Chicago, Illinois, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2011 | SELF
Well, based on the number of records I’m getting sent, it seems that stoner is making a bit of a comeback, after a few years in the desert. And the latest are Black 4, a quartet from Chicago who formed in 2011 after serving time in an assortment of local bands, leading to “The Tales of Cuatro Negro”, their début full length album.
And it’s a good one. They namecheck all the proper influences such as Kyuss, Clutch and Black Sabbath, and they’ve certainly got the bass sound down as you can tell from the glorious opener, ‘Double Mono’. Whereas that is the most Sabbafy tune on offer, the rest of the CD heads down Clutch road, with some cracking riffs on the likes of ‘Love Machine’ and ‘Fluffy Waffle Blowgun’.
They’re not reinventing the wheel, but they make a mighty fine racket, which is well worth a listen. - The Rocker Uk
Black 4 are a quartet from Chicago who formed in 2011. They play raw rock and roll mixed with a touch of punk and metal. The Tales of Cuatro Negro is their debut full length cd.
Black 4 claim influences from Kyuss, Clutch and Black Sabbath and these influences are clear throughout the album. They have played gigs with the likes of Scorpion Child and Mondo Generator, these must have been great gigs, lots of floor rumbling bass!
Songs of note for me were ‘Double Mono’ which opens the album, with throbbing bass and a sound which is a mix of Clutch and Black Sabbath, and ‘Love Machine’ which rattles along like a freight train. Another of note is ‘Fluffy Waffle Blowgun’, what a name, which has more of a punk vibe and vocals blasted out by Bryan Tunis.
‘50 yds of Darkness’ with a slower, pounding beat is followed by ‘Breezy Deezy’, another great name. Black 4’s sound reminds me very much of Clutch and if they provide as good a live show as the album promises I would love to catch them sometime. The Tales of Cuatro Negro is a great album if you like ‘hard rock/punk/stoner rock’. I do! **** - Get Ready to Rock UK
Ya en los primeros compases de este "The Tales of Cuatro Negro" te metes en el juego que te propone Black4, su sonido, la psicodelia envolvente de cada uno de sus riffs te atrapa sin remedio, despues cuando tus oidos ya se han acomodado rompen con todo con un minutaje eclectic, insaciable, impetuoso y robusto.
PUNTUACION 4/5 - Viva Diablo
Es gibt ja oftmals Situationen im Leben bzw. im Alltag, wo man so richtig angepisst ist. Jeder hat hier so seinen persönlichen Soundtrack dazu. Auch meine Wenigkeit hat so einen und dieser hat sich mit der Truppe Black4 erweitert. Bis dato hier im alten Europa ein unbeschriebenes Blatt, erreichte uns just der Rundling „Tales Of Cuatro Negro“. Ein wirklich prolliger, leicht Asi angehauchter Happen welcher zwar sehr dreckig ist, aber aufgrund der Produktion sehr mächtig klingt. Dies heißt, man achtet durchaus auf die Facetten, der sehr Prowler artigen Attitüden, lässt es aber nicht rumpelnd oder unausgegoren klingen. Man könnte hier viele Kollegen jüngerer Tage aufzählen die es zu Weltruhm geschaffen haben. Diesen schließt man sich durchaus an, bietet aber hier nicht eine weitere Art und Weise hier etwas abhaben zu wollen. Viel Eigenständigkeit ist rauszuhören und das ist einfach wirklich cool. Persönlich ist es mir ja egal, denn die jüngsten Groove Metal Bands aus dem Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeit haben es mir einfach angetan, allerdings gefällt es mir umso mehr, wenn da wieder eine Truppe auf der Matte steht und deutlich Innovativer ihre Keule mit viel Qualität schwingt. Die Rhythmik bzw. den Stil kann man sicherlich zwischen Clutch, Cream, Fu Manchu und Misfits einstufen, nur das Endergebnis und die eigene Mischung daraus ist einfach sehr erfrischend. Gesanglich orientiert sich der Fronter an einen gewissen Richard “Big Dad Ritch” (THC), klingt aber durch seine eigenen Einflüsse oftmals sehr prollig im Punk Bereich angesiedelt. Der Sound der Truppe ist einfach so dermaßen angepisst, sodass man einfach im Auto das Gaspedal vollends durchdrückt. Dieser ganz persönliche Soundtrack des Lebens ist einfach ein um und auf für den Musikfanatiker und für meinen Teil ist der Rundling einfach grenzgenial durch seine Mischung aus Groove Metal, erdigem Hardrock und leichten Punk Attitüden. Hier gibt es einfach nichts zu meckern, denn die Jungs aus Chicago haben eine eigene Tür aufgestoßen und bieten einfach was Energisches, Neues. Sicherlich gibt es etliche Abformen davon, aber mit dieser Scheiblette hat man eben ein Lebenszeichen eingestanzt, mit dem man sehr eigene Wege geht.
Fazit: Der persönliche Soundtrack für angepisste Situationen des Lebens. Prollig, sehr harsch und mit vielen, sehr schmucken Ideen der Wechselthematik ausgestattet. Braucht man nicht, nein muss man haben. Endlosgeil!!!!! - MetalUnderground WebZine
Black4 (https://www.facebook.com/black4band) is a group of 4 guys from Chicago, Ill. With only a five day notice, they packed up their gear, and lucky for us, we caught them on their last day in Austin...and my life will never be the same. Without any question or hesitation, this was the most stunning, exciting, and best set I saw, not only this year, but probably in the last several years!
Showing up early to wait for our friends to take the stage (I will talk about that performance below) was unquestionably worth it. Black4 is what rock and roll used to be, and apparently still is in the hearts and souls of these 4. The live stage set was energetic, fun, and just down and dirty-in you face, BAD ASS! Not only can you feel the fun these guys were having onstage with their music, you felt the music rumbling your bones. The crowd was definitely taking notice here.
....I also don't normally review albums...It is called Live Music In Austin ya know. But lucky me to get a copy of Black4's album 'Tales of Cuatro Negro'. This is where you will undoubtedly hear and feel what I described about the live performance. I don't always like to use descriptions of what I think a band sounds like ('cause it it may not be what you hear, but I am gonna do that now). I want you to know what I felt and am talking about in their live performance and on the CD.
It has the bottom heavy, bass guitar- bass drum infused sound of Clutch with the vocals to match. The harmonies in the chorus very much like Black Sabbath of old (LOL harmonies...Black Sabbath...hehehe I am funny). And some punk/hard core infused lead guitar riffs and snare drum like any number of punk bands out there (real punk - World Burns to Death, Disclose, The Ramones...PUNK music! The perfect birth and rebirth of what Rock music needs today, used to be, and still lives in Black4! - LiveMusic in Austin
Black4 have been together since 2011 and offer a hybrid mix of metal and stoner with a heavy dose of punk thrown in for good measure. Four veterans of the Chicago music scene, Black4 bring workman-like purpose and a sprinkling of humour to a fairly solid first release. Even though the album starts out at a pedestrian pace with "Double Mono" things soon pick up by track two. Standout songs have to be "Love Machine" with its great rolling riff, "Breezy Deezy", which hits its stride from the off, and song title of the month award nominee, "Fluffy Waffle Blowgun", the aforementioned track two, which extolls listeners to roll with the punches while getting down and funky. In fact I found that the songs became more interesting as the album progressed and I hope their next release builds upon these foundations. While the album does have its rough edges and the drums are too far down in the mix for my liking, there is much to like from what's on offer here. - PowerPlay Magazine-November 2014
In the course of a year there are many things that can change. Even things that are the same can be different. For example, I saw the band Black4 at SXSW 2014 by accident. Getting to a show early to make sure we would be able to see a friends band. We got there early enough to witness this rock n roll genius and fun that is Black4.
I wrote that review (http://livemusicinaustin.blogspot.com/2014/04/piece-by-piece.html) and was lucky enough to be contacted by the band with gratitude (I don't do it for that, but it's damn nice). We had continual contact for the next year, joking around, and even helping them try to find some extra gigs for their upcoming return to SXSW for 2015 - to no avail, which is everyone else's loss.
Lucky for me and all who attended, Black4 got a return spot to perform at The Aquarium on Saturday for SXSW15. Even better is I happened to be downtown on the Thursday of SXSW15 at The Fader Fort. After some messaging back and forth and missing the mark, one of the guys in the band invited me to their rental spot to hang out for a bit. GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE! Hell Yes! I am not stupid, or maybe I am. I found their rental place off of Oltorf and Congress and walked around to the back where I heard laughing, clanking of glasses, and music blasting from a cell phone speaker.
There I was face to face with the members of Black4 and their entourage. It was a surreal and amazing moment. Meeting these guys casually was not just awesome enough, it was having the lead singer jump up out of his chair and giving my a huge hug and exclaiming to everyone, "Will Tompkins! HOLY SHIT! You ARE fucking real!" How funny that the internet brings people so close and into our lives, but it is only that moment you meet them face to face it is no longer virtual reality...it is reality.
I was, and am, so humbled having the opportunity to share some personal time with these guys. Share some drinks with them (Lonestar it was!), and even share meal (bbq it was). The words I write about my experiences at different venues seeing different bands I do for the love of Austin, and the hopes that some one out their reads a review and decides to see that band or go to that club. To be taken into the fold and treated like family was stunning. Some point in time I will probably write more about this evening.
Don't get me wrong, I hang out with lots of guys here in Austin, but it is always at shows. I can think of only one time I have been invited to someones home to hang out and drink (and man did I get FUUUUCCCKKKEDDDD UP - thanks to MC Overlord and the guys from Aimless Gun/Cody Bryan Band).
Back to the show, believe it or not, there is a performance review in here.
The Aquarium is located on 6th St, Austin, Texas. Right in the middle of the entertainment district. Just a few blocks off of Congress Ave. It is a long bar. As you walk in the door the stage is in the corner immediately to your right, and there is some seating to the left. Ahead of you is a long bar that runs the length of the right wall and in wall fish aquariums run the length of the left wall. In the back are the bathrooms and some stairs that take you to an upstairs area for hanging out as well. I don't think the stage is set up for night time musical performances because there was absolutely no stage lights...just a neon beer sign in the corner above the stage.
Doesn't matter.
Black4 (http://www.black4band.com) took the stage and proceeded to tear that place down. By the 3rd song the Aquarium was packed. There were people in there that seemed to show up for something else, were surprised at the energy and sound, then stayed for the whole performance. Yup! some folks weren't expecting this at the Aquarium on a Saturday night and left, too bad because Saturday night got slayed!
With such a small stage the bass player and guitar player kept taking turns stepping off the stage and right into the crowd. The guitarist, Curtis, just kept is head down and commenced to punishing his guitar for the love of it. The bassist, Jason, now that was an entertaining and different sight. Being that he was on the corner of the stage next to the door, he would step off the stage and to the door, entertaining the hell out of the crowd outside.
All the while the drummer sat tucked in the corner killing it and flinging sweat everywhere. and there, There in front, Bryan, belted out the vocals in the most vicious and fun way. Smiling at the crowd like some kind of barker from a side show carnival, Bryan held no bones to entertain the crowd. Tales of sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll between songs, and a wicked voice to carry them music right through your eardrums.
It is not just a pleasure meeting these guys, but a rockgasm watching and listening to their performance. I was lucky enough to catch one of the songs from that evenings performance, check it out here (https://youtu.be/CpV3_qv9meM).
Best wishes and healing speed to the guitarist Curtis, as I write this he is currently recovering from a motorcycle accident that left him hospitalized. He is on the mend and recovering, but best wishes to you Curtis!
Posted by William Tompkins - Live Music in Austin
Out now is the new CD ‘The Tales of Cuatro Negro’
from USA based rock band BLACK4. The band is:
Bryan Tunis - Vocals, Jason Forrester - Bass and Brian
Madurzak - Drums, I talked with Bryan about the new
CD. When Brian was about 10, he had a friend whose
Uncle played in the house band at the Playboy Club in
Chicago. Brian used to go and watch them rehearse.
“I was blown away! The intensity that the band
used to play at was incredible. The way they shifted
tempos, I was immediately hooked. I knew I wanted to
be a musician right then and there. There was nothing
like that feeling I had,” he remembers.
Growing up and over the years Brian has been
inspired by bands like Zeppelin, Sabbath, Clutch,
Monster Magnet, etc... “We were inspired to make
an album that encompassed all of these influences,
but also had touches of what makes each one of us
unique to this band. We wanted something that came
from a working man’s perspective. Music for people
who like to get their hands dirty. This is where we all
came from. We also like to have a lot of fun. Work
hard, play hard,” he smiles.
It is hard to categorize
Black4’s music even
though they refer to
themselves as a rock
band because that is
what they are at the core,
but they are a little more
diverse than that. Black4
come from different
backgrounds musically,
but also appreciate one
another’s musical preferences. “Combining all of
these influences is what makes the album so relatable
to everyone. There is a little something for everyone.
Rock, metal, punk it’s all there for your enjoyment,’
says Brian. The album is shows the band pulling all of
their influences, in music and outside music, together.
Creating an album that is relatable and speaks to
the working class. ‘That’s important to us because
that’s where we come from. These songs all came
pretty naturally. That’s why nothing sounds forced.
The album is very easy to listen to. Music can get
too complicated sometimes and make it frustrating to
listen to,” explains Brian.
The album was recorded at The Island Recording
in Chicago. Paul Norman did the tracking and it
was production by Elliot Bancel and Black4. “It was
recorded and mixed over the span of a couple months.
Again nothing was forced. Things kind of just flowed
out naturally. This was made it a very enjoyable
experience. Can’t wait to get in and do it again,” he
explains with enthusiasm. For the future, the band
hope everyone digs this album and that they get
to tour the world sharing their music with as many
people as possible. “We are looking to do videos for
a couple of these songs. Possible shoot one of our live
shows for a DVD release. We hope to get in and do
another album. As of now we have enough songs left
over to easily put out another quality album. We want
to always keep a steady stream of music coming out
for years to come,” he concludes. Check the band out
at: www.black4band.com
www.facebook.com/black4band - Fireworks Magazine Issue 70
Still working on that hot first release.

Get ready for some rock and roll and look no further than Black4 from Chicago, Illinois. This band will take your musical needs and drop a hybrid metal/punk/stoner rock evolved earthquake at your doorstep. Black4 has been pushing the limits and building a solid fan base since 2011. Bryan Tunis ( Hungry Onion) brings a life to the microphone that few can deny. In addition, drummer Brian Madurzak (Bello) effortlesssly turns Black4 into a fist pounding roar. With the otherworldly riffs of Curtis Taylor (Guiltrip) on guitar and the thunderous rhythms of Jason Forrester (Guiltrip) on bass, the band is geared to rock Chicago to it's core.
Starting at the beginning of the trail, the suburbs of Chicago is where they planted the seeds of a new group. Breaking into Chicago's rock scene is not an easy task especially when the goal is to bring a new angle to the scene that few others have achieved. One that delivers a punch that leaves you with your fist in the air, celebrating the power of true muscianship and solid rock and roll.
Working their way closer to Michigan Ave. with every move and bringing their dedicated fan base with them. Black4 plays out consistently at many venues in Chicago not only headlining but also opening for high profile acts such as Filter, Wino, The Skull and Mondo Generator. This year, Black4 took their act to the South By Southwest Festival in Austin, Texas, playing to rave reviews and leaving the fans wanting more. Leaving a lasting impression, this was definitley a solid step for Black4. A major highlight for this year, but the best was yet to come.
June of 2014 marked the release of their debut album " The Tales of Cuatro Negro". Recorded at The Island Recording in Chicago with Paul Norman tracking and Elliot Bancel producing. The delivery of killer riffs, slamming drums and solid vocals Black4 brings it full circle with a force that invites you to come along for the ride. Black4 found a new set of rules to play by when the album was completed, pushing their roots deeper into the Chicago streets. This album presents a sort of rock collection, forged together by influences from Kyuss, Black Sabbath, Queens of the Stone Age, Fu Manchu and Clutch. Spending three months in the studio, the band came out with an true representation of their passion. Black4 found a new shot of adrenaline after the albums release, with awesome reviews and support coming in from all directions especially overseas.
October of 2014 saw Black4 as the featured band on episode #220 of the podcast Tell'em Steve Dave. A podcast on the Kevin Smith podcast network featuring members of the Impractical Jokers and Comicbook Men TV shows.
January 2015 started off with a bang as Black4 was the featured band of the week on Twisters Music. Not only was the music featured, but the week ended with a long, live call in featuring Bryan.
March of 2015 saw Black4 returning to the scene of one of last years highlights, SXSW. Once again proving the force from Chicago couldn't be stopped, playing to large crowds and rave reviews.
In July of 2015 Black4 was featured in a interview for the U.K. magazine Fireworks. Along with the interview, the track "Combat" was also featured on the magazines CD sampler.August of 2015 saw the band team up with Breakout Artist Music Group for a stop on the Summer Shine tour. This show helped propel Breakout and Black4 into launching a successful Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for a new video single.
The band entered MicroMega Studios in Austin, Tx. with Marcos Delgado in late 2015 to record the new single "Cougar Love". Mixed at The Island Recording in Chicago by Elliot Bancel and released in April of 2016 with a new video shot by 517 Creative.
The future of Black4 is on the move, with the band looking to promote this new single and video. With plans to use this momentum as a stepping stone to promote themselves to the right label. With success and their increasing number of supporters, keep an eye out for Black4 as they'll be hitting the stage like a full steam freight train...
Band Members