Bird Love
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Bird Love

New York City, New York, United States | SELF

New York City, New York, United States | SELF
Band Rock


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Bird Love's self-recorded debut EP will be dropping in December 2010! Hold onto your hats!



Once there was a man named Jeremy who wanted to be like Morrissey, or The Magnetic Fields, or Muse, or Mama Cass when he grew up.

He found two women: Courtney wanted to be like Grizzly Bear, or Bear in Heaven, or Bear vs Shark, or that band that wrote "Barracuda" (Heart, right?) when she grew up.

Alex wanted to be like Beck, or Beach House, or Björk when she grew up.

Then finally along came Chris who wanted to be like Men in Hats, or Men at Work, or Manfred Mann when he grew up.

And that's where we are today.

Bird Love lives in Brooklyn, in a warehouse with a Skateboard Monster on top of it.

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