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The Glove Thief LP
God and the Girl (single)
Apple Tree (single)

Carly Blackman AKA Carly Sings grew up in the countryside in Wicklow, Ireland, wore wellys and ran around the house a lot, occasionally stopping at the piano to play a duet with her sister. Debussy, Andrew Lloyd Weber and Stevie Wonder mainly.
She could often be heard singing loudly along in the car with her dad, to Fred Astaire or Duran Duran.
She started studying the piano age 5, and and publically prefortmed her first instrumental composition age 12 in front of her school. She hadn't learned how to be nervous yet.
She moved to Lyon, France, as a teenager, and trapped inside her boarding school perched on top of a hill, wondered if she would ever meet Thom Yorke. A few years later, she arrived in Paris, where she bought a guitar in a pawn shop and took jazz singing lessons. Lonely days spent on RER trains and teaching french school children Roald Dahl's Revolting Rhymes..she longed for something more. Using her Dad's old Sony Micropone and minidisc player
- still in working order since the day it had been invented - she started to record songs she had written about "waiting", "two-timeing"
"dreaming" and her computer crashing. Dan her friend from Texas who hapenned to know a thing or two about the changing music scene suggested she upload some demos to a website called Myspace. Then it all hapenned from there.
Requests came in to play live, and then producers asked if they could record her. Returning home to Ireland, she got a job in a bar singing every Monday night. More songs got written, more dates in bigger venues and theaters -
suddenly it came to her.
A boy, who will remain nameless stole a pair of purple cashmere gloves that she'd found in her sister's wardrobe a few months earlier and had taken to wearing all the time.
He was to be known as "The Glove Thief".
Armed with an archive of demos, and drifting in and out of a world inhabited by the musical atmosphere of Michel Gondry's "Science of Sleep", Nick Drake, Carlos Jobim, and Bright Eyes, the album began to take place.
Rumors began to circulate about this young Frenchified songstress putting the
poetry back into singer song-writing. Carly's face is seen covering two pages of The Sunday Times...answering questions about the Parisian left bank and self doubt, somehow reflected in her shy demeanor.
Its true to say the songs on the album appear like diary entries that shouldn't be seen but none the less invite the listeners to investigate the nature of relationships and existence according to Carly. Recorded in two studios and at first independently released 2008 in Ireland, then internationally in France in 2009, "The Glove Thief" garnered Carly and her "cristalline" singing voice, an overwhelming amount of press attention for its unconventional catchy melodies, low-fi sensibilities, vintage references, and a kind of dirty innocence in the lyric writing.
She was invited by RTE Radio Lyric FM to showcase her songs live and on air accompanied by a string quartet in October 2008.
After that, much touring and interviews and photos and videos and live recording sessions.