Swansea, Massachusetts, United States | INDIE
Mark your calenders! Massachusetts' Auburn is set to release "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth" on January 12 via Blue Duck Records. Check out their music on myspace. For fans of Everytime I Die, Underoath, Norma Jean, Maylene and the Sons of Disaster and gritty southern rock. - Pick R Set
What's the meaning behind the band's name?
in 1911 my great grandfather lived there and grew up in auburn massachusetts he was a shoe shiner and would shine peoples shoes from dusk till tawn for a nickel a shine...Auburn was named after that.
How the band started??
The band started in 2007 with the lineup we have now
What's the message to transmit with your music??
Always stay positive,Your not alone,Looking forward for days to come.
What's your method at the time of writting a song??
Vinnie and Johnny will bring guitar riffs they have written to practice we will all go over them together we then piece each of the songs together
Which is your music influences??
our influences are varied from heavy break down loaded bands to indie bands infused with upbeat tones.
What plans do you guys have for the future??
well as we speak we are recording our first full length that will hopefully be out either later this year or early next year. we really like what we are putting together. also we would love to do some tours as support for larger acts to push the new record.
Which has been the funniest prank you guys have been or took part while on tour or after a show?? um i think the best story isnt even a prank , on one of our tours its was a late night in PA and we made a stop for gas and a bathroom break . i was the last out of the van and was still asleep when everyone went in. so i went in a used the bathroom and came out a noticed the van was gone. i was left at the gas station alone and i left my phone in the van .ahah i was kinda lucky to have my wallet with me so i used it to call my phone like 1000 times from a pay phone. finally on like the 10000000 th try johnny answered my phone and they came back and got me....i thought i was done for but every thing worked out fine...oh yeah and i remember saying as i entered the van "no one say a word" aha i was kinda ticked at the time but i think its hillarious now. - rocky
If you guys were stranded in the middle of nowhere after a show or while on tour. The help is 65 miles away from where you guys are, ¿Who would you guys send to look for help? And if while the rest wait, there's no food and the only way to feed yourself is by eating each other, ¿Who would you eat first? umm thats a really weird question but i guess ricky and brian would go for gas while i sacrificed myself for food since i have the most meat on my bones ahaha i would hope thy would find help ! -rocky
Which country you guys would love to play?
umm i think we would love to play in the UK i heard its really awesome out there
With which bands you guys would love to share stage??
um a short list?
Every time I die
august burns red
The ghost Inside
a plea for purging
Are you guys OK, with the direction the band is going actually?
yeah most definitely i mean at this point we like how the new records going and the new sound were going for! its gonna be a really diverse record drawing on heavy breakdowns and upbeat catchy singalongs.
Check out more: http://www.myspace.com/auburnmass - Vents Magazine
How has this band and your sound changed since releasing “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth in early 2009?
It’s surreal looking back on everything now. So much has happened since that release in our personal lives and in our sound. I can’t speak for the others on a personal level but one thing I can say that has stayed consistent is our friendships with each other and for that I’m grateful.
As far as sound goes, it has matured greatly and carries just a small taste of what you hear on “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth”.
Tell us about the upcoming full length “Parallels”. How did you guys come up with the title and what is the meaning?
When we began brainstorming ideas for the record I wanted a way to explain the changes we’ve gone through in every aspect of our lives. When I look back at the person I was when writing “BIBLE” I looked at life much differently then.
In a way I want this record to represent the person I am now compared to the person I was. Along with the sound we had back then and the sound we have now. Most of the lyrics are written in the same aspect. To show the identity of, similarity of; compare. Parallels.
How do you stand out among the other hardcore bands in the legendary Boston hardcore scene?
It is hard to stand out in Boston but hopefully we’re doing alright!
Our energetic live performance is a great quality to have along with the passion each one of us share to reach our goals in this band.
As a band you have had your share of “ups” and “downs”, can you share a few of both with us?
Ups include the great times we have together! We could be two weeks into a tour flat broke and not knowing how we’re going to get to the next city but we as a group balance each other out. When some of us are down the rest of us bring each other up.
We’ve had the privilege to share the stage with some of the bands that influenced me as a musician.
We’ve made great friends in our label, other bands, fans and friends that support our cause. I wouldn’t trade any of that for the world.
Downs would be embarking on a national tour with a headliner that dropped off 4 dates into the month.
A reputable manager that took us on with promises left unfulfilled and us being left in a financial hole.
And semi-toll taking health problems with some of our members.
On this release your singing often touches on struggling with faith and belief in God and these doubting lyrics are always counteracted by Vinnie (Guitar/Back up Vocals) singing back to reassure you that God is “carrying” you through these tough times.
This is a cool concept, can you expand on it?
Sure, I considered myself a christian for twelve years. Devoted my energy to being Christ-like and spreading the message that went a long with it. Recently, events in my life sent me through a great depression accompanied with anxiety. I had lost touch with who I was and this record takes the listener through my time in that depression and how my friends helped me out of it.
What are the plans for Auburn in 2011?
We want to tour non-stop in support of Parallels!!
Funniest or most memorable tour moment?
There’s way too many of those…
The funniest might have been making an emergency stop on the side of a Kentucky highway while Vinnie was in the process of crapping his pants! You’ll have to ask him to tell you the story next time you see him!
The most memorable is being far from home and having a fan come up to us and tell us how much we mean to them or how much we’ve touched their lives. It was only a few years ago when I joined Auburn and I never imagined what that could feel like. It’s a very emotional experience for me. A lot of times that the only thing that keeps me going.
Thanks Brian, Can’t wait to hear Parallels!
We can’t wait for everyone to hear it, thanks!
-Brian - HM Magazine
Interview By: Nicole Bradley
Straight from Massachusetts, Auburn’s southern sound screams in the faces of its listeners. Through their strong faith and gritty, energetic performances, Auburn is selling out their music fast. They are making their way up to the top, and you can miss them at big named festivals including Cornerstone and Soul Fest.
SHRED: When and how did Auburn get started?
Vinnie: Auburn got started at the beginning of 2006 as a Pop Punk Band. The only original members are me and Rocky. In late 2006 we decided we didn’t want to do pop punk anymore and were looking to do more Hardcore/Metal so that’s when we found Brian & Ricky. They were looking to start something along the same lines as what we wanted.
SHRED: Any story behind the name?
Vinnie: There are so many stories behind this name. My personal story behind it comes from when I was driving down 495 one day. I was coming home from my brother’s house in Shrewsbury, MA and passed an Auburn Exit sign and thought to myself that would be a cool band name and brought it to the guys and they liked it.
SHRED: When did you start playing guitar? Have you ever changed instruments?
Vinnie: I got my first Guitar when I was about 6 years old it was a miniature acoustic. The following year my parents got me my first electric guitar. I didn’t start taking lessons till I was about 13 years old, and by the age of 16 I was in my first band. I have played drums for a while as well when I was in the middle school band and marching band. I still play drums, but not as much as guitar.
SHRED: In your opinion what do you think makes Auburn stand out?
Vinnie: In my opinion what makes us stand out is that we love to have fun and when we play we try to bring a lot of energy to the performance so us and the crowd can get into it. I know when I go to a show and just see a band stand there and not move, I get bored watching them.
SHRED: What genre of music do you consider your band to be?
Vinnie: I would have to say Hardcore/Metal with some southern riffage.
SHRED: Select Hot Topics and Newbury Comics are carrying your CD, have you ever gone in and bought a copy? And what’s it like having a CD that fans can buy in store?
Vinnie: I have never gone in and bought our CD at any store. To me its surreal having our CD in a store I go to to buy music. It’s awesome that kids actually go out now a days and buy CDs since the digital music world is starting to takeover. Just the other day Rocky and I were in Hot topic at our local mall and they were sold out of our album. That’s nuts.
SHRED: You’re EP, “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth” just came out earlier this year, how was the recording process?
Vinnie: The recording process was probably one of the best times of my life. We worked with Ricky Tonzi over at Attic Sound in Franklin, MA and he’s one of the nicest and coolest dudes I’ve ever met and is very good at what he does. We had a lot of input on this EP from our good friends Kayoum Franklin of Sounds Like A Funeral Music, Brandon Davis of Lions Lions, Mikey B of 80-ss, Max Prussner plus more. We wanted to make this EP enjoyable for everyone.
SHRED: Do you guys plan to record a full length CD in the future?
Vinnie: Yes we sure do. We actually just started writing it. We have so many ideas for this full length I cant wait. We will be posting a brand new song on our myspace in the middle of June produced by Jay Deluca @ 3D Productions. So keep checking back on that.
SHRED: Are there any summer tour plans for Auburn? If not, what do you guys plan to do over the summer?
Vinnie: In the end of June we are actually playing Cornerstone Festival out in Illinois with a bunch of amazing bands. After that we are touring for about a month an a half with our good friends The Year Ends in Arson, Florida. We are also playing Soul Fest this year with Norma Jean, As I Lay Dying and so many more.
SHRED: Anything else you’d like to add?
Vinnie: Keep rocking and support local music!! - Shred Magazine
Like Maylene & the Sons of Disaster without as much Southern Rock guitars. The five heavy tunes on this EP will grow fast on most pairs of functioning ears, it’s tight!
- Doug Van Pelt HM Magazine - HM Magazine
Auburn is on the road again, and if you don’t know much about Auburn, continue to read below, these guys make amazing music and are the nicest dudes you could ever meet! Please come out and support them on the road with The Great American Beast and My Amends!
Also a full length is on the way towards the end of this year, Awwww yeah!!! - Hm Magazine
New England hardcore/metalcore act, Auburn, will be releasing their debut full-length album, “Parallels,” April 26th, 2011.
The album was produced and mixed by Chris Curran (Four Year Strong, Therefore I Am, Vanna) and mastered by Alan Douches (Everytime I Die, Underoath, Norma Jean). “Parallels” will also feature guest vocals by members of Vanna, Longshot and Lions Lions. - Dying Scene
First, the guys are great at transitioning. “Like Trying to Kiss a Freight Train” seamlessly moves into “Wise Guys”. Second, there is plenty of energy behind these songs. Undoubtedly, lovers of all things mosh will have a blast at their shows. Third, on stand out track “Like Trying to Kiss a Freight Train”, there’s cowbell. - Pop Wreckoning
The guys in Auburn show a maturity to their music and lyrics that is hard to find on a debut EP. The thick, thundering, grooving guitars are technical enough to write a tight riff but fun enough to get you moving, especially during the breakdowns. The vocals are strong, with intense screams throughout, matched with the occasional clean singing to add a melodic side to this ferocious rampage. “Like Trying to Kiss a Freight Train” brings in a heavy Southern rock influence with cow bell and Maylene-esque guitars, while “Party Song” closes the record with a nice full-band sing-a-long after tearing through more of Auburn’s hardcore blend. It’s seriously impossible to not start dancing on the breakdown to this last song. Cheesy acronyms aside, BIBLE is one of the best hard music releases I’ve heard this year.
Overall: This is one album you have to listen to LOUD. A great debut with tons of energy, for fans of Every Time I Die, Maylene and the Sons of Disaster, or August Burns Red.
- IndieVisionMusic.com
Auburn, a new artist on Blue Duck Records (hopefully a Billy Madison reference), hails from the state of Massachusetts. But upon listening to even just the first few seconds of their new EP, titled Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth, you would be more apt to guess that they would be from Georgia, Mississippi, or somewhere at least near there. The EP has a huge southern metal sound, resembling bands like Maylene and the Sons of Disaster and Once Nothing (more so the former).
EP opener "Waking Snakes" starts off with that Maylene sound. Some heavy guitars and drums serve as the background for a southern rock-style guitar lick, while the vocals focus on a mix of guttural screams and half-screaming/half-singing. The style continues on throughout the rest of the EP. "Like Trying To Kiss A Freight Train" even offers a cowbell-laden intro. A very big highlight of the album is Auburn's ability to throw in some heavy metal breakdowns. A lot of "Wise Guys" consists of breakdowns, and they're a very beautiful thing. The album finisher, "Party Song," really is a party of sorts. It's hectic and slightly chaotic, but structured. The pace changes quite frequently, particularly in the first minute and a half of the song.
Auburn keeps the focus of their lyrics directed toward God. In "Like Trying To Kiss A Freight Train," the chorus (which is coming from God's perspective) says, "Don't run away My child, come back in My arms, I know you may stumble, I won't let you fall." With lots of new artists making their appearance in the metal genre, it's nice to see that - in the midst of the ones that don't - we're still going to get those bands that keep their attention on the Creator.
This EP isn't anything new, but it's certainly good. Lots of bands are making their way in the music biz with this particular sound nowadays, and some of them just can't pull it off. Auburn, however, is able to do it and make it sound great. Once they get enough for a full-length record, it should be nothing short of goodness all the way through. They've given us a small taste of what they can do, and now anyone who listens to Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth will have high expectations for their first full-length. The only thing I ask for differently next time around is to stay away from the supposed-to-be-cute-but-thought- provoking Christian slogans (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth is an acronym for BIBLE, if you hadn't caught that yet). So long as they stay away from anymore of that, everything else they do in the future should be great. - JesusFreakHideout.com
Parallels (April 26th, 2011)
2 Song Ep (2010)
Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth Ep (2009)

"They say you only live once, So I'll push the limit 'til it's over the edge" screams the frontman of Auburn, Brian Colantonio in the song "Freeman's Legacy".
The band lives up to his words with 12 heavy, melodic and in your face tracks off their debut full length "Parallels". Produced and mixed by Chris Curran (Four Year Strong, Therefore I Am,
Vanna) and mastered by Alan Douches (Everytime I Die, Underoath, Norma Jean).
Brian explains why the name "Parallels" was chosen:
"When we began brainstorming ideas for this record we wanted a way to explain the changes we've gone through in every aspect of our lives. When I look back at the person I was just 2 years ago I looked at life much differently then. In a way I want this record to represent the person I am now compared to the person I was, along with the sound we had back then and the sound we have now. Most of the lyrics are written in the same aspect.
To show the identity of, similarity of and compare...Parallels"
Forming in 2006, Auburn has come a long way, establishing themselves as a respected name in the legendary Boston hardcore scene. They have earned and secured a solid spot alongside their peers such as Four Year Strong, Therefore I Am, Vanna, A Loss for Words and Lions Lions to name a few.
Since releasing their "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth" E.P. in 2009, a lot has changed with Auburn and it has only made them a stronger and better band. In addition to touring coast to coast multiple times and endless shows and mini tours all over the U.S., the band has taken the last two years to mature and hone their sound. This time around all the pieces fit in the right spots; The sound is heavier, the lyrics are deeper, there is even more intensity and energy. This is Auburn version 2.0 and the beta testing and glitches are long gone.
Parallels features guest vocals by members of Vanna, Longshot and Lions Lions. Physical copies will be available and distributed in Japan through Garimpeiro Records and in the U.S. at all Hot Topic stores and digitally at all major outlets in April 2011.