After Autumn
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After Autumn

Milford, Connecticut, United States | SELF

Milford, Connecticut, United States | SELF
Band Rock Adult Contemporary


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John Ciambriello recorded and released a solo acoustic album called "When Time Stands Still" in 2005.
The tracks can be purchased on or on itunes.

After Autumn recorded and released an self titled EP in 2011
Sample tracks can be found at and will be streamable via in mid 2012. The tracks can be purchased on or on itunes.



Think Rock/Pop/Acoustic with clean vocals and tight melodies. Catchy songs with substance causing the listener to reach deeper into their soul to connect the dots.
With a sound compared to The Fray, Switchfoot, Jason Mraz and Coldplay, After Autumn has been playing in New England since June of 2009 when the band formed.

Lead by frontman John Ciambriello, After Autumn has gone through some changes in the past couple of years which brought them to who they are today. After loosing drummer, Jimmy Loomer to the police academy 6 months after the band started, Bassist Jim DeAngelo had a lead on a seasoned drummer named Jonathan Milo. Jonathan tried out and began to practice with the band, securing his seat at the table. Six months later, John got a tip on a great guitar player named Joshua Laterra. Joshua came on board right as the band started recording their first album. After just finishing the debut self titled EP in August of 2011, Josh decided to move on from the band to pursue other areas of life and After Autumn became a trio once again. After asking musician friends for a few months if they had any ideas for a lead guitar player, John posted an add on Craigslist and a few days later meet up with Russ Curl. Russ, with years of experience and loads of talent, tried out for the band in November of 2011 and blew everyone away with his playing. After Autumn, once again became a four piece rock band with a new lead guitar sound that has catapulted the music to new level.

The band plans to write new music and begin recording their next album in 2013.

For more info on After Autumn visit their website at
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