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Broken Vessels - Released in May of 2004. Contains the hit single "I Can't Wait"
Letting Go - Coming April 3, 2007. Available for Pre-Buy March 3, 2007
Feeling a bit camera shy
Stepping out of the conventional ways of a band's evolution, Bread of Stone has established their foothold in the music scene.
After the release of their self-produced album Broken Vessels, the group has been privileged with many incredible opportunities to expand their musical horizon. In the fall of 2005, Bread of Stone found themselves on Petra's International Farewell Tour, which also included the group Farewell June and recording artist Sarah Brendel. Other tour experience includes The Lifelight Tours, Will Play for Change Tour with Indieheaven, and the 180 Tour with Casting Pearls. Along with their regular performances, the band has teamed up with Song of Solomon Conferences and leads worship for young adults across the nation. By involving themselves with other ministries, the band focuses more than just on music. Bread of Stone has partnered up with Homes of Hope to help families recover from the Hurricane Katrina disaster by helping with the recovery efforts to rebuild the areas affected by the storm and by raising funds.
The release of their full-length sophomore project Letting Go turns a new page in a chapter waiting to be told. The highly anticipated album reflects the band's growth in maturity and creativity, as they venture into new areas of music.
With an entrancing line-up in tact, singer Ben Kristijanto, guitarist Bill Kristijanto, bassist Sean Brown, and drummer Jeremi Hough are sure to grip audiences with an electrifying performance. Furthermore, with hundreds of tour dates and a following on the rise, Bread of Stone is continually expanding their musical boundaries and advancing into new territories.