"Boston's new voice in acoustic rock!" - None
"Adam Ezra can write an indelible song from basic folk to classic-rock material...just try to get the melodies out of your head." - None
"Adam Ezra writes with the heart of a troubadour and sings like a rock star. He is truly a fresh voice in the singer/songwriter scene." - None
"...a poetic exhibit of heart and soul"
- Robin Berlin, former V.P. of Talent and Specials - None
"His songs are engaging and thought provoking with a modern edge, though
thoroughly grounded in the acoustic folk tradition. "
-Mike Beck, David Adler Cultural Center, Chicago, IL - None
"Adam Ezra is a delight to interview. He's charming, down to earth and a
great writer drawing material from a wide range of experience. Can't
wait to hear what he's up to next!"
Lisa Atkinson - KKUP, Cupertino - None
"Adam Ezra writes haunting ballads that stay with you. He is a rich
musical storyteller."
Donald Bull - Producer, MTV's "Real World"
(Adam's music was used on the final episode of the Chicago series) - None
"Adam Ezra Group is superfine rock that proves why Boston rocks!" - None
2004 - Nominated for best local album.
2006 - Nominated for outstanding singer/songwriter - None
http://www.jambase.com/Articles/8659/ADAM-EZRA-CANCER-BENEFIT - None
Adam Ezra - Self Titled
Adam Ezra Group - Sessions
Adam Ezra Group - Tumble Down Slow
Adam Ezra Group - Crawl
Adam Ezra - Chain
Adam Ezra Group - View From The Root

Adam Ezra, an experientialist as much as a musician or songwriter, has spent time living out of a van, farming in Canada, volunteering for the relief effort in Kosovo, and practicing environmental geography in South Africa. Whether it been as kitchen hand or carpenter, teacher, athlete, or traveler, Ezra crams it all into the music, always challenging our perspective and often teetering somewhere between the ballsy rocker and sensitive poet.
Most of Adam's touring is done with his band these days, "Adam Ezra Group". To view their EPK, go to: WWW.SONICBIDS.COM/ADAMEZRAGROUP