The Music is tight and solid with pounding, melodic,power chords.It's worth a listen even if you are jaded about the pop punk idiot parade of today. - Razorcake
Las guitarras y la base ritmica son igualmente versatiles sin olvidar lo que quieren.Hay riffs alegres y espaciados que recuerdan a grupos tan primaverlas como Grade o Saves the Day combinados con la agresividad cortant e intensa de los mejores HWM, y esas melodias derrotistas de guitarra que tanto gustan a los devotos de Dinosaur Jr - salvando las distancias- - Absolute Zine
Insgesant bietet das album eine wirklich schone Mischung, und immer wiede uberrascht einen die Band auf dieser Platte mit einigen Kleinigkeiten, die sich sofort im Hirn Festsetzen - Noise Division
Atomic Garden est la vision extremement précise d'une pop punk emo chère à la scene du mid-west americain avec toutes les influences new-wave du début des années 80... - Rock Sound
Le grand retour du rock 90s ! - Rock One
2009 - album CD/LP 'Little Stories About Potential Events'
2007- split CD/7" with Ipanema
- Gasoline Rainbow , acoustic split CD
2006- album CD/LP 'Reversing the curse'
2005 - split CD
- split 7" with Aside, GAS Drummers, RAvi
2004- album cd 'Helleaven'
EP CD 'Radio activity'
2003 - split CD
Motr city 1/Back in Clermont Ferrand (2006)
Punk Rawk Mag Sampler (2004 with seven seconds, sick of it all....)
Punk rawk mag sampler (2002 with dag nasty, voodooglowskulls...)
Whikey dancing with Dead End, DEad pop club...
Walked in line magazine sampler with Therapy?, Ravi.....
Thet's all punk (split italy)
and more...
Punk Rawk mag

This isn't about selling you the next well-marketed rock n'roll revolution.this isn't about telling you how this band will start some fake new era in modern music.
This is just about 3 music-obsessed people trying to make things on their own.Atomic Garden aren't chasing after the next trend.They'r just making music with dedication and sincerity.
They grew up with their older british godfathers, from 'Mega City Four' to 'Therapy ?', their american cousins, 'Hot water music' and 'Foo Fighters', with a little help from his french older brothers, like 'Burning Heads'. Atomic Garden has taken time to grow mature since its birth in 2000.
How? You may ask.
Firstly by playing live anywhere they can: around 150 shows from bars to clubs to bigger venues in France, United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, and soon in other countries. They played with revered bands including 'Statistics' (Jade Tree/USA), 'Ipanema' (ex-MC4,Bosstunage,UK), G.A.S Drummers (Bcore,Spain)....Secondly, by making records:
Atomic Garden have released 2 albums and several splits, including their last one with 'Ipanema', with worldwide distribution.
Not content with just that, they are also deeply involved in the independent music scene, running 2 indie labels, a fanzine, other musical projects and setting up gigs for foreing bands in their hometown. Atomic Garden isn't about posing and pretending, they only want to share their view on melodic high-energy guitar-driven indie rock.
The band has just finished its 3rd album, 'Little Stories About Potential Events'. It was mixed by Chris Sheldon (Foo Fighters, Therapy?, Biffy Clyro...) and mastered by Alan Douches (Alkaline Trio, Converge....) It wil be released in 2009 in various countries and followed by tours in Europe, USA, UK and maybe more.