EmCee Soho who’s representing through Christian Music and Poetry. - www.livefootage215.com
www.artistfirst.com 15 Minutes of Fame, internet broadcast 100 countries, with Jenny Triplett. - www.artistfirst.com
Back 2 His Word I go, Time 2 Praise the King, Face the World, Engaging in the Game, Too Hott, these were played over seas, on XM radio.

Hello Everybody... my name is Scott Redding... aka S.O.H.O. (Son Of HoLY OnE)I write and rap. I have been saved since 2001. Through the up and downs... spiritual struggles... disobedience to the Lord... I have decided not to fight with the Lord by doing my own thing, but to surrunder to HIM and allow HIM to utilize me for HIS Glory and I enjoy every second of it. I enjoy writing poetry for the Lord and I enjoy my spiritual gift to write and rap... This is how I praise God... Through the music. I am just an ordinary man...with the Power of the Holy Spirit living inside me with a message for the world to hear............ Before I got saved from sin and eternal seperation from God...I was lost in this world searching for the ANSWER TO LIFE...Why was I made? Who am I? I lived for ME and ME alone. I thought the answer to life was all about making money. I remenber one night, I had a tremendous amount of money $100 dollar bills and I threw them up in the air and said That's the game in life... whoever gets the most money wins.. It's all about the money.. it even says in God we trust on it. How naive I was. The enemy had me sold for a fool. Shortly after I got saved, my world changed. I didn't really have any of my so called friends anymore, they all thought I was crazy. They said look at him, he went from one side of the tracks to the other, Now he's a Jesus Freak. Yup!, still am... I prayed to the Lord and asked HIM, what spiritual gifts have you given me? Because the Bible says once you have been saved, you have been given a spiritual gift.... I prayed for many nights....Then I began writing..and it was amazing.. The things I wrote, I said to myself.. This is not from me, it was from the Holy Spirit living on the inside of me. Now, I live the life, every morning putting on the Spiritual Armor, Ephesians 6:10-18. Ready to step on the battle field and Represent as a Solider for Jesus Christ, In the Army of the Lord where true soliders never die... This is my Ministry... The Goal.... To make an impact for Jesus Christ ...................................................................................................... This music delivers a message.......open your ears and listen...... God is calling each of us to just be honest with ourselves... Believe in Him... Believe in ourselves... and be victorious. Believe in your dreams......God believes in you....believe in your-self......and just be u. one of a kind, but of the same kind, saved by grace, living by faith, being who you are......God's bright shining star in a dark world, shine baby shine 4 Jesus Christ! I have been part of BET's Sunday Best, Christian Flavors, 15 Minutes of Fame, Insustry Night Live DMV, www.artistfirst.com interview 15 minutes of fame. Signed with http://www.izzygoldrecords.com Chris Young is an Awesome Producer!!!