Charlie Mayfair
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | INDIE
Here’s one that pretty much jumped out of the TV and smacked me in the face when I saw it for the first time on rage during the time off from the blog. I’m a little late, sure, but what the hey – this is an awesome new band hailing from Brisvegas, who have just made their first ever video in If I Fell Down. If you ask me, they’ve done a fucking fantastic job – especially great for a first!
Basically, the six-piece band (there’s more people since the photo above was taken!) have gone for a tripped-out gypsy theme, with each member looking quite dapper for the affair as they dance around fire, grind up tea leaves and generally be awesome. It’s a very quirky little video, with lots of cute little effects and sharp editing that will keep you interested throughout the whole thing. Doesn’t hurt that they’re a bunch of lookers, too – if you don’t end up with a schoolgirl crush on at least half of the band, you’re watching the wrong video. Much love to these guys for a stellar debut effort – be sure to check out their debut EP, Watch My Hands, too – only $7 on iTunes! - Yes, We've Got A Video!
One of the bands currently rising to the top of the scene in Brisbane/Waterworld (… too soon.. or late?), is sextet Indie kids Charlie Mayfair. Fresh from their appearance at le Sunset Sounds, Charlie Mayfair are combining forces with Phatchance and Coptic Soldier to hit Sydney for a residency at Oxford Arts on Feb 11th, 18th, and 25th. FOR FREE!!!
So far the band have released one mighty impressive EP, an uber stylish video for ‘If I Fell Down’, and also a recent collaboration with Phatchance which received some highly coveted J play.
Did I mention it was free? … and nothing tastes better than free. Catch ya there. - Who The Hell
Completing the trilogy this week on the Polyphonic Three we have Charlie Mayfair a merry mixture of musicians with more members than you could shake a boomerang at. Mmmm. Hailing from Brisbane the band’s music has a light and happy feel with occasional serious overtone and great harmonies that have you singing along even when you don’t know the words yet (Or at least Timmy seemed to think he could). The track ‘Run’ carries some great thought provoking lyrics and beautiful melodies, we played ‘If I fell Down’ just to mix it up a bit. Keep an eye on these banana benders as they’re set to take Australia by storm in the not too distant future. Their debut EP Watch My Hands has been released and is available online through Mucho-Bravado‘s store we highly recommend laying your grubby paws on a copy this instant of forever miss out. See you next Saturday on Bondi FM for the Polyphonic Three on the mighty Walk of Shame. - ‘The Saturday Walk of Shame’ (Bondi FM Breakfast Show Blog)
When I walk into a gig, the first thing I do is look up at the stage and the band set-up. If there is only one microphone I feel a sense of disappointment, I like voices. And how voices sound together.
There are band that can carry off the one-singer thing very well. The Smiths, Nirvana. Who knew their drummer could hold a tune?
But so many great bands share the love and the microphones. The Beach Boys, most famously. Simon and Garfunkel. The Monkees. I’m not joking, I adore The Monkees. And what would REM be with Mike Mills singing those sublime counter-melodies to Michael Stipe?
When I see one microphone, it suggests a lack of ambition. You don’t get that with Charlie Mayfair. Word is getting around about this band who launch their debut EP Watch My Hands at The Zoo in Brisbane tomorrow. They’re young – late teens, early 20s.
A five-piece with three singers, Hannah Shepherd, Dave Di Marco and Sam George-Allen, and masses of harmonies. “We’re obsessed with harmonies,” Shepherd says, “There is something very powerful about having three voices singing those lyrics at you. I spent my whole childhood in choirs going ‘Why do I have to sing below you again?’ But when you find the right voices to sing with it’s special. That’s what people have been taken with I guess.”
The band only formed in January, though Shepherd had a harmony band in mind when she went to see Simon and Garfunkel last year.
“I went with my dad and sat five rows from the front. I cried about three times it was so beautiful. We love a lot of those old-school songwriting partnerships, and we take those influences and try to make something of our own.”
By the sound of Watch My Hands, they are off to a flying start. It’s going to be a beautiful weekend for voices all round in Brisbane. - The Courier Mail
Drummer Will Weightman, from local pop folk quintet Charlie Mayfair talks about pushbike gangs and playing cards in wheels with Tony McMahon ahead of the launch of the band’s debut EP.
Having only formed earlier this year, Charlie Mayfair are enthusiastic about what they’re doing, to say the least.
“I guess we’ve still go that borderline hysterical excitement that surrounds doing anything for the first time,” says Weightman. “It’s like getting your first bike; after learning how to ride, it becomes the only way you want to spend your time. Before we formed the band, we all led really musical lives through school, uni, in other groups and with each other, but now we’ve all found this way to share our music with like-minded people and it couldn’t make us happier. It’s like we took the training wheels off and formed a (push) bikie-gang, and now all we want to do is bomb hills and run amok with playing cards in our wheels.”
Advance publicity for debut EP Watch My Hands has the record as an offering rather than a release, and one made with the band hearts firmly on sleeves.
“The reason we said this is because we did not hold anything back when writing the songs. We do not hold anything back when performing them. And now we have not held anything back in recording them. We have also decided to not waste any time in releasing it. Tada!”
Weightman says that the EP launch will be something truly special.
“We really want to create a memorable experience for all the people that support us. Not only have we make hand-made decorations and designed a pretty sweet-looking stage, we’re also playing brand new songs and will have the pleasurable company of sharing the stage with some special guest performers. As much as we could go on, we don’t want you to take our word for it – come, see and hear for yourself.”
WHO: Charlie Mayfair
WHAT: Watch My Hands (Independant)
WHERE & WHEN: The Zoo Friday April 30, Club Envy, Maroochydore Saturday May 1
TONY MCMAHON - 28/04/10 - Time-Off Magazine
Charlie Mayfair’s songs are simple and filled with harmonies so sunny they make you want to frolic in the park. Hannah Shepherd is a charming frontwoman with an amazing vocal range but tonight it is all about backing vocalist Sammy George-Allen who is leaving the band to go overseas. George-Allen is given liberty to play her own song, stumbling through a cutesy ukulele number. It’s an emotional moment and there are definitely a few teary eyes before the end of the night.
TIAN ZHANG - 17/08/10 - Rave Magazine
Apologies to both Blame Ringo and The Deckchairs; a prior engagement with another band called Wilco made me late. From what I’ve heard and seen before of both these bands, I can say with 100 percent certainty that they put on a good show.
Charlie Mayfair, the folk-pop based five piece from this very town (Brisbane for those not keeping score) wander on stage. Writing about Charlie Mayfair is a tough thing to recall…but more on that later; the stage itself is worth mentioning. A pleasantly out of place background for The Zoo showing a silhouette of a tree, as opposed to the general utilitarian wall that usually stands behind bands. As the band runs through their latest release, Watch My Hands, with songs packed with soaring melodies and harmonies from pretty much every performer, the crowd reacts very, very supportively. Forerunner single Run gets great reactions, with clean guitar and a jingly xylophone playing the background, and show highlight "If I Fell Down" provides a call-and-response dialogue between the band members over a haunting background sound.
For such a new band, it’s surprising, even knowing the amount of coverage and amount of support they’ve garnered through JJJ Unearthed and playing around Brisbane. I sincerely hope they continue to get this level of enthusiasm on the rest of the tour.
While the music is uplifting, sorrowful and I can’t stress enough, thoroughly enjoyable and great to listen to, the band themselves are relatively static throughout. Whilst I do understand that it’s unreasonable for an indie-folk band to provide Phil Jamieson-esque stage antics such as jumping from speaker stacks, a little crowd interaction can go a long way in drawing the audience into the act. As such, upon leaving the Zoo, I know that I’ve listened to some of Brisbane’s premier indie songsters give it their all, but somehow come away from it slightly underwhelmed.
ANDREW WADE - 05/05/10 - The AU Review
This year a band that will surely leave their mark in Australian music history was born. Charlie Mayfair is a unique style of folk-fired pop. Their debut EP ‘Watch My Hands’ is a sweet package of five tracks, each filled with sweet harmonies and sweet talent. It’s about love, heartbreak and helpless romance and it will be sure to be your next addiction. Charlie Mayfair, the five-piece band from Brisbane, was formed only in January this year. This is hard to believe, after listening to the opening and title track ‘Watch My Hands.’ The lyrics: “Watch my hands as they shake. See my eyes, they won’t wake. And I wonder,” beautifully construct the track and melt the song into magic. You can feel the soul of the track and pure appreciation for instruments and sounds. Radio Triple J listeners may recall Charlie Mayfair’s first single ‘Run’ being played on Unearthed earlier this year. ‘Run’ begins with sweet harmonies and chime sounds instantly creating a romantic feel. The lyrics compliment the theme of the song: “Let’s be trouble, let’s make mischief for ourselves. Let’s be honest we don’t need anyone else but ourselves.” ‘If I Fell Down’ reflects the stronger vocal sounds of the band. Combined with a faster tempo, it reflects the variety of Charlie Mayfair’s natural talent. ‘Please Stay’, the final track, takes you back to the softer sound. The lyrics sing about a romance ending; the kind of song you can imagine being featured on a movie soundtrack. The lyrics reflect the real reality of heartbreak and the confusion that comes with it. Charlie Mayfair is an example of pure Australian talent. It is time for the world to be introduced to and fall in love with Charlie Mayfair.
TARSH BUTLER - 26/08/10 - Mediasearch Blog
Light and twinkly were the first words that popped into my head when listening to Charlie Mayfair’s debut EP Watch My Hands. The EP is imbued with a floating quality that somehow makes me think of fairy floss and summer picnics. The Brisbane five-piece, consisting of Dave Di Marco, Hannah Shepherd, Sam George-Allen, Will Weightman and Billy Bodean were previously known as The Cardboard Kids, but since their name change in January, the band are already turning heads with their whimsical pop tunes. Their songs feature beautifully layered vocals, sweet sounding glockenspiel and clever harmonies.
Title track Watch My Hands is a beautifully melodic song with so much texture instrumentally. Sing Me To Sleep has an edgier sound with a stronger beat and quirky lyrics, such as “The sky is blue, the grass is green and the sun is sipping tea”. Debut single Run shows off great harmonies between lead vocalists Hannah Shepherd and Dave Di Marco, kicking off with a dreamy sound and gradually building in tempo. If I Fell Down is a stand out track, catchy withs lots of “ahh’s” and fun lyrics. Please Stay is a bittersweet love song with a more laidback vibe and soaring vocals.
The EP is a wonderful showcase of Charlie Mayfair’s diversity and after listening to it, I’m not at all surprised at the band’s growing popularity. Charlie Mayfair have produced an EP full of delightful indie pop tunes, and with an album in the works, I’m pretty certain that the band will keep turning heads in Brisbane and beyond.
Review score: 8/10
TORI NUGENT - 30/07/10 - The AU Review
We here at Passenger Side are not secretive about our love for Charlie Mayfair. So when I got their new (ish) EP Watch My Hands I was super-duper extra excited. Have you ever seen these guys live? Holy shit. Lead singer Hannah just breaks your heart with every perfectly crafted note, and the harmonies, they’ll tear you apart with their breathless beauty. Gush gush gush. This is a set of very technically accomplished young people.
But Watch My Hands isn’t perfect. In fact, it’s a bit flat, considering they only had five songs to wow everybody. Maybe a little bit too many acrobatic harmonies, maybe a bit too melancholy. Despite this, I’m happy. There are the building blocks of a truly amazing band here; evidenced by the gorgeous If I Fell Down that showcases some of Charlie Mayfair’s potential.
In my mind, anyway, there’s nothing better than watching a band grow and develop. I always feel a bit sad when I come across a debut that’s perfect because it means there’s nowhere to go. So go out and get this lovely beginning to a lovely band.
PS Did I mention you should see these guys live? No seriously. Go see them live.
They’re playing with Montpelier and Inland Sea on Sunday 15 August at The Troubadour.
JODI BIDDLE - 29/07/10 - Passenger Side Blog
Watch My Hands, the debut EP from Charlie Mayfair (which is, despite the name, a five-piece band from Brisbane rather than one pleasantly titled man) will very well make folk-pop fans wet themselves with joy. Clean and clear rhythms, papery guitar and harmonic vocals (female and male alike) tick all the boxes.
Opener Watch My Hands is ripplingly epic and deeply folky. The harmonising female vocals, vigorous strums of acoustic guitar and oscillating piano line make it an attention-seeking first track, but I wonder where it all goes from here.
Sing Me to Sleep is, happily, not what I expected to follow the previous number; an almost salsa-like guitar and matching horns are a far cry from the watery folk-pop that I had expected. It’s the kind of dark country that I so enjoy stumbling upon when it comes to acts of this genre. The singular female vocalist also works a treat with the lyrics; “You can hear my heart beating, beating, beating”.
Single Run is, surprisingly, one of the weaker tracks here. It’s sweet, and a little lovely, and likeable enough, but it’s all tofurkey, you know? No meat, no substance. If I Fell Down brings it back with some more alt-country and Please Stay is slow dance conclusive number that ends the album with a nice, if slightly beige, sway; “Oh no, here comes that silence/ That nasty silence that seems to follow me wherever I go”.
I must say, though; kudos to Charlie Mayfair for getting their shit together- the band only formed in January this year and have, as well as nice little EP, also managed some great support slots under their belt (Skipping Girl Vinegar, Montpelier, The Coronas). It’s this kind of activity that breeds success. Up and atom!
LISA DIB - 15/07/10 - Watch Out For
As much as it pains me to say it, folk-pop doesn’t have the greatest of reputations. At times it has the tendency to be so boring that it could almost be used as a cure for insomnia. Other times it can become so cutesy, that listening to it can feel like you’ve just eaten a few too many cupcakes. Brisbane five piece Charlie Mayfair manage to avoid both these problems on their debut EP Watch My Hands.
Since forming just six months ago, they have shared the stage with the likes of Skipping Girl Vinegar, Montpelier, and Iceland’s Svavar Knutur and judging from Watch My Hands, it’s easy to see why. Combining male and female vocals, three-part harmonies and memorable music, they have a winning formula that could make even the Grinch crack a smile.
Title track Watch My Hands is a perfect introduction to the band, despite sounding very different to the other tracks on the EP. Featuring delicate male and female harmonies, it wouldn’t seem out of place on a film soundtrack. While the build-up doesn’t really reach the heights that it potentially could, the song is so pretty that it’s hardly a problem. Sing Me To Sleep almost sounds like a salsa song, with rhythmic guitar and a great use of horns. While the harmonies are mostly absent, the use of a singular female vocalist stops them from being overused and suits the track very well. It isn’t what you would expect on this kind of release, but fits in surprisingly well with the rest of the tracks.
If radio had any sense they would be all over the EP’s single Run. Although the more conventional instrumentation makes it the least interesting track on the EP, it’s a sweet, catchy love song that sounds very much like something Skipping Girl Vinegar would approve of. If I Fall Down makes great use of male and female vocals and has a bit of an alt-country vibe going on, keeping the EP interesting. Please Stay is a slow duet that showcases the chemistry between singers Dave Di Marco and Anna Shepherd and is a great way to end the EP.
Watch My Hands would be an accomplished EP for a band who has been around for a few years, let alone a few months. Judging from this release, there’s no doubt that we’ll be hearing some pretty amazing stuff from Charlie Mayfair in the future. - Electric Skeleton Blog
Early January 2010, folk band Charlie Mayfair broke into the music industry with their first debut album. Filled with love, energy and meaningful stories, Charlie Mayfair’s album is set to be an amazing success in today’s modern world of music. Title track “Watch my Hands” captivates listeners and immerses them in the passionate sounds of this album. Listening to this album expect to hear amazing harmonies between these three incredibly talented musicians. Sweet harmonies, compliment the lyrics perfectly, creating a relaxing and heartfelt album. Lead singers Hannah and Dave complement each other throughout the album which ends mournfully in the back and forth love song “Please Stay”. This album is a must for all music enthusiasts who appreciate harmonised folk music.
ANNA ROBINSON - 10/07/10 - The Place Online
Ever craved some beautifully crafted music comprised of gently soaring harmonies and dainty whimsy, yet with a mature touch to the sound and lyrics? Well, Brisbane pop-folk band Charlie Mayfair, and its first offering, EP Watch My Hands, may just become your new addiction.
Forming only in January this year, Charlie Mayfair are set to make themselves heard around Australia after bursting out on the Brisbane scene over the past six months.
Comprised of Dave Di Marco (vocals/guitar), Hannah Shepherd (vocals/keys), Sam George-Allen (vocals/glock/ukulele), Will Weightman (drums/percussion) and Billy Bodean (bass/double bass) it can be clearly heard on the EP that Charlie Mayfair are dedicated to producing both beautiful and unique music. Above all, the quintet shows with Watch My Hands that they’ve got smarts as well as talent, and they have really pushed to both showcase the versatility of their music and cement their image and sound within the five tracks. The disc packaging is pretty and inviting, just like their songs, and their press photos (as can be seen on their Myspace) are a depiction of the whimsical, bohemian world in which their music is set. It looks and feels like Charlie Mayfair have had a really fun time creating this EP, and this feeling has infused into the music.
‘Watch My Hands’, the title track, opens the EP with a harmonic strain reminiscent of gospel choirs and immediately sets up a feeling of reverence within the listener. It is a soaring and somewhat worldly sounding tune that you can picture rolling across the vast green hills of some beautiful European country. Compared to the following songs, it does sound a little bit overcrowded though, as though the band have shown all their tricks at once and not waited for any build. ‘Watch My Hands’ is a great demonstration of the band’s musical prowess, particularly the harmonising vocals, but lacks a connection with the listener and misses the light and shade of other tracks.
‘Run’ is a sweet little love song; it’s a little softer and more insular than the rest, more simple. It is ‘Run’ which best showcases Charlie Mayfair’s potential to really connect with their listeners through lyrics such as these; “Let’s make trouble, let’s make mischief for ourselves/Let’s be honest, we don’t need anybody else.” ‘If I Fell Down’, on the other hand, is a more upbeat song, fun and dark. It’s a little sexier than the other tracks on the EP and more grounded, too. The lyrics, such as, “So this is it kid/Lips upon lips/Skin upon skin,” are captivating and nearly blackly comedic. This track also contains the band’s best use of playing with the harmonies the three vocalists create to really add emphasis to the lyrics and story.
Similar to ‘Run’, ‘Please Stay’ is a more simple offering. The band really plays with creating a sense of duologue and multiple voices in this song, something which would be great to see more of on an extended album.
On the whole, Watch My Hands takes the listener through a really vast world of music in just five tracks, and makes it clear that Charlie Mayfair have the goods to go a long, long way.
It’s always exciting when a group of highly talented people create something together harmoniously, and Watch My Hands indeed feels like a collaboration of the best kind. It’s honest, dedicated and experimental, and it is plain to see why the band is garnering praise and popularity around the country. Hopefully the album that the members of Charlie Mayfair are currently working on will show a lot more of the same and perhaps a little more. I, for one, can’t wait to see what’s next to come from this highly talent group, and get my next hit of Charlie Mayfair.
LAUREN SHERRITT - 04/07/10 - LifeMusicMedia
Delightfully springing from the folded boxes of The Cardboard Kids, a mere six months ago, Charlie Mayfair are the re-incarnation of Brisbane five-piece Dave Di Marco, Hannah Shepherd, Sam George-Allen, Will Weightman and Billy Bodean. The equally talented musicians share an innate love for music; A pure appreciation which permeates through their impressive debut EP, ‘Watch My Hands’.
Title track, Watch My Hands, is a perfect introduction to the folk infused pop sounds of Charlie Mayfair. However, the band truly hit their stride during debut single, Run. Sweet harmonies cozily compliment simple lyrics, creating music which feels effortless and heartfelt. The chemistry between lead singers Hannah and Dave is captivating throughout an album which finishes poignantly on the back-and-forth love song Please Stay.
While Charlie Mayfair’s pop/folk formula isn’t exactly unique, ‘Watch My Hands’ is difficult not to enjoy.
SCOTT TONGES - 03/06/10 - Scenewave
Before I say anything about the music from Brisbane's Charlie Mayfair let it be noted that the artwork for this debut is KILLER. Appearance alone has me confident that I'm going to like what I hear inside. I wasn't wrong. "Watch My Hands" is a five-track harmony wonderland that avoids the full, listen-as-I-drift-to-sleep slump folk can fall into. Tracks like "Sing Me To Sleep" and "If I Fell Down" are filled with a punchy percussion that infuses the whole EP with a strong pop vibe that blends perfectly with their folk persona. This debut hits all the right notes of your typical pop-folk group.
LAURON YOUNG - 02/06/10 - Scene Magazine
Charlie Mayfair are one of the newest additions to the flock of sweet indie popsters that Brisbane has to offer. With two female vocalists and one male, the band specialise in beautifully layered and pitch-perfect harmonies. Upcoming single, Run, is an uplifting pop song and the standout of the record. The other songs tend to be light on the lyrics and after a while I find all the harmonised aaahs and da da das a bit too much. Don’t get me wrong, I think the band are adorable beyond belief, but they lack that hint of depression and edge that make cute bands/people interesting. Overall, Watch My Hands is a gorgeous debut EP with lots of promise. A little less Dixie Chicks and a little more Camera Obscura and they could be well on their way to being the indie-pop darlings of the town.
TIAN ZHANG - 15/06/10 - Rave Magazine
Charlie Mayfair seems like a band in a hurry. Since coming together in January 2010, their style of Folk/Pop has successfully been drawing crowds to venues in their hometown of Brisbane.
The group is a conglomeration of disparate musical backgrounds with jazz educations jostling against infatuations with Appalachian Folk music, and voices raised in rapturous harmony.
If it is any help, you might care to consider the implications of the band's description of itself: "Think Joni Mitchell eating fairy bread made by Fleetwood Mac served at Arcade Fire’s birthday party while Glen Hansard slow dances to The Beatles."
Now that we have the band in perspective, let’s focus on the music. Run is Charlie Mayfair's debut single, which also features on the group's first EP, Watch My Hands, launched in late April at popular Brisbane venue, The Zoo. When recently featured on Triple J's Unearthed, presenter Zan Rowe described Run as being "a really sweet folk-pop song; lovely harmonies going on." Here at OzTrax, we agree, wholeheartedly, as we now await the announcement of Charlie Mayfair's debut album. - OZ Trax (ABC Website)
JAYVIA MAGINI chats with vocalist and keyboardist HANNAH SHEPHERD from folk-infused pop locals CHARLIE MAYFAIR.
With their mature blend of classy pop, folk sounds and stunning harmonies, it’s hard to believe that five-piece band Charlie Mayfair formed a mere four months ago. Since then, shows across Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast have crafted the perfect springboard for which to launch their duly anticipated EP. Entitled Watch My Hands, vocalist Hannah describes the five-track release as “an expression of the magical, colourful place we want to create through the band, of what we all mean to each other, and what the world means to us.”
Seeing as Charlie Mayfair were playing together for years before becoming inspired to move into the public domain, this is saying a lot. Of this transition from garage jam band into a buzz-generating young act on the Brisbane music scene, Hannah confesses, “We didn’t really expect it. We just got a bit enthusiastic this year, and people seem to have really responded to that energy.”
She says their characteristic sound (which they profess was largely inspired by listening to The Beatles, sixties pop music, and Bob Dylan growing up) can be accredited to the diversity of backgrounds within the group, and the complex harmonies that having three singers enables them to produce. “There are a lot of people who come to our shows who like to sit and let the music just wash over them. It can be emotionally powerful with three people singing in unison.”
The name Charlie Mayfair itself was coined to express the collective spirit of the band, and pays tribute to two of the band members’ grandfathers. “Charlie Mayfair represents our five combined alter egos. Dave [vocals/guitar] and I both have grandfathers named Charlie, and the first mini tour we went on to Fiji was on a boat called the Mayfair. The name just took on it’s own identity.”
The band plan on hitting the road subsequent to the release of Watch My Hands, and hope to spend the next year developing and experimenting with their craft before heading back into the studio to record their debut album. In the meantime they’ve got quite a full schedule planned. “We’d love to play at Woodford Folk Festival, and hopefully we will be this year,” Hannah enthuses. “We’d definitely be in our element, the whole atmosphere there is so organic and homely. We’re also performing at the Finders Keepers market in Sydney the weekend after our launch. Playing at festivals is definitely going to be on the cards for us for the rest of the year.”
CHARLIE MAYFAIR will launch WATCH MY HANDS at The Zoo on Friday Apr 30, with special guests Blame Ringo and The Deckchairs. They also play Maroochydore’s Club Envy the following night, Saturday May 1. For more information visit www.myspace.com/charliemayfair.
- Rave Magazine
As I decended into the unasuming inlet of the valley’s best kept secret, I had no idea how the evening would play out, nor could I have ever imagined. The Alhambra Lounge is an irresistibly simple concept drenched in a warm crimson ambience. A cosy performer’s platform trimmed by a winding bar heads a handful of candle lit poseur tables to stand, sip or sway to live music. The feeling is exclusive yet intimate.
Scenewave’s favourite harmony, Charlie Mayfair, graced the stage around ten o’clock and filled the airways with bittersweet tales from their debut EP ‘Watch My Hands’. Deep barrelled percussion, infused with a quaint choir of pretty melodies and folky rhythms readily evoke the daydream that is Fleetwood Mac. Needless to say their sound was a rather charming welcome.
The album launch-er (launch-or?), Mr Dan Parsons, worked his microphone and amp from a little past eleven. Playing tracks from his sophomore release ‘Firestarter’, Parsons sung and strummed like a man with new found fervour. Having turned his back on the acoustic singer-songwriting path off his début, ‘Old Brown Shoe’, Parsons delivered an enjoyable set of sugar-coated indie tunes. The standout tracks were the title hit, Firestarter, and, the uplifting, Run With Me, which carry a delicate mash of Josh Pyke and Sparkadia. While neither ground breaking nor extra-ordinary, Parsons grasp of catchy progressions and foot tapping licks is evident and hopefully here to stay.
All in all, a great venue, and music from two very promising up and coming Australian artists, and all for the price of a pack of smokes.
- Scenewave
'Run' Single - January 2010
'Watch My Hands' Debut EP - April 2010
'If I Fell Down' Single - October 2010
'Tell Her' Single - July 2011

Comprised of five very distinct musical personalities, Charlie Mayfair have had a lot of time to think since their 2010 debut EP release Watch My Hands. After achieving a myriad of successes over the last two years, the group have drawn from their individual styles and strengths and re-created their identity as a vocal-driven folk band. Steadily evolving through continuous touring, writing and sonic experimentation, they are now ready to establish themselves as a fresh and powerful creative force on their new EP Fall In Time.
Charlie Mayfair were quick to garner support in their hometown after first emerging on Brisbane’s musical landscape in early 2010. The band flaunted a penchant for rich, folk-driven harmonies linked by the shared lead-vocals of Hannah Shepherd and Dave Di Marco. A mere four months after inception, they released their debut EP Watch My Hands in April to a sold-out crowd at one of Brisbane’s most iconic venues, The Zoo.
Before a debut tour had been booked, Charlie Mayfair had already started to re-orchestrate a more intricate live show. The delicate, acoustic touches of their debut release were soon fortified with the addition of heavier electric guitars, sprawling percussion arrangements and an ever-increasing sense of maturity to their sound.
Eager to convert a fan base across the nation, the band toured exceptionally hard after the release of their debut record. Word of their impassioned and captivating live show spread throughout the country leading to performances supporting The Panics, Emma Louise, Ball Park Music, Owl Eyes, Husky, Old Man River and a swell of acts at the Sunset Sounds and Woodford Festivals in 2011.
The culmination of Charlie Mayfair’s musical maturation over the last eighteen months has materialized in their forthcoming EP Fall In Time. Fuelled by the constant expansion of their live show, the band sought a darker and more ambitious sound for its second record and was led into the capable hands of Brisbane-based producer Matt Redlich (Ball Park Music, Hungry Kids of Hungary, Emma Louise).
Having drawn influence from expansive live acts such as The National, Feist and Bon Iver – Charlie Mayfair have created an EP full of intricately woven arrangements that still showcase their inherent passion for folk-inspired storytelling. After tinkering with Hammond organs, a Korg MS20 synthesizer, vintage Newmann microphones and analogue tape, the band have crafted a bold new sound under Redlich’s direction that simultaneously melds broad instrumental and vocal orchestrations with powerful melodic motives.
After releasing a first glimpse of the EP in mid-2011 with ‘Tell Her’, Charlie Mayfair have delivered a commanding new single in ‘Waste Me’ – filled with frantic percussive elements, grandiose guitar work and the unnerving female vocals of co-lead singer Hannah Shepherd.
After patiently taking their time to create Fall In Time – Charlie Mayfair’s strongest creative statement yet - the band is once again ready to be in full flight, set to take their impassioned musical wares to the nation.
‘Waste Me’ Single – out now
Fall In Time EP – available in-stores and via iTunes, Friday June 8
KEY TRACKS: 1. Waste Me / 3. Tell Her
For Publicity enquiries: please contact Mucho-Bravado on +61 (0)7 3878 5401 or nat@mucho-bravado.com
For Booking enquiries: please contact Matt Corry on + 61(0)2 9331 5888 or mattc@theharbouragency.com
For Management enquiries: please contact Hannah (+61 407 083 123)
For all other enquiries: please contact the band at info@charliemayfair.com