AM Glory
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AM Glory

Band Rock Pop


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AM Glory has to get the award for most determined band in the world.

Surviving rip-off managers, grueling tours, and even a severed finger, the band has developed a name as one of the hardest working bands in Canada, with a high-energy live show that has found them touring with some of the biggest acts in the country, kept them working steadily for 5 years, and put them in a perfect position to break out as a major international band.

Formed in 2004 in Winnipeg under the name Accepting Silence, the band members Kyle Meyer (guitar/lead.vocal), brother Jesse Meyer (bass/vocal) and drummer Jay Mymryk played their first show only three weeks after their first jam – in Minnesota. After the gig, their place to stay and their payment were nowhere to be found, and hours later they found themselves lost, and slept in an abandoned cabin in the woods.

Instead of being discouraged, they went on to work harder and released a debut EP “Soma” which sold almost 2000 units, an impressive debut for a new band on Canada. They went on to tour extensively in 2005, two cross-Canada tours and two Western Canadian tours, sharing the stage with a number of major Canadian acts.

In 2007 they scored a major coup by recording their next EP “Under This Sky” with legendary punk rock producer Jason Livermore in his studio in Fort Collins, Colorado. Livermore is responsible for the success of bands such as Rise Against, The Ataris and Comeback Kid.

They got off to a bad start with Livermore, however. Upon arriving at the studio they discovered that their then-manager had stolen all the money meant to go to the studio as a deposit ($8,000 USD). As Jay says “That's just awkward.” No kidding. Luckily Livermore liked working with the band so much he let them work out other arrangements.

Around this time they attracted the attention of Glen Willows of BCM management, who has 4 major label signings to his credit, and was so blown away with their new songs Dance All Night and R.O.C.K. that he immediately signed them to a management deal and started up a massive campaign to shop them to labels in the U.S. and Canada. “Glen just instantly got what we were doing” says Jesse.

With things in full gear, fate struck again and Kyle lost half of the ring finger on his right hand in a run-in with a power saw (note to guitar players: don’t use power saws). But it only slowed him down temporarily – and with determination and lots of practice he’s now back at full shredding capability.

From weathering these kinds of storms to playing grueling tours like the one that saw them doing 100 shows in 90 days, this is a band that’s built to last and isn’t going away.

As Kyle says “while other bands work on their hair, we work on our songs.”

2010 saw AMG back in the studio to record their new ep "Sixgun." Recorded mostly live off the floor, with no auto-tune or studio tricks, this album captures simple rock music the way it's meant to be. "Sixgun" will be released on iTunes November 23, 2010!