Amy Arena
Wofford Heights, California, United States | SELF
Passionate, riveting... an experience! Amy Arena combines soul, love and an unstoppable energy on her latest album Liquid Reality.
Delivered with the drive and passion of a woman on a mission. Amy has managed to muster every ounce of willpower to overcome incredible odds and not only succeed, but surpass expectations in spite of a trying and at times a total lack of support on the home front.
Regardless of obstacles, Amy's trials and tribulations have lead her to the mecca of the music world. A beautiful and wondrous album release achieving world wide acclaim. I am extremely grateful that Amy stumbled into my little corner of the industry and blessed me with her latest achievement.
It's with an open heart and an absolute respect of the hard work and driving passion necessary to achieve a modicum of success and recognition in this music industry that I give absolute open hearted praise to Amy's Liquid Reality. From the hot upbeat tempo of Firecracker to the cooled out vibe of Crashing, Amy takes us on a roller coaster of emotions and a whirlwind of talented deliveries peppered with a unique vocal delivery and an energetic lust for life instrumental montage.
Elements of the 50's combined with a Madonna flavor give this musician a very cool, memorable easy to digest sound that just won't let you forget how cool and suave her vibe really is.
In spite of the uphill battle etched in today's independent music industry, Amy has managed to thrive and lock down a niche platform with a rock solid foundation engrained in the healing powers of music.
Be moved, be motivated, be real... Amy Arena's Liquid Reality breathes. - www.musicbizbuzz.com
"...Liquid Reality as a whole – perversely enough – comes across like a 80s-styled album.
The music is presented in almost plastic hues with glossy production values but somehow
this fits in very well with Arena’s catholic musical approach. There is a wide palate of
genres and styles from which Arena paints her sonic pictures and while this is somewhat
out of step with almost everything that is happening in the modern rock scene circa 2011,
this approach is probably the panacea to all that ails the modern rock scene, such as it is.
Certainly fans of the 80s output of Sparks, Stevie Nicks, Madonna and Concrete Blonde
will find much to enjoy about Liquid Reality..."
"...For the discerning music lover looking for greater substance over superficiality, Liquid
Reality comes highly recommended!
Review by Kevin Mathews
Rating: 4 stars (out of 5)..." - amyarena.com and reviewyou.com
After a disheartening record deal and industry manipulation, Amy Arena decided to do things her own way. Her sophomore release, Liquid Reality, consists of 10 up-beat and soulful tracks, showcasing her ability to successfully move on from her past. With emotional vocals
and a captivating jazz feel on many of the songs, Arena’s music intrigues.
While tracks like “Nevermind Me” showcase her more aggressive side, others such as “Believe” demonstrate her vulnerability. Liquid Reality begins with “Firecracker,” a club-centric track that brings to mind early Janet Jackson and Paula Abdul circa her “Straight Up” days. With a catchy percussion beat and seductive singing style, it is easy to imagine the song played on the dance floor.
Next track, “Blue Jay” slows the pace down with slight guitar distortion and wavering keyboard accompaniment. Her honest lyrics tell the somber tale of searching for meaning in one’s empty
life. Full of questioning, the soaring yet steady music interludes fittingly showcase Arena’s emotion throughout the song. Her jazz infused vocals with an electric based band demonstrate her ability to switch gears easily from club banger to soothing jazz performer.
“Believe” follows “Blue Jay” fittingly with seductive vocals and a slowed keyboard component. With her singing at the forefront, a light percussion beat acts as her backup vocals, never over
powering or too forceful. “I need you to believe in me,” she sings achingly with her smooth singing style.
“Next Level” completely switches gears with a spoken word introduction before atmospheric musical accompaniment enters. A more confident Arena emerges. No longer is she trying
to convince someone to believe in her, she’s shouting “take me out of this game.” Perhaps autobiographical, the ear grabbing keyboard features, amplified percussion beat and authoritative
spoken word parts impress. With an ethereal sound, the listener is taken away by the music before Arena’s come-hither vocals brings him right back in.
With deeper vocals, “Ashes” demonstrates Arena’s fast paced singing style. Whether she’s belting choruses, rapping along or segueing into a verse of spoken word, her talent is evident throughout every track. Easy to picture performing at a jazz club as well as a club setting,
Arena is a versatile artist who stands her ground despite previous hardships and letdowns in the industry. A resilient spirit we all can follow, Liquid Reality, continues to showcase this throughout the 10 tracks.
With a heart-pounding drum beat and a slight salsa feel, “Nevermind Me” picks up the pace and shows the conflict of a treacherous love. The stylish beat and Arena’s slowed rap interlude mid-track offers something refreshingly new. Additional string accompaniment throughout the track only continues to add to the standout number.
Always one for surprises, “Mind’s Eye” features impeccable horn interludes. The most unique song on the LP, it is easy to see Arena in a vaudeville setting with a full band.
With keys and production by Jeremy “Ayro” Ellis, percussion by Larry Fratengelo (Kid Rock, P-Funk, Natalie
Cole), and help from mixing engineer Al Sutton (Kid Rock), Arena is well on her way. Ending the LP on a strong note, tracks like the powerful “Strange Behavior” and smooth “Crashing” continue to showcase Arena’s prowess. With her slowed singing style on
ballad “Crashing,” Arena portrays a sultry singer-songwriter with mystique. She embodies a certain edge, most likely due from previous hardships in the genre. With consistent perseverance
she is sure to make a name for herself the way she originally intended.
And, at the end of the day, that’s the ultimate success.
Review by Annie Reuter
- www.reviewyou.com
Liquid Reality is a blend of emotion and determination. Amy Arena has used this opportunity to showcase her pent up aggression and unresolved feelings in this poppy somewhat eclectic mix of recordings. An "arena", if you will, for her to display her passion for the arts.
Beginning the album is 90's style pop "Firecracker". All that's missing is a video to match with Bubble Yum and crimped hair. The next few tracks take a slower route with "Blue Jay" and "Believe". The lyrics and back up melodies indulge in the distraught ways of female woes. Picking up and moving on from the wounded mood of the previous tracks, "Nevermind Me" offers a transitional song making the album a more paved road to recovery. Centering the album's title track "Liquid Reality" revisits the Bubble Tape again playing comically with peppy phrasing and bounced bridges. Following with a somewhat sister song "Mind's Eye" uses a similar theory with its use of horns and pep squad base. The last track "Crashing" is a simpler song leaving the pop as a side dish while keeping the lyrics and the melody the main focus. The album exits well as the final song feels most relaxed and involved.
All together, a pop album by a feminist singer with subtle aggression using emotions and lyrics as a way of mixing her highs and lows. - Music Emissions
All titles available online through sites like Rhapsody, Zune, Jango, Last.fm, and more:
Amy Arena, Liquid Reality LP
Amy Arena, Liquid Reality, Single
Amy Arena, Nevermind Me, Single
Amy Arena, Believe, Single
Amy Arena, Strange Behavior, Single
Amy Arena, Mind's Eye, Single
Amy Arena, self-titled LP

Once known for her angst and youth, a grownup Arena takes us on an exploration life through clever hooks and poetry. A year after the chaos of her first album, a disillusioned Arena underground in pursuit of art and gowth. Singing on DJ tracks and performing in the theater brought Amy to build a distinct and dramatic album delectable, bite-sized tracks.
Liquid Reality features incredible musicians and producers from a diverse range of styles. Visit www.amyarena.com for more info.