Los Angeles, California, United States
This band has no press
dicography: "...the death of gypsyX" 2008
Singles on Radio:
"Hold ON", "The Masquerade" (KROQ, California)
"Do You Care?" (Stations in California, satellite radio, Canada, Portugal)
"Do You Care?" (on Portugal's leading soap opera, "Morangos Com Acucar" Soundtrack
"The Masquerade" (on Hawaii's Kona -FM 92.1)

Summer 2008:First Single, "Do You Care?" featured in Portugal's series, Morangos Com Acucar
Dec 2008: Concert for the Poor at FNAC MAdeira Portugal (fans were asked to bring cans of food that was then donated to the organization, Caritas)
Jan 2009: Canadian Tour including cities Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, etc
Spring 2009: bELA will be performing on Portugal's leading morning show, Voce Na TV
Jan 2009: First single, "Do You Care?" wins the John Lennon Songwriter's Competition. bELA is asked to perform at NAMM 2009 in Anaheim, California
Feb 2009: bELA's debut album "...the death of gypsyX" is now available at FNAC Portugal
Nov 2008: bELA's single, "Hold On" is added to the playlist of California's infamous, KROQ radio station
In a time when popular artists are virtually indistinguishable, the world is introduced to a young girl who is about to change everything. bELA, born into a Portuguese heritage was given a diary for her seventh birthday. Expression as she had known it would never be the same. The self-described "loner" quickly became addicted to the release offered by a clean page and a sharp pencil. Soon after, she began adding melodies to her diary entries with an old keyboard her father had bought her for Christmas.Years later, she would take her personal songs to the local coffeehouse, performing every Sunday night. Following a whole year spent writing and performing in Europe, bELA wandered to Los Angeles where, along with her brother, basilioFERNANDOferreira, she began writing what would eventually become her debut album; "...the death of gypsyX". By the album's completion, bELA had already been invited to perform on the televised LA Nitelife, and had the pleasure of appearing on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno. Her humbly demoed album previews had already acquired rave reviews from UK's infamous, Rhythm Magazine and gained her regular rotation on PulseNow! Satellite Radio. The freshly released album is currently brewing a craze in various nations as bELA's first single, "Do You Care?" is making a comfortable home on Portugal, US indie and Canadian radio and has just been placed in 'Morangos Com Acucar', Portugal's leading primetime series. The stir comes as no surprise to the album's production team; Dale Penner (Nickelback, Holly McNarland), Mike Fraser (Guns N' Roses, Aersomith), Howie Weinberg (Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins), Jim Barr (Peter Gabriel, Portishead) who saw potential in even bELA's earliest demos. The ride has just begun for bELA and there is no telling where her love for music and performing will take her. Her powerful words and hypnotic stage presence will surely see no boundaries....