draw solos worthy of the best Dream Theater, Legrand to soar with acute not just , and the intervention in the final poignant guest Lisette Van Den Berg (Scarlet Stories) to bring the whole thing down to a thrilling climax, where it will be an arpeggio sound to fade this is the absolute highlight of the disc.

"Silver Tongues" less convincing than the rest, led by acoustic guitars folk tone, and like the poor "Time" which is not denied a tough riffone, a double-bass drum, and where even the vocal attitude of Legrand It becomes more severe, close to Warrel Dane of Nevermore. A small piano opens "Reprise Of A Beatiful Day", instrumental piece by mourners tones highlighting, even if it were not enough, the technical expertise of the band and the skill of the two guitarists. It closes the long (almost twelve minutes) "Just Another Legacy" where we find guest Devon Graves (Deadsoul Tribe, The Shadow Theory), which brings with it its own particular stamp in addition to the flute, which is useful to characterize yet another excellent composition, this time more linear than usual, and with a final anthology.

The Cirrha Niva are certainly not a band easy, nor want to be, but they leave within each piece of this Out Of The Freakshow more than one reason, more than one pass in effect and a melody, sowing them like pieces of a puzzle music that once put together, with the attention and the deserved attention, it reveals a small masterpiece. It is an album that grows with every listen, ronzandoti inside, giving the desire to go and listen to the beautiful work of guitars, really sparkling, and the most convincing evidence of a singer worthy of attention. A band to follow in the future, hopefully, brilliant that awaits her. (Translated with Google Translate from Italian to English)

C'era grande curiosità per la nuova fatica discografica targata Cirrha Niva, band progressive olandese già messasi in mostra con il precedente "For Momente Never Done", restando però ancora nel limbo dell'underground. Con Out of the Freakshow i nederlandesi tentano, dunque, il grande salto e le possibilità di riuscirci sono più che buone.
La band si presenta con un prog che non cerca mai la via del ritornello facile, come fanno colleghi ben più famosi, ma ci "costringono" a seguirli attraverso intricati arrangiamenti e passaggi tutt'altro che immediati, consumati all'interno di pezzi dalla durata mdio-lunga. L'impianto strumentale è un'ottima commistione tra Nevermore, Dream Theater e Pain Of Salvation, arricchita dalla performance del bravo vocalist Legrand, a metà tra Geddy Lee dei Rush e Daniel Gildenlöw degli stessi PoS. Anche i compagni dell'istrionico cantante non sono da meno: Rob Willemse e Carlo Heefer alle chitarre fanno un gran lavoro, tra assoli, riff ficcanti e passaggi acustici, senza perdersi in inutili sbrodolamenti e virtuosismi fini a sé stessi, accompagnati dalla puntuale e precisa sezione ritmica composta da Micheal Steenbekkers al basso e Robert Van Kooij alla batteria.
"I Guess" introduce il viaggio musicale con un benvenuto recitato a mo' di circo da parte di tal Mr. Gold, che interverrà con altre parti parlate nel corso del brano. L'influenza dei Rush si fa sentire, mentre il refrain è accompagnato da un coro barbaro degno di una band viking, e subito riusciamo a apprezzare tutta la bravura di Legrand e una produzione fai da te davvero di livello. Segue la lunga "From Ego" articolata e dai toni più cupi (e qui si sente l'influenza Nevermore), graziata da un prezioso assolo centrale e un Legrand a suo agio anche su tonalità alte. "24\7 Smile", traccia anch'essa lunga e per niente immediata, cambia ancora lo scenario, aprendosi con chitarre acustiche e un sapore apparentemente più allegro, con i Rush di nuovo come faro da seguire, mantenendo comunque la propria identità. I quasi nove minuti di "Afraid To Bleed" sono forse il meglio che i Cirrha Niva ci offrono in Out Of The Freakshow, con vorticosi passaggi strumentali dove le chitarre disegnano assoli degni dei migliori Dream Theater, Legrand a svettare con acuti non da poco, e l'intervento nel finale struggente dell'ospite Lisette Van Den Berg (Scarlet Stories) per portare il tutto in fondo a un climax da brividi, dove sarà un arpeggio acustico a sfumare questo che è l'highlight assoluto del disco.
"Silver Tongues" convince di meno rispetto al resto, guidata da chitarre acustiche dal tono folk, mentre piace la più cattiva "Time" che non si nega un riffone duro, una batteria a doppia cassa, e dove anche l'atteggiamento vocale di Legrand si fa più severo, vicino a Warrel Dane dei Nevermore. Un tenue pianoforte apre "Reprise Of A Beatiful Day", brano strumentale dai toni dolenti che mette in luce, se ancora non fosse bastato, la perizia tecnica della band e la bravura dei due chitarristi. Chiude la lunga (quasi dodici minuti) "Just Another Legacy" dove troviamo ospite Devon Graves (Deadsoul Tribe, The Shadow Theory), che porta in dote il proprio timbro particolare oltre al flauto, utile a caratterizzare l'ennesima ottima composizione, stavolta più lineare del solito, e con un finale da antologia.
I Cirrha Niva non sono certo una band facile, né vogliono esserlo, ma lasciano all'interno di ogni brano di questo Out Of The Freakshow più di uno spunto, più di un passaggio a effetto e di una melodia, seminandoli come pezzi di un puzzle musicale che una volta messo insieme, con l'attenzione e la cura meritata, si rivela un piccolo capolavoro. È un disco che cresce a ogni ascolto, ronzandoti dentro, dando la voglia di andare a riascoltare il bellissimo lavoro delle chitarre, davvero scintillanti, e la più che convincente prova di un cantante meritevole di attenzione. Una band da seguire nel futuro, si spera, brillante che l'attende. - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - True Metal (IT)

"Rating: 7,5/10 "You certainly will like this""

Second job for the Dutch band Cirrha Niva and second shot on target! This 2016 is proving to be a very important year for all lovers of progressive metal, full of surprises and beautiful confirmations. This "Out Of The Freakshow" was recorded under the wise guidance of producer Jochem Jacobs and Bouke Visser of Split Second Sound Studio and like before there is any doubt about the sublime technique, melodic guitar solos sometimes accompanied by a kind of reminder of the typical sounds of the '70s.

Using a Hammond organ, piano intricate passages and those typical soundscapes of the band has sometimes the feeling of living an almost theatrical. I must admit that I have not been immediately overwhelmed after the first listen, because it's definitely a bit 'different from the usual work proposals yet from the second / third hearing things improve quickly. The voice from theatrical sound of Legrand makes the different band from all others. The music is still quite influenced by prog bands of the nineties but heavy riffs years in some ways reminiscent of Nevermore, the Hammond organ the '70s, the atmosphere is that of Psychotic Waltz and seems in some ways even the Rush are so far away. The best song is the long closing track of almost 12 minutes with Devon Graves singing and the flute contribution. When Devon does his part, the song still more reminiscent of the aforementioned Psychotic Waltz. The biggest difference with the previous album is that the band has implemented the use of Hammond organ and proposed some softer parts which could also be just me ... The band did not invent a new form of progressive metal but it has definitely added some interesting news that could be of inspiration in the future. If you liked their 2009 album, you certainly will like this too. I can also recommend the purchase to Psychotic Waltz fans.
Rating: 7.5 / 10
(Translated with Google Translate from Italian to English)

Secondo lavoro per la band olandese Cirrha Niva e secondo colpo a bersaglio! Questo 2016 si sta dimostrando un anno davvero importante per tutti gli amanti del progressive metal, pieno di sorprese e di belle riconferme. Questo “Out Of The Freakshow” è stato registrato sotto la sapiente guida dei produttori Jochem Jacobs e Bouke Visser dello Split Second Sound Studio e come sul modello precedente non vi è alcun dubbio circa la tecnica sublime, gli assoli di chitarra melodici a volte accompagnati da una sorta di richiamo alle sonorità tipiche degli anni ’70.

Utilizzando un organo Hammond, intricati passaggi di pianoforte e quei paesaggi sonori tipici della band si ha a volte la sensazione di vivere un’atmosfera quasi teatrale. Devo ammettere che non sono stato subito travolto dopo il primo ascolto, perché è sicuramente un lavoro po’ diverso dalle solite proposte eppure già dal secondo/terzo ascolto le cose migliorano rapidamente. La voce dal suono teatrale di Legrand rende la banda diversa da tutte le altre. La musica è ancora parecchio influenzata da band prog degli anni novanta ma i riff pesanti ricordano per certi versi i Nevermore, gli organi Hammond gli anni ’70, l’atmosfera è quella degli Psychotic Waltz e par certi versi nemmeno i Rush sono tanto lontani. La miglior canzone è il lungo brano di chiusura di quasi 12 minuti con Devon Graves al canto e con il contributo del flauto. Quando Devon fa la sua parte, la canzone ricorda ancora di più i già citati Psychotic Waltz. La più grande differenza con l’album precedente è che la band ha implementato l’uso dell’organo Hammond e proposto alcune parti più morbide cosa che potrebbe essere anche solo una mia impressione …La band non ha certo inventato una nuova forma di progressive metal, ma ha sicuramente aggiunto delle novità interessanti che potrebbero essere di ispirazione anche in futuro. Se vi è piaciuto il loro album del 2009, vi piacerà certamente anche questo. Posso anche consigliare l’acquisto agli appassionati di Psychotic Waltz.

Voto: 7.5/10 - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - Metal Blood (IT)

"Rating: 8/10 "Out Of The Freakshow" ist spannend, abwechslungsreich und sehr hörenswert.""

“Ladies and gentlemen. Brothers and sisters. Geeks and gorillas. For the world of the bizarre we proudly present the world’s largest congregation of human oddities.” So wird man begrüsst auf dem neusten Album der Holländer Cirrha Niva. Musikalisch gar nicht so leicht einzuordnen, aber vielleicht wollen das die Jungs um Sänger Legrand ja genauso. Da hat es Einflüsse, die reichen von Thin Lizzy über Phsychotic Waltz bis zu Rush und Nevermore. Ganz stark sind die Drums, Robert van Kooij prügelt und wirbelt sich grandios durch die acht abwechslungsreichen Tracks. Ganz gut gefällt mir "24/7 Smile“, eine tolle Hardrock Nummer mit grandios gespielten Gitarren und interessantem Gesang. So wird man von Song zu Song in eine andere musikalische Welt getragen, was das Ganze sehr spannend macht. Harte Riffs treffen auf zarte cleane Parts, fast Folk Rock-artig, um dann beim nächsten Track wieder Phsychotic Waltz verwandt hart und proggig durchzustarten. Wunderschön ist das instrumentale "Reprise Of A Beautiful Day" mit traumhafte Gitarrensoli in Begleitung von Klaviersound. "Just Another Legacy" ist dann die letzte Nummer, sehr gefühlvoll mit toll gespielten Gitarren und einer klasse Gesangsmelodie, ein wahrlich toller Rock Song mit leichten Jethro Tull-Anleihen. Man muss sich das Werk der Holländer wirklich selber anhören, um sich ein genaues Bild zu machen. Eins steht fest: "Out Of The Freakshow" ist spannend, abwechslungsreich und sehr hörenswert - aber urteilt selbst. 
Crazy Beat - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - Metal Factory (SW)

"Rating: 8/10 "An album to cherish""

Rechnet man die Demo-Zeiten hinzu, dann frönt Gitarrist Rob Willemse bereits seit fast einem Vierteljahrhundert seinem Hobby namens Cirrha Niva. Das allein nötigt schon mal Respekt ab, und insbesondere die theatralische Ausrichtung von „Liaison de la Morte“ (2001) und einige dazugehörige, zudem erstklassige Shows im Vorprogramm Pain Of Salvations haben sich in mein Gedächtnis eingebrannt. Treu geblieben sind sich Cirrha Niva ebenso bei der langen Wartezeit zwischen den Alben. Mit neuer Rhythmussektion, weiterhin an Bord sind die von „For Moments Never Done“ (2009) bekannten Carlo Heefer (an der zweiten Klampfe) und Vokalist Legrand, laden die Niederländer nun zur Freakshow, die sich konzeptionell und den visuellen Aspekt betreffend (Outfit etc.) wiederum recht abgedreht und theatralisch gibt. Musikalisch hat das Quintett aus Den Bosch allerdings gut daran getan den Klangkosmos etwas zu entschlacken. Will sagen: zu hören gibt es weniger typischen Prog Rock bzw. Metal und weniger (gewollt wirkende) Breaks, die den Fluss eines Songs stören könnten (merke: nicht müssen!). Die Band versucht dies mit einer Rückbesinnung auf Klassiker wie LedZep, Thin Lizzy oder Rush zu erklären, die aber zumindest nicht offensichtlich als hörbare Einflüsse auszumachen sind. Wenn sie denn geholfen haben Cirrha Niva zu zwingenderen Melodien und kompakterem Songwriting zu führen – um so besser. Generell kann man den neuen Longplayer all’ jenen ans Herz legen, die sich an Song-orientiertem, klischeefreiem, mit starken Harmonien bedachten und Gitarren-orientiertem Progressive Metal mit 90er-Hang erfreuen. Meine Baustelle also, und meine beiden Highlights im rundum starken Machwerk sind mit „Time“ (härteste Nummer des Albums, zunächst Nevermore-ähnlich und in der zweiten Hälfte wundervoll melodisch) und „Just Another Legacy“ (circa zwölfminütiger Album-Closer, erstklassig verspieltes Mini-Epos mit Gastbeiträgen von Devon Graves (Ihr wisst schon von wem...) an der Querflöte sowie am zweiten Mikro) ebenfalls schnell ausgemacht. „Out Of The Freakshow“, Artwork-technisch mit gewohnt überzeugendem Blacklake-Design ausgestattet, gibt es als Digi-CD und 2-LP im Gatefold - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - Obliveon (GER)

"Rating: 78/100 "More progressive, more theatrical, more adventurous!""

"More progressive, more theatrical, more adventurous!" - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - Aardschok (NL)

"Rating: 4/5 "A thoroughly enjoyable album that i expect to give plenty of spins""

After a rather long hiatus following their previous work (which was a strong effort by any standard), this Dutch prog metal group finally return with an album that shows maturity, technical progress and a surprisingly broad range of influences and styles.
I found myself reminded of Rush, especially with the song '24/7 smile'. There were also nice Psychotic Waltz references sprinkled throughout the album (PW lead singer Devon Graves/Buddy Lackey provides guest vocals and flute on the last track) - though similarities with other bands never strays into territory that sounds like copying. My favourite track was 'Afraid To Bleed' - a highly powerful yet melodic song, with truly spine tingling moments and a sweeping instrumental ending that reminded me of Dream Theater's "Finally Free".
Cirrha Niva have managed to shape a sound that is authentically their own, which is quite an accomplishment for a band like theirs which at this stage may still be perceived by most as just another name among hundreds of similar acts. With this album, however, they prove that they are more than just any old act.
The music throughout the album ranges from the neo-prog esque, to latin and reggae breaks, all the way up the spectrum towards almost tech-metal sounding grooves. As with the previous album ("For Moments Never Done"), lead singer LeGrand carries the songs with his unique and versatile vocals. The rhythm section really stands out with interim drummer Nathanael Taekema and new bassist Michel Steenbekkers performing some truly adrenaline pumping stuff, while marked technical improvement and depth is noted between the dual lead guitarists and longest standing bandmembers Rob Willemse and Carlo Heefer.
The thing that lets it down just a little are the lyrics. While they do quite well at conveying some pretty dark and emotional aspects of human psyche, alas (as with many bands where English isn't the first language), some minor lack of poetic nuance is detectable. However, most people won't be phased by this and the absolutely spectacular artwork and costume designs easily make up for any narrative deficiency.
All in all, a thoroughly enjoyable album that i expect to give plenty of spins. Now let's hope it's not another 5+ yrs before the next one! - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - Prog Archives (CAN)

""This fourth album will rank alongside the greatest achievements in history.""

Vous savez ce que c’est. Souvent, régulièrement, on suit un groupe de loin, le connaissant de nom ou de réputation, mais sans vraiment avoir écouté sa musique. Alors on se base sur des éléments extérieurs pour s’en faire une idée. Des pochettes, un look, un style, des titres d’albums, en gros, des futilités qui ne sont que forme et pas fond. Et puis un jour on écoute. Et on est surpris, enchanté, déçu, ou…quelque chose qui se situe entre tout ça.
C’est ce qui m’est arrivé ce matin, lorsque j’ai enfin décidé de chroniquer un LP des Hollandais de CIRRHA NIVA.
J’aurais pu/du m’y mettre plus tôt. Après tout, tout me renvoyait vers eux. J’aimais l’artwork de leurs albums, leur apparence m’intriguait, et puis cette façon de définir leur musique comme étant du Gothique Progressif, ça avait de quoi attiser ma curiosité. Mais j’ai attendu, jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Et j’ai été surpris. Etonné et surpris. Mais pas déçu non, au contraire, juste aiguillé sur la bonne piste.
Celle d’un Metal progressif très riche, mais pas Gothique pour un sou. Juste Heavy, et progressif. Ce qui est déjà beaucoup.

Les CIRRHA NIVA ont derrière eux une jolie carrière, pas de celles qui garantissent les premières pages de magazines, mais dont on peut s’enorgueillir en société. A raison d’ailleurs, puisque depuis leur création en 1993, ils n’ont pas chômé, et aligné les réalisations tout à fait dignes d’intérêt. Quatre longue durée, un EP, une poignée de démo, et pas mal de concerts bien sûr. Mais surtout, un sens aigu de l’indépendance, via un DIY absolu. Ils ne doivent rien à personne, et j’avoue avoir beaucoup d’admiration pour les groupes capable d’afficher vingt ans de parcours sans avoir bénéficié de l’aide de grosses structures. Mais lorsque j’ai écouté (attentivement, respect oblige) Out Of The Freakshow, j’ai très vite compris pourquoi. Outre une imagerie et un concept soignés, les cinq Bataves jouent une musique précieuse mais efficace, loin d’un quelconque gothique de pacotille, mais proche d’un Heavy progressif tel qu’on le pratiquait dans les 90’s, à l’instar de groupes comme DIVINE REGALE ou MIND’S EYE.

For Moments Never Done, leur précédent LP, avait trouvé de très bons échos dans la presse, comme chacune de leur sorties d’ailleurs. Et gageons qu’avec ces monstres de foire, cet écho ne s’évanouira pas dans l’indifférence de la nuit, tant ce nouvel effort est à la hauteur de ses prédécesseurs. Il est difficile de se renouveler dans un genre aussi cloisonné, pourtant, CIRRHA NIVA y parvient, année après année, et ce, malgré de nombreux changements de line-up. Cette fois ci, c’est Nathanael Taekema qui assure les pistes de batterie, mais Out Of The Freakshow accueille aussi pas mal de guests, comme Devon Graves des excellents PSYCHOTIC WALTZ, venu poser ses lignes de flute et son chant sur le morceau « Just Another Legacy », ou Lisette Van Den Berg (SCARLET STORIES) qui apporte une plus-value à « Afraid To Bleed ».
La sublime pochette est signée par le studio Blacklake Design, et cache huit longs morceaux, dans une veine progressive tout à fait délicate et ciselée, qui s’inscrit dans la plus droite lignée des travaux antérieurs des Hollandais.
Pas de crainte à avoir, les titres bénéficient toujours d’une grande attention au niveau des arrangements, mais ceux-ci ne servent pas de décorum. Ils sont parfaitement intégrés aux structures, et sont souvent le fruit d’une instrumentalisation élaborée et sophistiquée, et non pas de l’abus d’effets sonores inutiles et roboratifs. Après tout, les musiciens ont tous un bagage technique certain, qu’ils mettent au service de compositions complexes qui pourtant, sonnent spontanées à l’écoute.
CIRRHA NIVA est tout sauf un groupe démonstratif. C’est plutôt un groupe « émotionnel », qui tente par sa musique de faire passer un message, et qui y parvient. Mené de voix de velours par Legrand, vocaliste sobre mais puissant, au timbre chaud et velouté sans dépasser les bornes de l’étalage lyrique, ce groupe est résolument unique dans son créneau, même si beaucoup l’affilient à la scène progressive des années 90, qu’ils jugent d’eux-mêmes « statique ».
Certes, la musique de ce nouvel album n’a rien d’actuel, mais c’est sans doute aussi pour ça que je l’apprécie tant. Pas d’esbroufe, pas de « jeunisme », mais de la sincérité. Certes, de temps à autres les cinq tentent le coup de l’air du temps, comme sur l’agressif «Time », qu’un DREAM THEATER aurait pu composer (quoique la ressemblance avec Awake évoque plutôt les early 90’s, donc pas vraiment d’innovation contemporaine), mais sur l’intégralité de l’album, l’influence qui se dégage le plus selon moi serait un genre d’adaptation de la fluidité de RUSH dans un contexte purement Metal. Ce qui vous en conviendrez, est assez séduisant…
L’énergie est privilégiée, évidemment, mais la nuance est maîtresse. Tout au long des six premiers morceaux, l’assise Rock est affirmé, et ce, jusqu’à la conclusion, en forme de diptyque pas vraiment lié par la forme, mais plus par le fond. Car Out Of The Freakshow se termine par deux pièces essentielles, l’instrumental sublime et fragile « Reprise Of a Beautiful Day », amas de nuages paisibles déchiré par un long solo de toute beauté et de quelques variations rythmiques éparses, qui précède l’épique « Just Another Legacy », qui avec ses douze minutes offre une clôture digne de ce nom. Douze minutes qui passent en revue tout le CV des Hollandais, avec en apport cette flûte légère et virevoltante maîtrisée puis libérée par Devon Graves, qui permet à cet ultime morceau de consacrer en union les univers oniriques de RUSH et JETHRO TULL, tout en gardant en ligne de mire cette puissance Rock/Métal qui n’en fait jamais trop.
Sans connaître en profondeur l’œuvre des Hollandais, je pense pourvoir affirmer que ce quatrième album se rangera aux côtés des plus grandes réussites de leur histoire, ce que semblent confirmer les premières impressions des fans et webzines.
Il se pose en tout cas en album parfait dans un style progressif subtil, et fait le tour de la question en huit compositions solides, qui ménagent pourtant quelques petites surprises sinon étonnantes, du moins rafraichissantes, comme ce dernier morceau qui est vraiment un trésor à lui seul.
« After escaping your worst nightmare you find yourself in one that’s even worse »
C’est LeGrand qui parle, mais pourtant, il est difficile de croire que cette musique en soit un… - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - Metal & Oddities (FR)

""Filigrain and thrilling songs""

In den Niederlanden sind Cirrha Niva dem Publikum durch zahlreiche Auftritte und ihre drei bisherigen Alben durchaus geläufig. In Deutschland besteht hingegen noch Nachholbedarf. Ordentlich Antrieb hierzu sollte das neue Album „Out of the freakshow“ geben. Eine Freakshow im Sinne von Abgedrehtheit stellt das Werk zwar nicht da, ungewöhnlich ist es aber durchaus, denn Cirrha Niva sind völlig originell und kaum mit einer anderen Band zu vergleichen. Grundsätzlich sind Cirrha Niva im Progressive Metal zu verorten. Die Songs sind technisch filigran, die Rhythmussektion groovt ordentlich und um die Songs zu greifen, muss man ihnen ein paar Mal lauschen. Die Band fischt dabei von 70er Prog über moderne Grooves bis hin zu anspruchsvollen Metalbands wie Dream Theater und Nevermore in verschiedenen Gewässern und kulminiert diese Einflüsse zu mitreißenden Songs, die gelegentlich gar epische Ausmaße annehmen. Der etwas unprätentiöse Gesang könnte die Geschmäcker spalten, aber antesten sollten alle Freunde progressiver Musik dieses Album durchaus! von Andreas Reissnauer - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - EMP (GER)

""Nederland op zijn mooist." - "Holland at it's best""

The Dutch progressive metal band Cirrha Niva applies since its emergence in the early Nineties, a time which only guitarist Rob Willemse has seen the beginning of, as an act like no other. The band has its own character with strong music combined with theatrical appearances and special concepts. That then is the time taken for a new record, is not surprising. Seven years after the previous disc, released in 2009. For Moments Never Done, the band is back with their new album. By Parnassus Records comes Cirrha Niva with Out Of The Freakshow.
On this record proves once again that Cirrha Niva everything to raise the last detail. This results in addition to good catchy songs especially in a beautiful, bright production style benefits. '24 / 7 Smile ', which the quintet plays with the contrasts within the rock is a good example. The group derived from Den Bosch left room for all elements in the mix, which also is nothing more emphatically in the foreground. This also includes the strong guitar solos on. Fine piece mixwerk Jochem Jacobs.
Musical ensure Legrand and co also ensure that the listener does not have to be bored. Out Of The Freakshow is far from a monotonous album. The band knows how to play a nice balance between rock and metal, so anyone who likes a game of good quality music, the plate can embrace. Because of Legrand's vocals are clear and have a wide range, will certainly appreciate the fans of heavy and power metal Cirrha Niva. Opener 'I Guess' shows to hear clearly.
They have the fans long time coming, but with Out Of The Freakshow Cirrha Niva has managed to create an album that the chosen path on For Moments Never Done by put in a strong way. A broad-based progressive album that will satisfy many people. Netherlands at its most Beautiful.
(Translated with Google Translate from Dutch to English)

De Nederlandse progressieve metalband Cirrha Niva geldt al sinds diens ontstaan in de vroege Jaren negentig, een tijd waarvan alleen gitarist Rob Willemse het begin van heeft meegemaakt, als een act als geen ander. De band heeft een geheel eigen karakter waarbij sterke muziek wordt gecombineerd met theatrale verschijningen en bijzondere concepten. Dat er dan de tijd wordt genomen voor een nieuwe plaat, is ook niet gek. Zeven jaar na de vorige schijf, het in 2009 uitgekomen For Moments Never Done, is de band terug met hun nieuwe plaat. Via Parnassus Records komt Cirrha Niva met Out Of The Freakshow.
Op deze plaat blijkt eens te meer dat Cirrha Niva alles tot in de puntjes heft verzorgd. Dat resulteert naast goed in het gehoor liggende nummers vooral in een mooie, heldere productie die de stijl ten goede komt. ‘24/7 Smile’, waarin het kwintet speelt met de contrasten binnen de rockmuziek, is hier een goed voorbeeld van. De uit Den Bosch afkomstige groep heeft ruimte gelaten voor alle elementen in de mix, waarbij ook niks nadrukkelijker op de voorgrond ligt. Dit valt bij de sterke gitaarsolo’s ook op. Puik stukje mixwerk van Jochem Jacobs.
Muzikaal zorgen Legrand en co er ook voor dat de luisteraar zich niet hoeft te vervelen. Out Of The Freakshow is verre van een eentonig album. De band weet een mooie balans tussen rock en metal te bespelen, waardoor iedereen die van een potje goede, hoogstaande muziek houdt, de plaat kan omarmen. Doordat de vocalen van Legrand helder zijn en een ruim bereik hebben, zullen zeker ook de liefhebbers van heavy en power metal Cirrha Niva kunnen waarderen. Opener ‘I Guess’ laat dat duidelijk horen.
Ze hebben de fans lang laten wachten, maar met Out Of The Freakshow heeft Cirrha Niva een album weten te maken dat de ingezette lijn op For Moments Never Done op een sterke manier wordt doorgezet. Een breed georiënteerde progressieve plaat die veel mensen tevreden zal stellen. Nederland op zijn mooist. - CD Review - Out of the Freakshow, - White Room (NL)

"Rating: 8,5/10 “Tracks which stylistically evoke Dream Theater, Ayreon and Pain of Salvation.”"

CIRRHA NIVA - For the Moments Never Done 8.5/10
By Eric Pseja
In stark contrast to their previous Liaison de la Morte album, Cirrha Niva's latest abandons overt quirk and theatre in favor of technical prowess and sheer force of artistic will. For the Moments Never Done is 45 minutes of solid progressive rock fused with melancholy melodic death metal, smatterings of nu-metal angst, and even a glimpse of dreamy, heavy psychedelia. The songs on this album are well crafted and adeptly performed – formidable where necessary, but reserved where not. Legrand's confident vocals are full of presence and control, providing the proper balance with the instrumentation.
With a 911 domestic violence call from a terrified child as its prelude, fear and anxiety are forcefully delivered with a pump of adrenaline through Legrand's blood curdling scream that kick-starts the album. The album is front-loaded, with the first highlights being the three powerful lead-off tracks "The Fooling", "Dreamon" and "Framed" which stylistically evoke Dream Theater, Ayreon and Pain of Salvation.
Of next particular note is the beautiful song "Spring Before Winter" which focuses on emotion and texture more than power and drive, and serves as a kind of sonic respite. Dual guitars begin the ride as the soundscape is developed. Wailing feedback walls are built up and pierced by soulful saxophone and spacey keyboards that serve as a backdrop for earnestly delivered vocals.
The album comes to a close with the well developed dénouement "Self-Chosen". Bookended by peals of thunder and the wash of falling rain, this eight-minute piece brings the album to a melancholy, introspective close, revisiting stylistic elements of the other songs on the album to tie it all together.
The production on this album is tight and slick, but unfortunately the mastering is a bit loud. For an album with the potential to benefit greatly from good dynamics, this one instead suffers for it. While the strong moments have become quite powerful through volume, the softer moments that really make the music intriguing have lost all their necessary delicacy.
In conclusion, there's no mistaking the quality and intent of this excellent album. Old fans won't be disappointed, and progressive metal fans that may be unfamiliar with Cirrha Niva will be thrilled with their discovery of this gem. - CD review - For Moments Never Done - USA Progmusic (USA)

""It must be said that these guys can play!""

After the changeover it's up to Cirrha Niva that’s of a completely different mould. The band from Den Bosch brings high performance progressive metal clearly inspired by Dream Theater. It must be said that these guys can play! Songs like 'Framed' and opener 'Self-Chosen’ sound great. Thereby singer Legrand is a sympathetic frontman. The part of the public that is over thirty, can certainly appreciate the forty minute show. - Live review - Beest-Goes, VPRO 3voor12 (NL)

""I want to hear more of this band.""

Cirrha Niva, like the band Rorschach before them, has the problem that a lot of people at this festival came to see the oldschool heavy metal and they are slightly conservative with other genres. That does not mean that the band made a bad impression, conversely, their music reminds me of a Pain Of Salvation kind of progressive metal that is very convincing and made me especially curious to the studio footage of this band.

The singer has a tremendous range, the song are solid and progressive, without a moment’s lapse into endless fussing. The band gives a convincing show and does not mind that most of the people at this time are in the shade instead of in front of the stage.

After only four or five songs, the action has ended, but I can at least say that I want to hear much more of this band. (Lennert)
- Live review - Roadgrill, Metalfan (NL)

""The strongest Dutch progband at the moment.""

After the required ten minutes changeover transition was made on Stage 2 for action by the Dutch prog rock band Cirrha Niva, and they did so convincingly. The theatrical element is sadly disappeared from the show, but the music itself makes up for it. "Let The Music Do The Talking" you know". Exactly forty minutes playtime was available and showed that Cirrha Niva in the future can only grow as a band. In particular, new singer Legrand made a tremendous impression and clearly leaves a mark on the new material from their latest album "For Never Done Moments'. I personally think that they are currently the strongest progressive metal band within the Netherlands. - Live review - Alcatraz Festival, Lords Of Metal (NL)

""This was again a successful performance of Cirrha Niva.""

Cirrha Niva may no longer be unknown. This progressive metal band from Den Bosch (NL) has been around for years and they always provide quality. Perhaps the band was not in front of the right audience on the Road Grill festival, can be considered as a fact. Nevertheless these gentlemen gave a good show where fun and technique prevail. A bit in the vein of Dream Theater and the vocals occasionally referring to Rush. This was again a successful performance of Cirrha Niva. - Live review - Roadgrill Festival, Lords Of Metal (NL)

""Excellent new start with their first-rate album"."

The Dutch opening act Cirrha Niva has released their debut in 1997. They can no longer be described as youthful talent. Rob Willemse and his men have made an excellent new start with their first-rate album ‘For Moments Never Done’. Constrainedly, Bassplayer Daniël Huijben was absent, so the musicians were limited to this to play this new album. The backing track with the bass indeed ran along with the band. Not a fortunate circumstance. But notice that the new frontman is a excellent choice. Soon they go on tour with Mindkey. - Live review - Progpower, IO-Pages (NL)

""You leave with a feeling of satisfaction and desire for more.”"

Cirrha Niva - Music at a very high level.

It's 1993 when Dutch progressive metal band Cirrha Niva sees the light of day. The name of the band is based on The Divine Comedy by Dante. Their first demo Alighieri's Roots receives a positive review in Aardschok, a leading Dutch hard rock magazine. In 2001 the concept album Liaison De La Morte appears after two mini CD's. The group receives financial support from the foundations 'Stichting Fonds voor Amateurkunst' ,'Stichting Brabant Pop' and money from various sponsors to bring the rock opera live. In 2002 the band supports the Swedish rockers Pain of Salvation and is touring in Belgium and the Netherlands. Several changes in the line up later,they released For Moments Never Done in-house through Parnassus.

The progrockers shows with their latest disc that much talent is skipping around in this country. Especially new singer Michel de Groot, also called Legrand, really lifts the whole to a higher level. The seven tracks also prove that melody and composition can indeed be combined into a rock song. This music deserves many gigs where these songs can grow into classics. Cirrha Niva is touring at the end of 2009 on a small scale to promote their recent album For Moments Never Done. On this cold but dry Sunday, the concert starts at four in the afternoon, only thirty paying visitors found their way into the Batcave in the cozy 013 located in the heart of Tilburg.

After a short intro the first notes of the Golan Heights song from new cd are echoing through the speakers. The sound is loud and the band is really in the mood playing live. Both guitarists Rob Willemse and Carlo Heefer know what they mean to each other and ensure the progressive rocking sound. Drummer Eelco van der Meer of the band Ethereal, who is replacing Tommy White yet not fully recovered, performs as a true professional. Bassist Daniel Huijben plays his six-string instrument with the same virtuosity as the two guitarists.
With Dreamon, The Fooling and Running From The Source the band plays again three songs from For Never Done Moments.
This is music at a very high level and there is enough room for improvisation. Too bad you could not hear the guitar solo of Rob Willemse in the last song due to a technical defect. After that it is on to the track Nostalgia from the CD Liaison De La Morte from 2001 where Legrand simply shines. This is a singer with a throat. What a voice this guy has. A note of warning for all the James Labries of this world. After this epic song they return to the new cd and we get Framed, Spring Before Winter and Selfchosen .

All seven songs on the CD are performed live by the band and proves that they want to carry on with this kind of music. The end of the set brings the Iron Maiden cover The Trooper. Maiden appears, according to the bio, to be a musical influence for guitarist Rob, but his guitarfriend Carlo walks out with the jackpot. His solo is so close to the Maiden sound that you get goose bumps. Fifty five minutes later, which of course is too short, you leave with a feeling of satisfaction and desire for more. Hopefully we hear more from this band in the near future and enjoy new music in 2010.

- Live review - 013, Fury Rocks (NL)

"Rating 4,5/5 "One of the best metal releases over the past years!""

It’s a miracle that Niva Cirrha still exists. Their new record ‘For Moments Never Done’ has been released for a while, but it almost had not been released. After the limited success of the second album ‘Liaision De La Morte’ the band almost fell apart. There were however new band members recruited, guitarist Rob Willemse is the only one left of the original members. This makes the band no longer comparable with the band that started in 1993. Another musical way forward is therefore no surprise.

Primarily the more dreamy and fairy prestigious metal turned into a sharp and powerful progressive metal that all contemporary. The main attraction is the sound of LeGrand (Michel de Groot). The band could not have found a better singer. It's pretty hard to compare his voice because he sounds pretty unique, but to give you an idea: there are similarities to Ray Alder, Geoff Tate, Russell Allen. Musical influences are therefore Symphony X, Dream Theater, but also the love of eighties metal is obviously audible. The guitar work of Carlo Heefer and Rob Willemse gives the band a melodic tone, but these guys also know how to lay down some aggressive killer riffs.

The album features seven songs that are fairly long and are simply first class. Opener 'The Fooling´ is rough, aggressive, emotional and deals with child abuse and includes an original 911 telephone conversation that really gives an extra dimension. The grunt of guest vocalist Robin de Groot (brother of Michel) makes the song complete. In the catchy ‘Dreamon’ we hear Manda Ophuis of Nemesea in a relatively modest guest performance. Very beautiful is the, in the beginning, acoustic song ‘Running From The Source’ that builds in a kind of Iron Maiden way to a violent end. In the beautiful tending to Fates Warning "Golan Heights", the Middle East issue raises, LeGrand sings really outstanding. In the semi ballad ‘Spring before Winter’ a real sax solo can be heard, which of course is quite surprising in this kind of music. Furthermore, thumbs up for a very fine fat production, making the album sounds tight and big.

For Moments Never Done is one of the superior metal releases of the last few years. The band knows musically and lyrically how to hit a nerve. It is hoped that the band continues to operate in this formation, and hope that through this a new album will be released faster. This band deserves purely on musical talent, much more than a place between all the other bands, and can compete with the world in the field of progressive metal.

01/05/2010 - Jan Didden - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Festival Info (NETHERLANDS)

""Splendit show.""

Aardschok (Dutch Metal magazine) has its own stage this year on the metal meadow, where long-haired scum from all over the Netherlands can admire three days in a row veterans and newcomers from the (inter)national rock and metal scene. The announcements of the bands are held by none other than our own (evil) Metal Mike. While there are made belly sliders by men with bare torsos on beer-soaked picnic tables, the Dutch band Cirrha Niva may be the first band on the Aarschok stage. Halfway through the excellent show Robyn de Groot, frontman of Chiraw and also brother of Cirrha Niva-singer Legrand, sang a song with the band. - Live review - Zwarte Cross Festival, Aardschok Magazine (NL)

""Close to perfection!""

We hebben er zo'n 8 jaar op moeten wachten maar het is absoluut de moeite waard geweest! Was Liaison de la morte in 2001 al een opmaat wat deze Progmetallers in huis hebben,anno 2009 doen ze er nog eens een extra schep boven op!Met Legrand hebben zij een zanger van internationale klasse erbij!Nieuwe gitarist Carlo Heefer geeft CN een extra dimensie met zijn geweldige gitaarspel(luister maar eens naar de sublieme wahwah riff in Framed). En Bassist Daniël Huijben is een meer dan adequate opvolger van Lilo Hegt.Daarbij slaat de ervaren Tommy White elk gaatje vakkundig dicht.Oprichter Gitarist Rob willemse heeft zichzelf flink overtroffen met zijn sterk verbeterde spel!En heeft samen met zijn Bandgenoten 7 puike composities gemaakt.Er doen ook een paar gast muzikanten een duit in het zakje,en niet de minsten.Joost van den broek(After Forever,Ayreon)Manda Ophuis(Nemesea)Yuval Kramer(Amaseffer)Robin de Groot(Chiraw) en Bouke Visser. De CD opent met een 911-call in The Fooling die overgaat in een Grunt waarna Nevermore-achtige gitaren invallen.Alle facetten van het vernieuwde CN komen hier in terug.Melodie,dramatiek,strakheid en spelvreugde aangevuld met wat screams van Robin.Dreamon is voor CN begrippen erg melodieus met een prima duet tussen Legrand en Manda.Een uitstekende single kandidaat.Op Framed trekt Joost alle registers open zodat bepaalde stukken een Dream Theater feel hebben.Het vermelden waard is het Flamenco-achtige tussenstukje met daaraan gekoppelde reeds vernoemde Wahwah explosie van Carlo.Running from the source is een Opeth,Porcupine Tree song die omslaat in een up tempo Iron Maiden klassieker.Dit mede geschreven door Daniël die dit opdraagt aan zijn 10 jaar geleden overleden opa die hem zijn eerste gitaarlessen gaf.Op Golan Heights met gesproken Hebreeuwse teksten door Yuval, hoor je wat zanger Legrand allemaal in huis heeft.Absoluut één van de betere Metal zangers van Nederland.Erg mooi is ook het Arabisch klinkende eindstuk.Het rustigste nr. is Spring before Winter met een erg mooie gitaarsolo die overgaat in de saxofoonsolo van Bouke.Pink Floyd komt hier even om de hoek kijken.Het eindigt met onweer waarna Self-Chosen gelijk invalt.Misschien wel het beste nr.omdat hier gewoon alles klopt!De zang,de gitaar loopjes,de bombast,de emotie.Een complete song!Cirrha Niva anno 2009 dus! Is dit dan de perfecte CD?Nee,want die bestaat niet!Maar wel zeer close! En dan ben ik misschien niet 100 procent objectief vanwege de relatie met CN,maar oordeel zelf en je zult het grotendeels met mij eens zijn.Daar ben ik van overtuigd! - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Boschrock (NETHERLANDS)

"Rating: 6/7 GOLD “A top-notch, must have CD.”"

‘Form Moments Never Done’ van het Nederlandse Cirrha Niva levert het bewijs dat je als band nooit mag wanhopen om de weg naar de top te vinden. Cirrha Niva heeft de voorbije jaren diverse personeelswissels ondergaan maar het plaatje werd pas compleet met de komst van brulboei Michel de Groot (“Legrand”). For Moments Never Done hoort met zijn stevige progressieve metal en fantastische zangpartijen gewoon thuis in het lijstje van ‘must have’cd’s uit Nederland. Dit is gewoon klasse met een grote K. Hopelijk moeten we niet opnieuw acht jaar wachten op een vervolg. (PR) GOUD (6/7) - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Mindview Magazine (BELGIUM)

"Rating: 90/100 “I salute Cirrha Niva’s return…Bravo!”"

Winston: Wat een wederopstanding; de Nederlandse prog metal band Cirrha Niva is al een tijdje bij me bekend maar toen hun eerste album ‘Liaison De La Morte’ werd uitgebracht viel het me toch enigszins tegen. Ik vond het theatrale aspect net wat te grotesk en daardoor kwam het muzikale minder tot de voorgrond. De band viel voor een paar jaar terug naar de achtergrond van de Nederlandse scene maar komt nu als herboren terug met ‘For Moments Never Done’.

Met een gedeeltelijke nieuwe line up vervolgt Cirrha Niva nu haar pad en doet dat op een zeer energieke en frisse manier. De nieuwe zanger Legrand neemt meteen het voortouw en schreeuwt in het openingsnummer ‘The Fooling’ de ingedutte fans goed wakker. Muzikaal is Cirrha Niva strakker, compacter maar ook feller en daarmee iets meer richting prog metal opgeschoven en dat past prima. Probeer maar eens een combinatie van Death Angel en Rush voor te stellen. Die namen komen in mijn hoofd steeds maar weer voorbij namelijk en dat zijn toch zeker niet de minste. De gastoptredens van Joost van den Broek (After Forever) en Amanda Ophuis (Nemesea) brengen nog wat extra kleur in het geheel en ook dat draagt bij inde waardering. De uiterlijke verzorging was en is nog steeds prima verzorgd, het wat theatrale gothic imago van het debuut is teruggedrongen en dat past ook beter bij de muziek van nu. Ik huldig deze terugkeer en weet zeker dat Cirrha Niva nu wel blijft hangen in de scene. Bravo!
Score: 90/100 - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Lords Of Metal (NETHERLANDS)

"Rating: 90/100 “The best release from Dutch soil so far this year!”"

Het is lullig om te zeggen, maar tegenwoordig wordt er steeds vaker gegooid met de term 'on-Nederlands goed'. De uitspraak konden we al van stal halen bij bands als Textures, Within Temptation, Elegy, Wicked Mystic en HDK en vaak wilde dat zeggen dat deze groepen het gemiddelde niveau in Nederland ruim overstegen. De eerlijkheid gebiedt te zeggen dat het niveau eigenlijk nooit heel hoog is geweest in Nederland. Natuurlijk zijn er een aantal sterke bands, maar doorgaans legden veel bands het af tegenover de talloze buitenlandse gezelschappen. Gelukkig kunnen we het woord nu weer gebruiken, want de nieuwe plaat van Cirrha Niva is écht on-Nederlands goed.

De band uit Den Bosch bracht vroeger ook al wel een pot lekkere muziek, maar de nieuwe plaat slaat echt alles. Nog nooit klonk Cirrha Niva zo stevig, zo vet en zo sterk. De gotische rock/metal met progressieve rand heeft plaatsgemaakt voor een superheftige metalsound, waarin progressieve invloeden op vloeiende wijze gecombineerd worden met een geweldig gevoel voor melodie en strak hakkende gitaren. Jochem Jacobs (Textures) heeft de plaat bovendien voorzien van een zeer vette sound. Daarnaast heeft de band in de persoon van Legrand (Michel de Groot, bekend van Ulcerate Fester en Liquid Baby) een absolute wereldzanger in huis gehaald. Wat een dijk van een stem heeft die vent, die overigens ook alles wat hij zelf heeft gedaan in het verleden doet verbleken.

Daarmee houdt het gelukkig nog niet op, want qua composities heeft de band een enorme groei doorgemaakt. Wat te denken van de sublieme openingstrack, The Fooling waarin Robin de Groot (inderdaad, het broertje van) van Chiraw een paar agressieve zangstukken aanlevert, of het werkelijk magistraal gecomponeerde Running From The Source. De zanglijnen tijdens het akoestische begin van dit nummer zorgen al voor kippenvel, maar Cirrha Niva bouwt het nummer fenomenaal uit doormiddel van een stevige overgang en een sterke gitaarsolo. Bij deze wil ik dit nummer alvast uitroepen tot één van de beste metalsongs die ooit op Nederlandse bodem zijn ontstaan, want het is echt niet meer uit de kop te krijgen. Golan Heights is daarna ook al zo'n verbazingwekkend sterk nummer, dankzij vette thrashriffs en progressieve wendingen. Het gebeurt niet vaak meer dat muzikanten en zanger elkaar op zo'n treffende wijze aanvullen, wat een power.

Ik zou elk nummer wel van een lofrede kunnen voorzien, maar dat zou zonde zijn. Iedere liefhebber van progressieve metal dient deze plaat gewoon aan te schaffen. Geen vragen stellen, maar naar de platenboer rennen en deze cd aan je collectie toevoegen. Het gebeurt immers niet elke dag dat een band de gehele eigen discografie overtreft en tegelijkertijd de sterkste plaat van eigen bodem aflevert die tot nu toe verschenen is dit jaar. Weg zijn de truttige tierelantijnen uit de tijd van Liason De La Morte, nu is het enkel de vette muziek die dubbeldik overtuigt. Een bijna ultieme combinatie van hardheid, melodie, briljante zang en vooruitstrevende accenten, hulde!

Score: 90 / 100
Reviewer: Jeroen
Toegevoegd: 8 september 2009 - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Metalfan (NETHERLANDS)

"Rating: 7/10 "High class material.""

Progressiver Metal mit gehörigem Überraschungsfaktor und zuweilen saftigem Gitarrenbrett bietet CIRRHA NIVA. Die Niederländer verbinden aggressive Passagen spielend mit gefühlvollen Momenten und bewegenden Breaks. Neu-Sänger Legrand verfügt über ein breites Spektrum an stimmlichen Varianten und tönt mal aggressiv, mal bedächtig oder auch mal sehr einfühlsam aus den Boxen. Das Personal-Karussel der Truppe hat sich auch ansonsten heftig gedreht, so dass frischer Wind CIRRHA NIVA aufsucht. Die letzten Jahre schien die Band in einer Art kreativen Pause zu schlummern, sind doch bereits acht Jahre seit dem letzten Album "Liasion De La Morte" ins Land gestrichen, jedoch scheint die Auszeit der Band gut getan zu haben.Hörproben dieses komplexen Albums findet der geneigte Fan auf der Homepage der Niederländer und wird schnell feststellen, dass hier hochwertiges Material geboten wird, welches aber sicherlich den Gelegenheits-Progger - zumindest auf den ersten "Blick" - dezent überfordern wird. Dennoch werden CIRRHA NIVA mit dem aktuellen Output verstärkt auf sich aufmerksam machen, denn insgesamt steht eine mehr als solide Leistung zu Buche, die sich vor vielen aktuellen Scheiben vermeintlicher Platzhirsche keinesfalls zu verstecken braucht. Und man hat zudem ständig das Gefühl, dass CIRRHA NIVA noch lange nicht am Ende ihres Könnens angelangt sind. Anspieltipps dieses - kompositorisch und klanglich - guten Albums sind "Self-Chosen" und "Golan Heights", die so schnell nicht aus dem Ohr gehen. Auch das ruhigere "Spring Before Winter" ist mehr als gelungen und bietet einen Kontrast zum übrigen, doch recht metallastigen Material auf "For Moments Never Done". Hier ist trotz gewisser Luft nach oben das Prädikat "Geheimtipp" nicht ganz unangebracht. Prog-Metal-Jünger mit Vorliebe für etwas härtere Klänge wissen, was zu tun ist...Punkte: 7/10 - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Metal DE (GERMANY)

"Rating: 6/6 MAX SCORE MASTERPIECE "A splendid example of how good music in this genre can be.""

Analysis. After a few years of sifting through approximately 200 albums annually have gone by, occasions when an album comes across as close to perfection become more and more rare, in particular in the field of progressive metal I might add. A genre where the level of musicianship generally is high, but where it seems more and more difficult to avoid musical expressions and sounds extensively utilized by other artists previously. Cirrha Niva gets an approving nod both for managing to do just that, as well as for managing to produce a CD that excels in a manner of other dimensions besides. The range of expressions covered on this disc goes from the mellow and melodic to the brutal and dissonant. The first half of Running From the Source is pretty similar to what Green Carnation did on their acoustic verses album a few years back, for instance, while the most brutal riff barrages on the following Golan Heights are mostly found within the more leaden parts of the thrash metal universe. These two examples reflect the extremes represented on this production, though most often the stylistic expressions explored reside in between them. And one of the characteristic traits of this venture is the smooth transitions between these differences in sound and delivery. While a few instances of dramatic twists and turns do pop up, Cirrha Niva prefers the smooth and subtle approach throughout, with a distinctly dynamic overall sound as a direct result and consequence. The songs themselves come across as planned to the smallest detail. Excessive material and passages are few and very far between – this isn't the album to explore if you enjoy elongated themes and guitar solos that last from here to eternity. Everything seems to have been planned with a specific function throughout, from the subtle alterations in tempo in the riff barrages to the almost unremarkable added guitar licks in the gentler sequences. There's really nothing to be found that doesn't serve as a contrast, a subtle alteration or addition, or, in the case of the rhythm department, to keep track of and control the momentum and overall intensity. At this stage it might not be necessary to add the word sophisticated to describe this CD, but just in case that hasn't been stated implicitly it's high time to do so explicitly. This is a refined effort made with care as well as finesse, and while not representing a truly challenging and certified original brand of progressive metal, it is a good example of an elaborately crafted work with quite a few aspects to it that many would describe as innovative. Excellent musicianship all around is the icing on the cake, and personally I was really charmed by the lead vocals of Legrand in particular. He might not be a giant in terms of range capabilities, at least as represented on this CD, but in terms of utilizing his voice to provide vocals rather than the high pitched cliched siren song of way-too-many metal vocalists he can be cited as an example to follow. He seems to know the limitations of his voice as well as what specific delivery is best suited for all the different expressions provided by the instrumentalists, which is a rare and treasured capability in a lead singer.
Conclusion. If you generally like progressive metal, and in particular if your taste in that department ranges beyond the scope of acts such as Dream Theater and Symphony X, Cirrha Niva has provided an album well worth exploring in the shape of "For Moments Never Done". A splendid example of just how good music in this genre can be as far as I'm concerned.
OMB=Olav M Bjornsen: June 6, 2010 - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Progressor (UZBEKISTAN)

"Rating: 10/10 MAX SCORE “This is the first time I give a maximum score for an album, but it certainly deserves it.”"


Cirrha Niva is one of the bands that always interested me. I liked “Liaison De La Morte” and the theatrical shows from that tour, but I don’t think there’s a comparison necessary between that Cirrha Niva and the new one. Only the name of the band and Rob Willemse (guitar) have remained.
All the rest has changed and especially the quality of the band and their music have taken a giant leap forwards. This is progmetal of the highest level.

The first time I heard this album, I was convinced this would be on top of my progmetal list of this year. Everything fits so well together. Legrand has the perfect progmetal voice. If you need a reference, I would say his voice lies somewhere between Tate from Queensrÿche and Tobias Sammett from Edguy. And the solo’s are outstanding and sound as if no other solo fits in that place. You know the feeling, the perfect solo on the perfect moment. Every musician plays in function of the music, without showing off, but still with enough skill to impress, which makes the whole album impressive.

“The Fooling” already proves all of the above, by its variation and quality. The very heavy verses are compensated by the quieter, melodic choruses. During a heavy rap middle piece, they are assisted by Robin de Groot (Chiraw) with some grunts and screams.
After listening a few times to “Dreamon”, the “Dream on, my dear” will keep echoing through your mind for quite a while. What a song. This time, Manda Ophuis from Nemesea, is helping out with some backing vocals. It’s a pity; she doesn’t get a chance to sing alone.
Joost van den Broek (After Forever) plays keyboards on a few tracks. His symphonic style is immediately recognizable during “Framed”, in my opinion the best track of the CD. But it’s hard to point out a highlight amongst highlights.
The quality remains during every track and I couldn’t spot any weak moment.

Bouke Visser plays Saxophone on “Spring before Winter” and helped also with the production, together with Jochem Jacobs. They are both from Split Second Sound Studio and already produced Textures, Autumn and Stream of Passion. And what a fine job they did.
This is the first time I give a maximum score for an album, but it certainly deserves it. “If you catch my drift, my dear” ;-)


Cirrha Niva is één van de groepen die mij al altijd interesseerden. Ik vond “Liaison De La Morte” een prachtplaat en bewonderde de theatrale shows tijdens de bijhorende toer. Maar ik denk niet dat er een vergelijking nodig is tussen die Cirrha Niva en de nieuwe, want alleen de groepsnaam en Rob Willemse (gitaar) zijn overeind gebleven. Al de rest is veranderd, maar vooral de kwaliteit van de groep en hun muziek is er enorm op vooruit gegaan. Dit is progmetal van de bovenste plank.

Toen ik voor de eerste dit album hoorde, was ik onmiddellijk overtuigd dat dit bovenaan mijn progmetal lijst van dit jaar zou komen te staan. Het plaatje klopt volledig. Legrand heeft de perfecte progmetal stem. Als je een vergelijking wilt, dan zou ik hem ergens plaatsen tussen Tate van Queensrÿche en Tobias Sammett van Edguy.
En alle solo’s klinken fantastisch. Je kent het gevoel wel, de perfecte solo op het perfecte moment. Iedere muzikant speelt in functie van de groepsklank en maakt er geen demonstratie van zijn kunnen van, maar speelt toch met genoeg bekwaamheid om indruk te maken en dat maakt het ganse album indrukwekkend.

“The Fooling” bewijst reeds al het bovenstaande door zijn variatie en kwaliteit. De erg harde coupletten worden gecompenseerd door de kalmere, melodieuze refreinen. Tijdens een harder ‘rap’ middenstuk worden ze bijgestaan door Robin de Groot (Chiraw) met enkele zeer goed geplaatste ‘grunts’ en ‘screams’.
Na enkele beluisteringen van “Dreamon”, blijft “Dream on, my dear” voor langere tijd nagalmen in je hoofd. Wat een prachtig nummer! Deze keer komt Manda Ophuis van Nemesea helpen met de backing vocals. Jammer dat ze niet even alleen mag zingen.
Joost van den Broek (After Forever) speelt keyboards tijdens enkele nummers. Zijn symfonische stijl is onmiddellijk herkenbaar tijdens “Framed”, het, volgens mij, beste nummer van het album. Het is echter moeilijk om een hoogtepunt te kiezen tussen alleen maar hoogtepunten.
De kwaliteit blijft het ganse album even hoog en ik kon nergens een zwak moment vinden.

Bouke Visser speelt Saxofoon tijdens “Spring before Winter” en stond ook in voor de productie, samen met Jochem Jacobs. Ze zijn beiden van Split Second Sound Studio en produceerden reeds Textures, Autumn en Stream of Passion. En ze hebben een prachtwerk afgeleverd.
Dit is de eerste keer dat ik de maximum score toeken aan een album, maar het is dubbel en dik verdiend. “If you catch my drift, my dear” ;-) - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Metalnose Webzine (BELGIUM)

"Rating 8/8 MAX SCORE “This is a first class release!”"

Click to read the English review - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Powerplay Magazine (UK)

"Rating: 6/6 MAX SCORE "Beautiful and compelling.""

The Dutch Cirrha Niva return with this new and beautiful album after a rest period lasted 8 years due to a forced abandonment of restyling because 3 of the 5 band members. The most serious loss in terms of the image was that of bassist / singer, merged in Ayreon. It was in fact the element with greater visual impact, but what the band lost in the beauty certainly has regained in strength and power because it has replaced the previous approach of film noir and dramatic work with a more testosterone.

Despite the pause for reflection is not too hard thought or pondered, but is fresh and sorghum and this is a great honor it is beautiful and powerful, with excellent guitar and double bass shares predominant (especially in the final "self-chosen) without delay to draw the new path of the band. The decision to open the disc with a scream gastrointestinal shows that for the new line-up, "For Moments Never Done" is a liberating outlet that allows him to finally express themselves in music.

Legrand's voice (aka Michel de Groot, who remembers a little presumptuously Lebon or other high-sounding names such as Bono) is beautiful and compelling and at times reminds one of Geddy Lee of Rush. Goes hand in "The Fooling" the voice growls his brother Robin, but the chemistry between the two reaches results commendable though not ruin the beautiful song, and the second piece creates a wonderful blend with the female voice of the provocative Send Ophuis, remembering nicely the recent union Devin Townsend / Anneke van Giersbergen on the album "Addicted". A piece in which he sings "at large" is certainly a beautiful Spring before winter "made even more melancholy one fits perfectly Sax.

Last minute and a half of the disc you only hear the sound of rain is not a good omen for the future of this band ispiratissima, to whom I wish a bright future instead. - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Unprogged (ITALY)

"Rating: 5/5 MAX SCORE "The best progressive metal album of 2009.""

A really strong effort from this Dutch band, that arguably may have crafted the best progressive metal album of 2009 with "For Moments Never Done". At least for those who appreciates bands residing in the challenging and most sophisticated territories of this stylistic expression.
The seven tracks here are all elaborate and quirky, at least to some extent. From sophisticated riff patterns to highly detailed and carefully crafted sonic tapestries the album as a whole seems to be thought out and planned in minutest detail. Smooth transitions from leaden riff barrages with more than a touch of thrash metal to gentle atmospheric themes with an emphasis on melody and beauty as well as most variations in between are constant, and subtle as well as dramatic alterations in expression, tempo and intensity keeps surprising positively the more you get familiar with this production.
Excellent performances in general and by vocalist Legrand in particular are the final ingredients on a disc which should find it's place into the collections of any serious collector of progressive metal. - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Prog Archives (CANADA)

"Rating 4/4 MAX SCORE "A fine piece of prog rock""

Progrock is een genre waarbij niets dan perfectie past, en daarbij hoort geen gerammel. Het Nederlandse Cirrha Niva brengt het er goed af op For Moments Never Done. Nieuwkomer Legrand heeft een stevige strot die al die dynamiek en gierende gitaren bijhoudt. Hard van buiten, zacht van binnen, zoals op tracks als Running From The Source. Fijn plaatje. (BJ)

4 / 4
Puike progrock. - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Veronica Magazine

""The best album Cirrha Niva ever made!""


Ondanks dat Cirrha Niva al een eeuwigheid meedraait in de Nederlandse metalscene, wist de band nooit een vuist te maken. Dat kwam niet door een gebrek aan inventiviteit of instrumentenbeheersing, het ontbrak de groep simpelweg aan vocale overtuiging. Om die tekortkoming te compenseren kozen de muzikanten vaak voor onnodige complexe songconstructies en uiterst pretentieuze concepten, zoals op voorganger Liaison De La Morte.

Acht jaar na die plaat heeft de band een metamorfose ondergaan en is er een frontman aangetrokken die de kar kan trekken. Zanger LeGrand - die gewoon Michel de Groot heet - heeft een bereik waar je u tegen zegt. Zijn komst heeft ruimte vrijgemaakt op het muzikale vlak. Op For Moments Never Done doet Cirrha Niva nog steeds ingewikkeld, maar er is vooral ook goed nagedacht over het grote geheel. Geen theater of gothic meer, maar doordachte metalsongs met een progressieve touch. Binnen dat kader refereert de band vrijelijk aan Death Angel (de zanglijn van The Fooling), aan Kamelot?s Ghost Opera en de bovenlijnen van Iron Maiden (Framed) en aan Pink Floyd en Opeth (in het grotendeels akoestische Running From The Source).

Het muzikale niveau ligt hoog en krijgt extra impulsen door bijdragen van Joost van den Broek (ex-After Forever), Manda Ophuis (Nemesea) en Robin de Groot (Chiraw). Alleen tijdens Golan Heights wordt de trukendoos iets te ver opengetrokken. De mix van Hebreeuwse samples, koortjes en de invloed van Nevermore en Pain Of Salvation is nogal overweldigend. Maar goed dat de heren daarna een stap terug doen, voordat ze met Self-Chosen voor een donderend einde zorgen van de beste plaat die Cirrha Niva ooit maakte. WOUTER DIELESEN - CD review - For Moments Never Done - OOR Magazine (NETHERLANDS)

"VETTE KRENT REVIEW "A superb progmetal album from Dutch soil!”"

Click to read the Dutch review. - CD review - For Moments Never Done - IO Pages (NETHERLANDS)

"Rating 8,5/10 “Ambitious, expressive, referring to the best traditions of prog-metal and progressive rock.”"

Click to read the Polish review. - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Mroczna Strefa (POLAND)

"Rating: 88/100 "This is an album of international quality that can lead to a definitive breakthrough for the band.""

Click to read the Dutch review. - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Zware Metalen (NETHERLANDS)

"“A strong album with some spectaculair highlights.”"

Click to read the Dutch review. - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Gitarist (NETHERLANDS)

"Rating: 8,5/10 "Pain of Salvation, Nevermore, Arcturus""

Click to read the Review - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Metalfan Magazine (ROMANIA)

""A splendid album.""

Acht jaar na “Liaison De La Morte”, de plaat die Cirrha Niva in de belangstelling bracht, zijn oerleden Rob Willemse en Tommy White terug met een ‘nieuwe’ bezetting en een nieuw album. Volgens de tekst op de promo-cd is dit een vernieuwde en verder ontwikkelde sound, die de heren zelf uniek noemen. Dat zou ik ook gedaan hebben, maar daarmee is dat nog niet waar.
In vergelijking met de opvallende en operetteske voorganger is “For Moments Never One” een veel rechtlijniger, haast gewoner album. Progmetal van het type Pain Of Salvation, maar dan minder intens en minder ingewikkeld. Bij vlagen klinkt Cirrha Nova als een normale metalband.
Dat lijken allemaal diskwalificaties, maar dat is niet het geval. “For Moments Never One” zal niet dezelfde impact hebben als “Liaison De La Morte”, maar ik vind het een betere plaat. De nieuwe bezetting is buitengewoon vakkundig, met een eervolle vermelding voor zanger Legrand, die er in slaagt de stukken met een minimum aan drama en een maximum aan inzet te zingen. Dat is een groter compliment dan je zou denken; maar al te vaak vervallen metal-zangers in gejammer en gejank. Kan bijna niet anders met die krimpscrotum-hoge partijen die ze er vaak uit moeten persen. Legrand haalt het met gemak, alleen in Framed en Golan Heights moet hij even schakelen naar het standje ‘Les Miresables’.
Het album klinkt erg goed en ziet er gelikt uit. Als er al iets op aan te merken is, dan moet dat in het compositorische vlak schuilen. Dat is ook een beetje zo. Op zich is er op de zeven nummers weinig af te dingen, maar van een band die er acht jaar over gedaan heeft om met deze drie kwartier muziek op de proppen te komen, had ik toch iets meer verwacht. Willemse en zijn mannen hebben keurig alle vakjes aangekruist, maar daarbij verzuimd echte hoogtepunten te schrijven die de luisteraar langer bezighouden dan hun speelduur. De beste nummers zijn het wat afwijkende Running From The Source, waarin akoestische gitaren het stuk naar een hoger niveau tillen, en het langzame Spring Before Winter, waar Bouke Visser een prachtige saxpartij blaast. Alle andere composities vallen op door hun onopvallendheid. Hardrock met een vleugje prog. Er wordt heel knap gemusiceerd en gezongen, maar bijzonder inventief is het zeker niet.
Is “For Moments Never Done” daarmee mislukt? Helemaal niet, het is klasse product geworden, een album waar veel bands trots op zouden zijn. Pittige metal van een superstrakke band die geen steken laat vallen. Het is alleen een beetje zoals met zanger Legrand. Die heet gewoon De Groot, maar op z’n Frans lijkt het meer dan het is. Cirrha Niva is een prima band en “For Moments Never Done” is een uitstekend album, niet meer en niet minder.
Erik Groenweg - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Progwereld (NETHERLANDS)

""Everything on this album is spick & span.""

Click to read the Dutch review. - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Fret Magazine (NETHERLANDS)

""An unbelievable-amazing great release.""

Click to read the Greek review. - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Rockway (GREECE)

"Rating: 7,5/10 "These seven flights are engraved with a precision worthy of a work of craftsmanship.""

Click to read the French review. - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Stargazer (FRANCE)

"Rating: 8/10 "On this record no shortage of good moments.""

Written by Branimir Lokner
Monday, 15 February 2010

CIRRHA NIVA " For Moments Never Done "
( Parnassus Records ) 2009.
Progressive metal

A Dutch band Cirrha Niva started out in 1993 , and during the years they have released with actually one 6 issues, 2 Demo's, 1 EP and 3 full-lengths. But, they have also suffered from personal changes, and practically a new album a band has recorded after 8 years of discographical silence. As I saw from the band's press material and also from information’s from specially Dutch reviewers, a band drastically has changed its style, and actual album is musically/conceptually something new for them and for listener's population.
Cirrha Niva are faithful to progressive/symphonic metal, and its authors views also touches a modern territory. A band's performing energy is really impressive, and all of 7 offering songs from album posses similar threatening and realizations. Musicians from the band are skilful performers, and technical elements funkcionizes in right way. Some of the songs also posses more theatrical performing aspects, and some similarities with 70's symphonic legacies comes to mind, even that members from band has showed enough authors originalities. A productional work also deserves recommendations, and there's no doubt that group did a god job. " For Moments Never Done" is maybe unexpectedly very recommendable disco graphical come back for the band.

Rating : 8 / 10 - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Brokner Blog (SERBIA)

"Rating 92/100 "They are making their way to the TOP of their genre""

Cirrha Niva, a progressive metal band from The Netherlands, might sound rather unknown to your ears. Though, with their latest release (For moments never done) they are making their way to the top of their genre. For that reason, I was incredibly honoured to report on this album. With new singer Legrand, the band really introduced one fantastic vocalist to the world. His dynamic, spellbinding voice will really blow you off your feet! This album might only consist of seven tracks, I’m already hungry for more. The reason for this is to be read in the following review of all seven songs.In the beginning of "The Fooling", we hear a short message of a child calling the emergency service, supported by the drums which build up the tension of the song towards some heavy grunting. You might be mislead by this, because Legrand easily changes his voice into a true heavy progressive metal band, with wonderful high screams. This song is incredibly surprising and makes you long for more. Fortunately for us, more is yet to come."Dreamon" is a very epic song with catchy melodies. The song is all about a broken relationship. The guitars are omnipresent, which makes this a pure metal song. In addition, we’re treated with another surprise: guestvocals of Nemesea’s vocalist Manda Ophuis. It’s a shame she doesn’t get to sing individually next to Legrand, but only as background singer. This might have given more diversity to the song. But still, this song is most definitely a pearl in the present metal sea."Framed" opens in a very relaxed way. The opening of the song is incredibly epic and mindblowing. Be prepared to be enchanted by all kinds of instruments and fantastic vocal qualities! In this song, we find a wonderful alternation in pace. It goes without saying that "Framed" is a pure delight to listen to. The beginning of "Running from the Source" immediately reminds us of the beginning of "Dreamon", with the huge difference that "Running from the Source" remains more modest. Cirrha Niva must have thought this was the perfect timing to add a ballad to the album. And right they were. "Running from the Source" is such an enchanting metal ballad. Definitely one of the best ones I have heard so far this year. The next song, "Golan Heights", wouldn’t have been so surprising, though Cirrha Niva had the great idea to create something new. They actually added some lines in Hebrew, which makes us curious for what is more to come. Beautiful song, but not very innovative. It’s the next song on this album, "Spring Before Winter", that really keeps sticking to your mind and ears. The song has a very high level of virtuosity. Definitely its long instrumental beginning makes you float upon a cloud of pure perfection. The addition of the saxophone even gives the song a jazzy sound. When you think this can’t possibly get any better, you’ll realise you’ve already reached the final song of the album. "Self-chosen" is the perfect end song. The drums are once again taking care of this pure progressive sound. This seven minute lasting song completes the album brilliantly!92/100 - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Concrete Web (BELGIUM)

"Rating 90/100 "This band has done some tremendous work.""

Click to read the dutch review. - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Up Magazine (NETHERLANDS)

""Every song is well structured and tells a story.""

(PARNASSUS/SUBURBAN) Het meest opvallende aan deze plaat van de Brabantse prog-rock heren van Cirrha Niva is wellicht de nieuwe zanger, Legrand. Hij heeft een verrassend prettig stemgeluid en weet daarmee ruim drie kwartier te boeien. In het tweede nummer krijgt hij bijval van de zangeres van het Groningse Nemesea Manda Ophuis. Krachtige samenzang omhult met een prog-rock sausje. Alle nummers zitten goed in elkaar en vertellen allemaal een verhaal. De vele gast-muzikanten zorgen ervoor dat ieder nummer weer een ander geluid heeft. Gelukkig voor Cirrha Niva pakt dit positief uit, echter zou een plaat waarop enkel de eigen muzikanten hun kunsten vertonen ook niet misstaan. Zeker niet met een zanger die duidelijk meer in zich heeft zitten dan dat hij op deze plaat heeft kunnen laten horen. Linda van Loon - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Live XS (NETHERLANDS)

"Rating 92/100 “Bands like Cirrha Niva make the metalscene interesting.""

Na hun prestigieus album "Liaison de la morte" uit 2001 werd het na enkele concerten behoorlijk stil rond deze Nederlandse formatie! Daarna sijpelden al verscheidene berichten door van diverse leden die de band verlieten, dus het zag er in eerste instantie niet zo goed uit voor de Cirrha Niva, maar bandlid van het eerste uur Rob Willemse heeft tezamen met drummer Tommy White (zij zijn de twee overgebleven leden sinds het vorige album) enkele nieuwe muzikanten rond zich weten verzamelen. Nu, zo'n acht jaar later is Cirrha Niva er terug met hun derde langspeler en die is heel wat toegankelijker dan zijn voorganger. De nieuwe leden staan hun mannetje en nieuwe zanger Legrand heeft een dijk van een stem. Het album telt net als zijn voorganger terug 7 songs, maar die zijn goed voor zo'n drie kwartier muziek. Vanaf de schitterende opener "The fooling" ben je in de ban van dit nieuwe plaatje en die lost zijn greep pas na de afsluiter "Self-chosen". "For moments never don" klinkt dan ook nog eens als een bel. Wat een schitterende en powerfulle sound, die bezorgt het album echt een meerwaarde! Er zijn ook enkele gasten aanwezig op dit nieuwe album, zo treffen we doorheen de tracklist Joost van den Broek (After Forever), Manda Ophuis (Nemesea), Robin de Groot (Chiraw), Bouke Visser en Yuval Kramer van Amaseffer aan. Samen dragen die op hun eigen manier hun steentje bij en dat maakt "For moments never done" er alleen maar interessanter op. Technisch, progressief, melodieus soms zelfs thrashy, Cirrha Niva is van alle markten thuis en brouwt er net als in het verleden iets origineels mee dat aangenaam wegluistert. Streng aanbevolen luistertip is het ronduit sublieme "Golan heights"! Het zijn bands al Cirrha Niva die metal interessant maken en een meerwaarde geven. Hun debuut was al jaren mijn favoriet, maar daar heeft "For moments never done" nu verandering in gebracht. Schitterende plaat! Oké, het heeft inderdaad eventjes geduurd, maar het was het wachten meer dan waard. Laat ons stiekem hopen dat de opvolger niet zo lang op zich laat wachten!
92 Nico - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Hellspawn (BELGIUM)

"Rating: 3/4 "Cirrha Niva's breaktrough is just a matter of time.""

Doorbraak kwestie van tijd
Om te beginnen een bekentenis: de cd For moments never done was mijn eerste kennismaking met de Brabantse melodieuze metalband Cirrha Niva. Shame on me, want drie volwaardige cd’s en een EP (sinds 1997) gingen deze nieuwe plaat voor. Een frisse blik: dat dan weer wel. Na een alarmerend en bloedstollend begin van kersverse zanger Legrand (Michel de Groot) in opener The Fooling blijkt hij over een indrukwekkend stemgeluid te beschikken dat hij gedurende de gehele plaat overeind houdt. Alleen het grunten laat Legrand over aan Chiraw zanger Robin de Groot. Geheel in de metaltraditie poweren de heren erop los. Niet bijster origineel (natuurlijk horen we een powerballad), maar in het genre haalt Cirrha Niva met deze cd een acceptabel niveau. Met de hulp van Joost van den Broek (After Forever), Manda Ophuis (Nemesea) en Yuval Kramer (Amaseffer) zie ik For moments never done als mogelijke doorbraak voor Cirrha Niva. - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Heaven Magazine (NETHERLANDS)

""Almost perfect""

Tercer trabajo de los holandeses CIRRHA NIVA, donde la banda despliega contundentemente su particular visión del metal progresivo, donde no se quedan en las lógicas referencias a DREAM THEATER y a RUSH (y el promedio de mas de seis minutos por tema), sino que nos pasean por pasajes que rozan el trash metal, el metal mas clásico y hasta el jazz.
Y justamente es este abanico de posibilidades el que logra darle un toque particular a la propuesta, por más que haya momentos en los que la banda no se despega del común de bandas que normalmente entran en el lote de metal progresivo. Pero entendiendo este trabajo de la banda como un paso mas en búsqueda de estilo propio, los errores y lugares comunes se ocultan y se brillan los aciertos, que no son pocos.
Lo mas llamativo pasa al enterarnos (en realidad, enterarme!) de que no son ningunos novatos pese a ser solamente el tercer disco. Todos los músicos superan los 30 años, sumado a los 8 años entre este disco y el anterior lanzamiento (“Liaison de la Morte”) nos hacen pensar que han pensado en cada detalle de cada tema, y se nota en lo trabajado de la propuesta.
Así se destacan los momentos donde la banda se pone bien pesada como en la apertura con “The Fooling”, los momentos de heavy clásico de “Framed” y la semi-acustica (y no balada!) “Running From The Source”. Todo esto se apoya en una capacidad instrumental y vocal que esperamos en este tipo de banda: casi perfecta, donde cada intrigante tiene el lugar para desplegar sus habilidades, aunque sin nunca perder el sentido de lo que es una canción de rock. En este marco cabe resaltar la tarea del nuevo cantante Legrand quien a pesar de no tener un registro totalmente único, nos deleita con sus teatralizaciones que nos recuerdan por momentos a Geoff Tate de QUEENSRYCHE o Daniel Gildenlow de PAIN OF SALVATION.
En definitiva, una banda y disco para tener en cuenta y prestar atención al desarrollo de la banda y sus próximos lanzamientos. - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Metal Daze (ARGENTINA)

""Catchy and technically perfect""

Il tempo passa inesorabile e sono già trascorsi otto anni da "Liaison de la Morte", intrigante operetta prog-metal dalle fosche tinte gotiche realizzata dagli olandesi Cirrha Niva. Il tempo porta spesso grandi cambiamenti nella vita di tutti ed anche i Cirrha Niva hanno dovuto affrontare il proprio destino: dopo un lungo e (immagino) frustrante periodo di silenzio, li ritroviamo fra noi completamente cambiati... Infatti gli unici componenti rimasti della band originale sono il batterista Tommy White ed il chitarrista Rob Willemse: persa per strada la carismatica coppia composta dalla bassista-cantante Liselotte Hegt e dal vocalist Arnold Kloek, insieme al tastierista Wilbert Van Den Broek, i Chirrha Niva sono stati costretti a modificare la loro prospettiva musicale in un'ottica più orientata verso un metal ortodosso ed urbano; atmosfere thrashy, doppia cassa sempre presente e parti vocali più virili ed aggressive. Il nuovo cantante, Legrand, se la cava discretamente come anche le altre due new entries, il chitarrista Carlo Heefer e il bassista Daniel Huijben. Purtroppo i Cirrha Niva di "Liaison de la Morte" sembrano per forza di cose lontanissimi, infatti il romanticismo decadente, teatrale e gotico che caratterizzava la band ha completamente lasciato il posto a composizioni più razionali, compatte e ordinarie. Se prima i Cirrha Niva sembravano guardare ai nostri Devil Doll come un punto di riferimento per la loro teatralità, in questo "For Moments Never Done" affrontano un percorso più sicuro e sicuramente adatto per le masse metallare: Pain of Salvation e Nevermore su tutti, ma anche bands come Conception, Psychotic Waltz e gli immancabili Dream Theater e Fates Warning, sono i nomi che rappresentano meglio l'attuale stile dei Cirrha Niva... Riecheggia ogni tanto qualche vago accenno ai Rush (specialmente in "Dreamon"), sprazzi di chitarra acustica ammorbidiscono talvolta le più ruvide sonorità delle chitarre e si fa spazio anche qualche tastiera, suonata da uno degli ospiti presenti, Joost van den Broek (parente di Wilbert?), già con gli After Forever. A proposito di ospiti, è abbastanza censurabile la presenza della voce growleggiante di Robin de Groot (Chiraw) che funesta l'album proprio nel pezzo d'apertura "The Fooling". La produzione del cd è pulita e professionale, come ormai avviene di regola nel genere: tecnicamente perfetto e accattivante il giusto per attirare l'attenzione dell'appassionato medio, "For Moments Never Done" lascia un pò freddi dal punto di vista della sostanza e delle emozioni, le scintille creative passate ora sembrano spente da una routine "prog-metal" priva di sorprese e poco eccitante... in questo disco non mancano i buoni momenti, mancano il coraggio e la volontà di andare oltre i soliti schemi... peccato! - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Arlequins (ITALY)

"Rating 3,5/5 "This album deserves a wide circulation in the world.""

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???? ??????, "The Fooling", ??? ??? ??? ???? ???? ?????? - ???? ???????? Nevermore ???????, ???? ???? ???? ?????, ????? ?? ???? ????? ??????, ??? ?? ???? ??????? ????? ???? ???? ??? Lamb Of God, ??? ???? ???? ???? ?????, ?? ????. ?????? ???????? ??? ????? ???? ?????, ??????? ??? ???? ??????? ???, ???? ?????? ???? ???? ????? ????, ??? ????? ???? ?? ?????, Legrand (??, ???, ?????) ????? ??? ?? ??? ?????? ????? ??????? ???? ??? ?????? - ??????? ??? (Skid Row). ???? ?????? ????? ?? ??? ???? ???? ???? ?? ????? ??????? ????? ???? ?? ?????? ?????? - ??????? ?????.

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?????? ?????? ????? ???? ??????, "Golan Heights". ?????, ?????? ????? ?? ?????? ??? ???? ??????, ??? ???? ?? ???? ????? ?? ???? ??????. ??????, ????? ??????, ??? ???? ????? - ????? ???? ?? ???? ????, ????? Amaseffer ???????. ???? ????, ?????? ?????? ?????? ??????, ?? ???? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ???? ???, ??? ???? (????, ?????, ?????? ?? ?? ??????). ?????? ?????? ??? ????? ???? ?????, ????? ???? ?? ?? ????, ????? ?????? ???? ????? ???. ?? ????? ????? ?? "Spring Before Winter", ?????? ???? ??????? ?'??? ?? ?????, ?? ??? ????? ?? ???? ?-Pink Floyd ???, ?????? ???? ?? ??????? ?????? ?? Queensrÿche.

????? ???????, ???? ????? ????? ??? ???? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????, ?? ??? ???? ?? ?????, ??? ??? ???? ???? ?????? ???? - ???????, ?? ????? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ????? ?????? ???? ?????, ??? ?????. ??????, ??? ?????? ????? ??? ??????? ????? ???? ?????, ??? ???? ???? ??????? ?????? ??? ????? ????? "???? ????" (?? ??? ????? ????? ???????). ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ??? ??????? ???????? ???, ??? ?? ?? ?? ???? ?????, ????? ???????? ?? ???? ??????? ???????? ???? ?????? ??????, "Self-Chosen". ??????, ???? ?????, ?? ?????, ??? ?? ????? ??????. - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Metallist (ISRAEL)

"Rating: 8,5/10 "Pleasant surprise of the year.""

Hollandiáról elsosorban a fapapucs, a tulipán, Anneke, és persze a fu jut mindenki eszébe - és nem feltétlenül a progmetal. Foleg, ha ilyen tragikusan idétlen nevet választott magának egy zenekar, mint a Cirrha Niva (mi ez? és miért??). És mivel az ember elore kombinál, így túl sokat nem is vártam tolük, de aztán baromi gyorsan eloszlatták a kételyeimet, még akkor is, ha az elsodleges kedvenceik totálisan nyilvánvalóak (Pain Of Salvation, Dream Theater, Nevermore, Riverside). Ennek ellenére mégsem sima kopipészt csapat, sot, okosan és ízléssel adagolják a hatásokat, még az sem riasztó, amikor bizonyos riffekrol, témákról, dallamokról beugrik valami, ami máshonnan ismeros. A simán csak Legrand nevet viselo énekesük még emlékezetes énekdallamokra is képes (egyedül az ötödik dalban ragadtatta el magát túlzottan, de csak épphogy), ám maguk a dalok is abszolút mértékben szerethetok. A gitárszólók kedveloinek is ad némi csemegét a zenekar, nem az eszetlen és lélektelen tekerést részesítik elonyben, ízléssel és ízesen játszik Carlo Heefer és Rob Willemse (a jó ég tudja, hogy melyikük szólózik).

Hét szerzemény háromnegyed órában, elsore mondhatni tökéletes. A kelleténél tovább nem húznak semmit, pontosan tudják, hogy hol a határ, ami felett már nem szórakoztató, hanem unalmas lenne a progmetalkodás. Eddig talán nem világlott ki, de a tökösebb, metalosabb vonal jellemzi oket, abszolút koncertre való a zene, már a harmadik Framednél folyamatosan az bizzegett a fejemben, hogy mindenképp szeretném oket koncerten megnézni. Mind a hét dal saját egyéniséggel bír, egyet mégis muszáj kiemelnem, a záró Self-Chosent, amiben a foriff konkrétan arcul csapott tömörségével és szikárságával, ez maga a SÚLY, tényleg. Pedig hihetetlenül pofonegyszeru a riff, megfelelo hangeron mégis falakat tudna omlasztani, abszolút kliphez való zene! Ezzel a dallal akkor is levettek volna a lábamról, ha a többiben nem éreztem volna a kraftot.

Megmagyarázhatatlan, hogy adott mufajban hirtelen miért tetszik meg y csapat, x pedig miért nem, a Cirrha Niva (jaj, ez a név, képtelen vagyok megszokni) nálam valamiért teljesen jól muködik, sokadik alkalommal is szeretem hallgatni a lemezüket, ami ebben az elképeszto dömpingben kifejezetten jó jel. Azt persze nem mondom, hogy eldobtam magam az eredetiségtol, viszont színvonalas produkció, meg nem is szól rosszul a lemez és még a borító is szimpatikus. Ugyan a tagok nem kifejezetten poszter-arcok, de kit érdekel, ha jó a zene?... Progmetalosoknak kimondottan ajánlott hallgatnivaló, én meg csak itt szépen csendben drukkolok, hogy ne tunjenek el a süllyesztoben, és legyen energiájuk és erejük (na meg kiadói támogatásuk) az elkövetkezendo évekhez. Számomra az év egyik totálisan ismeretlen kellemes meglepetése és remélem, hogy lesz folytatása. - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Shock Magazine (HUNGARY)

"Rating: 18/20 “One of the Prog Metal albums of the year!""

Par The Keeper, le
Originaire des Pays-Bas, Cirrha Niva ne propose pas, comme bons nombres de ses compatriotes, une musique symphonique à chanteuse, non, le style musical se rapproche plus en effet du Metal Progressif. Je dis 'se rapproche' car le groupe est assez difficile à classer. Entre Rush et Fates Warning, entre Presto Ballet et DeadSoul Tribe ou bien encore entre Wastefall et Megadeth, voilà ce qu'est la musique de Cirrha Niva, voir même un mélange de tout à la fois. Pas facile de s'en sortir avec tout ça et pourtant For Moments Never Done passe comme une lettre à la poste Hollandaise.

For Moments Never Done est le cinquième album des Néerlandais en douze années de carrière et c'est le premier avec leur nouveau chanteur, LeGrand. Je regrette vraiment de ne pas connaître plus ce groupe, histoire de vous en toucher deux mots. Ce que je peux vous dire concernant le disque précédent c'est qu'il s'intitule Liaison de la Morte, qu'il s'agit d'un concept album et que les frangins Gildenlow y sont invités dans les chœurs.
Pour la mouture 2009, point de concept, juste 7 compositions d'une moyenne de 7 minutes environ.
7 titres variés, où LeGrand démontre qu'il est un chanteur très agile dans tout les domaines (la claque sur « Framed ») et où les musiciens, sans jamais devenir démonstratif, exploitent pleinement leur capacité. Coté production c'est du lourd, signée Jochem Jacobs (Textures, Autumn), elle colle parfaitement à l'esprit du disque. Les guitares sont massives pile poil au moment où elles doivent l'être et la rythmique souvent plombé balance entre groove et speed.
Le sommet de l'album est atteint sur la très douce « Spring Before Winter » une magnifique piste quasiment instrumentale appuyée par un piano et un saxophone de toute beauté. Le chant de LeGrand est à tomber, tout comme le solo de gratte final. Une composition Prog Jazz comme malheureusement on n'en entend plus assez souvent.
Les autres morceaux sont plus agressifs, avec leurs riffs parfois Thrash, mais marient toujours avec perfection énergie et mélodie. C'est assez souvent que l'une des deux guitares fait tout le travail. Les changements de tons et de rythmiques sont légions ce qui crée une atmosphère particulière à chaque titre, comme sur l'acoustique (!!!) « Running from the Source » ou bien sur le bourrin « Self-Chosen ».
Tantôt sombre, tantôt mélancolique, Cirrha Nirra explore beaucoup de sensibilité.

Pour les claviers présents sur quelques compos, c'est Joost van den Broek (After Forever) qui s'en charge. Son doigté et ses lignes mélodiques renforcent la profondeur générale de l'album. Il n'est pas le seul invité, puisqu'en autre on retrouve Yuval Kramer (Amaeseffer) pour l'intro narré de « Golan Heigts » ainsi que Manda Ophuis, la chanteuse de Nemesea, venue pousser la chansonnette en duo sur le superbe « Dreamon ».

Avec From Moments Never Done, Cirrha Niva n'a pas cherché à copier -malgré toutes les influences perceptibles à un moment ou un autre-, il a manifestement trouver un style qui lui est propre et cela annonce un avenir radieux pour ce groupe Néerlandais. Ne reste qu'à confirmer avec un prochain album d'aussi bonne qualité.
Le talent est là, ne passez pas à coté de ce disque, car c'est l'un des albums de Metal Prog de l'année ! - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Magic Fire Music (FRANCE)

""A rich and vibrant album with modern and strong contrasts and flavors.""

Avec "For Moments Never Done", CIRRHA NIVA nous invite à un metal progressif extrêmement contrasté ; un peu à la manière d'un THRESHOLD qui n'hésiterait pas à se nourrir d'influences encore plus extrêmes ; voire déconcertantes au premier abord, mais qui au final transcendent la cohérence mélodique de l'ensemble. Le riff inaugural de "The Fooling" suivi de très près par le hurlement démentiel de LEGRAND (le chanteur), nous propulse instantanément sur les territoires du thrash, voire du death metal ! Alternant chant clair et agressif (voire "scandé"), le registre abordé n'est pas sans évoquer les suédois d'IN FLAMES et SOILWORK. Le groupe joue constamment de cette ambivalence entre puissance et musicalité ce qui confère à l'album un agréable parfum sucré/salé ; chaud et froid.On est souvent surpris par la puissance de certains passages ou au contraire par la mélodicité de certains autres qui transforment cet album en un véritable tourbillon de sensations passant allègrement de la chute libre à l'apesanteur au détour d'un break aussi inattendu qu'attendu ! En effet, on ne s'attendrait pas forcément à des choeurs "ayreoniens" sur un morceau aussi heavy et inquiétant que "Dreamon". "Framed" et "Spring before Winter" se rapprocheraient davantage du style d'un ICED EARTH. "Running From The Source" voit sa première partie accoustique évoquant certains travaux de Steve WILSON relayée par un brutal changement de rythme qui renvoie directement aux grandes gloires du heavy traditionnel. Etonnamment versatile, la voix de LEGRAND rappelle tantôt celle de Matt BARLOW de ICED EARTH, voire celle de Geddy LEE au naturel ("Golan Heights"). - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Progressive Area (FRANCE)

"Rating: 3/4 "Strongly recommended to fans of progressive metal!""

Hollande - metal progressif symphonique - ***

" Liaison de la morte " ( 2001 ) est un concept album très varié, sa musique qui combine rock, métal, gothique, symphonique, avec des éléments rock progressif, classiques et jazz, est un savant mélange de Dream Theater, The Gathering, Devil Doll, Ayreon, Evergrey, Pink Floyd, Marillion, ....2009, voit le retour de Cirrha Niva avec un nouvel opus, " For moments never done " et un line-up en partie renouvelé avec entre autre un nouveau et excellent chanteur en la personne de Legrand.
Une musique bouillonnante d'énergie se faisant plus metal, plus puissante, le gothic rock / metal a cédé la place à un super heavy metal avec tout ce que cela comporte, superbes soli de guitares, riffs complexes, rythmique d'enfer, une musique qui sait aussi le moment venu se faire plus calme et douce. Du prog-metal mélodique et accrocheur, faisant référence à des groupes tel que Faith No More, Dream Theater, Psychotic Waltz, Nevermore, ou même Iron Maiden et Thin Lizzy
Des musiciens invités : Manda Ophuis, Joost van den Broek, Yuval Kramer, Robin de Groot et Bouke Visser viennent apporter leur concours à cet album.
Un groupe vivement recommandé aux amateurs de metal progressif !!! - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Passion Progressive (FRANCE)

"Rating: 8/10 “With this album Cirrha Niva can compete with the elite of the genre.”"

Pour bon nombre de personnes dont je fais partie, l’actualité de Cirrha Niva commencera sans doute avec cette chronique de « For Moments Never Done ». Du haut de ses seize années d’existence, la formation venue des Pays-Bas a pourtant sorti jusque là deux albums et un Ep mais qui n’avaient finalement pas dépassé la colonne des faits divers. C’est pas faute de s’être offert en 2002 les services des frêres Gildenlöw, Frederik Hermansson et Johan Langell, tous trois issus de l’ancienne mouture de Pain Of Salvation pour leur album « Liaison de la Morte ». Cette ancienne collaboration étroite débouchera aussi pour l'anecdote sur une sorte de split nommé Dial, un projet regroupant des membres de chaque formation.

L’influence des suédois chez Cirrha Niva est d’ailleurs par moment marquée au long des quarante-six minutes et notamment sur le premier morceau « The Fooling ». Riffs syncopés, chant parfois rappé, intensité dramatique avec emploi de samples vocaux, l’atmosphère a dès lors des airs de « Perfect Element I ». Difficile de ne pas sentir également l’ombre de Dream Theater époque « Awake » voire celle de Ark jusque dans cette production un peu vieillotte que l’on doit entre autres à Jochem Jacobs (également guitariste de Textures)

Techniques sans être démonstratifs, les cinq surdoués se jettent à corps perdus dans des épopées électriques, Rob Willemse et Carlo Heefer en tête qui s’attribuent énormément d’espace grâce à leur six et sept-cordes, faisant état de leur virtuosité sans être outranciers dans le shredding ou dans des soli interminables. Titres longs, changements de rythme à grande échelle, « For Moments Never Done » ne connaît néanmoins pas vraiment de temps morts. Les Néerlandais font évoluer leur musique au gré d’orchestrations mélodiques, de moments empreint d’agressivité ou au contraire plus apaisés.

En ce sens, « Spring Before Winter » délivre grâce à une atmosphère presque floydienne une douce mélancolie. Legrand, sous des airs de Jorn Lande, calme ici son jeu vocal alors qu’intervient pour l’unique fois sur l’album un saxophone qui finit de planter le décor plutôt nostalgique du morceau. De même, la première moitié de « Running From The Source », comme une ballade acoustique, utilisant des guitares légèrement hispanisantes s’éloigne des ressorts plus graves afin d’afficher une belle sérénité. A contrario, apothéose d’un album qui dans son ensemble s’est voulu incisif, le titre « Self-Chosen » flirtant avec une rythmique trash, termine « For Moments Never Done » de façon tonitruante, concluant la cavalcade du quintet de façon vraiment percutante.

Avec ce dernier opus, Cirrha Niva a les épaules pour rivaliser avec l’élite du genre. Avec sa maîtrise du jeu, ses mélodies imparables et malgré une production qui aurait mérité d’être plus moderne, gageons que désormais une tribune entière leur sera accordée à chaque nouvelle création... - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Music Waves (FRANCE)

"Rating: 8,5/10 "A representative of the first order of prog metal.""

C’était inespéré et pourtant ils sont de nouveau là comme un nouveau départ ou tout simplement une réémergence. Il faut dire que les hollandais de Cirrha Niva ne sont pas des plus connus. Leur histoire débute pourtant en 1993 avec à venir trois albums dont les deux premiers gravitant autour des trente minutes ressemblent plus à des EP. En 2001 sort Liaison de la Morte, un concept album théâtral bien barré et un peu exagéré à l’approche bien difficile avec aux vocalises, un baryton, une contre-alto et une soprano. Les chœurs étant dévolus aux membres de Pain of Salvation.
Le groupe ne s’arrête pas à la musique puisque leurs prestations sont de véritables spectacles assez mystiques et la scène recèle d’éléments artistiques : sculptures vivantes, effets visuels et pyrotechniques…
En 2009, un line-up remanié avec un certain Legrand au chant, Cirrha Niva remet en route la machine sans réitérer l’expérience Liaison de la Morte mais en conservant son aspect aventureux pour proposer un album de metal progressif recommandé.
Musicalement Cirrha Niva est devenu plus compact donnant plus de place à la puissance néanmoins les morceaux à tiroir n’ont pas été abandonnés.
Legrand est à l’aise dans plusieurs registres. La tonalité générale varie entre énergie et mélodie, Cirrha Niva ne se privant de s’approcher de riff thrash. Les morceaux se tiennent sans baisse de régime, les variations sont légions et pourtant la cohésion est parfaite.
Les guitares sont tranchantes et les rythmiques varient un grand nombre de fois au sien des titres. Comme la plupart des grands albums, For Moments Never Done, prend du temps pour déployer toute sa saveur. L’attrait se fait grandissant au fur et à mesure des écoutes bien que Framed est captivant et marque, de ce fait, d’un seul coup les esprits. Running From The Source monte en puissance lors de ses six minutes pour finir en apothéose façon seventies avec des guitares qui se lâchent pour un moment totalement prenant et débridé.
Spring Before Winter calme le jeu, ce quasi instrumental couple guitare acoustique et électrique en étant accompagné par du saxophone, émotionnellement superbe.
Cirrha Niva achève son œuvre sur le "bourrin" Self Chosen qui ne perd rien en feeling, en qualité de composition et en richesse.

A noter, les apparitions des deux guests Joost van den Broek (After Forever) et Amanda Ophuis (Nemesea) ajoutant de la couleur à l’ensemble.

Cirrha Niva, groupe quasiment inconnu avec pourtant une forte expérience, revient après une attente énorme et un résultat à la hauteur des espérances, For Moments Never Done fait du groupe, un représentant de tout premier ordre du metal prog.

[8,5/10] Clayman - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Metal Chroniques (FRANCE)

"“High class music, high class production, high class songs.”"

Richtig geilen Prog Metal bieten die Holländer CIRRHA NIVA auf ihrem neuen Opus. 7 meist recht lange Songs bieten feinsten Stoff für DREAM THEATER/ PAIN OF SALVATION-Fans. Vor allem das variable Organ von Sänger Legrand sticht hervor, der von üblichem Proggesang über Gebrüll bis zu modern-Geshoute alles drauf hat!

Kann man gleich im tollen Opener "The Fooling" nachhören, ein Fest für alle Proggies. Das fett pumpende "Dreamon" steht da in nichts nach, die Gitarristen haben’s raus, die gedoppelten Frauengesang-Einschübe sitzen. "Framed" atmet ohrenscheinlich den DT-Spirit, ist aber dennoch klasse komponiert und dargeboten. Ganz großes Prog-Kino! Und trotz 8 Minuten Länge recht ohrwurmig, Hammersong! Ruhiger wird’s mit dem nicht minder tollen "Running from the Source", schön laid-back und mit feiner Akustik-Linie. Wunderschön auch das ruhige "Spring before Winter", mit tollem Saxophonpart! Mit dem Schlussbrett "Self-Chosen" bollert man sich aber wieder fett-metallisch in die Gehörgänge und rifft sich die Seele aus dem Leib, allerdings nur phasenweise, denn dieses vielschichtige Mini-Opus hat noch jede Menge mehr zu bieten.

Musiker Top, Produktion Hammer, Songs alle Überflieger... da hilft nur umgehend zulegen! - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Terrorverlag (GERMANY)

"Rating: 7/10 "An album from that can convince primarily for his excellent guitar work.""

Mit neuem Line-up und alter Liebe zum progressiven Thrash Metal liefern die Niederländer CIRRHA NIVA ein Album ab, das vor allem durch seine erstklassige Gitarrenarbeit überzeugen kann. „For Moments Never Done“ ( verfällt nie in sinnloses Gedresche, sondern punktet mit flächigen, atmosphärischen Riffs und gelungenen Leads. Der klare Gesang kann da nicht ganz mithalten, fällt aber niemals unangenehm auf. - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Rockhard Magazine (GERMANY)

""Voluminöser Prog Metal""

Acht Jahre sind seit dem Cirrha Niva Debüt „Liason de la morte“ vergangen und viel ist seitdem bei den Holländern passiert. Da wären die diversen Line-Up Wechsel – vom Erstlingswerk sind nur noch Gitarrist Rob Willemse und Schlagzeuger Tommy White übrig geblieben – sowie eine stilistische Neuausrichtung. „For moments never done“ erinnert eigentlich fast kaum noch an das Debüt, was nicht nur an der Veränderung am Mikrofon liegt.
Cirrha Niva haben vom Härtegrad einige Schippen mehr draufgelegt. Subtile Zwischentöne, cineastische Pianobegleitung oder leichte Stilvariationen – alles wurde radikal weggewischt und seitdem reagieren vor allem die Saiten, heftige Rhythmen und damit die gehörige Dosis voluminöser Prog Metal. Das ist zwar durchaus gekonnt gespielt und gut anzuhören, vor allem, wenn das Riffgewitter mal von einer melodischen Breitseite angeschossen wird, doch fehlt letztendlich so etwas wie eine originelle Note.
Trotzdem wird es der Band sicherlich gelingen, im Heavy Sektor zu punkten und mit ihrem Auftritt auf dem Prog Power Festival Anfang Oktober wird man ebenso vor einem entsprechenden Fachpublikum sein Können unter Beweis stellen können.
Kristian Selm - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Progressive Newsletter (GERMANY)

"Rating 9/10 “This must be Cirrha Niva’s breakthrough.”"

Satte acht Jahre haben sich Cirrha Niva Zeit gelassen um einen Nachfolger zu „Liasion De La Morte“ einzuspielen. In jener Zeit hat sich zwar das Musikbiz gewandelt, glücklicherweise aber nicht die Musik der Holländer. Noch immer dominiert die ausgewogene Mischung aus Power Metal mit progressiven Einflüssen und grossartigem Gesang, der wehmütig Erinnerungen an alte Queensryche, Lethal oder Hittman aufkommen lässt und sämtliche Besetzungswechsel der vergangenen Jahre vergessen lässt. Vor allem der neue Sänger Legrand steht seinem Vorgänger Arnold Kloek in nichts nach. Die Gitarren agieren rifftechnisch zum Teil recht heftig, beinhalten andererseits aber genug melodische Parts, um einen gelungenen Kontrast zu setzen. Auch für „For Moments Never Done“ greifen Cirrha Niva auf eine Reihe von Gastmusikern zurück, wobei vor allem das Duett mit Sängerin Manda Ophuis (Nemesea) bei „Dreamon“ besonders hervorzuheben ist. Cirrha Niva haben es im Laufe der Jahre auch nicht verlernt Songs zu schreiben, die trotz aller Komplexität gut ins Ohr gehen und dort auch verweilen. Da befinden sie sich in bester Gesellschaft zu Pain of Salvation. Wer neben dem erwähnten „Dreamon“ weitere Anspieltipps benötigt, wie wäre es mit „Running From The Source“, „Golan Heights“ oder brillanten Ballade „Spring Before Winter“? Wenn Cirrha Niva mit „For Moments Never Done“ nicht endlich der Durchbruch gelingt, wann dann? - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Obliveon (GERMANY)

"Rating: 12/15 "Ein echter Knaller!""

CIRRHA NIVA aus den Niederlanden haben bisher nicht viel von sich hören lassen. In den letzten zwölf Jahren hat es die Band gerade mal auf zwei Alben und ebenso viele Demos gebracht. Das letzte Lebenszeichen CIRRHA NIVAs war die Rock-Oper „Liaison De La Morte“ aus dem Jahre 2001. Mit neuem Sänger und „For Moments Never Done“ meldet sich die Band zurück – ein letztes Todeszucken nach langem Siechtum oder strahlende Wiedergeburt am Prog-Metal-Firmament?
Eher letzteres, denn „For Moments Never Done“ ist ein echter Knaller! Natürlich bedient sich die Band verschiedenster Einflüsse, aber mal ganz ehrlich, welche Band tut das nicht (bis auf wenige Ausnahmen.) CIRRHA NIVA schreiben „Metal“ groß. Die Gitarren braten hammerhart, das Schlagzeug trümmert und über all dem liegt LeGrands exaltierter Gesang, der wie eine Mischung aus Warrel Dane (NEVERMORE) und Daniel Gildenlöw (PAIN OF SALVATION) klingt. Erinnerungen an alte QUEENSRŸCHE werden wach, die Riffgewalt MEGADETHs liegt in der Luft. Von treibend-verschachteln Thrash bist zu wunderbaren Gitarrenharmonien, finsterem Doom und epischer Weite mit klassischen Melodien und hochmelodischen Soli haben CIRRHA NIVA alles zu bieten, was (Prog-) Metallern Spaß macht.
„For Moments Never Done“ ist keine oberflächliche Kost, stellt aber auch keinen (pseudo-) intellektuellen Anspruch an seine Hörerschaft. Im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Bands des Genres klingt diese Band nicht mathematisch-kalt, sondern leidenschaftlich und schwelgerisch. Vom mörderisch bretternden NEVERMORE-Gedächtnis-Massaker (Beginn von „Self-Chosen“) bis zum entspannten Saxophon-Solo von „Spring Before Winter“ beherrschen CIRRHA NIVA alles. Gebt dieser Band ein starkes Label an die Hand und dieses Quintett kann mit Leichtigkeit große Erfolge feiern.
FAZIT: Prog-Metal kann so schön sein. „For Moments Never Done“ ist bei großer musikalischer Abwechslung und einem enormen kompositorischen Geschick nicht bloß ein echter Hinhörer für Progger, sondern auch hart-melodisches Kraftfutter für Fans „normaler“ Metal-Spielarten.
Nils Herzog - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Musikreviews (GERMANY)

"Rating: 12/15 "Uberlangen Songs aber nie unangenehm.""

Alle bisherigen Alben der Holländer – 1997 „The Morrow World Dimension“, 1999 „Enter The Future Exit“ und 2001“Liaison De la Morte“ – erschienen ebenfalls bei Parnassus. CIRRHA NIVA verbinden zwei in ihrer Heimat besonders geschätzte Musikstile: Progressiv und Gothic Metal, letzterer allerdings in geringerem Maße und vor allem in den teilweise finsteren Vocals und der oft düsteren Atmosphäre erkennbar. Auf zusätzliche weibliche Stimmeinlagen, wie bis 2003 von Bassistin Liselotte beigesteuert, verzichtet die Band nach ihrer Auferstehung trotz der Teilnahme von vier Gastmusikern beinahe. Manda Ophuis tritt nicht offensiv als Leadsängerin auf. Dass sie schon damals enormes musikalisches Potenzial hatten zeigt sich an der Kooperation mit mehreren Pain of Salvation-Mitgliedern als Backing-Chor für die 2001er Rock/Metal-Oper. Mit dem neuen Vokalisten Legrand hat das Quintett einen Trumpf in Hinterhand, der ebenso extrovertiert wie Daniel Gildenlöw singen kann, sich in den zumeist überlangen Songs aber nie unangenehm in den Vordergrund schiebt. ‚Running From The Source’ – keine Ballade im eigentlichen Sinn – besticht durch grandiose Einlagen auf der Konzertgitarre als Solo und Rhythmusinstrument, um im letzten Drittel furios vorzupreschen. Der Song stünde auch Arena gut, wobei die Holländer wesentlich gitarrenlastiger vorgehen (manchmal gar mit Thrash-Reminiszenzen) und im Gegensatz zu ihren britischen Brüdern im Geiste keinen festen Keyboarder/Organisten im Aufgebot führen. Auch der Gesang ist metallischer, sobald es z.B. in ‚Golan Heights’ aggressiver zur Sache geht. Aber CIRRHA NIVA können auch ganz anders – das Saxophonsolo vor der ersten Strophe von ‚Spring Before Winter’ ist eins der wenigen im Metal, welches nicht fehl am Platze wirkt. Vielleicht sollte der alte Veröffentlichungszyklus wieder aufgegriffen werden – bei er gebotenen Qualität aber wartet man zur Not auch wieder acht Jahre auf ein neues Album. (BTJ)
12 Punkte - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Legacy Magazine (GERMANY)

"”For progressive & traditional metal fans Cirrha Niva is an absolute must!“"

Na, es ist doch immer wieder schön, sich von Bands überraschen zu lassen, von denen man vorher noch nichts gehört hat. Cirrha Niva aus den Niederlanden sind solch ein Fall. War ich erst der Annahme, dass es sich bei "For Moments Never Done" um ein Debüt handelt, belehrte mich die Homepage eines Besseren. Vor gut acht Jahren erschienen schon ein Album namens "Liaison De La Morte" und eine EP namens "Enter The Future Exit". Line Up-Veränderungen zeichneten sich unter anderem für die lange Wartezeit verantwortlich. Doch nun ist "For Moments ..." endlich draußen und dürften gerade Freunde der progressiven Metalklänge entzücken. Hier wechseln sich geschickt treibende aggressive Passagen mit gefühlvollen Momenten und gekonnten Breaks ab. Sänger Legrand setzt seinen Gesangstil sehr variabel ein, mal aggressiver, dann wieder sehr bedächtig und einfühlsam - sehr angenehm, seinen Gesangsleistungen zu lauschen, ebenso dem spielerischen Können der zwei Gitarristen Carlo und Rob.
Als Anspieltipps sind hier "Self Chosen", "The Fooling" oder "Golan Heights" zu nennen. Aber auch das eher ruhige "Spring Before Winter" wäre hier erwähnenswert. Live konnten sie unter anderem mit Pain Of Salvation, Evergrey oder Lacuna Coil die Bühnenbretter teilen.
Für Progressive Metal-Fans sind Cirrha Niva absolutes Pflichtprogramm, auch traditionelle Metalheads sollten hier mal ein Ohr riskieren.

1. The Fooling
2. Dreamon
3. Framed
4. Running From The Source
5. Golan Heights
6. Spring Before Winter
7. Self Chosen - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Crossover Magazine (GERMANY)

"”To all Prog-Metal fans digging Dream Theater - or to those who love extremely good song writing."

"For moments never done", the new album of Dutch outfit Cirrha Niva, is a real surprise. In these "here today, gone tomorrow" times with all the respective shitty releases, this is a piece of Prog Metal presenting you with really good songwriting. The seven songs, many of them about seven or even eight minutes long, are brimming with Thrash-ey intricate riff work, melodic guitar soli and clean vocals (which, due to a new singer, sound much better than on their 2002 release "Liaison de la morte"). Jochen Jacobs and Bouke Visser of Split Second Sound Studio (Textures, Autumm, Stream Of Passion) are responsoble for the powerful production. To all Prog Metal Fans digging Dream Theater - or to those who just love extremely good song writing: check out "For moments never done"! (Oliver Kirchner / 12.08.2009) - CD review - For Moments Never Done - EMP Merchandising (GERMANY)

"Rating: 95/100 "The best progressive metal album of 2009""

You would expect progressive masterpieces from bands such as Dream Theater, Threshold, Shadow Gallery or Spock's Beard. So what a huge surprise it is when a Dutch band shoots itself to the top of the major progressive metal league too. This is probably the best comeback album from a band ever. In 2001 they released 'Liaison DeLa Morte', not a bad album at all, but with this new pearl they outshine themselves. Perhaps some of you don't estimate this record on its value after one spin, but after 5-10 listenings you will agree with me that this really is a masterpiece.Opener "The Fooling" starts very aggressive with a grunt, after which we get a rather heavy guitar track with a lot of variety and with excellent vocals done by Legrand. This man is one of the best singers I have listened to lately. The man has a voice with warmth, emotion, aggression, power and a huge range. This is world class.People, who know earlier records from the band, might be very surprised by the swift style-change. It is less theatrical and much heavier than before. Expect a perfect mix of music from bands like Hittman, Psychotic Waltz, Ayreon, Opeth, Machine Head, Nevermore, Marillion, Queensryche, Lethal, Threshold and many many more... All songs are worthy to be mentioned, but to name just two, I would recommend you to listen to "Framed" and "Golan Heights"; if these songs don't convince you of the superiority of this band, and you must be deaf or dumb. Last song "Self-Chosen" has such a heavy contagious riff, that you want to push the repeat button again and again.Personally I find this the best progressive metal album of 2009 and I don't think there will be any better this year, and yes I like this one more than Dream Theater's. Just a pity the band didn't react on my mail to send me a promo, but I forgive them for that. This album is too good not to be reviewed on our site. I hope just one thing: that they don't let us wait another 8 years before they release a new album. - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Power Of Metal (DENMARK)

"Rating: 4/5 “You're in for a diverse listening experience.”"

A terrifying 911 call set against frantic drums and razor-sharp riffs opens "The Fooling," the massive first track on Cirrha Niva's third full-length CD, For Moments Never Done. It succeeds in capturing the listener's attention, and — for the next 46 minutes — never lets go.
Hailing from the Netherlands, this quintet calls itself a progressive-metal band. And it's easy to hear the Maiden, Dream Theater and Pain of Salvation influences here, but you'll also find musical references to Van Halen ("Dreamon"), Megadeth ("Self-Chosen"), Shadow Gallery ("Spring Before Winter") and Evergrey ("Golan Heights"). Hell, the band even cites Blues Traveler and the Dixie Chicks on its MySpace page, so you know you're in for a diverse listening experience. Cirrha Niva isn't afraid to call for help, either, as keyboard player Joost van den Broek adds atmospheric elements throughout the album, and Bouke Visser contributes a chilling Floydian sax solo in "Spring Before Winter."
These are long songs — seven tracks in just under 47 minutes and packed with plenty of lyrics — but new vocalist Legrand's expressive style moves the album along with ease. Of course, it doesn't hurt that he is backed by extremely confident players who make all of this sound so easy.

Track Listing:
1) The Fooling
2) Dreamon
3) Framed
4) Running from the Source
5) Golan Heights
6) Spring Before Winter
7) Self-Chosen
Added: October 2nd 2009
Reviewer: Michael Popke
Related Link: Official Cirrha Niva Web Site
Hits: 90
Language: english - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Sea Of Tranquility (UK)

"Rating: 3/5 “Close to Psychotic Waltz.""

Wow it's been a few good years since I last heard anything from this Dutch Prog Metal act. I first came about hearing this band when the band sent me their CD 'The Mirror World Dimension' in 97, how times have changed. It's good to see some band reform and to either carry on were they last left off or try to make a new sound. The band have recorded a further couple more releases which include 'Enter The Future Exit' mini CD in 99, and then the album 'Liaison De La Morte' in 2001 and now this new CD in 2009. So as you can more then properly of guest they have had some time up changes and difficulties throughout the years. Since the bands debut release the only original members left are Rob Willemse (guitar), who's persistence has really paid off. The band enters the studio of Split Second Sound Studio (known of Textures, Autumn, Stream Of Passion) with producers Jochem Jacobs & Bouke Visser to record this new album. Their early material reminded me of hints of Fates Warning, Psychotic Waltz, Enchant, Donor, but after not hearing the band for a number of years the band have changed slightly to a more directed side of Progressive Metal close to that of Psychotic Waltz style of strange but beautiful music, sometimes the ideas of Arjen Lucassen of (Star One/ Stream Of Passion) come to mind with the music, the same ideas that Arjen could more than likely come up with. This CD contains 7 songs but interesting Prog Metal, and I like their ideas they come up with. Songs I enjoy are: The Fooling, Dreamon, Framed, Spring Before Winter, Self Chosen. Welcome back guys, I wish you the best of luck with the next CD, let's hope it's not as long to wait for that one. Check them out. - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Friday the 13th (UK)

"Rating: 9,2/10 "You must put it in your CD player and play over and over again.""

How brutal can you be blown from your seat? Very brutally apparent. Once the intro of the opening song is over, the fattest riffs are blown out of your speakers. Is this really the Cirrha Niva that has existed for years?

Where in the past they did not come for me than a tight sufficient, through too long and cluttered songs, with a moderate productions and reasonable singer, we now face a resurrection, which can not be compared with their previous work

The stunner of the album is vocalist LeGrand. Where did they find this guy and why we had conjured this man yet? Whether he winds a grunt or clean vocals in the area, it is all very serious convincing.

The songs fit him like an old coat, whether songs are ridiculously violent or quiet acoustic pieces with an almost quiet building. LeGrand sings it all. This album should not too much be described, you must put it in your CD player and play over and over again. - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Fury Rocks! (NETHERLANDS)

"Rating: 7/10 "The best songs I heard for the last six months.”"

Jako další tu máme holandské progresivisty Cirrha Niva s jejich novinkou For Momets Never Done, která se v Evrope objevila 3.9. 2009. A krome kmenové petice (s novým zpevákem LeGrandem) se natácení zúcastnilo i nekolik hostu: Robin De Groot z Chiraw, Manda Ophuis z Nemesea, Joost Van Den Broek z After Forever, Yuval Kramer z Amaseffer a Brouke Visser. Ale dost teorie, necht promluví hudba. „The Fooling“ tvorí zajímave pojatý úvod s takrka thrashovými rify a do toho jasný hlas zpeváka. Po chvíli následuje první zmena tempa, jakýsi hlas v telefonu a jede se dál. Nejvíc me tato skladba zaujme v pasážích, kdy LeGrand zpívá co možná nejmelodicteji. Druhá skladba „Dreamon“ zacíná rovnež výborne, zmeny tempa nejsou tak násilné. Pravdepodobne kandidát na Top. „Framed“ zase vypadá na pomalejší kousek, pomerne dramaticky a naléhave znející hlas zpeváka, poklidnejší pasáže strídající se s hutnými kytarovými rify. Bez pardónu jednicka. Akustický úvod „Running From The Source“ slibuje peknou baladu, no snad to vydrží a bude zmena na první prícce. No tak to vydrželo do cca pulky skladby, ale ani zbytek me neodradí od toho, abych napsal, že se jedná o jednu z nejlepších skladeb, které jsem za poslední pulrok slyšel. A jestliže jsem doposud chválil, tak u „Golan Heights“ sice hanet nebudu, ale tento kousek me zaujal ze všech nejméne. Se „Spring Before Winter“ prichází další pomalá a soucasne nejkratší skladba desky se saxofonem Brouke Vissera. A završuje tím trojici nejlepších pocinu na For Moments Never Done. Na tom nic nezmení ani záverecná „Self-Chosen“, která sice také obsahuje hodne zajímavého, ale celkove za temi nejlepšími ponekud pokulhává. Takovéto progresivisty bych poslouchat mohl, zvlášt když se instrumentálne predvádejí v únosných mezích a mají dobrý tah na bránu. Poznámka na konec: poslední desku Cirrha Niva vydali v roce 2001, takže dlouhé cekání se urcite vyplatilo. - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Hardbase (CHEZ REP)

"Rating: 8,5/10 "This is it, the genuine perfume!""

Cirrha Niva strikes mercilessly, leaving his majesty Boredom completely
breathless. It results in the fact that For Moments Never Done sounds as
if it has been recorded by the time when Dream Theater, Queensryche,
Fates Warning and Psychotic Waltz used to embarrass the metal brotherhood
by the means of their unleashed fantasies. Don’t worry, no skulls will be
blown by these incandescent legatos, spiral-whirling flageolets, tectonic
bass slaps or machine-gun blast-beats. On the other hand the charming
melodies could easily fascinate any innocent soul. In that sense the
masterpiece Running From The Source is an absolute winner. For Moments
Never Done plays the game safely – brilliantly unfold melodic lines,
crystal clear high-pitched vocals, faultless instrument conduct kept away
from any unnecessary showmanship.The CD’s running time hardly hits 50
minutes and you should be sure that within that time the Dutch have
invested only the essence - without any cheap touches and needless
supplements. This is it, the genuine perfume! - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Pro-Rock Magazine (BULGARIA)

"Rating: 7/10 "Cool""

The arrangements, the lyrics and the sound are all connected with blugrey scales and as a listener you are soon caught in the epic web.
And it’s Legrand that is the spider. He is a powerful singer, and when the riffs heads in a thrashy direction, he remind me about a blasphemous Daniel Gildenlöw, or is it the non believer Mike Patton? The lyrics to “Golan Heights” for sure doesn’t praise anyone and the thrilling guitar “melodies” reminds of those middle east “portrays” from the iron maidens – cool! - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Sweden Rock Magazine (SWEDEN)

"Rating: 90/100 "With this high standard of progmetal they will enter the top of the progressive rock.""

Cirrha Niva is a band from the South of The Netherlands and they play progressive metal. In the beginning of this century they released the “Liaison De La Morte” concept album and they toured with that eponymous name. After several line up changes the band finally continues their musical path with this new album “For Moments Never Done'. A big plus is the acquisition from singer Legrand (Michel de Groot ). He has a very professional sounding voice and brings the band to an even higher level! According to the band they play technical thrash riffs, pounding drums & melodic and shredding guitar solos. Well that's the best way to describe this band. Musically they can be compared with bands like; Dream Theater, Rush & Evergrey.
This album sounds very good and musically this is way better than what the band has ever done before! With this high standard of progmetal they will enter the top of the progressive rock scene soon; believe me! Finally The Netherlands has a 'new' progressive metalband that will blow a fresh wind through the Dutch scene; especially now that bands like Sphere of Souls & Sun Caged are continuous fighting against line up problems.
Hopefully Cirrha Niva will not have this problems because I don't want to wait again for so many years to a follow up to this marvellous album! Compliments guys!! See you soon somewhere! - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Mario Metal Mania (NETHERLANDS)

"Rating: 8,4/10 “This high levelled progmetal album was worth waiting for!”"

Back in 2001 Cirrha Niva surprised the world with the strong concept album ‘Liaison de la Morte’. Although the album and the accompanying shows received positive responses, it became very quiet around this Dutch prog metal band in the last years. But during those silent years Cirrha Niva worked on a new sound and a new album called ‘For moments never done’. Finally, eight years since the release of ‘Liaison de la Morte’, this album has been released. And yes, the album was worth waiting for, because ‘For moments never done’ happens to be a very strong album. Cirrha Niva still makes high leveled prog metal, but the band made several important changes. The most important change is called Legrand. Since 2007 he’s the new singer of the band. Legrand is the owner of a powerful voice which can easily bend over to several directions. It’s the perfect voice for the sound of Cirrha Niva. Cause musically Cirrha Niva is also flying from one direction into another one. Thrash metal-alike riffs and complex prog metal rhythms are being interchanged by fast speed- and sphere changes. That doesn’t make it to an easy listening album for the listeners, but one who really listens gets a lot in return. For these many speed changes and this variable voice brings the musicians to a higher level. It’s like Cirrha Niva is driving down a mountain road in a fully loaded car on high speed. With screaming tires they take hairpin bend after hairpin bend, interrupted by smooth and quiet parts. After a hell ride of 46 minutes Cirrha Niva finally reaches the foot of the mountain, but without a scratch. The controlling of that mountain is called ‘For moments never done’ and it could be the beginning of a beautiful, successful future. Hopefully they will control another great mountain within the next eight years. - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Gothronic - International

"Rating: 3+/5 "This album contains no weak songs at all.""

Cirrha Niva is a Dutch prog metal band and For Moments Never Done is their third album. Their previous recording was a rock opera entitled Liaison De La Morte. In 2001, I witnessed an impressive performance of that rock opera in Den Bosch, The Netherlands. Since then the line-up has changed drastically. The current line-up consists of vocalist Legrand, guitarists Carlo Heefer and Rob Willemse, bassist Daniël Huijben and Tommy White on drums.

I've listened to For Moments Never Done a number of times. Although prog metal is not my favourite musical style, I have to admit that this album has many interesting moments and contains no weak songs at all. The musical references of Cirrha Niva are many. I hear hints from Metallica, Evergrey and Dream Theater, but also from bands you not so easily file under prog metal like Rage Against The Machine, Faith No More and Thin Lizzy. Besides, I heard many musical ideas from Queensryche, one of my favourite prog rock bands. On all tracks, both guitarists play excellent, but as far as I’m concerned the most important trademark of the band is Legrand with his powerful voice, above all in the penultimate track Spring Before Winter. The final song Self Chosen is typical for Cirrha Niva’s musical style: heavy drums, speedy guitars accompanied by the emotional voice of Legrand and finishing with thunder and lightning. So, send your wife and children to the shopping mall, close the door and play this record loud...

***+ Cor Smeets (edited by Peter Willemsen) - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Background Magazine (NETHERLANDS)

"Rating: 8,5/10 EREMETAAL ”What a come back, what an album!”"

Do you still remember? Eight years after the release of rockopera ‘Liaison de la Morte’, a reconstructed Cirrha Niva is back. And how! Their new album ‘For Moments Never Done’ is top of the notch.
Almost disappeared are the theatrical influences of the past, but the progressive metal (with a mark on metal) of the reborn Cirrha Niva is very energetic. In the spotlights of it all is new vocalist Legrand, who is very impressive with his powerful voice.
Also the 7 compositions on ‘For Moments Never Done’ are without exception of high quality. As from the opening song ‘The Fooling’ in which vocalist Robin de Groot grunts and shouts, until the blazing last song ‘Self-Chosen’ with its cool guitar work, Cirrha Niva’s floating, melodic and catching metal is a feast for your ears. A resting point is the passionate sung ballad ‘Spring Before Winter’ with some heartbreaking saxophone interventions from guest Bouke Visser, who together with Jochem Jacobs (Textures) is responsible for the more than great production of this album.
Bombastic are also the parts of keyboard player Joost van den Broek (ex-After Forever) in the criminally beautiful ‘Framed’. Even as good is the interaction between Legrand and female vocalist Many Ophuis (Nemesea) in the up tempo song ‘Dreamon’. Conclusion: With ‘For Moments Never Done’ Cirrha Niva is back.
What a comeback! - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Aardschok Magazine (NETHERLANDS)

""Dream Theater, Opeth, Psychotic Waltz & Nevermore. Cirrha Niva demonstrate extreme ease in mixing these groups.""

Etymologically the term Cirrha Niva comes from entomology and refers to some kind of moth. Unless you’re a biology student or some distinguished entomologist, I don’t think you were familiar with the true meaning of the band name these Dutchmen use! Me neither of course, that’s why I researched this a bit further due to the release of their brand new album, although these guys are not complete strangers to me. I was lucky enough to listen to their debut entitled “The Mirror World Dimension” not a long time ago so I had an idea of what I was expecting to hear from their new effort. After having spent several hours listening to “For Moments Never Done” I have to admit that the contribution of that album to this review is almost null!
2009 Cirrha Niva is a band trying to change face. Although they were always listed as progressive metal in my head, if I would spend another second thinking about their style I’d accompany the term progressive with adjectives such as atmospheric, doomy, avant-garde and hard to digest. Considering that this record is their fourth, I have a two album gap in trying to describe their change. Adding up the facts, somewhere between 1997 and 2001 gothic was put next to progressive due to the use of female vocals, sophisticated live appearances and aesthetics. During the 8 years since 2001 when they released their rock opera named “Liaison De La Morte” (with the participation of almost the entire Pain Of Salvation), this moth has turned into something completely new! The cocoon that embraced the band all these years bred a new insect which transformed without the gothic gene. To my pleasure, the new Cirrha Niva have absolutely nothing to do with gothic!
To be more specific, there’s only a few elements within “For Moments Never Done” which escape the term traditional progressive metal. Indefinable is an adjective that no longer follows Cirrha Niva. From this moment on, we are dealing with one of the most straight forward progressive metal bands of the scene. Immediacy may not be something that characterizes bands of this particular genre but Cirrha Niva present it as their prime asset! This is due to three parameters in my opinion: the most successful and solid prog riffage of the last decade or so, the amazing vocals of their new singer Legrand and the fact that the 7 songs of this particular release only extend to 46 minutes. I don’t think that a progressive metal record clocking under one hour at least, without the ultra complicated 15 minute epic and without the surplus of intros-narrations-declamations is every day occurrence nowadays. “For Moments Never Done” breaks the vicious cycle of exaggeration, it flows smoothly and ends just before the point of saturation leaving a really sweet taste in my mouth. In accordance with the three elements that promote Cirrha Niva to the major progressive metal league, there are also three other things that link them to their past. The label releasing their albums, the smouldering doom metal elements and guest appearances.
As a devoted doom metal fan, I started investigating the inessential doom metal elements in Cirrha Niva’s sound, but in some magic way I managed to get to the essential much easier than I have anticipated! Within this album one can find several doom metal elements. They’re not obvious but they do exist. Looking up the band’s personal info to detect the origin of this hunch of mine I wasn’t able to find anything of use. Instead, I discovered something much more interesting. The common ground between the appreciations of most band members are Dream Theater, Opeth, Psychotic Waltz and Nevermore. I couldn’t get a better brake than this! I think that the mixture of the above mentioned bands represents Cirrha Niva’s sound up to 90%. Although someone may find difficulty in mixing these groups without the result sounding loose to say the least, Cirrha Niva demonstrate extreme ease in putting it together. They possess all the required ingredients: the skills, the character, the inspiration. The guitar work from Willemse and Heefer is thorough. The use of Schecter guitars brings them closer to mid era Nevermore regarding the general sound of riffage, their technique brings to mind the most inspired moments of late era Dream Theater while the extensive use of melody moves them closer to Opeth and Psychotic Waltz. That’s the best description I could come up with to support my earlier assertion about their sound.
Getting to the issue of guest appearances which are quite a lot, I have to admit I find them rather indifferent. I don’t think they have anything to offer to this magnificent album. The most striking name among them is Joost Van Den Broek, keyboard player of also Dutchmen After Forever. Probably he is the only one that makes a difference in this album with his playing in 3 songs. As for the rest of the people, they change nothing to the final result. Backing vocals by Amanda Ophuis (Nemesea) in the divine “Dreamon” go unnoticed due to the superb vocal performance by Legrand, the Jewish narrations by Yuval Kramer in “Golan heights” could be done by anyone speaking the language while the saxophone solo by Bouke Visser at the end of “Spring Before Winter” only serves as a means of antithesis between it and the opening crushing riff of “Self-chosen” which would have blown my mind in any case. If someone thinks that most guest appearances do neither good nor bad to the album, one of them almost prevented me from giving more listens to this album!
The first album track entitled “The fooling” jumps in with an aggressive riff and Swedish mallcore scream by Robin De Groot (Chisaw) that made my stomach turn. Long live glorious Confucius this was just false alarm! Soon after, the magnificent clean voice of Legrand makes its appearance with a force that can only be compared to Damian Wilson’s in “Psychedelicatessen” by the gods Threshold. From then on things are quite simple; the wrong De Groot (Robin) growls a line or two giving his place to the right De Groot (Michel) to show his amazing voice span along with his splendid vocal lines. Who’s Michel De Groot? No one else than Legrand himself! The nickname Legrand is nothing else than the French translation of his Dutch surname. Now that we have exposed the man behind the nickname, we can enjoy him whether he’s called Legrand, Michel De Groot or Marco Van Basten! Because it’s not about a man’s name when he grabs the microphone and raises the already great songs two levels up. Although I could analyze his performance in any of the 7 songs of the album, I will do nothing more than point you to the song “Dreamon”. Words simply fail me in the presence of works of art such as this. As for the other songs, “Framed”, “Golan heights” (which refers to an area between Israel and Syria that was the theater of a not so long past war) and Self-chosen” stand out only by a notch.
The lyrical content of most songs refers to personal-esoteric issues while only “Golan heights” seems to be more politically oriented. The album’s cover gives a melancholic sentiment to the viewer which blends wonderfully with the concept of the unfulfilled that the album title represents in my opinion. I think it’s the right wrapping for such a beautiful musical proposition. Because this review drags much more than you or I can handle I’ll try and put things in a much stricter frame. Fans of any of the above mentioned bands along with Threshold and early Pain Of Salvation enthusiasts will surely find something special in “For Moments Never Done”. The old Cirrha Niva fans from their part will find a drastically improved band but also a different one than the one they probably loved in the past. I personally declare myself as a Cirrha Niva fan and I will follow their footsteps from now on. Closing this review, I’d like to express my satisfaction about the fact that recently many bands regardless of genre turn to 45 minute releases and labels follow. There is no better recipe in making a timeless record but to confine your material into a more reasonable duration. This way, disgusting fillers are avoided and it’s much easier to the listener to hear, study and eventually pore over an album. “For Moments Never Done” will reap the fruit of a 45 minute release soon enough. Remember this! - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Cloak & Dagger (GREECE)

"Rating: 7,5/100 ALBUM OF THE MONTH "Superb musicianship, great songs.""

Eight years after the weird and wonderful "Liaison de la Morte", the Dutch progressive metal band is back with something quite different. They have changed their sound considerably and they have a new vocalist. The result is progressive metal of the intense kind. The opening song is proof of the new direction as the song opens in a dramatic way with a 911 call, an aggressive guitar riff and a brutal roar (for the record it's vocalist Legrand's brother, Robin de Groot, who does the opening scream). I was sucked in right away by the musical whirlwind that ensued. Tempo shifts en masse, passages of extreme melodic bliss side by side with dual guitar solos, heavy riffs and a feeling that even though the songs are complex, every passage fits. The band is tight and highly skilled and the songwriting is top notch, resulting in songs that are varied, challenging and constantly seeking new directions.

The Fooling opens the album in an impressive way though I'm still divided on whether the 911 call works or not. After its powerful and aggressive opening the song suddenly slows down shortly for a fantastic atmospheric chorus section where the guitar lays an amazing foundation. The same technique is used in Golan Heights to the same great effect. I love the way the guitar slices slowly through the sound.

Legrand's vocal performance is vibrant and spirited throughout the album. He is one the most impressive vocalists I have discovered in a long while.

As most great albums "For Moments Never Done" takes time to unfold. Somewhere between the first five and ten listens the album will start to grow and the songs will blossom. I've listened to the album regularly for a month now and it doesn't feel like it's peaked yet.

The sound is very clear and every instrument is given room to unfold, yes, even the bass is clearly audible which is another plus. The guitar sound and solos in particular have a superb crisp sound.

Of the seven songs on the album all are standouts, some more than others but each with their own batch of highlights. Dreamon is instantly captivating with a very melodic core. Guitar and drums work together in a special union here. Running from the source opens with a sweet melody. Legrand's voice unfolds on an acoustic background and it gives the song a tender feel. Through its 6 minutes the song evolves and ends up as a powerhouse of wailing guitars and fast paced drumming. Brilliant.

Spring Before Winter opens with a splendid instrumental passage. About halfway through Legrand vocals ease into the song and completes the melancholic atmosphere. Self-Chosen ends the album on an aggressive note and in a way brings the album full circle even if it's a quite depressing one.

The lyrics mostly deal with relationship and serious personal issues and suit the songs very well but I don't feel they work 100%. There seems to be a connection between the songs The Fooling, Framed, Running from the Source, Spring before winter and Self-chosen and they have common themes but the lyrics don't make complete sense to me. Maybe they need more time.

Several bands come to mind when trying to come up with a suitable comparison for Cirrha Niva. Pain of Salvation , Nevermore and Psychotic Waltz are three bands that have elements in common with Cirrha Niva but that doesn't come close to describing the music. It's varied, challenging, melodic, aggressive, heavy, different and worth giving a chance, even if you're not into progressive metal. If you like your music complex and melodic then I can only urge you to check out For Moments Never Done.

To Sum up: Superb musicianship, great songs. The best comeback of the year so far.

Written by Steen
Monday, September 21, 2009 - CD review - For Moments Never Done - For Moments Never Done - Revelationz (DENMARK)

""Extremely good song writing.""

"For moments never done", the new album of Dutch outfit Cirrha Niva, is a real surprise. In these "here today, gone tomorrow" times with all the respective shitty releases, this is a piece of Prog Metal presenting you with really good songwriting. The seven songs, many of them about seven or even eight minutes long, are brimming with Thrash-ey intricate riff work, melodic guitar soli and clean vocals (which, due to a new singer, sound much better than on their 2002 release "Liaison de la morte"). Jochen Jacobs and Bouke Visser of Split Second Sound Studio (Textures, Autumm, Stream Of Passion) are responsoble for the powerful production. To all Prog Metal Fans digging Dream Theater - or to those who just love extremely good song writing: check out "For moments never done"! (Oliver Kirchner / 12.08.2009) - CD review - For Moments Never Done - EMP Merchandising (GERMANY)

""Something different, yet very interesting and compelling.”"

Band name, CD name and the natural landscape on the cover smell of art. The band is indeed artsy and full of originality and dynamism. Cirrha Niva, however, has improved and become a listenable and serious band. This is a progressive and original band that is still experimenting without the need to bore the pants off a metal fan. The band does not wish to be silly anymore either. In other words, For Moments Never Done is progressive, but not retarded. Gone is the goth and the sound is instead a combination of Meshuggah, Pain Of Salvation, Anacrusis and Threshold. It all starts with a sample and a crazy scream. There are female vocals, acoustic guitars and even a saxophone (on Spring Before Winter), but there is real good material included too. Of course, the detritus loses points for a band that could have and should have known better. Framed could have come from a ‘70s Scorpions opus for instance. That is how organic this material is. There is a song about the territories Israel has stolen and occupied from Syria called Golan Heights. Apparently, the band has a political bent as well. For Moments Never Done is something different, yet very interesting and compelling. Write to the band at or visit - Anna Tergel - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Metallian (CANADA)

""Cirrha Niva is highly recommended for Prog-Metal lovers.""

The Dutch Progressive Metal band Cirrha Niva began activities in 1997 releasing the debut album The Mirror World Dimension, which was followed by the EP Enter the Future (1999). But it was with Liaison De La Morte (2001) a Rock-Opera that achieved status of a Cult-Show that Cirrha Niva became well known in the Progressive Metal scene. After a long hiatus, the band reformulated the line-up in 2007.

From the original members, only Rob Willemse (guitar) and Tommy white (drums) remained. The others were replaced by Carlo Heefer (guitar), Daniel Huijben (bass), and Legrand (vocals). With renovated energy, Cirrha Niva recorded a new album - For Moments Never Done that is being released by Parnassus Records. Differently from their operatic previous work, this album shows a more intense metallic verve. In spite of the
influences cited by band members - which include from Classic Rock to
Progressive (e.g. King Crimson, Led Zeppelin, Marillion, Pink Floyd, Rush ); and from Metal to Prog-Metal Anacrusis, Coroner, Death, Megadeth, Nevermore, Dream Theater, Evergrey, The Gathering, Opeth, Pain of Salvation, and Psychotic Waltz) the sonority reminds me of bands of the 80s that survived until present (like Fates Warning, Queensryche, Jag Panzer, Iron Maiden and Angel Dust specially album Bleed).

Cirrha Niva knows how to blend those past sounds with new century trends, therefore forging an exclusive style among Prog-Metal bands. Pulled by the superb vocals of Legrand who is a true Metal singer, sometimes as emotional as John Arch (Fates Warning) or as vigorous as Dirk Thurisch (Angel Dust) - the compositions are built around killing guitar riffs adorned with long, metallic and soulful solos that tend to Traditional and Melodic
Metal styles. Thundering drums and omnipresent bass mix the ancient with
the modern, enriched by contributions of some respectable guest musicians: Joost van den Broek (After Forever), Manda Ophuis (Nemesea), Robin de Groot (Chiraw), Bouke Visser (sax) and Yuval Kramer (Amaseffer). The new album has 7 tracks, and opens with The Fooling, which features powerful vocals from both Legrand and Robin de Groot. Although the regular Prog-Metal enthusiast may find this piece too much psychotic - partly because of de Groots aggressive grunts and screams - I encourage him/her to go ahead, because the following tracks - Dreamon and Framed - contrast with the crudeness of the first, featuring guitar riffs that remind me respectively of two songs of Fates Warning: Night on Bröcken and Prelude to Ruin. Climatic and
progressive parts in the middle of Framed prepare the listener for Running From the Source a song driven by acoustic guitars, atmospheric organ (courtesy of Joost van den Broek) and voyaging backing vocals that remind me of Ayreon, until a metamorphosis occurs and everything turns into a raging attack similar to Iron Maidens first album! Likewise, the first part of Spring Before Winter takes me back immediately to Iron Maidens song Children of the Damned nevertheless, a big surprise arises - a poignant saxophone solo by Bouke Visser turning it immediately into the most innovative track of the album. Contrasting with the most progressive tracks, Golan Heights (introduced by Hebrew words spoken by Yuval Kramer) brings more tension, staying between Psychotic Waltz and Crimson Glory or Jag Panzer also featuring an aggressiveness that reminds me of Angel Dust (album Bleed). Self-Chosen which combines thrash-metal riffs with
Legrands powerful vocals - has the same vigor of Jag Panzer and Evergrey; and closes this excellent album surpassing all expectations about it. Cirrha Niva is highly recommended for Prog-Metal lovers that also like bands of the 80s and 90s.

Band members and collaborators involved on the band are: Legrand Lead Vocals; Carlo Heefer Guitar; Rob Willemse Guitar; Daniel Huijben Bass; Tommy White Drums.
Additional musicians: Joost van den Broek - Keyboards (tracks 3, 4, 6);
Manda Ophuis - Backing Vocals on track 2; Yuval Kramer Spoken Words
(track 5); Robin de Groot Grunts and Screams (track 1); Bouke Visser
Saxophone (track 6). (Comments by Marcelo Trotta) - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Progressive Rock (BRASIL)

"Rating: 9,2/10 “The CD blows your mind from beginning 'till end.""

Progressive metal band Cirrha Niva has been in silence for 9 years. But to this silence came recently an end with the release of ‘For Moments Never Done’. The group has been drastically changed since their rock opera ‘Liaison de la Morte’. The biggest difference is vocalist Legrand who has a powerful groovy voice. With his arrival, the theatrical influences of the past are making way for more metal. Progressive Metal. There are a lot of musical references on these seven songs from this forth album of the band. From Rush to Queensrÿche to Dream Theater and Nevermore. The production of Jochem Jacobs (Textures) is on the same level as the before mentioned names. It’s difficult to describe a high point on this album, as the CD almost blows you mind from beginning ‘till end, but our favorite track has to be the wiping ‘Framed’, with a starring role for Legrand. Guest appearances, there are from Joost van den Broek (ex-After Forever) on piano and Hammond, vocalist Robin de Groot (Chiraw) who emphasizes ‘The Fooling’ with his grunts, and female vocalist Manda Ophuis (Nemesea) is dueling on ‘Dreamon’ with Legrand. What a return to the Metalfront! I’m curious how the band will perform this album live. - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Rock Tribune (BELGIUM)

"Rating: 5/6 "Cirrha Niva produced this beauty of a progmetal platter.""

Although this Dutch band has been around since 1993, I suppose not many people out there might have heard about Cirrha Niva. Their cult rock opera “Liaison de la Morte” from 2001 was an ‘outsider’ within the world of progressive rock/metal, but I have a strong feeling that this won’t be the case with this brand-new “For Moments Never Done”, which is their third album overall. To be honest, it’s like listening to a totally different band, who has come up with a really strong progmetal album. I suppose the band has to thank newcomer Legrand for this radical change. With his powerful voice he’s like the proverbial goose that lays the golden eggs. But the other band members also deserve to get some credit. As a whole, Cirrha Niva has succeeded in expanding their unique sound with a strong rhythm section (Huijben / White)and excellent riffing from the guitar tandem (Heefer / Willemse). I couldn’t and still can’t believe it is Cirrha Niva that produced this beauty of a progmetal platter. Conclusion: an excellent re-start for these talented Dutchmen and I can only hope that I don’t have to wait another eight years for a follow-up - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Rock Report (BELGIUM)

"“Totally recommendable!”"

From some years now we've been listening to the same stuff from the Netherlands over an over, and I know many complain about this exploitation. Actually, Cirrha Niva started from the the same ground back in 2001 with the album "Liaison De La Morte", Gothic-esque symphonic, trendy metal. In fact, the album cover, while very nice, resembles some female dark-melancholic bands - this is not the case. Some things have changed on "For The Moments Never Done".Although some Dutch guest musicians joined this work such as Manda Ophuis, from Nemesea, and Joost van den Broek, from After Forever (just the bands we were talking above), there is the exception of Robin de Groot, from a quite aggressive Dutch band called Chiraw. Something interesting is that they also enjoyed the guitar of Yuval Kramer, member of a brand, true folk-progressive Israelite band named Amaseffer, who is responsible for the middle-eastern touch on "Golan heights", I guess.At first, this record offers very nice drums and guitar progressions, and a dose of those classic background speeches together with energetic vocals -not very different from what you've listened though- and a bit of synth-symphonic ambiance just to garnish. Later you notice that the album holds a good level all the road, which is itself praiseworthy. A well-made combination of classic Heavy Rock, Trash Metal, Progressive Rock, Progressive Metal and even some Doom too. Going from fine metal riffs to simple alternative rock patterns looking for a wide palette of sounds that can be accepted as progressive, these people have made a competitive record, obviously still improvable, but totally recommendable. A promising proposal that changes my opinion regarding Dutch metal. - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Archaic Magazine (BELGIUM)

"Rating: 8/10 "All the elements of a great Progressive Heavy music album are present here.""

A long wait, but well worth it.

Behind this fairly bizarre title lies a long running and highly accomplished Prog Metal band who, after experiencing their newie 'For Moments Never Done', seem to be quite the force to be reckoned with. I have to admit to never having heard of this Dutch outfit, despite being a progressive Metal fanatic, but I'm sure this has something to do with the fact this is, from what I can tell, their first album for about eight years.

What has held them up from releasing any new music for so long is anyone's guess, but it's been worth the unknowing (for me) wait. They present a highly varied and pretty distinctive take on Prog Metal, utilising acoustic guitars, piano, subtle washy keyboard flourishes, sound effects and even some nice, smooth sexy sax during the powerful ballad 'Spring Before Winter'. I know the word ballad is a bit of a dirty one in 'true' Metal circles, but this track is a winner, and the surprising presence of the sax combined with the voice of singer Legrand, reminds me a little of something Queensryche might do, circa the 'Promised Land' album. In fact I can detect the shadow of that Seattle powerhouse being cast across a lot of what these guys do. No doubt they are influenced by them, but a carbon copy they are definitely not. This album is wall to wall strength and has much for prog heads to sink their teeth into, and it has a freshness and exuberance to it that the Ryche have been missing for quite some time.

The records occasionally drifts into cheesy Power Metal territory (but thankfully only briefly) and 'Self-Chosen' is a slightly less inspiring album closer than I'm sure they were intending. But in the end all the elements of a great Progressive Heavy music album are present here, and they do it all with great style and substance. It may not be quite what you'd call an all time classic, but it's a very strong effort nevertheless. - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Metal Forge (AUSTRALIA)

"ARTIST OF THE WEEK! “High class metal that gains lots of respect!”"

“High class metal that gains lots of respect!” Click url to read more... - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Music From NL (NETHERLANDS)

"Rating: 7,5/10 “A highly accomplished release which should see the band getting serious attention.”"

“A highly accomplished release which should see the band getting serious attention.” Click url to read more.. - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Dutch Progressive Rock Pages - International

"Rating: 12/15 "Ein echter Knaller!""

"...ein echter Knaller!" Click url to read more... - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Musikreviews (GERMANY)

""With this album Cirrha Niva has proven to be among Hollands TOP bands!""

"With this album Cirrha Niva has proven to be among Hollands TOP bands". Click url to read more... - CD review - For Moments Never Done - Metalkrant (NETHERLANDS)

""One of the best bands on the festival.""

During DEMONICA's set, which gathered a large crowd, the Dutch Progressive Metal band CIRRHA NIVA was preparing for their festival moment. I got to know this band via MySpace and thought of buying their latest release, "For Moments Never Done", but it just never came of it, as other things interfered or other releases were of a higher priority. Anyway, seeing them on the bill made me look forward to the festival. Having been at Prog, Power and Metalfest at Mons in April this year (with bands like ADAGIO, DGM, DREAMSCAPE, PAGAN'S MIND, IVANHOE, and more, to keep it Progressive) CIRRHA NIVA is also a band that deserved to be on the bill. Perhaps next year, who knows. The Dutch were there with a session drummer, as their regular skinsman Wiebe Slim had booked his vacation and thus couldn't cancel it. But let me tell you his replacement (I forgot his name, though guitarist Carlo Heefer told me) sure knows his way around a kit. CIRRHA NIVA has been around since several years, underwent some line-up changes (Rob Willemse being a constant all those years) and style changes, but managed to put out four releases (six if you count the two demos). For obvious reasons the setlist consisted of songs from the "For Moments Never Done" release and the IRON MAIDEN classic "The Trooper". As we're dealing with a Progressive Metal band, the setlist wasn't very long, since the songs weren't very short either. The guys had a great time, judging by their stage presence and how the crowd reacted. Especially guitarist Rob Willemse and the stand-in drummer were enjoying it. Not that the others didn't, they were more modest, but each character is different. The same counts for fans, some move around, headbang, etc... other just stand there, watch and listen and might just enjoy the show as much as those who do move about. The band sounded good, despite the small surface and space and somehow deserved to be on the main stage. That's at least how I feel about it. CIRRHA NIVA, a name to keep in mind, as they were one of the best band on the festival and their music is top notch quality. - Live review - Alcatraz Festival, Thoughts Of Metal (B)


In between bands , I snuck up to Dutch Cirrha Niva to watch them work. Traditionally, progressive metal doesn’t get the attention it deserves, so I could not miss this one . I am not familiar with the material of the band, but I was impressed by the ease with which they play their complex songs. Only drawback I found was Legrand, the singer, whose voice was draped quite annoying in the mix. I thought it to be a breath of fresh air fter the gratuitous violence of the previous band. - Live review - Alcatraz Festival, Tarkus (B)

""Good heaven, this is music!”"

Personaly a thought it was a shame that Cirrha Niva was banned to the ‘1 little ‘1 stage. This resulted in their great, even more than great, music suffering from the extreem heat and very anoying soundcheck on the mainstage. Therefor the band didn’2t get the attention it deserved, although it seemed that almost all of the seats where taken during their show.
Ooh my god, this is real music. These guys know how to play and whith singer Legrand they got the biggest asset..This guy knows how to play the crowd and today surley is on a roll..With their mix of metal and prog they come accros to a big audience. Ofcourse their new album was well covered and a large crowd got what they came for, even if it mend defying the tremendous heat.
Still, I’d rather would like to see those guys with a complete show on the mainstage. quality of this caliber is rare nowadays.
The Iron Maiden covers was great by the way
- Live review - Alcatraz Festival, Rock Tribune (B)

""A great deal of self-confidence""

Dutch Cirrha Niva are neatly lining up just before the monitor-speakers.
By hearing the catchy melodylines being played by the gitarist it’s obvious that their prog-metal is perfect for playing acoustic. Even though it’s the first time, the band is sitting really relaxed on the barstools like they are doing these kinds of shows for years and years.
Everyone showes a great deal of self-confidence, also the flawless singer with the
cap over his eyes who sang his lines with an impressive playful ease. The basplayer
changed of instruments three times while the drummer played some kind of bongos
and shook the sandshakers and at some point he turned some kind of bamboo
sandglass. This all made the show run at a fluent pace.
- Live review - Mindview Metal Convention (accoustic show)

""As we are used of them; Sublime.""

Cirrha Niva are opening on the so called metal-meadow.
And from the start they shift gear. The volume is as it should be on a metal-meadow LOUD!!.
Cirrha is working the stage like an express-train. The concert starts of a bit harsh, but as the man fire up it there’s no stopping.
Due to the early hour there’s not a big crowd yet. The vocal harmonies sound very good. It’s the redheaded frontman who claims all the attention. His enthousiasme is wonderful to see. As his kid brother joins in for a song the whole party reaches it’s high...The melodic parts are of course, as we are used from the band, sublime...
All in all a great first metalperformance at the Zwarte Cross festival.
- Live review - Zwarte Cross Festival, Metalkrant (NL)

""Cirrha Niva puts down a top notch concert.""

I keep on walking into this band at festivals more often and I must say they never disappoint.
With great sence of atmosphere they play their songs. Delightfully emotional the frontman is reinacting his lyrics.
Funny to see that, due to the heat upstairs, some people are grabbing a chair and enjoying the show sitting down. Not really die-hard metal, but understandable considering the sauna temperatures.
Another topnotch show by Cirrha Niva and I’m sure we will be hearing a lot from them in the future.
- Live review - Alcatraz Festival, Metalkrant (NL)

""This band is very convincing.""

Frankly to say that Dutch Cirrha Niva was the odd one out today. Between all the death and voilence their prog-metal came as a breath of fresh air. What should have been a fantastic show, partly fell through, because of the very loud soundcheck that was going on on the main stage..Even though, the band surely delivered...The Iron Maiden cover of the trooper was greatly appreciated. Singer Legrand has got a voice to be jealous of.
Great show. - Live review - Alcatraz Festival, Mindview (B)

""One of the good surprises of the festival.""

Before turning to the bar I’m going to watch the concert of Dutch prog-metallers Cirrha Niva. Even though the presence of a progressive combo, to the `festival of métal', had us a bit worried, the energetic performance of the dutchies is reassuring us. The singer, a skinny redhead, is over-excited to see. His grimaces of another world make him the star attraction of the band . As for The musicians they play technical and exciting progressive metal. The very young drummer with the headset stuck to the ears to delivers a relentless rhythem . He’s helped by a bass player with a fretless instrument who playes as many cords as a guitarist. The technique of the two guitarists is irreproachable. The highlight of the show occurs when the singer invites his little brother on stage for a duet. With his short hair and tattooed legs he’s obviously connected to hardcore.This brotherly warmth on stage works surprisingly effective. The Dutchmen finish their show in beauty by a playing "the Trooper" from Iron Maiden. One of the good surprises of the festival. - Live review - Alcatraz Festival, Music in Belgium (B)


Out Of The Freakshow, 2016

1. I Guess 04:53
2. From Ego  07:09
3. 24/7 Smile  07:27
4. Afraid To Bleed 08:57
5. Silver Tongues  05:43
6. Time  05:38
7. Reprise Of A Beautiful Day  04:24
8. Just Another Legacy 11:54

Recording line up:
Rob Willemse - Guitar
Carlo Heefer - Guitar
Legrand - Vocals
Michel Steenbekkers - Bass
Nathanael Taekema - Drums
Additional musicians:
Erik van Ittersum – Keyboards on 2, 4, 7 & 8
Lisette van den Berg – Guest vocals on 4
Devon Graves – Guest vocals & flute on J8
Mr. Gold – Ringmaster on 1
Yente van Hulst, Iris Hoek, Hasse Mees, Seneh Mejdoub – Children’s Choir on 6

Album info:
All songs written by Cirrha Niva. Produced by Cirrha Niva & Split Second Sound.

For Moments Never Done 2009

1. The Fooling 07:28
2. Dreamon 05:07
3. Framed  08:02
4. Running From The Source 06:11
5. Golan Heights 06:55
6. Spring Before Winter  04:49
7. Self-Chosen 08:15

Recording Line up:
Legrand - Vocals
Daniël Huijben - Bass
Carlo Heefer - Guitar
Rob Willemse - Guitar
Tommy White – Drums

Additional musicians:
Robin de Groot – Grunts & screams on 1
Manda Ophuis – Backing vocals 3
Joost van den Broek – Keyboards on 2, 4 & 6
Yuval Kramer – Spoken words on 5
Bouke Visser – Saxophone on 6

Album info:
All songs written by Cirrha Niva. Produced by Cirrha Niva & Split Second Sound.

Liaison De La Morte 2001

1. October 31st 02:55
2. Nightwish 08:05
3. Le Parade 07:58
4. Nostalgia 10:45
5. Mélancolique  09:52
6. Echoes  07:48
7. The Beginning Of… 04:24
Interactive CD-Rom: ‘Nostalgia’ videoclip , photo’s & more.

Recording Line up:
Arnold Kloek - Vocals
Liselotte Hegt - Bass
Peter Vennema - Guitar
Rob Willemse - Guitar
Tommy White - Drums
Wilbert van den Broek – Keyboards

Additional musicians:
Daniël Gildenlow, Fredrik Hermansson, Kristoffer Gildenlow, Johan Langell – Choir, spooky screams and wisphers
Angela van den Tillaart – Contralto
Derek Harbour – Narrator
Carin Bruggeman – Soprano
Daan Cuppen – Baritone

Album info:
All songs written by Cirrha Niva. Produced by Milan Ciric & Cirrha Niva.

Enter the future Exit 1999

1. Vacuum  09:09
2. Sky Decor 10:20
3. The Dream (live)  03:08
4. Redemption Denied (live)  04:40

Recording Line up:
Arnold Kloek - Vocals
Liselotte Hegt - Bass
Peter Vennema - Guitar
Rob Willemse - Guitar
Tommy White - Drums
Wilbert van den Broek – Keyboards

Album info:
All songs written by Cirrha Niva. Produced by Timo Beckman & Cirrha Niva.

No More Psychosis 1998

1. Dimensions & Mirrors  04:56
2. Song Of Kali  05:37

Recording Line up:
Arnold Kloek - Vocals
Liselotte Hegt - Bass
Peter Vennema - Guitar
Rob Willemse - Guitar
Tommy White - Drums
Wilbert van den Broek – Keyboard

Album info:
All songs written by Cirrha Niva. Produced by Timo Beckman & Cirrha Niva.

The Mirror World Dimension 1997

1. Redemption Denied 05:35
2. Kamapau:a 01:36
3. Ever  07:29
4. Weaveworld  05:16
5. The Johari Frame  01:11
6. Time Juggler  05:33
7. Obscured  07:30

Recording Line up:
Erik Smits - Vocals
Liselotte Hegt - Bass
Peter Vennema - Guitar
Rob Willemse - Guitar
Jack Puijker - Drums

Album info:
All songs written by Cirrha Niva. Produced by Hans Timmermans & Cirrha Niva.



After the exceptionally well reviewed album ‘For Moments Never Done’, being rewarded with “Eremetaal” in Aardschok (NL), “Vette Krent” in IO-Pages (NL), “Album Of The Month” in Relevationz (DK) and “Masterpiece” in Progressor (UZ), Cirrha Niva started writing Out Of The Freakshow,’. During that time the band’s search for a rhythmn section resulted in welcoming killer bassist Michel (ex-Fuelblooded) and expert drummer Robert (ex-Toyz). 

In 2009, Cirrha Niva had developed their unique ‘For Moments Never Done’ sound. Now, again under the guidence of producers Jochem Jacobs and Bouke Visser of Split Second Sound Studio (Textures ect), the band takes it to the next level. On Out Of The Freakshow,’ the music still consists of technical riffs, pounding drums, melodic and shredding guitar solo’s. But the band utilises more of a Seventies-feel and have packed much more emotion and anger into the compositions. They even take the heavyness and speed to an unprecedented level for Cirrha Niva. All this and more results in the newborn album: ‘Out Of The Freakshow,’. Musical references can be compared with bands such as Nevermore, Dream Theater, Psychotic Waltz and even some Thin Lizzy, Rush and Led Zeppelin.

“Ladies and gentleman. Brothers and sisters. Geeks and gorillas.
For the world of the bizarre we proudly present the world’s largest congregation of human oddities.”

On ‘Out Of The Freakshow,’ Cirrha Niva welcomes some very talented guest musicians. Drummer and interim bandmember Nathanael Taekema (Thomas Zwijsen) did the band a huge favour by creating and playing all drumtracks on the album. Psychotic Waltz frontman Devon Graves adds depth to ‘Just Another Legacy’ with his poignant vocals and flute, and singer Lisette van den Berg (Scarlet Stories) takes ‘Afraid To Bleed’ to a breathtaking climax. Under supervision of Joost van den Broek (ex-After Forever), keyboardist Erik van Ittersum (Theater Equation) adds spheric elements to the album using piano, Hammond organ, strings and soundscapes. And finally, the mysterious Mr. Gold, speaks as The Ringmaster in the opening song ‘I Guess’

Visualy, Cirrha Niva is surrounded by a team of creative and devoted freaks! The stunning artwork is made by Blacklake Design (Damien Wilson, Maiden United) and the band pictures are shot by Tim Tronckoe Photography. The band outfits are exclusivly created by Ingeborg Steenhorst from I Style Stars (Lacuna Coil, Epica, Karmaflow).

Cirrha Niva has a strong DO-IT-YOURSELF attitude and they work 220% for their music. All albums are released on their own independent label Parnassus Records. The band invested a lot in quality studio recordings, cd production and press promotion. And it pays off, because the band has received overall high rates from international music press. The album is distributed by Suburban Distribution. 

The band invested a lot in quality studio recordings, cd production and press promotion. The album has received overall high rates from international music press.

After intense live performances on international stages and festivals the band is rewarded with positive reactions from both press and audience on their live performance. Good criticism on solid songs,  great performance and musically excellent craftsmanship are received  after every show. Some press quotes;
"The strongest Dutch progband at the moment." (NL Lords Of Metal NL)
"Good heaven, this is real music! Quality of this kind is rare nowadays" (Rock Tribune Magazine BELGIUM),
"This band belonged to the Top 3 of this festival." (Metal-Nose BELGIUM),
"Cirrha Niva puts down a top notch concert" (Metalkrant NL).

Support History.
Besides the numerous headline shows with their rock opera ‘Liaison de la Morte’, Cirrha Niva supported welknown acts:
Blind Guardian (Ger),
Crimson Glory (USA) European 25th ann. Tour 2011.
Lacuna Coil (IT),
Evergrey (SE),
Pain of Salvation (SE),
Planet X (USA),
Skyclad (UK),
Evanescence (USA).

Band Members