B.R.U.C.E. W.A.I.N.E.
Houston, TX | Established. Jan 01, 2017
B.R.U.C.E W.A.I.N.E (Boy Ridiculously Unique Creating Epic and Wondrous Art In New Essence ) has an exceptional ear for music and knows how to get the party started. After putting the DJing board down for a couple years to focus more on record producing, the 25 year-old musical genius shocked the world when he dropped his EDM/Hip Hop mixtape "WAINE's World Part I" on SoundCloud summer of 2015. Since emerging himself as a EDM DJ/artist, B.R.U.C.E W.A.I.N.E has been touring college university campuses all over Texas and southern states.
"Faith & Trust" is a striking club banger that is designed to please big room dance floors and EDM fans alike with its impressive electro-house sound from the Illustrious and Infamous B.R.U.C.E. W.A.I.N.E. combined with the get-the-party-started/fix-your-life-up vibe brought from his style of music. The single is a nice mix of pleasing electronic sounds amped up with exciting breaks and epic sounds. Be on the lookout for the single via major online music outlets including Amazon, iTunes, Google Plus and Spotify November 18, 2016.
The single “Remy” offers equal measures of transitions and creativity. Its eloquent, aggressive production clashes with the catch trap vibe. At the core of the track, B.R.U.C.E W.A.I.N.E. makes the message very clear that he is one of the best when it comes to producing.
B.R.U.C.E. W.A.I.N.E. is also an artist of principle. His upbeat outlook on art and life permeates not only his new singles “Faith & Trust” and “Remy”, but also his “Purple Flowers” track which appeared on digital shelves everywhere on the Summer of 2015.
This open-mindedness as a music listener comes out in many colors with which B.R.U.C.E. W.A.I.N.E.'s own music thrums. His “Faith & Trust” and “Remy” single is multi-leveled, highly textured, and has a certain vibrancy of which many EDM and Hip Hop tracks cannot boast. Some of this is likely due to his Hip Hop and family background.
Asked to describe his overarching themes to his songs, B.R.U.C.E. W.A.I.N.E. writes, “My message as an artist is to inspire everyone that no matter where you are or what your situation is, you can work through anything and make it in any industry you dream of! I was put here to inspire.” This ideology is apparent and brought to life within the single “Nobody Knows.”
“Faith & Trust” by B.R.U.C.E. W.A.I.N.E. is available online worldwide beginning November 18, 2016
“Nobody Knows” by B.R.U.C.E. W.A.I.N.E Featuring CA is available online worldwide beginning November 18, 2016.
https://www.facebook.com/Brucewaine23/?fref=ts - Houston Press
Originally a DJ, Houston native B.R.U.C.E. W.A.I.N.E. (Boy Ridiculously Unique Creating Epic and Wondrous Art In New Essence) would put down the CDJ’s to focus on his production side. The end result would be WAINE’s World Part I. Since then, the artist has touring college campuses all over Texas and the southern states. Last month would see the release of his latest project, OB Theory, which features eclectic influences from house to trap.
Remy is one such trap song, and one that will please big room dance floors with aggressive elements fused with tribal vocals and scratching, creating an impressive experimental cut. Spin Remy below and cop OB Theory at iTunes. - Ohestee
Как фанату Бэтмена оставить без внимания артиста с ником B.R.U.C.E W.A.I.N.E? Правильно — никак, так что героем этого поста будет американский продюсер из Хьюстона с ником, отсылающим к известному персонажу комиксов и фильмов.
На музыке влияние никнейма не отразилось, зато творческий путь артиста очень легко прослеживается — в «Faith And Trust » отличный олдскульный Deep House бас, классные вокальные семплы и забавные скретчи, как повод обратить внимание на ранние хип-хоп релизы артиста. Я отслушал весь материал, представленный на аккаунте B.R.U.C.E W.A.I.N.E на саундклауд и очень рад такой находке, благо в его активах очень много музыки, которую нужно играть на вечеринках так как он умеет отлично сочетать тренды EDM с уличной энергетикой и это у него здорово получается. Отдельный респект за трек «Purple Flowers«, который меня просто порвал в тряпки и за малым не сгубил сабвуфер. - Mishka DJ
Houston's Break Free dancers Jeremy Pena and Stepheon "Holotype" Stewart excited the audience with their powerful movements over the remixes of DJ B.R.U.C.E W.A.I.N.E.
Break Free is a community center founded by Moy Rivas for kids and the youth to learn and practice urban arts like as hip-hop in a safe, structured and inspiring environment, as their mission statement said.
In anticipation of the internationally acclaimed Flying Steps group's upcoming show in Houston next month, dancers from the city's Break Free Hip-hop School performed a fully packed preview party at Prohibition Super Club in Downtown.
Flying Steps is going to be at the Hobby Center for the Performing Arts on February 20-22 with the show Flying Bach, where bold B-boy break dancers defy gravity and physics with remixed music of Johan Sebastian Bach and contemporary electronic beats.
Preludes and fugues from Bach's "The Well-Tempered Clavier" and the power of street dance and DJ remixing, the show follows Flaying Step concept of diluting the lines between the so-called high culture and the urban artistic expressions.
The Red Bull Flying Bach Preview Party was packed with the cream of Houston's urban artists such as muralist Gonzo247 and Bombón DJ Gracie Chávez. - Houston Chronicle
"W.A.I.N.E.'s World Part 1" July of 2015 - https://soundcloud.com/new-royalty-entertainment/sets/waines-world-part-i
"Arrangements for the better" January 2016 - https://soundcloud.com/bwemusic/sets/arrangements-for-the-better

B.R.U.C.E W.A.I.N.E (Boy Ridiculously Unique Creating Epic and Wondrous Art In New Essence ) has an exceptional ear for music and knows how to get the party started. Currently, he is a DJ instructor at Break Free School of Hip Hop. He is also an associate DJ for Monster Energy where he travels and performs at Dub Shows and sponsored Monster Energy events. After putting the DJing board down for a couple years to focus more on record producing, the 25 year-old musical genius shocked the world when he dropped his EDM/Hip Hop EP "OB Theory" worldwide in November of 2016.
This open-mindedness as a music listener comes out in many colors with which B.R.U.C.E. W.A.I.N.E.'s own music thrums. His “Faith & Trust” and “Remy” single is multi-leveled, highly textured, and has a certain vibrancy of which many EDM and Hip Hop tracks cannot boast. Some of this is likely due to his Hip Hop and family background.
Asked to describe his overarching themes to his songs, B.R.U.C.E. W.A.I.N.E. writes, “My message as an artist is to inspire everyone that no matter where you are or what your situation is, you can work through anything and make it in any industry you dream of! I was put here to inspire.” This ideology is apparent and brought to life within the single “Nobody Knows.”
B.R.U.C.E. W.A.I.N.E. is also an artist of principle. His upbeat outlook on art and life permeates not only his new singles “Faith & Trust” and “Remy”, but also his “Nobody Knows Remix” track which appeared on digital shelves everywhere on the Summer of 2017.
"Faith & Trust" is a striking club banger that is designed to please big room dance floors and EDM fans alike with its impressive electro-house sound from the Illustrious and Infamous B.R.U.C.E. W.A.I.N.E. combined with the get-the-party-started/fix-your-life-up vibe brought from his style of music. The single is a nice mix of pleasing electronic sounds amped up with exciting breaks and epic sounds. Be on the lookout for the single via major online music outlets including Amazon, iTunes, Google Plus and Spotify November 18, 2016.
The single “Remy” offers equal measures of transitions and creativity. Its eloquent, aggressive production clashes with the catch trap vibe. At the core of the track, B.R.U.C.E W.A.I.N.E. makes the message very clear that he is one of the best when it comes to producing.