The Bryant C. Project
Winchester, Kentucky, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2011 | SELF | AFTRA
Bryant C. also has a style of his own that you can only grasp from a listen. With sounds of funky rock on a bluesy …foundation at times and a touch of r&b at others this is something worth a listen because it may hold a certain spot with you.
Bryant C. Singer, song writer, and left handed guitar player from The Bryant C. Project. This all started from my vision and I began to create the soundtrack. That’s the album that’s been in the making for over a year. Compared to the sounds of Lenny Kravitz and Jimi Hendrix by some. Bryant C. also has a style of his own that you can only grasp from a listen. With sounds of funky rock on a bluesy …foundation at times and a touch of r&b at others this is something worth a listen because it may hold a certain spot with you. It’s starting to feel like soul rock to me because I feel so connected with it. “A tone so clean” I’ve been told from fans playing everywhere from the east to west coast. I’m currently in the final stages of releasing my debut album “The Bryant C. Project” November 6th, 2012. I won’t stop doing this because I know it’s reaching people and music’s what I love and I plan to keep pulling it out and delivering it. When people line up at the stage after the show to shake your hand and tell you how you’re performance affected them it’s only that much more reason to keep doing what you’re doing.
https://www.facebook.com/THEBRYANTCPROJECT - iLL Material.com
Tell us about where you are from and how you got to this position today.
Singer/song writer/guitar player. Born and raised on the east coast in Maryland. I recently became tired of waiting for the right people for this band. I knew no one would be more committed then myself so I turned this into a solo project. Taking on vocals along with playing guitar has been a blast.
What are you currently working on and what can we expect to see?
I am currently in the studio working on my first full length album/demo. You can expect an original album that will be spread out yes, but also on the same page.
Tell us about one of the hardest challenges you had to face in the industry?
One of my most recent challenges was finding a foundation. Not so much with the industry, but with my self. I needed to get settled in the right spot in order to make THE BRYANT C PROJECT happen like I wanted. I had to do some searching but I’m good now.
What was one of the biggest set backs in your career and how did you bounce back?
Again the only set back I have really had was getting settled in the right spot where I could really bring this project to life. I might add that for a while I was not happy with the musicians I was working with when I was going to have this a band. I had a certain vision and if that meant me making this a solo project then I guess it was meant to be because things are starting off good as we speak.
What are some things artists need to be careful of?
As for what I think an artist needs to be careful of? I will only speak for myself but one thing I would be careful of is not falling behind in what I’m doing and more so staying ahead. No matter how much I’m told we’ll handle this or we’ll handle that. I will always give my 100%. What I mean is be careful of getting too comfortable. Always remember how you started and the hardtimes you had on the way. Always keep that drive, and never let up on it.
What suggestions do you have for other artists like yourself?
For up and coming artists like myself my advice is to stay focused, and don’t get side tracked. Put in how much you want in return. Being consistant is a must.
What are the best ways to sell your products as an artist?
As an artist it’s real important to promote your self as much as possible. Both on the internet, and in whatever areas you can cover. The internet is a good place to sell. Also another thing to do is partner with music stores to sell your product. This is something I will be doing soon. Doing shows is another good way especially if you have merchandise plus good music.
What is one of your favorite ways to promote yourself and your music?
My most recent favorite ways of promoting have been my new music page on facebook which is at the top of this interview along with itunes soundcloud http://soundcloud.com/leavingcarter reverb nation http://www.reverbnation.com/#!/thebryantcproject tunecore http://www.tunecore.com/music/thebryantcproject and twitter http://twitter.com/#!/BryantC27 has also proven to be a big help in promotion.
Where can people visit you?
I can be reached at all ofthe following links:
- WWS Magazine
"The excellent Progressive Rock CD, “The Bryant C Project,” by talented artist Bryant C, will charm you with its well crafted Rock songs. You will like how the musical styles change up on this album as Bryant mixes the genres of old school; Jimi Hendrix like Rock, with today’s Pop sound. The opener, “Do You Feel Me?” has a smooth vibe as the soulful vocals swirl around the edgy instrumentation. “Face of A Thousand Words,” is a beautiful ballad that touches your heart and soul as the emotive vocals sing with thought provoking appeal. There is a bouncy groove to the song, “Let Me Come To Ya,” as it has a catchy beat and moving lyrics. If you enjoy fresh and original Progressive Rock music and are a fan of Lenny Kravitz or Bruno Mars, then you will really like the terrific songs on the CD, “The Bryant C Project.”"
- Diane at Radio Indy
01 - Artist Name = THE BRYANT C PROJECT
02- Location Winchester KY
03 - How did the project come into existence? = I became tired of looking for members to make up a band that did not have the same vision that I had. Being a guitar player, singer, and song writer I began writing the music and writing the lyrics that would be sung for THE BRYANT C PROJECT you can also see all of my links and hear my music on my site www.thebryantcproject.com
04 - Who are the members of the band if any and please tell us about it? = This is a solo project so I am the only member. I play guitar, sing, and song write all of the music. Bryant C. is what I go by. I enjoy making music for people to hear .
05 - How would you describe your sound/genre? = My music to me is a mix of the sounds that I have grown up with. I have a spread out sound but all of the music is on the same stage. Some of my songs have a rock groove type of vibe. A good amount of the music is music that you can move too and music that you will feel. Some of the music is on the slower side some with flows and some with vocals that lay right on the guitar in a smooth connection. I have a blues influence in my guitar playing and also like that raw sound that can be made with a guitar. I just try to bring out what I hear going on in my head when I have that idea and the rest I let the people decide on.
06 - What formal training or previous experience do any of the members have? = I started playing back in 96 when I was a kid. I put effort into it more so around 97 and 98. A lot of days of coming home and going straight for the guitar maybe playing to my favorite album at the time from begining to end or later on learning my way around the neck of the guitar in a more original way. Things that I would come up with. Learning scales chords the normal but also doing finger warm ups, and exercises of that nature. I briefly went to a music school Musicians Institute in Hollywood CA which was also a good experience. I have vocals exercises that I do aswell. I hear those are important. Warming up to a click is good. If you make it a habbit you can hear it in your head whenever you want, and that's key to having good timing when your playing with others or even to a split track which I am doing live. I played in bands a lot through out high school and later had my first gig while in high school. I try to fit training for music into my everyday life.
07 - Are you working w/ a producer on your upcoming album? = On my album I am pretty much writing and arranging everything. I do plan to work with producers soon aswell. I look forward to that and seeing what ideas they can blow up even more.
08 - Who would you say has been the biggest influence on the bands sound or that you have used as inspiration for your music? = My biggest influences have been Jimi Hendrix Ace Frehley Michael Jackson Alice in Chains 2pac bone thugs n harmony bob marley it could go on. I come from a wide background of music so there are many influences. These are some of the main ones that come to mind.
09 - What advice would you give to others starting out? = Work hard on your music and also work hard on getting your music and name out there. Play shows like crazy. Hearing music is one thing but when you give your listeners a live show and let them see the energy that comes with that music it can be a good thing.
10 - Where can people go to learn more about you and hear your music? = I want to make this simple and easy for everyone so I am going to say go to my site www.thebryantcproject.com where you can hear all of my music and have access to all of my pages through links leading to youtube, reverbnation, twitter, facebook, cdbaby ect. Check it out! 11 - If you could play anywhere in the world or with anyone you wanted where and who would it be with? = It would be nice to jam with Ace Frehley for a live crowd at Madison Square Garden haha
12 - What has been your greatest experience - Aj&dbs
01 - Artist Name = THE BRYANT C PROJECT
02- Location Winchester KY
03 - How did the project come into existence? = I became tired of looking for members to make up a band that did not have the same vision that I had. Being a guitar player, singer, and song writer I began writing the music and writing the lyrics that would be sung for THE BRYANT C PROJECT you can also see all of my links and hear my music on my site www.thebryantcproject.com
04 - Who are the members of the band if any and please tell us about it? = This is a solo project so I am the only member. I play guitar, sing, and song write all of the music. Bryant C. is what I go by. I enjoy making music for people to hear .
05 - How would you describe your sound/genre? = My music to me is a mix of the sounds that I have grown up with. I have a spread out sound but all of the music is on the same stage. Some of my songs have a rock groove type of vibe. A good amount of the music is music that you can move too and music that you will feel. Some of the music is on the slower side some with flows and some with vocals that lay right on the guitar in a smooth connection. I have a blues influence in my guitar playing and also like that raw sound that can be made with a guitar. I just try to bring out what I hear going on in my head when I have that idea and the rest I let the people decide on.
06 - What formal training or previous experience do any of the members have? = I started playing back in 96 when I was a kid. I put effort into it more so around 97 and 98. A lot of days of coming home and going straight for the guitar maybe playing to my favorite album at the time from begining to end or later on learning my way around the neck of the guitar in a more original way. Things that I would come up with. Learning scales chords the normal but also doing finger warm ups, and exercises of that nature. I briefly went to a music school Musicians Institute in Hollywood CA which was also a good experience. I have vocals exercises that I do aswell. I hear those are important. Warming up to a click is good. If you make it a habbit you can hear it in your head whenever you want, and that's key to having good timing when your playing with others or even to a split track which I am doing live. I played in bands a lot through out high school and later had my first gig while in high school. I try to fit training for music into my everyday life.
07 - Are you working w/ a producer on your upcoming album? = On my album I am pretty much writing and arranging everything. I do plan to work with producers soon aswell. I look forward to that and seeing what ideas they can blow up even more.
08 - Who would you say has been the biggest influence on the bands sound or that you have used as inspiration for your music? = My biggest influences have been Jimi Hendrix Ace Frehley Michael Jackson Alice in Chains 2pac bone thugs n harmony bob marley it could go on. I come from a wide background of music so there are many influences. These are some of the main ones that come to mind.
09 - What advice would you give to others starting out? = Work hard on your music and also work hard on getting your music and name out there. Play shows like crazy. Hearing music is one thing but when you give your listeners a live show and let them see the energy that comes with that music it can be a good thing.
10 - Where can people go to learn more about you and hear your music? = I want to make this simple and easy for everyone so I am going to say go to my site www.thebryantcproject.com where you can hear all of my music and have access to all of my pages through links leading to youtube, reverbnation, twitter, facebook, cdbaby ect. Check it out! 11 - If you could play anywhere in the world or with anyone you wanted where and who would it be with? = It would be nice to jam with Ace Frehley for a live crowd at Madison Square Garden haha
12 - What has been your greatest experience - Aj&dbs
The excellent Progressive Rock CD, “The Bryant C Project,” by talented artist Bryant C, will charm you with its well crafted Rock songs. You will like how the musical styles change up on this album as Bryant mixes the genres of old school; Jimi Hendrix like Rock, with today’s Pop sound. The opener, “Do You Feel Me?” has a smooth vibe as the soulful vocals swirl around the edgy instrumentation. “Face of A Thousand Words,” is a beautiful ballad that touches your heart and soul as the emotive vocals sing with thought provoking appeal. There is a bouncy groove to the song, “Let Me Come To Ya,” as it has a catchy beat and moving lyrics. If you enjoy fresh and original Progressive Rock music and are a fan of Lenny Kravitz or Bruno Mars, then you will really like the terrific songs on the CD, “The Bryant C Project.” - Diane and the RadioIndy.com Reviewer Team
Tell us about where you are from and how you got to this position today.
Singer/song writer/guitar player. Born and raised on the east coast in Maryland. I recently became tired of waiting for the right people for this band. I knew no one would be more committed then myself so I turned this into a solo project. Taking on vocals along with playing guitar has been a blast.
What are you currently working on and what can we expect to see?
I am currently in the studio working on my first full length album/demo. You can expect an original album that will be spread out yes, but also on the same page.
Tell us about one of the hardest challenges you had to face in the industry?
One of my most recent challenges was finding a foundation. Not so much with the industry, but with my self. I needed to get settled in the right spot in order to make THE BRYANT C PROJECT happen like I wanted. I had to do some searching but I’m good now.
What was one of the biggest set backs in your career and how did you bounce back?
Again the only set back I have really had was getting settled in the right spot where I could really bring this project to life. I might add that for a while I was not happy with the musicians I was working with when I was going to have this a band. I had a certain vision and if that meant me making this a solo project then I guess it was meant to be because things are starting off good as we speak.
What are some things artists need to be careful of?
As for what I think an artist needs to be careful of? I will only speak for myself but one thing I would be careful of is not falling behind in what I’m doing and more so staying ahead. No matter how much I’m told we’ll handle this or we’ll handle that. I will always give my 100%. What I mean is be careful of getting too comfortable. Always remember how you started and the hardtimes you had on the way. Always keep that drive, and never let up on it.
What suggestions do you have for other artists like yourself?
For up and coming artists like myself my advice is to stay focused, and don’t get side tracked. Put in how much you want in return. Being consistant is a must.
What are the best ways to sell your products as an artist?
As an artist it’s real important to promote your self as much as possible. Both on the internet, and in whatever areas you can cover. The internet is a good place to sell. Also another thing to do is partner with music stores to sell your product. This is something I will be doing soon. Doing shows is another good way especially if you have merchandise plus good music.
What is one of your favorite ways to promote yourself and your music?
My most recent favorite ways of promoting have been my new music page on facebook which is at the top of this interview along with itunes soundcloud http://soundcloud.com/leavingcarter reverb nation http://www.reverbnation.com/#!/thebryantcproject tunecore http://www.tunecore.com/music/thebryantcproject and twitter http://twitter.com/#!/BryantC27 has also proven to be a big help in promotion.
Where can people visit you?
I can be reached at all ofthe following links:
The Bryant C. Project - Self titled LP
The Bryant C. Project - Pay The Price EP
The Bryant C. Project - Let Go? - Single
The Bryant C. Project - The World's Gone Away - Single
The Bryant C. Project - Tell You Why - Single

The Bryant C. Project consists of Bryant Carter on guitar and vocals, Wayne Howard on bass and The Tapper Walker on drums. Bryant’s unique style is a product of his environment, so diverse yet so familiar with the infusion of Rock, Soul and R&B. Some have tag their style simply as Rock n’ Soul. With an arsenal of incredible songs like the beautiful ballad “Face of A Thousand Words” that touches your heart and soul to the emotional groove rocker “No Gamble”, you can definitely tell that Bryant has his pick and pen on the pulse of what’s going on in the world right now. With vocal melodies as smooth as Lenny Kravitz and guitar riffs that explode with emotion like some of Hendrix’s finest work from long ago, this music is a blessing to the ears. So sit back, turn it up and enjoy.... because The Bryant C. Project's music.... just might become your favorite.
Band Members