Allison Gray
Seattle, Washington, United States | SELF
Gray’s, “Be Bad,” (right click and select ‘Save link as…‘) is a funky, guitar and horn driven song that warns good girls to stay away from bad boys. It’s tight rhythm and poignant lyrics draw you in as Gray’s passionate voice drives the melody.
- Six String Theories
We live in an unprecedented era of music and musicians. Currently, it is not so common that an artist can enjoy a modest amount of commercial success, and still have such a genuine air of approachability. And yet, this could certainly be said of one of the best singer/songwriters we have come across lately. Allison Gray has enjoyed both the independent dream success of being widely viewed on her YouTube channel as well as having music featured in major television network programing (such as NBC, MTV and Lifetime). Her songs are consistently sweet and heartbreaking, masterfully arranged with a voice that cuts like a diamond stiletto heel.
The EP being discussed here is titled: “Off My Mind,” available on Amazon and ITunes respectively. The album features a total of six beautifully created songs that are heartbreaking, but at the same time have a surprisingly energetic quality to them. Perhaps it’s the versatile guitar in the background, or the addition of horns that punctuate lines throughout “Off My Mind,” that lifts me every time I hear it. The arrangements of the accompaniment tracks are certainly first rate. Of course, we would be remised if we did not mention the lyric quality of Ms. Gray’s alto singing and surprisingly original lyrics on universal themes; which are probably the first things a listener will notice.
All of the songs are worth having; every track features the same qualities that make Allison Gray such an enjoyable artist. The two real gems of the album, however; are the songs “Best Love” and “Break Me.” Both are medium tempo works built on absolutely timeless harmonies, and melodies that stay with you for a long time after you have turned off the radio. The lyrics for both songs deal with heart-break and fragility in a confessional way without ever being whiney (a very difficult task to pull off). The horns (on "Best Love") give just enough of an edge to make everything fresh, all the while providing a very classic vibe. Lastly, the production value makes the tracks sound good on the computer, with a set of headphones, or in the car.
It isn’t hard to imagine a considerable following really supporting Ms. Gray, this kind of music really depends on smaller-but-extremely-devoted crowds. At the same time though, the cinematic quality of the music makes it perfectly suited to television and film, so it will be interesting to see how that develops further. As for now, Allison Gray has one genuine masterpiece of an EP under her belt and so long as she keep up the first rate material, it is predictable that we will keep hearing of her success in the future.
To find out more about Allison Gray, please visit her website at: http://www.theallisongray.com - Current Music Thoughts
The winners and finalists have been announced for the Songwriter Development Contest presented by Indaba Music and Songtrust - Indaba Music
Allison Gray has been selected for the Artist of the Year Compilation out now on iTunes, Amazon, and all other major retailers. - World Wide Recordings
The Nobody Cares show offers music critiques and song reviews for independent artists. The show is available at www.nobodycaresshow.com and each episode is available as a podcast for download on iTunes, Zune, and Amazon. - Nobody Cares Show
The Nobody Cares show offers music critiques and song reviews for independent artists. The show is available at www.nobodycaresshow.com and each episode is available as a podcast for download on iTunes, Zune, and Amazon. - Nobody Cares Show
In this issue. Featured Artist: Allison Gray - Longe Magazine
"Underwater" Christina Bell (Nashville TN) website
"Expectation" Tara Priya & Jason Cirimele" (NYC) website
"Constant" Z. Mulls-Josh Dodes-Adam Blau (Philadelphia PA) Z. Mulls Josh Dodes Adam Blau
"When It's Over" Sarah Jane Wilson & Andrew Koss (NYC) website
"Off My Mind" Allison Gray (Los Angeles CA) website
"My Ex-Boyfriend" Annie Dinerman New York NY) we - The Great American Song Contest
It’s the 1 year anniversary since I uploaded my 101 People Singing Bad Romance Video and to celebrate, I created another Lady Gaga compilation video of 101 monsters singing “Born This Way” with the Mother Monster herself.
Here’s the all the talented monsters who participated in the video!
47. allisongraymusic 2:43 - Song Medleys.com
It’s the 1 year anniversary since I uploaded my 101 People Singing Bad Romance Video and to celebrate, I created another Lady Gaga compilation video of 101 monsters singing “Born This Way” with the Mother Monster herself.
Here’s the all the talented monsters who participated in the video!
47. allisongraymusic 2:43 - Song Medleys.com
Off My Mind is a hell of a way for Allison Gray’s musical career to start. Apart from the interesting musical arrangements — which range from jazzy numbers to pop, from soulful ditties to rock — Gray mesmerizes with pitch-perfect vocal performances (and the harmonies are astounding at times) and insightful lyrics that dive into the heart of relationships and matters of the heart. This one is a stunner, and Gray is an artist you need to acquaint yourself with.
“Be Bad” starts things off with a funky, jazzy cautionary tale to another girl about respecting herself enough to look for better guys than the players she’s been hanging around. The groovy R&B of “Best Love” talks about how a guy has missed out on the best thing in life by chasing after a hundred other people and things. “Break Me” is a soulful number that employs a simple beat before gradually adding orchestral backing, guitars and angelic background singers, and Gray is at her most powerful when she sings “Cause I am fragile/And I am weak/And if you wanted to/You could break me.”
Mixed with the music, this sad-but-true statement becomes almost overwhelming to listen to, and it makes the song incredibly powerful. The mid-tempo piano-tinged pop of “Change” gives the song an almost mournful tone as Gray laments about the horrible things people say and do to each other, and how it’s time for a change. The title track is a funky piano pop number complete with a horn section, and it talks about Gray’s need to get a certain someone out of her system and off her mind; this one makes for a hell of a dance tune. The final track, “Ours,” is a pop rock ditty where Gray reminisces as she prepares to leave the home she has shared with someone who is no longer with her.
Gray’s performances are nothing short of sublime and her songwriting prowess gets top marks for being universal enough to be understood by many without being trite or clichéd. Gray was trained in opera singing and vocal jazz in her youth, plus she did some musical theater as well, and all that training shines through in her songs as she sings clearly, deeply and passionately about her subject matter. On top of this, she confidently belts out notes whenever appropriate, but it is her restraint (she only sings such notes a handful of times, so she doesn’t overdo it) which demonstrates how strong of a singer she is.
Off My Mind is a winner in every sense of the word and this EP hints at potentially great things being in store for this new talent. - Stereo Subversion
Indie Singer/Songwriter Allison Gray is a superstar in the making. She sings and performs with such passion and heart that her music is a sure win. I love her vocal and smart & sexy lyrics. One of my favorite tracks is titled ‘Be Bad” that clearly shows the musical talents of this musician. Want to learn more about Allison Gray? Check out this ultra cool spotlight and find out. Enjoy! - Junior's Cave Online Magazine
PNW College & University Sampler CD Update – Artist Roster
Posted by Kevin | Posted in Business News, CD Release, Music News | Posted on 18-01-2011
Tags: CD release, free, free cd, FREE MUSIC, free sampler, sonicbids, Tacoma, The Nico Blues, University and College CD Sampler 1Greetings, Dear Readers,
You may have noticed over the past few months that our recreational writing here on ShockTreatmentManagement.com have decreased in frequency. It’s not because we don’t love you, and don’t want to inform you of some of the Pacific Northwest’s best and brightest emerging artists — It’s because we are hard at work on a few small scale and one large scale event, as well as the production of a sampler CD. This is in addition to our workload as one band’s managers, and business consultants to several more.
The production of this CD sampler (Available for digital download 1/31/2011) is the cornerstone of our regional artist awareness strategy that we are implementing this year. Our contacts in this community continue to grow, and with the distribution of CD’s and free download cards on the campuses of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho’s public and private colleges, we will continue to build our regional community of young music lovers. This community will grow as we grow, and with just a bit of luck, both the artists that we work with and Shock Treatment will benefit long term from the awareness of our region’s best undiscovered acts.
Click for more….
In July of this past year, we started taking submissions for this sampler CD from artists around the country via Sonicbids.com. We also culled through many regional submissions and picked our favorites from those. The process was intensive, given that we had over 300 artists submit 500+ songs, all of which we listened to a few times. The result is a wide range of genres all packed into one disc, with something for nearly every music lover.
With that, I am pleased to present to you a current artist roster for the Pacific Northwest College & University Sampler CD – Winter 2011, to be given away for FREE to College and University students around the Pacific Northwest, and downloadable to the general public via ShockTreatmentManagement.com. We expect to add a few more artists over the next two or three weeks as their releases arrive. Its contents are as an eclectic mix as one will find in these three diverse states.
Junkyard Empire – Facebook – MySpace – Website
SweetKiss Momma – Facebook – Myspace – Website
Allison Gray – Facebook – Myspace
The Nico Blues – Facebook – Myspace – Website
Shep & DJ Stilz – Facebook – Myspace – Website
The Selmanaires – Facebook – Myspace – Website
Twilight Broadcast – Facebook – Myspace – Website
GoChii – Myspace – Website
Mountain Road – Facebook – Myspace
The Fun Police – Facebook – Myspace – Website
Adrian West Band – Facebook – Myspace – Website
Eastern Sunz – Facebook – Myspace
Roche Limit – Facebook – Myspace – Website
Wordsmith – Facebook – Myspace – Website
Angie & The Car Wrecks – Facebook – Myspace
- Shock Treatment Management
Off My Mind by Allison Gray is the featured song in the latest episode by youtube star "What the Buck." The song plays around the 5 min mark. - Michael Buckley "What the Buck"
Full list of winners listed under the song contests tab.
Finalist: Allison Gray (POP) - 2010 Malibu Music Awards
Allison Gray
Brenton Foster Band
Delaney Gibson
Dom & Démesure
Hilary Weaver
Katie Carroll
- 100% Music Songwriting Contest 2010
It’s not every day that other musicians and their management recommend artists that they’re currently listening to for airplay, etc. on WomensRadio. This week’s Featured FEMMEP3 comes from an artist who was unofficially solicited to us by another musician’s management (a BIG fan, naturally) just days after having made our first connection (thank you Sonicbids!). Her name is Allison Gray and her song, “Off My Mind” is a juicy pop-flavored musing that will have our listeners listening on repeat. With vocals that could melt the most snow-capped of mountains and enough songwriting sensibility to take on a lifetime of pupils, Allison is one of the HOTTEST up-and-coming artists we recommend watching throughout 2011.
- Women's Radio.com
It’s not every day that other musicians and their management recommend artists that they’re currently listening to for airplay, etc. on WomensRadio. This week’s Featured FEMMEP3 comes from an artist who was unofficially solicited to us by another musician’s management (a BIG fan, naturally) just days after having made our first connection (thank you Sonicbids!). Her name is Allison Gray and her song, “Off My Mind” is a juicy pop-flavored musing that will have our listeners listening on repeat. With vocals that could melt the most snow-capped of mountains and enough songwriting sensibility to take on a lifetime of pupils, Allison is one of the HOTTEST up-and-coming artists we recommend watching throughout 2011.
- Women's Radio.com
Maurices Reveals Top 10 Finalists in Nationwide Band Search
Winning group to perform live with The Bangles and Sick of Sarah at a private daytime showcase hosted by Maurices during South by Southwest 2011
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Quote startThey're the heart of America, and we want to give bands with big dreams from small towns their breakthrough chance.Quote end
Duluth, MN (Vocus) December 2, 2010
Being discovered is the moment every band dreams of, and that moment is about to become reality for one of the 10 finalists in maurices “Small Town Sound” nationwide band search.
maurices, the leading small town specialty store and fashion authority with 750+ stores nationwide, created the contest in partnership with PlayNetwork and Sonicbids to discover the hottest up-and-coming female-fronted band in the country.
“Small towns inspire us,” said Lisa Bartlett, maurices associate vice president. “They’re the heart of America, and we want to give bands with big dreams from small towns their breakthrough chance.”
Online voting last month cut the field of 525 bands to 50, and a group of panelists including The Bangles, Chrissie Hynde and Sick of Sarah narrowed it to 10 finalists. The finalists include Allison Gray, Los Angeles; Alathea, Unicoi, Tenn.; Audri & Aaron, East Alton, Ill.; Casey Sullivan, Allston, Mass.; elaine faye, San Diego; Euralea!, Moline, Ill.; Girlz in Black Hats, Dawson, Penn.; Granville Automatic, Atlanta; the Kellys, Warren, Ohio; and Naked on Roller Skates, Boston.
The top 10 groups each had two weeks to create an original song based on the “Small Town Sound” theme celebrating American culture. The songs are now playing in maurices stores nationwide and are also posted online, where people can vote from now through December 15, 2010. The general public is invited to vote on the best original song to help determine the grand prize winner and the two runners’ up.
The winner will receive several incredible opportunities to let their star power shine. The band will perform live at their local maurices store, fly to Los Angeles to shoot a music video and record their winning song at the PlayNetwork production studio, and receive gifts from maurices and Daisy Rock Guitars. In addition, the winning group will perform live with The Bangles and Sick of Sarah at a private daytime showcase hosted by maurices during South by Southwest 2011.
People are encouraged to log onto http://www.maurices.com and click on “Small Town Sound” to listen to the top 10 bands and then cast their vote.
Note to media: To view the bands’ electronic press kits and obtain downloadable photos, please visit http://www.mauricesmusic.sonicbids.com.
About maurices
Established in 1931, maurices is wholly owned by dressbarn inc. (NASDAQ: DBRN). maurices is the leading small town specialty store and authority for the savvy, fashion-conscious girl with a twenty-something attitude. Today, maurices operates over 750 stores in 44 states. maurices stands for fashion, quality, value and customer service. Offering sizes 1-24, our styles are inspired by the girl in everyone, in every size. For store information and to shop online, visit maurices.com.
About PlayNetwork
PlayNetwork, Inc. specializes in the creation and distribution of entertainment media that connects the voice of the brand to the consumer across all touch points – in-store, online and on-device. Founded in 1996, PlayNetwork is the industry’s leading integrated media provider for branded music, messaging, video, entertainment promotions and event media, systems integration services, retail advertising networks, and commercial XM Satellite Radio subscriptions. The company creates high-impact media experiences that drive consumer behavior and affinity, in-store and beyond. Working with many of today’s hottest brands in retail, hospitality, health and fitness, banking, and other business environments, PlayNetwork leads the way in creating media experiences that influence and inspire, making your brand relevant and engaging for the consumer. More information is available at http://www.playnetwork.com or http://www.xm4biz.com.
About Sonicbids
Sonicbids is the website the helps bands get gigs and promoters book the right bands. Our community includes more than 275,000 bands and 21,000 promoters and licensors from all around the world. With festivals, clubs, colleges, music licensing and much more, Sonicbids offers a diverse range of gigs for every kind of musician. In fact, last year alone, more than 71,000 gigs were booked on the site. The company was founded in 2001 by Panos Panay and continues to focus on its core mission of empowering the artistic middle class. Get a gig or book a band at http://www.sonicbids.com.
Media Contacts
Jamie Hector
GolinHarris on behalf of maurices
Victoria Yarnish
Bender/Helper Impact on - Maurices Small Town Band Search
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Interviewer with Allison Gray from Los Angeles, CA at Aj&dbs
Posted on November 19, 2010 at 6:31 AM
interviewer : Allison Gray from Los Angeles, CA
Q. How did the project come into existence?
My EP Off My Mind came after a series of bad relationships. Musically I was in a transition period. I had been in a string of development deals and I wanted to take my career into my own hands. I wrote the songs over the course of 3 months, and got all of my emotions out on paper. We went into the studio and I told my story of a girl's search for true love.
Q.Who are the members of the band if any and please tell us about it?
Right now we are going through changes in the lineup of the band. I play piano, and I always have my guitar player Sam Wright with me. We recently added Will Witzka on guitar as well.
Q How would you describe your sound/genre?
I call it rock n' soul. It's a blend of pop, jazz, soul, and rock. I take influence from artists like Alicia Keys, Fiona Apple, and Sara Bareilles.
Q. What formal training or previous experience do any of the members have?
I started playing piano when I was 3. I was trained in the Suzuki method. I also went to the Musicians Institute in Hollywood.
Q. Are you working w/ a producer on your upcoming album?
I will be releasing the deluxe edition of Off My Mind in Januay of 2011. It will include bonus tracks and acoustic versions of some of my most popular songs. Marc Jordan produced all of the tracks on Off My Mind.
Q. Who would you say has been the biggest influence on the bands sound or that you have used as inspiration for your music?
My writing is very much influenced by life experiences. Going though things and learning lessons has helped me find my voice as a writer. My sound is influenced by timeless elements and songwriters like Stevie Wonder. We aspire to make music that will still be successful 20 years from now.
Q.What advice would you give to others starting out?
Be yourself. Keep writing and developing your sound. The world does not need a copy cat or another so and so. They need and want something different and unique. Also, learn how to take criticism. I takes a team to make your music the best it can be.
Q. Where can people go to learn more about you and hear your music?
You can download Off My Mind on iTunes and Amazon. Also you can check me out on www.facebook.com/allisongraymusic or www.myspace.com/allisongraymusic
Q. If you could play anywhere in the world or with anyone you wanted where and who would it be with?
I would love to play in Australia. They have a great music scene there. It would be amazing to do a show with Coldplay.
Q. What has been your greatest experience so far either individually or as a whole?
My greatest experience was recording and releasing Off My Mind. It was a milestone for me, and I grew so much as an asrtist.
Q. Do you have any upcoming events or news you would like to tell our readers about?
I will be performing on December 3, 2010 at 7pm at The Talking Stick in Venice, CA. Also Off My Mind Deluxe Edition will be released in January 2011.
Q. Where do you see yourselves or hope to be in about 5 years?
I plan to have 2 more releases out. I also see myself touring extensively and sharing my music with the world.
Categories: Interview , NEWS - AJ & DBS Corporation
Allison Gray – Off My Mind
Rate This Artist/Track
From The Bio
Fresh off the release of her debut EP Off My Mind, Allison Gray has struck a chord with listeners who have ever struggled to find their own voice when dealing with love and loss. Listeners have found their voice in Gray’s lyrical honesty and emotional vocal melodies. By combining elements of pop, rock, soul, and jazz, Gray has developed a unique style that transcends genre and has paved the way for a new movement in music, Rock n Soul. Allison Gray’s journey began in Dallas, TX at the age of 3 when she sat down for her first piano lesson. From that moment on, music took over her life, giving her a sense of purpose and direction, but Gray would face many obstacles along the way. Her formative years were spent moving from city to city, always searching for a place to call home. Music was the only constant in her life. Throughout her childhood, Gray trained intensely as an opera singer and ballet dancer. Not limiting herself to just opera, Gray also trained in vocal jazz, musical theater and pop music. Her drive and dedication lead her around the country, performing at numerous festivals and competitions. After singing the National Anthem for the Oakland A’s, Gray was invited to perform at the Kennedy Center and Carnegie Hall. One of her proudest moments was performing at the famed Benaroya Hall in the city she eventually grew to call home, Seattle, WA. Having accomplished all of this before she graduated high school, it was clear that Allison Gray was destined for a career in music. With her dreams within reach, Gray set out on her own to Los Angeles where she honed her skills as a songwriter and vocalist. After writing for various artists, and making the rounds as a session singer with some of the biggest names in the industry, Gray felt ready to take on the challenge of her first solo project. Inspired by some of her greatest influences, from Stevie Wonder and Alicia Keys to Fiona Apple and Smashing Pumpkins, Allison Gray developed a sound that is truly unique and able to reach the masses. Always known for the impact of her live shows, Gray teamed up with producer Marc Jordan for her debut EP Off My Mind. With sweeping melodies, raw vocal delivery, and vivid lyrical imagery, it is impossible to deny the power of her songwriting. Allison Gray’s Off My Mind is a collection of timeless classics that have the power to speak to every generation.
Band Members
Marc Jordan – Drums
Matt Dennis – Bass
Sam Wright – Guitar
Isha Love – piano
Find Allison Gray Online
Myspace - Raised on Indie
Fresh off the release of her debut EP Off My Mind, Allison Gray has struck a chord with listeners who have ever struggled to find their own voice when dealing with love and loss. Listeners have found their voice in Gray’s lyrical honesty and emotional vocal melodies. By combining elements of pop, rock, soul, and jazz, Gray has developed a unique style that transcends genre and has paved the way for a new movement in music, Rock n Soul. Allison Gray’s journey began in Dallas, TX at the age of 3 when she sat down for her first piano lesson. From that moment on, music took over her life, giving her a sense of purpose and direction, but Gray would face many obstacles along the way.
Her formative years were spent moving from city to city, always searching for a place to call home. Music was the only constant in her life. Throughout her childhood, Gray trained intensely as an opera singer and ballet dancer. Not limiting herself to just opera, Gray also trained in vocal jazz, musical theater and pop music. Her drive and dedication lead her around the country, performing at numerous festivals and competitions. After singing the National Anthem for the Oakland A’s, Gray was invited to perform at the Kennedy Center and Carnegie Hall.
One of her proudest moments was performing at the famed Benaroya Hall in the city she eventually grew to call home, Seattle, WA. Having accomplished all of this before she graduated high school, it was clear that Allison Gray was destined for a career in music.With her dreams within reach, Gray set out on her own to Los Angeles where she honed her skills as a songwriter and vocalist. After writing for various artists, and making the rounds as a session singer with some of the biggest names in the industry, Gray felt ready to take on the challenge of her first solo project.
Inspired by some of her greatest influences, from Stevie Wonder and Alicia Keys to Fiona Apple and Smashing Pumpkins, Allison Gray developed a sound that is truly unique and able to reach the masses. Always known for the impact of her live shows, Gray teamed up with producer Marc Jordan for her debut EP Off My Mind. With sweeping melodies, raw vocal delivery, and vivid lyrical imagery, it is impossible to deny the power of her songwriting. Allison Gray’s Off My Mind is a collection of timeless classics that have the power to speak to every generation. OFFICIAL WEBSITE - The Buzzin Box
How did you get started with all this?? I was born into a musical family. My mom had me start piano lessons when I was 3. I grew up singing in church and local talent shows.
What's the message to transmit with your music?? Most of my songs are about love and relationships. I hope that the listeners will relate to my lyrics through their own experiences. I want to inspire people to share their emotions, and not be afraid to be vulnerable and put themselves out there.
What's your method at the time of writing a song?? Most of my best songs are written in the moment. They come out during a time of intense emotion, and I write them pretty fast. I often have a theme or a basic idea that I want to present, and I build the song around that.
Which are your music influences?? I love artists like Alicia Keys, John Legend, Robin Thicke, Duffy, and Fiona Apple. I am drawn to great songwriters who perform with passion. My songs are very influenced by my own life experiences.
What plans do you have for the future?? Right now I am promoting my EP Off My Mind which was released in August. I am planning a west coast tour for the spring. I will be stopping in San Francisco, Portland, and Seattle.
Which has been the funniest prank you have been or took part while on tour or after a show?? I haven't really done any pranks, but at a recent show my piano player went missing right before we were suppose to start. The promoter was freaking out and we were all getting nervous. She all of a sudden showed up and we put on a great show. To this day I still don't know where she went.
If you were stranded in the middle of nowhere after a show or while on tour. The help is 65 miles away from where you and your band (If any) are, ¿Who would you send to look for help? And if while the rest wait, there's no food and the only way to feed yourself is by eating each other, ¿Who would you eat first? I would not resort to eating anybody. I am pretty into the outdoors so I could probably find some things in nature to eat if I had to get by for a while. Otherwise I woud walk and find help. Thankfully I have pretty good outdoor survival skills.
Which country you would love to play? I have always wanted to play in Australia.
With which bands you would love to share stage?? It would be my dream to share the stage with The Killer, Muse or Coldplay.
Are you OK, with the direction the band is going actually? I am very happy with the way things are going. I have an amazing group of musicians, and a wonderful team supporting me. The industry is very hard and sometimes it can feel overwhelming, but I have worked very hard, and been very patient. I am confident that I have surrounded myself with the right people and it's only a matter of time.
Check out more: http://www.myspace.com/allisongraymusic - Vents Magazine
Allison Gray (www.myspace.com/allisongraymusic): Fresh off the release of her debut EP, Off My Mind, Allison is inspired by several of the same things that many songwriters are, and she has found an audience to relate to her lyrical honesty and emotional melodies. Stray away from committing her to one genre, because Allison has a nice blend of pop, rock, soul and jazz. Her journey has been brewing since she was just three years old, sitting down to take her first piano lesson. Like so many of us, music took over her life and became the stronghold that kept her grounded during her sometimes rocky formative years. Allison has been trained in opera, ballet, vocal jazz, musical theatre and pop music and one performance of “The National Anthem” brought invitations from Kennedy Center, Carnegie Hall and later Beneroya Hall in Seattle, where she landed for a while, and all this before she graduated high school. She’s now based in L.A., where she’s teamed up with producer Marc Jordan to release her EP, drawing on influences from Stevie Wonder to Fiona Apple and the Smashing Pumpkins. - Hits Daily Double
Every once in a while an artist comes along that really has it all. The look, the voice, and the ability to write songs that speak to the soul. Intoducing: Allison Gray, an artist who has been wowing audiences in Los Angeles for the past year, and is now ready to take the world by storm with ther debut release “Off MY Mind.” Listeners will love her emotional honesty and her ability to put you right in the situation with her lyrics. Stand out tracks are “Break Me” and “Off My Mind.
Head on over to iTunes and download Allison’s EP Off My Mind.
Check out myspace.com/allisongraymusic for more info!
- Pop Goes The Beat
With a killer look and a voice to match, Allison Gray is a force to be reckoned with. Her EP Off My Mind is eclectic and engaging. “Be Bad” is catchy and sassy, while “Break Me” is hearbreakingly beautiful. The true stand out track “Off My Mind” is the perfect showcase for her range and intensity.
Allison’s EP Off My Mind is available on iTunes.
For more info, check out myspace.com/allisongraymusic.
- The Fame Chaser
LA based singer/songwriter Allison Gray has spent many years behind the scenes. After writing for several artists, and making the rounds as a session singer with some of the biggest names in the industry, Allison has finally come into her own as an artist. With her unique blend of alternative, pop, and r&b, Allison has created a sound that truly can reach everyone. With sweeping melodies, raw vocal delivery, and vivid lyrical imagery, it is impossible to deny the power of Allison Gray’s songwriting. Always known for the impact of her live show, Allison has now teamed up with producer Marc Jordan (Velvet Revolver, A Fine Frenzy, Mila Jovocich) to work on her debut album. With influences ranging from Stevie Wonder and Alicia Keys to Fiona Apple
and Smashing Pumpkins, it promises to be a collection of timeless classics that will reach every generation.
Check out Allison Gray’s EP Off My Mind –
Our personal favorites are ‘Change’, ‘Break Me’, and ‘Ours’. What are your favorites?
- iMusic Daily
Introducing musiqfix.com. The September launch features songs from selected artists including "Change" by Allison Gray. - Musiq Fix
Watch out Sara Bareilles and Tori Amos! There’s a new sexy piano diva on the rise, and her name is Allison Gray. With the release of Off My Mind she has established herself as an artist to watch. Make sure to check out the tracks “Change” and “Be Bad.”
Allison’s EP Off My Mind is available on iTunes.
- The Best Music Now
Allison will be performing in our Showcase tonight (watch online or in person-see website for details) and can be heard online today on both our Pop Show (1 PM ET, 10 AM PT) and our R&B Show (6 PM ET, 3 PM PT) at www.WOSRadio.com. Allison Gray is an LA-based Singer/Songwriter influenced by artists like Stevie Wonder, Alicia Keys and Fiona Apple to create a unique style of pop/rock infused with soul & funk. Her vocals are arresting and impeccably executed, full of fire and grace. Wth star power like hers, it's hard to believe she ever hung around behind the scenes. But Allison worked with big-name artists as a writer and session singer for several years before coming into her own as an artist. With a batch of amazing new studio recordings and a killer look, it is clear that the spotlight is where Allison Gray belongs.
- Women Of Substance Radio
Off My Mind EP released August 4th 2010.

Allison Gray's music has been classified as pop, folk, adult contemporary, soul, singer songwriter, and almost everything in bewtween. But listeners and reviewers agree that her music is both appealing and addicting. If you look around at the crowd during her live shows, you will see fans from all walks of life spanning a 30 year age range. Her soaring melodies, dynamic vocals, and honest lyrics have garnered her an evergrowing internet following, and her local fans are the most loyal you will find.
Like many artists, Allison came from humble beginnings. She was raised in Seattle by a single mother who encouraged her passion for the arts. Gray began studying piano at age 3 and was classically trained in ballet, opera and jazz. After singing the national anthem for the Oakland A's she was invited to perform at Carnegie Hall and the Kennedy Center. She has also performed at Seattle's Benaroya Hall. Though a career in opera seemed the obvious choice, she often found more fulfillment in her songwriting. After graduating high school, she moved to California to pursue a career in mainstream music. After a string of development deals and independent record deals fell through, Allison teamed up with producer Mark Jordan in 2010 to release her debut EP Off My Mind. Listeners were quick to respond, and praised her for her original style. While drawing from her classical roots, she also took inlfuence from timeless greats such as Stevie Wonder, Sheryl Crow, Freddie Mercury, and The Beatles. Her voice has been compared to Amy Lee, Tori Amos, Pink, Joss Stone, Natasha Beddingfield and Kelly Clarkson.
Gray's music has been featured on Michael Buckley's "What the Buck", Lifetime, MTV, NBC, Kia Motors Advertisements, and the Canadian based reality series The Ave, which follows internet celebrity Gregory Gorqeous. Her songwriting has earned top honors in the Great American Songwriting Contest, the 100% Music Songwriting Contest, The Malibu Music Awards, and Maurice's Small Town Sound Band Search. She has also been honored by California State Northridge as one of their artists of the year.
She is currently in the studio recording her new album Barricades, which will be released in Summer 2012.
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