The Brigade
Stavanger, Rogaland, Norway | INDIE
“Et widescreen rock’n’roll-lerret som er spent opp på musikalske knagger som Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds, The Doors, 16 Horsepower og Madrugada (...) utmerket rock noir” Tom Skjeklesæther (ABC Startsiden)
“Resultatet er tidevis sjokkerende bra (...) Låtene Right In Front Of You og She Wouldn’t Let Me Drown er noe av det beste jeg har hørt i år” Egon Holstad (Nordlys)
“feiende flott utført og dermed lov å nyte. Som en god bourbon i halvmørket på et slitent hotellrom.” Stein Østbø (VG)
“«Dead Man's Gold» er perfekt til to bruk: en lang kjøretur over den amerikanske prærien, eller en ensom kveld i en ålreit stol med en flaske brukbar whisky i hånden. Til all annen bruk vil The Brigades debutplate kun være veldig, veldig bra. Alt i alt er derfor platen noe man tror man kanskje har hørt før, men samtidig altfor bra til at man ikke føler at den er verdt å høre igjen” Tore Friestad (Studvest)
“Dette er bra. Dette er virkelig bra. Mørk rock`n roll som sklir rett inn i sjela og fester seg” Elin M. Dahl (Rockblogg.no)
“Det låter fett og tøft (…)” Rune Slyngstad (Fædrelandsvennen)
“Åpneren «Italian Curse» kunne ha vært anslaget i en voldelig americana fra Quentin Tarantino eller Robert Rodriguez (…)” Frank Johnsen (Bergensavisen)
“Med tekster som handler om «life on the dark side», er dette blitt ei meget hørbar plate (...) The Brigade klarer likevel å skille seg ut i mengden. Det mye takket være Fiskå, men også at han har med seg et musikerlag av høy kvalitet” Sven Erik Løberg (Hamar Arbeiderblad)
“Mørk og mektig cowboy-rock. Dette er rastløs musikk du kan ri inn i solnedgangen til. «Take care of your mother, son…»” Per Kristian Hansen (Østlendingen)
“Enkelte ganger dufter det Nick Cave, ofte Madrugada, av og til mer country eller folk. Singlen «We all fall down» er et eksempel på at bandet kan ha noe å fare med, med sin fengende melodi og gufne stemning.” Robert Hoftun Gjestad (Aftenposten) - Aftenposten, VG, Nordlys, BA, rockblogg m.fl
A wide rock'n'roll canvas mounted on musical hooks including Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds, The Doors, 16 Horsepower and Madrugada (...) excellent rock noir" Tom Skjeklesæther (ABC Home)
"The result is often shockingly good songs (...) Right In Front Of You and She Wouldn't Let Me Drown are amongthe best I've heard in years" Egon Holstad (Nordlys)
"brilliantly executed and thus allowed to enjoy. As a good bourbon in the twilight on a threadbare hotel room. "Stein Østbø (VG)
"" Dead Man's Gold "is perfect for two uses: a long drive across the American prairie, or a lonely night in a comfy chair with a bottle of whiskey in your hand. For all other uses, the Brigades debut album is just very, very good. All in all, this record is something you think you may have heard before, but so good that one does not feel that it is not worth hearing again "Tore Friestad (Studvest)
"This is good. This is really good. Dark rock `n roll which to slips right into the soul and stays there" Elin M. Dahl (Rockblogg.no)
"Opener" Italian Curse” would fit right in with the opening credits in a violent americana flick by Quentin Tarantino or Robert Rodriguez (...)" Frank Johnsen (Bergen Times)
"With lyrics abut life on the dark side, this is a very listenable album (...) The Brigade manage to stand out from the crowd. Much thanks to (vocalist) Fiskå, but also his team of high quality muscicians "Sven Erik Loberg (Hamar Arbeiderblad)
"Dark and powerful cowboy-rock. This is restless music for riding into the sunset. "Take care of your mother, son ..." "Per Kristian Hansen (Østlendingen)
"Sometimes it smells Nick Cave, often Madrugada, sometimes more country or folk. The single "We all fall down" is an example of the bands potentional, with its catchy melody and creepy mood. "Robert Hoftun Gjestad (Aftenposten)
- Aftenposten, VG, Nordlys, BA, rockblogg and more
She Wouldnt Let Me Drown (single) - May 2010
We All Fall Down (single) - August 2010
Dead Man´s Gold (album) - August 2010
The album is available through iTunes, Amazon, 7 Digital etc. Free streaming at My Space, Soundcloud and LastFM. The debut album was released 30th August in Scandinavia, digitally released worldwide. Physical release Europe spring 2011, rest of the world TBA

Debutalbum Dead Man´s Gold out 30th of August 2010 in Scandinavia. International release spring 2011
This band of brothers known as The Brigade saddled up in 2009. The debutalbum is produced by Janove Ottesen from the great Kaizers Orchestra and mixed by Norwegian Grammy winner Yngve Sætre from Duper Studio. In addition to The Brigades own eminent songwriters we find Martin Hagfors (HGH, Homegrown), Jonathan Hall and Østen Bergøy (Tristania) who have all contributed with lyrics.
The Brigade members have years of experience from different bands from Stavanger-area on the south-western coast of Norway.
They have been touring with other projects in the Europe, USA and Scandinavia
Riding their musical train across the American continent their lyrics reflect a misanthropic environment where religion and alcohol are the pillars of life. The Brigade lure you in to the darkness and kick you back into the light.
Some call their music Rock, some Country, Southern Gothic and yet others Americana. Music, lyrics and visuals inspired by Nick Cave, 16 Horsepowers, Wowenhand, Mark Lanegan, Murder By Death, The Doors, Band Of Horses, Cormac McCarthy, James Lee Burke, Donna Tart, Down By Law, Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil, Carnivale and more
The Brigade:
Morten Fiskaa Vocal (Stonefish Brigade)
Jon Eirik Steinstø Keyboard, trumpet (Stonefish Brigade)
Kim Nesse Guitar, banjo, mandolin (Stonefish Brigade, Smallholders)
Dag S. Vagle Guitar (Helldorado, The Tramps)
Hans A. Wassvik Bass (Helldorado, The Tramps)
Espen Noreger Drums (Peltz, The Getaway People)