Captain Incredible
Dallas, Texas, United States | SELF
Captain Incredible: You should stop listening to the radio
Captain Incredible is a hard-rocking, noise-blasting quartet from Dallas, Texas. Born in the dormitories of Denton, Texas (home of the excellent band Slobberbone) and raised on the shores of California, Captain Incredible now gladly calls North Dallas their home. They bring panty-dropping guitar riffs, face melting solos, bone crushing drum beats, and one and a half balls worth of bass to each and every live performance. The band members discuss who they would like to discuss music with, the band's sound, and the superpowers each member possesses.
Describe your sound for someone who has never heard the band.
Too Punk for Metal, too Metal for Punk. For practicality sake, you could file our music under the rock or punk genres in a record store. Our music is the offspring of Classic Rock and Classic Punk Rock; when our lawyer first heard us he said, "Sounds like Black Sabbath and Bad Religion made a baby."
Where would you file your music in a record store?
In the Rock or Punk sections.
What is essential to every Captain Incredible song?
At least one guitar solo, and some balls.
Why should I have your music in my collection?
It is good "go to" music for those days when you just want to scream. And because you should really stop listening to the radio.
If you could have a beer and a conversation about music with anyone, who would you choose? Why?
Phipps - Jimmy Page (do I really need to explain?)
Josh - Keith Moon, although there would have to be more than one beer involved to make this scenario work. Why Keith Moon? Just to get hammered with him, to watch him get hammered all night. I would never want to pick his brain or anything, we would just drink and party all night, so much so that talking itself would become laborious, we would both be incoherent.
Ben - Dave Grohl. I dig every project he has been a part of, mostly the Foo Fighters. He seems like he would be a kickass dude to have a beer with period.
What would you be doing if you weren't making music?
Well we all have a penchant for delivering justice by any means necessary, so the four of us would probably form a vigilante superhero coalition of some sorts. I mean, we already possess superpowers too: Phipps is a brain and possesses telekinesis, Josh has superhuman strength, Ben can fly, and Casey has X-RAY vision (mostly for his own distasteful peeping habit). Or masturbating.
Follow Captain Incredible on Twitter. - Gary Schwind
“You guys make me want to punch my chain-smoking grandmother in the face!” –Chris Burney of Bowling For Soup Praised Captain Incredible’s Performance @ The Boiler Room Thursday, July 30th 2009. Captain Incredible won a returning gig opening for regional act. - Chris Burney of Bowling For Soup
Captain Incredible
'Who the [expletive] is
Captain Incredible?' (EP)
CD-release show Friday at 7 p.m. at the Lounge on Elm St. With Bastardos de Sancho, Oak Is Keeping and Fisted Sister. 2810 Elm St. $6. myspace.com/theloungeonelmst.
"I'm gonna do what I wanna do/If you don't like it, well, [expletive] you!" These [regrettably censored] lyrics, from the song "1983," pretty much sum up Captain Incredible. It's an uncomplicated group of punk lovers based in Dallas, who say on their MySpace page that they got going as a band during their Denton dorm days. They produce an authentic sound, paying particular homage to the Ramones. They're premiering their new six-song EP at a Lounge show this weekend. Listen to it a few times and you'll notice other influences creepin' in. A little metal on "Radioactive." A wee bit of twang on "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." But at its heart, this is slightly sloppy, always exciting punk rock. Singer Phipps Stewart and drummer Josh Pitts are the rightful standouts. Captain Incredible begs to be seen live.
- Hunter Hauk
- Dallas Morning News
Past, Present, Future: Captain Incredible
Wednesday, January 20th, 2010
Good thing I chose the title Minister of Awesome; I was unaware Captain Incredible was already taken. In fact, it’s the moniker of a rock foursome from our great state of Texas. While Captain Incredible is mainly straight-up rock n’ roll, there is some serious Southern California punk influence going on. Anyone who has heard Pennywise will be right at home with Captain Incredible; it’s aggressive, energetic, and damn fun.
Quick aside: Captain Incredible sent TwoGroove some stickers and CDs before our show at Beauty Bar. We set them out along with the slew of CDs we gave away. Let me just say, I have never seen stickers get taken so quickly. Even the one I was wearing got ripped from my shirt about midway through the night.
The good Captain is releasing their debut album Who the F**k is Captain Incredible? on January 22 and having a party to celebrate the release at Red Eyed Fly on January 30th. This is a perfect chance for you to snatch some of those in-demand stickers! Click the flyer below for more information.
Check out the single “See You When You’re Dead” on iTunes.
Phipps – Lead Guitar and Lead Vocals
Josh – Drums and Back. Vocals
Ben – Guitar and Back. Vocals
Casey – Bass
Year Formed: 2008
1. Past: What is your musical background? What has led you to this point?
Casey and Phipps played in Dallas garage punk band, NDHC, growing up together in high school. Phipps, Ben, and Josh met later in 2001 at the infamous music dormitory, Bruce Hall, at UNT in Denton, Texas. They formed the band Time Flux Capacitors. Phipps and Josh then moved to California for 6 years where they started Captain Incredible as a two-man punk act. Upon moving back to DFW in ’08, the guys added Ben and Casey to the lineup to complete what we call “The Return of Captain Incredible.”
2. Present: Where are you at now in your career? What are you currently working on?
We have been playing with great local and regional acts since our rebirth in 2008, including playing shows for local record company Do For It Records and Dallas standout Spune Productions. We also started our own production company, Up to 11 Entertainment, LLC with which we use to book our own bills with like kind local artists. Our next production is Jan. 22nd at the Lounge on Elm in Deep Ellum, our Dallas CD Release Party. We are also having our Austin CD Release party Jan. 30th at the Red Eyed Fly in Austin, Tx.
We are currently working on writing songs for our next EP. We are always striving to add more to our live performance and in general, we are working hard on building up our local/regional fanbase.
3. Future: What’s coming up for you? Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In the next two months, we will be shooting our first two music videos, which will be Produced and Directed by Barrel Suit Productions. Very exciting. In 5 years we see ourselves established in the region as the most original hard rock/punk act out there, touring in support of National acts.
4. Where can people find more of your music?
Find more music from Captain Incredible on Myspace @ myspace.com/captainincrediblerocks
You can also watch us perform live on Youtube @ youtube.com/thisiscaptincredible
5. Anything you’d like to plug?
Who the F**k is Captain Incredible, our debut studio album comes out Jan. 22nd. Buy the Album’s Single today at iTunes.com
Also, check us out on Facebook, Twitter, iLike, and all the other crazy nonsense available on the www.
- Two Groove
EPs are funny things. An EP is a good low-cost way for a band to get some of its tracks recorded so it has something to sell at shows. It is also a good way to get an introduction to a band. The tricky part is that with an EP, it's easy to feel a little slighted because as soon as you're getting into the band's groove the EP is over.
Who the F**k is Captain Incredible is a really brief (6 songs, 19 minutes) introduction to this Dallas band. Only I don't really feel slighted because Captain Incredible packs a lot into these 6 songs. The band draws the listener in immediately with the loud and fast guitar and hard-hit drums of "Radioactive." Oh, and if you like the guitar in that tune, check out the solo in "1983." This song is an anthem about doing what you want to do without bowing to anyone else's wishes. If this song doesn't get your head moving or your fist pumping, I have no idea what will. Speaking of fist pumping, "No One Gets Out Alive" is another song that will probably get your fist going. The guitar in this tune reminds me a lot of the Dropkick Murphys version of "(F)lannigan's Ball."
Sure, this is a short disc. That just means you should put it on repeat to get a heavy dose of it. Or, if you want a heavier dose, you are in luck. Captain Incredible releases its CD tonight (30 January) at The Red Eyed Fly in Austin. If you like loud "panty dropping guitar riffs, face melting solos, and bone crushing drum beats," this is a band whose music needs to be in your collection. - Orange County Music Examiner
These guys waste no time in bursting
into blazing beats and guitar shredding.
The band had a great show last month
at the Lounge on Elm Street and
promise to bring nuclear energy to a
Feb. show at Prophet Bar. Their new
disc is a sonic H-bomb to the brain
sending the meek running for cover
(see review next month). Guitarist
Phipps Stewart leads the attack with
ripping leads and the rest of this super-
tight unit marches right alongside. We
already know about the drum work on
the CDs second track… but that’s for
another time. Check back for more on
these atomic cats.
- Lit Monthly
In case you couldn't tell by the skull and crossed-electric-guitar logo, or by the album title, or by song titles such as "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse," "Up to Eleven" and "No One Gets Out Alive"—this six-song, 19-minute EP is an abrasive blast of greasy hard rock.
And, as genres go, that's where to put them: The North Dallas boys aren't quite heavy enough or complex enough to be classified as metal; meanwhile, frontman Phipps Stewart lays down one too many shredding lead guitar parts for the band to fit neatly in the punk genre; and the band seems to be having too much fun for either.
"Radioactive," a rallying cry against boring commercial radio, starts out with a foreboding, Sabbath-like four-chord riff and piles on wheedly-wheedly lead guitar and straightforward drum-bashing as Stewart shouts about the state of radio: "I'm looking for a frequency that won't make me lose my mind." He uses an almost identical phrase in the next song, the Camaro-fast "See You When You're Dead," as he yells, "Hey there, Satan, I think I'm losing my mind." Things get a bit more disturbing as he enters the mind of a .45-toting killer in the nasty "No One Gets Out Alive," chanting "RFK got shot in the head." Bob Dylan he ain't.
The mood lightens for the disc's three remaining high-octane tracks, and the rockabilly-tinged closer even features a cameo from an acoustic guitar. Captain Incredible is not the brainiest of rock bands, but the guys have certainly answered the title question by disc's end. - Jesse Hughey - Dallas Observer
After hearing the first
single from this foursome,
“Radioactive,” it is clear this
band is here to bash, bang
and riff their way into your
heart, with the energy turned
up to eleven. There is good
musicianship throughout, but
guitarist (and vocals) Phipps
Stewart and drummer Josh
Pitts really rip it up on the
CD’s best track, “See You
When You’re Dead.” With
old-school guitar shreds and
Grohl level drumming, C.I.
makes it clear they are here
to stay. Ben Piche (rhythm)
and Casey Topletz (bass) hold
it all together tightly – which
isn’t easy at breakneck speeds.
While the sound quality on
the 6-track rock/punk disc is
uneven, it does portend a kick
ass live show. This DFW act
is gathering fans quickly as
well, so see what the buzz is
about and catch them around
town or at MySpace.com/
captainincrediblerocks. Just
buckle up first. - Lit Monthly
Captain Incredible – Who The F**k Is Captain Incredible
2010, Captain Incredible
From Denton, Texas to Southern California and back to Dallas, Captain Incredible envelopes their geographic and musical influences in a face-melting stew of classic hard rock with punk and at times, even pop sensibilities. On their debut EP, Who The F**k Is Captain Incredible, Captain Incredible rips through the aural space between band and listener, grabs hold of you by your lapels and shakes you for all they are worth.
The EP opens with the a slow build of heavy guitar that turns into the vicious garage Punk/Metal onslaught of Radioactive. This is Rock N Roll perhaps not at its most imaginative, but just good, solid, hard core Rock N Roll with big guitar solos and an incessant beat, best heard in a crowded club under strobe lights and the influence of whatever shot special is on that night. See You When You're Dead brings the same sort of all-in Rock N Roll philosophy. Captain Incredible wastes no time with nuance or pith, going straight for the throat with guitar work that will make 1970's Classic Rock fans weep for joy. The onslaught continues through No One Gets Out Alive, exploding into the Pop-ridden Punk Rocker 1983; the catchiest and most accessible song on the disc. Up To Eleven, whose title is obviously inspired by Spinal Tap, goes more for pure Punk gristle. You'll be ready to slam the pit fantastic over this one. Captain Incredible closes out with Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse, a guitar-driven number that's bigger on sound than on substance. The four horsemen are a popular subject for Heavy Rock and Metal bands, but the subject has been done so much that it takes a real spark of originality for a song to shine. This one isn't bad, but just doesn't have the chutzpah to stand out amid a crowded pack.
Who The F**k Is Captain Incredible is appropriately titled. This upstart band swaggers at you with the audacity of an established Rock act and the out of my face attitude of Henry Rollins. Captain Incredible reeks of the confidence of which great things are sometimes made, and shows enough musical talent and pop sensibility amidst their angry guitar slinging and violent percussion to transcend their musical niche (thus far) and become something more. However it turns out, it should be fun to watch and hear the fruits.
Rating: 3.5 Stars (Out of 5)
You can learn more about Captain Incredible at http://www.captainincrediblerocks.com/ or www.myspace.com/captainincrediblerocks. You can purchase Who The F**k Is Captain Incredible as a download through Amazon.com and iTunes. Physical copies may be available directly from the band. Contact them through MySpace for more information.
Posted by Wildy at 5:10 AM
Labels: Anvil, Black Flag, Henry Rollins, Spinal Tap
- Wildy's World
"Metal Punk Rock Lynyrd Skynyrd with some Ozzie Black Sabbath sounding vocals."
- Holly Hutchison - anrgirl.com
Their Debut Studio Album "Who the F**K is Captain Incredible" released Jan. 22nd 2010 to much fanfare. They previously Self-Released an 8-Song demo/EP entitled "The Return of Captain Incredible."

The Time Flux Capacitors formed in the summer of 2001 in Denton, TX. The original band-members were: Phipps Stewart (Lead Guitar, Lead Vocals), Ben Piche (Rhythm Guitar, Backing Vocals), Clint Holly (Bass) and Josh Pitts (Drums, Backing Vocals). Phipps, Josh, and Ben are all Bruce Hall alums and they did their best to shit on music theory while being forced to live there by their parents. Their music could be best described as anarchist garage rock with a hard punk edge.
After shredding up Denton house parties for nearly a year, Josh and Phipps moved to California to hone their skills, one to Los Angeles, the other to Santa Barbara; there, they formed Captain Incredible. Captain Incredible at that time was a two-man punk act consisting of only Phipps and Josh in the lineup. Phipps managed to play bass, guitar, and vocals simultaneously for performances, while Josh held down drums. They played the LA scene, including the famous Whisky A-Go-Go, as well as the crazy college party scene in Santa Barbara. They self-released several analog demos/EPs along the way.
Then, after 6 years on the West Coast, the duo moved back to Dallas/Ft. Worth in late 2008. They added a bass player to the mix, Phipps' lifetime partner in crime, Casey Topletz. They also reunited with original rhythm guitarist, Ben Piche. They are now armed to the teeth, ready to burn it all down with their first studio album "Who the F**K is Captain Incredible?" released Jan. 22nd 2010.
Hide your daughters and lock your doors…HERE COMES CAPTAIN INCREDIBLE!