Bermuda Triangle
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway | INDIE
Bermuda Triangle's debut track 'Mooger Fooger' was somewhat overlooked upon it's initial release in 2001, but thanks to a certain DJ called John Digweed, they soon became known to people in all corners of the globe as the track made it onto his 2002 compilation 'MMII'. Up until now, 'Mooger Fooger' has been their only single to date, with support from James Zabiela and a re-release of the single on the now defunct Hooj ensuring they did not fade back into the black hole of obscurity, and not resting on their laurels, the trio of Nils Noa, DJ Ariane and Jan Tore Diesen spent time in the studio working on material that would not only form part of a unique live show, but would also come together to form their debut artist album, and now just over two years later, the project is finally completed.
In fact, the first thing that you notice as the album opens with 'Secret Pillow' is the trio's use of live instruments in their creation of sounds, and as harps and string sections are laid over an electronic house groove, creating a dynamic and powerful effect, you realise that this album isn't going to be your typical dance album. It crosses genres and breaks boundaries as we move from the deep and cosmic house grooves of the opener through spacey downbeat trip hop seamlessly with the second track 'This Is Just (Another Song)', both featuring the melancholic vocals of Norwegian singer Agnete Kjølsrud, then you begin to appreciate that this isn't a plain old electronic album.
'Juliuss' brings together flutes and organ over a tight groove, subtle breakbeats housing an evoking vocal hook that makes the hairs on your neck stand up, whilst 'Carib' utilises some eastern flutes and a bleepy melody line in a trippy leftfield fashion, with a humming vocal by Selina Grinsted evoking an incredible feeling of depth, which is complimented by some big atmospheric moods. It's these big atmospheric soundscapes that form a large part of the album, with the Mooger Fooger-esque 'In Transit' being the closest thing to a straight up electronic track on the album, eerie outer wordly effects and dramatic ambience floating over a broken beat groove, quirky sounds and the hypnotic vocal having a strange yet compelling effect upon you.
Moving towards the end of the album and we have some more dancefloor orientated material, with the breakbeat opus and future single 'Tay Do 22' being one of the standout tracks of the album, it's tight breakbeat patterns and indie drums creating a cohesive bass heavy groove which Gjøril Songvoll's operatic vocals fit into quite snuggly, yet another example of Bermuda Triangle fusing sounds that you couldn't imagine ever working together, whilst 'Black Sheep' is yet another take on the pop sound, with yet more cosmic house grooves and wispy vocals being the order of the day. The original version of 'Mooger Fooger' is present in all it's blissful downbeat glory, still sounding fresh even today, and just lowering the mood nicely for the finale, where gorgeous harps lead into a lounge style vocal house track entitled 'Sunshine Pain'. Twinkling melodies and deep chords swirl over Agnette's heartfelt vocals, and bring the album to a soft yet poignant end, leaving you to reflect on the vast array of sounds that you have been treated to over the past 50 minutes or so.
Bermuda Triangle prove with this album that they are no "one hit wonders" and with this album showcase a musical side so often missing in much of today's electronic music, and it's major use of live instruments has to be applauded. Whilst it may not be an album you will groove the night away to, it is one that you will find yourself enchanted by, and with it's embracing of the digital era by being available on conventional cd format or as a set of electronic digital downloads via the Planet Noise website, you should have no trouble in obtaining a copy no matter where in the world or what universe you inhabit. If you are looking for something refreshing and different to many of the year's other electronic albums, then this comes highly recommended. - Progressive Sounds
Bermuda Triangle's debut track Mooger Fooger first got a release on Norwegian label Planet Noise in 2001, and largely went unnoticed for some unknown reason. A year later however, John Digweed decided to use it for his 'MMII' mix release. Later Hooj signed it up for a full release on their label with a Subsky mix as well.
Rumours say that it took the band more than two years to finish the album. The result is extraordinary and presents exciting electronica with an own identity. The use of acoustic instruments and synthesizer sounds give the album an attractive twist. You can clearly hear they put a lot of effort in this album. The album contains a whole variety of tracks from pop influenced tracks to the more chill out instrumental music.
The opening track of the album 'Secret Pillow' is a perfect example of the trio's use of live instruments in their creation of sounds. An electronic house groove forms the backbone of the track and layers of strings and harps warm it up. A perfect mellow opener of the album and you can hear right away you're dealing with quality and crossing genres. The second track, 'This Is Just (Another Song)', featuring the melancholic vocals of Norwegian singer Agnete Kjolsrud, brings us to downbeat triphop land.
'Carib' uses some eastern flutes, a floating melodyline, broken beats and is a true spacer. 'Selina Grinsted's' vocal is beautiful and gives the track even more depth as the track floats into a top atmospheric state. These atmospheric moments form a big part of the album and they come and go in most of the tracks. 'In Transit' also has a high atmospheric level and falls somewhat in the same category as 'Mooger Fooger'.
Towards the end of the album you get some more dancefloor oriented stuff. 'Tay Do 22' is a floating yet powerfull breakbeat track. Gjoril Songvoll's 'opera' voice adds an original ingredient to the track. Bermuda Triangle comes up with ideas others would not dare trying. 'Black Sheep' goes poppy whilst 'Mooger Fooger' has a total different flow and a soft and quite subtle baseline also gives the track a nice groove in areas. 'Sunshine Pain', a lounge style vocal housed track closes off the album.
Bermuda Triangle created an exciting electronic album! From what I understand this is one of the most interesting albums in the genre from Norway in many years. This album deserves a good listen for sure! Quality stuff! - 365 MAG
Neuzeitliche skandinavische musik und björk werden meist in einem atemzug genannt. 2004 dürften aber auch gleichfalls namen wie röyksopp fallen, die vor allem zuletzt ihre hörerschaft mit einer bestechenden elektronischen interpretation von coldplay "clocks" verwöhnten. nun ist es sicher ein passender zeitpunkt dort zu verharren, wo sich gutes bewährt hat. bleiben wir also im skandinavischen Raum und konzentrieren wir uns auf norwegen. denn von dort stammen nicht nur röyksopp, sondern auch bermuda triangle.
bereits ihre erste single secret pillow lässt den hörer unweigerlich wieder auf den gesanglichen spuren von björk wandern. denn stimmlich zeugt dieser song von einer verwandtschaft zu björk. äquivalenz entsteht dennoch zu keinem zeitpunkt. bermuda triangle setzen überall da, wo "stimme" gefragt ist, auf das gebildete organ, also auf opernsänger. diese entscheidung ist aber niemals überspitzt, sondern passt sich selbstverständlich in das durch akustische instrumente und elektronische elemente getragene rhythmische geflecht ein. insbesondere in transit zeigt den künstlerischen umgang von bermuda triangle mit live eingespielten trommeln und elektronischen samples.
auf ihrem debütalbum bündeln dj ariane, dj nils noa und der produzent jan-tore diesen von secret pillow bis sunshine pain ihren ideenreichtum von tanzbarer clubmusik, die erinnerungen an moloko wach werden lassen bis hin zu malerischer filmmusik. vielleicht ist es gerade diese stilistische vielfältigkeit, die mooger fooger von beginn bis ende nicht langweilig werden lässt.
hörtipps: "secret pillow", "in transit", "black sheep"
zwischen moloko und björk unterwegs in norwegen [te] -
In England sind bereits die ersten DJs den feinen Reizen der norwegischen Formation Bermuda Triangle erlegen. Star-Plattendreher John Digweed mixte den Track "Mooger Fooger" auf seiner CD-Compilation "MMII" und bescherte ihm so ein ungeahntes Maß an Aufmerksamkeit. Das gleichnamige Album weißt Bermuda Triangle nun auch über die volle Albumlänge als melodiöse Downbeatexperten aus, deren einfühlsames Groovegeflüster sich tief im Gehörgang festsetzt.
Zu den drei Bermuda Triangle-Köpfen DJ Ariane, Nils Noa und Jan-Tore Diesen gesellte sich für "Mooger Fooger" noch der klassisch ausgebildete Opernsänger Gjoril Songvoll. Schnell werden hier die engen Grenzen der Osloer Clubkultur zugunsten einer weitreichenderen musikalischen Vision verlassen. Ebenfalls mit an Bord bei Bermuda Triangle ist die Sängerin Agnete Maria, deren unverwechselbare Vocaleinlagen einige der schönsten Momente auf "Mooger Fooger" ausmachen.
"This Is Just (Another Song)" beeindruckt mit einem deepen Fundament, das sich in bester Trip Hop-Tradition nur allmählich und schleppend fortbewegt. Bermuda Triangle setzen ihre eigenen Zeitkoordinaten, und die sind eben ein bisschen anders, als die der meisten Menschen. Langsam wie ein sich vorwärts schiebender Gletscher wachsen die Tracks aus sich heraus, wollen nie zu viel auf einmal. Evolution, nicht Revolution lautet das Stichwort auf "Mooger Fooger".
Agnete Marias Stimme, oft schon und nicht zu Unrecht mit jener von Björk verglichen, bewahrt sich dagegen selbst in langsamen und elegischen Passagen eine geheimnisvolle Leichtigkeit, die den Menschen aus dem hohen Norden ganz tief in die Seele eingepflanzt ist. Vielleicht braucht man eine heitere Natur, um die langen Winter unbeschadet zu überstehen.
In seltenen Momenten, so zum Beispiel bei "Tay Do 22", strapazieren Bermuda Triangle ihre Vorliebe für sphärische Sounds auf zu plumpe Weise. Da ist der Schritt zum Esoterik-Pop von Enigma leider gar nicht mehr weit. Doch wird die Grenze niemals überschritten. Zum Glück prägen Songs wie "Black Sheep" oder die deepe Housenummer "Mooger Fooger" den Höreindruck, bei denen die Norweger ihre Qualitäten voll ausspielen können und atmosphärische Sounds mit losgelösten Vocals bestens unter einen Hut bringen.
Det norske musikkollektiv og pladeselskab 'Planet Noise' er hjemsted for trioen 'Bermuda Triangle', som består af producer Jan-Tore Diesen, DJ Nils Noa og DJ Ariane. Sidstnævnte er en af Skandinaviens fremmeste kvindelige DJs og DJ Nils Noas meritter er, blandt andet, at have spillet i Pete Tongs 'The Essential Mix' på BBC Radio 1, som den første nordmand - ever.
Debutalbummet 'Mooger Fooger' har efter sigende været to år undervejs, men har bestemt været ventetiden værd. Genren kan vel mest rammende betegnes som elektronica - præget af både house, breakbeat og meget andet. Bermuda Triangles eklektiske akustiske sammensætninger af alt fra fløjter, orgel og harper på underliggende elektroniske bas- og trommegange er befriende i forhold til de mere dystopiske og dunkle indgangsvinkler til genren. Oven i det er vokalerne sublime.
Tilsyneladende er albummets ni meget varierede numre placeret med en hvis intern logik. De to indledende numre, 'Secret Pillow' og 'This Is Just (Another Song)', bæres af gennemtrængende kvindelig vokal, der til tider fører tanken hen på islandske Björk, og fungerer som en mere poppet, downtempo indførsel i Bermudatrekanten. Albummets fjerde, femte og sjette track er værd at fremhæve, da de indeholder stabile bud på elektronica, house og breakbeat i international klasse. 'Tay Do 22' er vel et af albummets flotteste, hvilket James Zabiela også må have tænkt, da han udvalgte det til sin compilation 'Sound in Motion'. Deres lækre debutsingle, 'Mooger Fooger', fra 2001, var ingen succes før John Digweed valgte at bruge den på sin compilation 'MMII' og den blev efterfølgende udgivet på Hooj Choons.
Alt i alt er 'Mooger Fooger' en flot debutplade, som sikkert vil skabe en masse opmærksomhed omkring trioen og Planet Noise-udgivelserne i almindelighed. Undertegnede skal under alle omstændigheder kaste anerkendende håndtegn op til de tre ret så sprøde fjeldaber (kærlig betegnelse for broderfolket i nord), når de indtager årets Roskildefestival. -
Elektronisk genistrek! (5/6)
I 2003 ga norske Bermuda Triangle ut platen Mooger Fooger. Den ble veldig godt mottatt her i Norge, men kanskje aller best mottakelse fikk den i utlandet.
Nå har triangelet blitt duo og med eminente vokalbidrag fra Alex Møklebust fra Seigmen og Agnete Kjølsrud fra Animal Alpha har de levert et andrealbum med bredere nedslagsfelt enn den første.
Der den forrige utgivelsen var mer drømmende og svevende har Bermuda Triangle nå fått et enda mektigere og mer energisk lydbilde. Samtidig er det mye pop-preg i musikken noe som gjør at den appellerer til flere enn bare den hardbarkede elektronika-fansen.
Det er først og fremst tre sanger som gjør at albumet får terningkast fem. Først og fremst den fengende superhiten «It feels good» som har rullet og gått på P3 siden oktober med Alex Møklebust som vokalist. En absolutt strålende låt som lokker frem danselysten hos noen og enhver. Møklebusts smygende, lyse, litt hese stemme passer perfekt inn.
«Wish» er en strålende duett mellom Agnete Kjølsrud og nevnte Møklebust og på den energiske andresingelen «Fearless» kommer Kjølsruds stemme virkelig til sin rett.
Resten av platen er dansbar elektronika-pop på det jevne hvor de helt til slutt lefler med 70 og 80-tallets synthpop.
Jeg håper virkelig at dette kan bli deres ordentlige norske gjennombrudd. - TV2/Nettavisen
Nesten perfekt pop! (5/6)
Her har vi en plate full av pop i danseforkledning, med fengende melodier og smått underfundige tekster. På sitt beste tangerer Bermuda Triangle det perfekte i et poplandskap, der ideene ikke spenner bein på formen. Med hjelp av Seigmens Alex Møklebust tilføres spor som «It Feels Good» en dæsj desperasjon og lengsel som kler albumet fint. Men også «Fearless» med Agnete Kjølsrud på vokal overbeviser. Snertne og skarpe rytmer blandes med Kjølsruds karakteristiske vokal og en smittende melodilinje, som til sammen utgjør en glimrende radiolåt med alt hva en hit krever. Ikke alt på plata er like bra, «Dare» med Cecilie på vokal, blir for eksempel litt for anonym. Men alt i alt leverer Bemuda Triangle varene denne gangen. - Dagsavisen
2003 - Mooger Fooger (album, released Planet Noise/VME)
2004 - Secret Pillow (single and 12" with Lindstrøm and Prins Thomas remixes, released Planet Noise/Discograph)
2006 - 33rpm (album, released Planet Noise/VME)
2008 - Breathe Freely (single, Planet Noise)
2009 - Lover Computer City (album, Planet Noise)
2010 - You Said We Were Heroes (single, Planet Noise)
2011 - Lover Computer City (int. release album, Planet Noise/VME)
August 2010: Bermuda Triangles single "Breathe Freely" is "Song of the Day" on Popjustice:
"'Breathe Freely' is not exactly a brand new song but it IS highly amazing... If you haven't heard it before you are in for a bit of a treat and if you've heard it before but forgot about like we did, well, now's a good time to dust it off and fall in love all over again. Either way we suspect it's one of the best songs you hear this month."
Copy this link to your browser to reed the review:
Norwegian electro-pop quintet Bermuda Triangle released their third album Lover Computer City in Norway April 2009.
Their first album in 2003, "Mooger Fooger" made them a popular addition to DJ-and radio playlists worldwide. International DJ-guru John Digweed also included them on his release MMII. The single "Secret Pillow" was released and did very well on radio charts in countries like Creece, South Africa and Australia.
On their second album "33rpm" (2006), the Triangle moved into darker and more edgy musical territory, to great acclaim from the critics giving reviews like Electronic masterpiece and younger versions of Pet Shop Boys, Erasure and Depeche Mode would all feel at home at this party.
On their third and latest album the band takes yet another direction. The review from the Norwegian Groove magazine sums it up like this:
Where Mooger Fooger was gloomy electronica and 33rpm dark electropop, Lover Computer City is pure pop on the melancholic rather than the bubblegum side. The sound and production is chilly and distinctly Scandinavian, like a crossbreed of Röyksopp and a-ha.
The band consists of five members, including two vocalists. A lineup that has also contributed to their brilliant live performance. Bermuda Triangle's live show has taken them to everything from festivals like Roskilde and SXSW, in addition to clubs all over Europe.