Tem Blessed
New Bedford, Massachusetts, United States | INDIE
by Eric Baylies
Tem Blessed is an iconic figure of Hip Hop in New Bedford and beyond. Recently, I had the good fortune of sitting down the with man to discuss his life and his music.
New Bedford Guide: How long have you been performing?
Tem Blessed: I’ve been performing since my freshman year at Umass Amherst. That would be spring of 1993.
What drew you into music?
I’ve always loved music. Music is a key element of the Cape Verdean culture. My older brother was a DJ and after listening to Slick Rick’s “La-Di-Da-Di,” I was inspired to write my first rhyme.
Besides the show you did in New Orleans with Dead Prez, have you done much traveling or touring?
Yes. I have had the opportunity to perform across the United States and overseas. I have performed in Lisbon, Portugal and Priaia, Sao Vincente, and Sal in Cape Verde. In the U.S. I have performed in New York, New Jersey, D.C., Florida, Maine, Oakland, and of course, all throughout Massachusetts.
Will you be able to do any touring considering you have a family and a steady job? Or can you get a leave of absence?
I work for PACE YouthBuild, which is a great organization that understands my need to take leaves of absence. My family also understands and encourages me to follow my passion and live my dream. Working for YouthBuild for the past 12 years has enabled me to grow with my audience and “move the crowd.”
What are some of your main influences, both lyrically and musically?
Life, Liberation, and Hip-Hop culture: this is why I make music. It’s more than music to me; its a movement. I make art to shine light and fulfill my purpose on this planet. As far as other artists go? Eric B. & Rakim, A Tribe Called Quest, KRS-1, Chuck D., Intelligent Hoodlum, Wu-Tang Clan, The Roots, Guru, Premier, Nas, Bob Marley, and Iron Maiden. Outside of music, some influences include Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., Harriet Tubman, Julius Ford, and my children, just to name a few.
Where do you record, and with who?
I record throughout Massachusetts and Rhode Island. My most recent album, Blessed Energy, was mainly recorded at Brian Steele Studios in New Bedford. I work with many independent artists, such as Dje-Dje, Wal-Gee Ice Man, Empress, Grem, First B., Chachie, Outspoken, S-Live, and Random Thought.
What are some of the benefits of performing in the New Bedford area? How about some of the shortcomings?
The main benefit is that I am able to remain close to my family. I usually never leave for longer than one week. The shortcomings are the economy. It is hard to sell music and get pepole out to the area venues when most people that listen to my music are in the struggle themselves, most times living paycheck to paycheck. There is also a city ordinance that doesn’t allow most venues to do all ages shows or 18-plus events. This is a challenge because most of my target audience are the youth.
What’s coming up in the next year for Tem Blessed?
I’m working on a cross-country tour to help promote the new project with my band Blessed Energy, which features Calvin Grace on drums, Corey Jones on bass, and Ian Hamel on keys. The new album is due out in spring of 2011. - BY ERIC BAYLIES – JANUARY 31, 2011 POSTED IN: MUSICIAN, SPOTLIGHTS
"Tem Blessed had exactly the right energy for the 2009 Green Fair, the swing and sway of the audience was there to prove it. He's a man with a message that has musical appeal and environmental righteousness on it's side. The only challenge was that we didn't book him to stay longer!" - Rebecca George, Greenfield Business Association - 04/21/09
Throughout history, artists and entertainers have taken the responsibility of raising consciousness about social and political issues.
In that spirit, local hip-hop activist Tem Blessed is releasing "Blessed Energy" at a party Friday at the New Wave Café.
The show starts at 9 p.m. and tickets are $5. The New Wave is located at 143 N. Front St., New Bedford.
Many of the songs on "Blessed Energy" focus on environmental topics. For Blessed, hip-hop is a proven tool to reach young people with a progressive perspective on issues that mainstream media does not always bring to light.
"As a young person, hip-hop got me thinking about things that I wasn't learning in school," Blessed says. "Rappers like KRS-One and Public Enemy helped me find out about people like Malcolm X and my own history. I also learned about what I am beyond my flesh, and that stopping violence is an important priority."
Blessed is a New Bedford resident of Cape Verdean descent who came to America at 3 and grew up in the city's United Front housing projects. "Blessed Energy" is his third solo album. He is also a member of the hip-hop trio, Busted Fro, in which he is joined by local rappers Ice and Empress. The three will also be appearing together at the Friday party.
Part of Blessed's performance will have him backed by the rock and soul sounds of the local band RBGG. The evening will include a performance by Gremlin (together with Ice), and a solo set from Empress.
The entertainment will also include a screening of the video for the CD's song, "Green Anthem." The song teams Blessed with local rappers First Be and Outspoken, and was developed with the help of Third EyE Inc., a local organization devoted to youth empowerment and hip-hop culture. "Green Anthem" is available for viewing on YouTube.
Ben Gilbarg, president of Third EyE, says that the area is fortunate to have Blessed and his message.
"Tem has a quality message and he's a good mentor and advocate. We're lucky to have him. He's as good of a performer as anyone that's out there. There's no reason why he shouldn't have more attention on a larger scale."
And Mr. Blessed is rapping about issues that are also on a larger scale.
"This album is about ecological sustainability," Blessed says. "With this record and in my life in general I'm putting my efforts into trying to heal the environment. It's important that people live their lives in a much more environmentally conscious way.
"I believe that most people want to see positive change and an evolution of humanity."
"I Am The Bee" is a song from "Blessed Energy" that looks at the importance of even the most minute members of the food chain, that there are dangerous effects to the disappearance of even the smallest species. "This rap is about making sure that all people respect all life," Blessed says.
"Blessed Energy" also deals with non-ecology topics such as seeing life in a positive light ("Miraculous Apertures"), and an ode to his mother, "Mom (Gotta' Let You Know)," a song where he expresses his thankfulness for his mother's efforts in raising him.
Copies of "Blessed Energy" will be available on Friday night, and they can be purchased at www.Temblessed.com.
"I hope that I can help bring healing with this record," Mr. Blessed says. "There's too much hate and anger throughout the global culture. It's time to stop dividing." - Standard Times By SEAN McCARTHY Contributing writer March 05, 2009
Consistently put out 10 Albums in ten year career of Socially Conscious music - Revolutionary Minds, Busted Fro The Album, Dramas, Delemas featuring Strela Negra, Cerebral Cannon, Brilliance, The Blessed of Mix, Lost and Found, Y'all Ain't Ready, The Challenge Mixtape Vol. 2- 1997-2007, Blessed Energy-2009, Re-Energized- 2012

Temistocles Duarte Ferreira was born in Guinea-Bissau on the west-coast of Africa. Both his parents were born and raised in Cape Verde, giving him a traditional Cape Verdean upbringing. At 3 years of age Temistocles along with his parents and five siblings immigrated to the U.S.A.
After listening to Slick Rick and Doug E. Fresh banging hit, Ladidadi Temistocles wrote his first rhyme. As Temistocles grew he found himself drawn more and more into Hip Hop culture through the visual arts and music. He was constantly either writing rhymes in his lyric book or drawing graffiti in his "black book"?. Hip Hop had not only become his creative means of expression but also his life.
At age 18 Temistocles began attending the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
The UMass Hip Hop scene gave Temistocles the stage he needed to perfect his craft. Temistocles was able to create a balance between his studies and his musical ambitions.
He was able to attract accolades from his peers when he preformed at student functions, parties, and the school radio WMUA 91.1 while simultaneously making the deans list.
Sophomore year at UMass brought Tem in contact with Walter Jones "Halogen", Demmene Syronn "Ice"? and Walter Gomes "DJ Wal-Gee"? at which time Busted Fro was born. The name derived from the group constantly striving for originality. "The first person on this planet was African, she didn't have a pick so you know her 'fro had to be busted". Temistocles took on the name "Tem Blessed" towards the end of that year. Busted Fro along with Shotgun from Ugly Kids produced Busted Fro's first underground hit single entitled "Sunny Daze"?. Busted Fro became a fusion of the Hip-Hop's past and its future. These artists realized that they were on to something. The group knew that their style of music was innovative while always remaining grounded to the roots of Hip Hop. Busted Fro began to pick up momentum touring the college scene hitting colleges such as Umaine, Bangor, Westfield State, Brown, BC, and UMass Dartmouth, just to name a few. They became the premier group in UMass, Amherst winning the Iota Phi Theta Talent Showcase of 1996 held at UMass Fine Arts Auditorium.
In 1996, Tem Blessed graduated from UMass with as B.A. in Legal Studies with a minor in Afro-American Studies and Sociology. He successfully balanced his educational interests along with his musical aspirations.
Tem Blessed has been making socially conscious music for over ten years now with Busted Fro now including Da Empress, Strela Negra and also as a solo act. He has continued to elevate the underground Hip Hop scene and has consistently put out albums, Revolutionary Minds, Busted Fro The Album, Dramas, Delemas featuring Strela Negra, Cerebral Cannon, Brilliance, The Blessed of Mix, Lost and Found, Y'all Ain't Ready, The Challenge Mix tape, BleSSed Energy? and his recently released Re-Energized with his Band Blest Energy featuring The Empress.
Tem Blessed has also opened up for nationally known recording artist such as Ludicris, Common, Das Efx, Brand Nubian, Killa Preist, Wordworth, Dead Prez, Slick Rick and KRS-1.
Tem Blessed currently lives in New Bedford, MA and has been working with youth, using his Hip Hop as a tool to educate, empower and inspire. As a Green for All Fellow, and a father of two he has been active in "Greening" New Bedford by coordinating youth energy Audits and retrofitting for YouthBuild New Bedford and making Sustainable Hip Hop music like the "Green Anthem"? with 3rd Eye Unlimited
Tem Blessed currently performs with a live band named Blessed Energy. The Live show is high energy and is guaranteed to please. A powerful continuation of his musical legacy.
Typical set list includes: Y'all Ain't Ready, What! What!, Miraculous Apertures, Glad To Be Alive, Wipe The Tears, Some Say, The Struggle, I am The Bee, Green Anthem, Samurai Black, Now Is The Time, Human Evolution and One LoVe.
20 Min. - 2 hr long set.
Musical Influences in