Angie Mattson
Los Angeles, California, United States | SELF
"Think: the deeper bluesier moments of Bob Dylan, CCR, the Doors and the?Stones and you’ll start to get at what Mattson is alluding to" - Power of Pop
"Angie Mattson's songwriting has all the whispering sweetness and?emotional upheaval that's so prevalent in the music of Aimee Mann and?Cowboy Junkies. It's a good place to be."
- iTunes
"...an authenticity of the era when music, even the blues, was uplifting" - Twangville
“Elevating above standard folkie fare with an adroit mix of six-string?feedback, a big tom backbeat, and subtle synth touches” - LimeWire Store
"It’s on the black-hatted and possibly dark-hearted Americana that her?voice really shines" - Buzz Bands
"She wields her potent voice against a backdrop of layered guitars,?keyboards and percussion that goes from tender to turbulent." - Curve Magazine
"...her music is filled with a near erotic intimacy: sparse, atmospheric Americana with sharp, imagistic lyrics, great guitar playing and a velvet voice."
- Daily Telegraph
Five Stars - "...an experimental folk/pop utopia." - Lemonade Magazine
Skeleton Arm - October 5th, 2010
Given to Sudden Panic and Noisy Retreat - 2007
Thank You was the free discovery download on iTunes
Drive featured on Seven Rays book soundtrack
Drive featured in online Mazda spot
Monarch EP - 2005
Fade Away on DVD release of Party of Five
Alright on Eight Simple Rules
Alright, Just Like Yesterday, Fade Away, My Next Life on ABC Family's Beautiful People
Cold Soul in closing credits of the film "And Soon The Darkness"

Perhaps Angie Mattson was destined for a life in music when her mother named her after her?favorite Rolling Stone's song. She is an adventurer and free spirit who has no shortage of inspiration; moving to North Carolina with a lover at 18, traveling and living in an old blue school bus selling her art, then moving to Tokyo to work as a model. Not to mention that she taught herself to play guitar on a small sailboat in the Caribbean where she lived for a year. It was among these beautiful and sometimes ghostly green Islands where her songwriting began. When plans of crossing the Pacific were fouled by El Nino, Angie moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in music.
Angie's new album, Skeleton Arm, moves from a thunderous melodic chant to a gritty rockabilly strut. It's cool and sophisticated with a wild and tender heart. Mattson's delivery is calm and inventive, and her elegant songwriting weaves heartfelt stories with rich cinematic images. Stormy vocals sway?from disarmingly intimate to angelic and soaring. Lush, swampy guitars, haunting background?vocals, and smoking hot drums complete this warmly crafted album. ??
After the release of 2007's Given to Sudden Panic and Noisy Retreat, which was recorded?in Malmo, Sweden, Mattson spent several months touring the US and Canada with bands like Uh?Huh Her, Suzanne Vega, Melissa Ferrick, and Justin Currie. Her music has appeared on ABC, FOX, and IFC, and her videos receive regular airplay on the LOGO Network, where she has hosted their music video show NewNowNext. Already in 2010 she has had “Drive” in a Mazda spot and “Cold Soul” will be featured in the upcoming thriller "And Soon The Darkness".
Angie Mattson is currently touring the US and Canada.