W ostatnim tygodniu jednym z najpopularniejszych profili w serwisie Muzzo.pl by³a strona wokalistki Natalii Iwaszkiewicz.
Urodzona w rosyjskim Sankt Petersburgu Natalia mieszka obecnie w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Wokalistka od m³odych lat interesowa³a siê muzyk¹ i tañcem i nale¿a³a do grup pieœni i tañca zarówno w Rosji jak i w Polsce. Natalia p³ynnie mówi i pisze w trzech jêzykach - polskim, angielskim i rosyjskim.
Po ukoñczeniu studiów na Uniwersytecie Jagielloñskim w Krakowie i wyjeŸdzie do USA Natalia poœwiêci³a siê muzyce i rozpoczê³a pracê nad swoim pierwszym solowym albumem. Album pod tytu³em "Electrosoul" powsta³ w 2006 roku dziêki transatlantyckiej wspó³pracy z Maækiem Aleksandrowiczem - producentem z Polski.
czytaj dalej
Na p³ycie goœcinnie zagra³ na gitarze ceniony muzyk Jacek Królik, a w chórkach zaœpiewa³a Magdalena Steczkowska (Indigo). Na p³ycie znalaz³y siê utwory w klimatach electro, dance i rock. Po wydaniu albumu Natalia samodzielnie zorganizowa³a swoj¹ pierwsz¹ trasê w takich miastach na wschodnim wybrze¿u USA jak Nowy Jork, Boston, Filadelfia i Hartford - czytamy na jej profilu w Muzzo.pl.
Piosenkarka równie¿ otrzyma³a nagrodê za jej utwór pod tytu³em "Fears" w konkursie "VH-1 Song of the Year" zorganizowanym przez amerykañsk¹ stacjê muzyczn¹ VH-1. W jury tego konkursu zasiadaj¹ zwyciêzcy nagród muzycznych Grammy jak równie¿ recenzenci z wp³ywowego magazynu muzycznego "Rolling Stone". Dodatkowo dwie piosenki - "Fears" i "Because of you" zosta³y docenione i nagrodzone w konkursie "World Songwriting" organizowanym przez magazyn muzyczny "Billboard'.
Zremiksowania piosenki "My Life" podj¹³ siê Josh Harris, autor remiksów takich wykonawców jak Seal, Rhianna czy The Killers. Nowa p³yta Natalii - "Electrosoul v.2" w ca³oœci wyprodukowana przez Josha Harrisa, wydana bêdzie w wersji cyfrowej w sklepach muzycznych Apple iTunes i bêdzie dostêpna w kwietniu 2008 roku. Na p³ycie znajd¹ siê nowe utwory jak równie¿ odœwie¿one wersje piosenek z debiutanckiej p³yty.
SprawdŸ profil Natalii w serwisie Muzzo.pl.
- Interia.pl
Finally, high school cheerleaders and burgeoning scenesters have something to bond over. The sound of Avian X, Natalia Ivachkevitch's foray into the glamorous world of NYC Synth Pop, provides the link between Madonna and The Sounds. With all the dance-able sass of Shiny Toy Guns, but lacking the Post-Punk-inspired edge of peers like Theo and the Skyscrapers, Avian X would be fit for a Warped Tour stage or an opening slot for the Material Girl alike. "My Life" could be mistaken for a Katy Perry B-side, "Fears" pairs gently haunting synths with a powerage of dance club soul, and "Fierce Explosion" produces a sweet and easily palatable darkness reminiscent of The Birthday Massacre. Despite the trend, it's still hard not to love neon-clad platinums raised on Parallel Lines.
Who exactly is this Avian X? Known by here given name in some [dark] circles, Natalia Ivachkevitch is Russian born but resides in Connecticut now. She is trilingual (English, Russian and Polish), and creates dance/rock music that is inspired by Depeche Mode, Shiny Toy Guns, IAMX, Madonna, etc.
My advice to you is to keep an eye and an ear out for this dynamo. 2009 is going to be very kind to Avian X. -Sheenabeaston.com-http://sheenabeaston.blogspot.com/2009/01/avian-x-dark-circles.html
Electrosoul – Natalia (Independent Release)
One genre welcomed for its return, in my Indie heart at least, is the crafted sad/happy electro pop. Its seemingly easy tingle-tangle of heartbreak and cheerful dance, seems so simple, but so few get it right. Get it to the right degree of neon glow sway, innocent hope and tragic giggles. Electrosoul does all this and so much more.
Adding equal measures of Robyn and Human League to a gentle self-assurance, this insanely catchy collection is the perfect antidote to the bored cynicism of the Avrils and Gwens of the mainstream world.
With hooks worthy of a Sugababes writer, but with an added touch of much needed regret and honesty, this is a Pop (with a capital and Proud P) album that stays the distance.
Standout track of a VERY good bunch for me is 'Fierce Explosion' a song that soars so subtle and so free.
Oh and…
The remix of 'My Life' included here is perfect Dancefloor.
Next Big Thing http://nbtmusic.wordpress.com/2008/05/14/the-nbt-review-5/
- Avian x opened the show last night, playing a potent blend of pop, rock and electronica. She fired up the crowd in her sassy yellow-black outfit. I had not seen avian perform live yet, but boy, does she have a great stage presence. Love "dark circles." such a mesmerizing track.
- Arjanwrites.com
We've been sort of averse to this act for a while, writing most of the tracks off as chintzy diva-pop b-sides that you'd find in 15 second bits on mtv during their soap opera-styled "shows", but our bluff has been called this time. darkwave synth pop that only an eastern european can pull off, avian x just completed work on a new remix from french hotness, kolt 13 (you might remember his work on that tigersapien electro stomper "god knows") that's a four minute and thirteen second grower of a remix that focuses intently on the stuttered beats from the producer's chair and natalia's icy, lusty, all-too-dangerous voice. You'll be hooked right in, webbed up and frozen.
the culture of me
- The culture of me
Avian x - Dark Circles previously from St. Petersburg, Russia but now working out of New York City comes Natalia Ivashkevitch aka Avian X. The beginning of this track instantly reminds me of tekken tag tournament for the weird vocal. From here the track demonstrates the interesting darker edge that pop music can take. Music Liberation
- Music Liberation
Natalia likes to describe her music as "modern rock partying with a bunch of 80's sounds" that is at times reminiscent of Blondie, Shiny Toy Guns, Depeche Mode and Metric. Speaking Russian, Polish and English, Natalia started her career in Eastern Europe but moved to New York to further her musical ambitions. She received help from master producer Josh Harris who produced part of "Electrosoul V2" and mixed up Natalia's powerful delivery with a steady rock sensibility. Natalia bring a sense of Eastern Europe flair to her music. Like a true ice queen, Natalia stays true to form on "Electrosoul V2." Her potent blend of pop, rock and dance is theatrical, grand and at times a little bombastic, which adds to the intensity of her performance and delivery. - ArjanWrites
Promise of The Sky: Demo 2009/2010
Dark Circles:itunes EP - May/June 2009
Dark Circles : Designer Drugs Remix 2009
My Life: remix single 2007
Electrosoul EP: 2006

“Who exactly is this Avian X? Known by her given name in some [dark] circles, Natalia Ivashkevitch is a Russian born but resides in Connecticut now. She is trilingual (English, Russian and Polish), and creates dance/rock music that is inspired by Depeche Mode, Shiny Toy Guns, IAMX, Madonna, etc.”
"Avian X opened the show last night, playing a potent blend of pop, rock and electronica. She fired up the crowd in her sassy yellow-black outfit. I had not seen Avian perform live yet, but boy, does she have a great stage presence. Love "Dark Circles."Such a mesmerizing track."
- Arjanwrites.com
Natalia toured in the North East and shared stage with Shiny Toy Guns, Kill Hannah, Clear Static, Your Vegas, Aerodrone and The Annix. Her song 'Place called home' appeared on NBC's show 'Wedded to Perfection". In 2010 she joined ‘PEACE’ an international project by Buffetlibre Djs for Amnesty Int. The compilation includes Frunkmusic, Patrick Wolf, Ed Harcourt, Asobi Seksu, Dan Deacon, A place to Bury Strangers and more.
REVIEWS: Avian x ‘Dark circles’ - An interesting darker edge that pop music can take. -Music Liberation
With hooks worthy of a Sugababes writer, but with an added touch of much needed regret and honesty, this is a Pop (with a capital and Proud P) album that stays the distance. – Next Big Thing
You'll be hooked right in, webbed up and frozen. - The Culture of Me.
Natalia is a winner of numerous awards for her songwriting talent. Her song, FEARS, was a winning song in VH-1s Song of the Year contest, judged by an elite panel consisting of Grammy award winners as well as individuals from Rolling Stone, ABC Television and more. // 2005 Broadjam showcase winner Natalia was picked out of 500 Artists nationwide to perform at New England Musicians Expo 2005. // 2006/2007 - 'FEARS' & 'BECAUSE OF YOU' (co-written with M. Aleksandrowicz) were awarded by Billboard World Songwriting Competition-Memorable mention for the talent and dedication it takes to write a hit song .
6/10/ 2009 Canal Room. NYC. Arjanwrites.com showcase
17/04/2009 10:00 PM - ARLENE’S GROCERY 95 Stanton St New York, New York 10002 US Cost:$8
09/02/2008 08:00 PM HARPER’S FERRY | with The Anix | Aerodrone | 158 Brighton Ave, Boston, Massachusetts 02134 BOSTON, Massachusetts 02134 Description: hi Boston ! :) see you soon.
7/19/2008 07:30 PM - NYC DON HILL’S // ALL AGES! :) Don Hill’s 511 Greenwich St. at Spring St. New York City 212-219-2850 NEW YORK :), New York 10013 Cost:$10 Description:Don Hill’s 511 Greenwich St. at Spring St. New York City 212-219-2850
04/17/2008 10:00 PM - ARLENE’S GROCERY 95 Stanton St New York, New York 10002 US Cost:$8 Description:95 Stanton St New York, NY 10002 SUBWAY DIRECTIONS: F or V Train to 2nd Avenue Exit 1st Avenue, we’re 1 block below Houston St between Orchard and Ludlow Streets VENUE WEBSITE>> http://www.arlenesgrocery.net
10/12/2007 08:00 PM - MO PITKINS. 34 AVENU A NYC, New York 10009
08/04/2007 07:30 PM - CENTER for THE PERFORMING ARTS. 728 East Genesee Street. SYRACUSE, New York
NEW HAVEN on THE GREEN. NEW HAVEN, Connecticut 06510
03/04/2007 02:00 PM - charity benefit >>Martini's cafe | Orange CT 350 Boston Post Road Orange, Connecticut US Cost:10$ donation
1/19/2007 11:00 PM - PERFORMING AT THE TREXX | SYRACUSE.NY :) 19 N. Clinton Street Syracuse, 13201
11/17/2006 09:30 PM - SNITCH. NYC NEW YORK, New York 59 West 21 Street, Between Broadway and 6th Ave.
08/12/2006 11:30 PM - ARKADIA CLUB Broad Street New Britain, CT 06053
07/28/2006 06:00 PM - VILLAGE UNDERGROUND| NYC with Michelle Shaprow and BK Cyph| if you under 21 and coming let me know :) NYC, 10001
04/11/2006 08:00 PM - WEBSTER UNDERGROUND| with KILL HANNAH |CLEAR STATIC| SHINY TOY GUNS 31 webster street Hartford, CT 06101
02/25/2006 08:00 PM - ARCADIA NIGHT CLUB 16 Broad St., New Britain, CT 06053