Black Hare
Eugene, Oregon, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2011
“Seasons” was a smooth flowing album that had plenty of good sounds and had songs that you could listen to at just about any time of day, and I imagine anyone else with you wouldn’t have a problem with that either. This is one of those albums that is universally accepted as good and many people will listen to it. Some may not even remember what the album or even the band was, but that won’t prevent them from enjoying either. The vocals range from either a calm, smooth and sort of relaxed to something that would normally be in a hard rock or even metal band. They weren’t vicious or heavy enough to be even thought to be in a lot of metal genres, but it can definitely be placed in a few. The guitars and drums were very much the same in that they would be very likable to many people around the nation, and the world, who listen to music like this on a regular basis.” - Headbanger News
“here is a review for your track zombie army, OK the bass fucking rips. that's no.1 the drums are organic and unique totally fitting the song, that's number two and a close second. the guitar is sweet, feedbacky and fucked up with a righteous tone, the trio of musical instruments makes an anthemic backdrop for some of the coolest spoken word verses EVER! then it goes into like an arabian solo what more do you want??? this is the best new record i've heard this year BY FAR... good luck, the fig leaves” - Aaron Sohn
Black Hare (2012)
Seasons (2014)

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