Brooklyn, New York, United States
Great stage show, Lots of Energy! Female guitars add to bands image. Vocals stand out. 1st song (Hold On) more radio friendly!
Recommendations: Artist can be signed to Indie and Major Label
Tour potential: Locally, Regionally and Nationwide
Additional Comments:
Tour, Tour, Tour! That is best for your genre - it is a touring market - Jenn Bailey
Great stage show, Lots of Energy! Female guitars add to bands image. Vocals stand out. 1st song (Hold On) more radio friendly!
Recommendations: Artist can be signed to Indie and Major Label
Tour potential: Locally, Regionally and Nationwide
Additional Comments:
Tour, Tour, Tour! That is best for your genre - it is a touring market - Jenn Bailey
Good energy, great pressence, really playing to the crowd. Singer has a good range.
1st song (Hold On) feels very commercial for the metal genre.
Real potential to happen.
Great overall musicianship. In terms of the metal market this act is very competitive. With touring, touring, and touring there is great possibility with a metal label. - Evan Lipshutz
Good energy, great pressence, really playing to the crowd. Singer has a good range.
1st song (Hold On) feels very commercial for the metal genre.
Real potential to happen.
Great overall musicianship. In terms of the metal market this act is very competitive. With touring, touring, and touring there is great possibility with a metal label. - Evan Lipshutz
Quite possibly the sickest metal band to hail from Long Island, SinAria, has all the right makings for conquering the scene. These talented upstarts from Levittown, New York have come up with a unique blending of pure metal fury and slight hints of hardcore music that keeps so many of their fans coming back for more. Somewhere between Pantera and Machine Head lies SinAria. A brutal force of trashing guitar riffs splashed with solos, screaming and drumming beyond anyones control.
But this sound couldn't be acheived by just a couple kids dicking around in their parents basement, this sound is professional and it's only right to look at the driving forces behind the band.
Blessed with masterful guitar skills and holding the power to be the next female icon in heavy metal, we have Erin Ludewig. She tears up and down the frets like it's an open highway and her hands are Ferarris.
Holding down the rhytmic madness that underlines all of their songs, we have Tom "Riz" Rizzo. Double bass seems to flow like water from this man's calves when it's called for. He has put all the right fills in all the right places to make the metal madness tight and precise.
But without some low end to the shredding madness, SinAria would be nothing...that's where Paul Gruntz comes in. Throwing his weight around on the bass like it's no ones business to match Erin's flying guitar work helps him hold SinAria solidly to the ground.
Rocking the mic like it's going out of style, Mike Peranio uses some hardcore tendencies along with soul ripping screams to cap off the harshness of their sound. His lyric writing abilites and occasional clean vocals make him a match for the tornado that is SinAriA.
Watching them play live is better than than rocking out to them at home. They walk the stage like it belongs to them. You can't keep a bead on Mike, he's all over the place telling his story to the fans. Erin sinks into her world of guitar, easily surpassing the work of many of her male competitors. Paul holds his end down, stomping around and adding backup vocals to Mike when needed. And Riz, well Riz plays so hard to match the intensity of everyone else that he often is more visible than the rest of the band.
SinAria. An elaborate song for a solo voice, but that voice is the voice of evil. The perfect makings for a perfect heavy metal band. Nuff' said. - Aub Driver http://www.thegorydetails.net
Quite possibly the sickest metal band to hail from Long Island, SinAria, has all the right makings for conquering the scene. These talented upstarts from Levittown, New York have come up with a unique blending of pure metal fury and slight hints of hardcore music that keeps so many of their fans coming back for more. Somewhere between Pantera and Machine Head lies SinAria. A brutal force of trashing guitar riffs splashed with solos, screaming and drumming beyond anyones control.
But this sound couldn't be acheived by just a couple kids dicking around in their parents basement, this sound is professional and it's only right to look at the driving forces behind the band.
Blessed with masterful guitar skills and holding the power to be the next female icon in heavy metal, we have Erin Ludewig. She tears up and down the frets like it's an open highway and her hands are Ferarris.
Holding down the rhytmic madness that underlines all of their songs, we have Tom "Riz" Rizzo. Double bass seems to flow like water from this man's calves when it's called for. He has put all the right fills in all the right places to make the metal madness tight and precise.
But without some low end to the shredding madness, SinAria would be nothing...that's where Paul Gruntz comes in. Throwing his weight around on the bass like it's no ones business to match Erin's flying guitar work helps him hold SinAria solidly to the ground.
Rocking the mic like it's going out of style, Mike Peranio uses some hardcore tendencies along with soul ripping screams to cap off the harshness of their sound. His lyric writing abilites and occasional clean vocals make him a match for the tornado that is SinAriA.
Watching them play live is better than than rocking out to them at home. They walk the stage like it belongs to them. You can't keep a bead on Mike, he's all over the place telling his story to the fans. Erin sinks into her world of guitar, easily surpassing the work of many of her male competitors. Paul holds his end down, stomping around and adding backup vocals to Mike when needed. And Riz, well Riz plays so hard to match the intensity of everyone else that he often is more visible than the rest of the band.
SinAria. An elaborate song for a solo voice, but that voice is the voice of evil. The perfect makings for a perfect heavy metal band. Nuff' said. - Aub Driver http://www.thegorydetails.net
A vacuous Connections Tavern in Clifton, New Jersey played host to a rare Tuesday evening metal show th is past week. Long Islands youthful metal mavens SinAria showcased a vivacious blend of virtuositic guitar shredding and well composed songs. Although some of the vocal execution was less that memorable at points, the centerpiece of SinAria's sound lies more in the music, especially the guitar work, helmed by a rarely seen in the scene female executioner. The presence of the quartet on the whole more than made up for the rooms lack of overall sonic vibrancy and the songs themselves stood-up well against the hollowness of the room. - Eric
A vacuous Connections Tavern in Clifton, New Jersey played host to a rare Tuesday evening metal show th is past week. Long Islands youthful metal mavens SinAria showcased a vivacious blend of virtuositic guitar shredding and well composed songs. Although some of the vocal execution was less that memorable at points, the centerpiece of SinAria's sound lies more in the music, especially the guitar work, helmed by a rarely seen in the scene female executioner. The presence of the quartet on the whole more than made up for the rooms lack of overall sonic vibrancy and the songs themselves stood-up well against the hollowness of the room. - Eric
Levittown , NY
By: Elizabeth A. Allen
I must confess that I know very little about the bands that NYC-based SinAriA cites as influences: Iron Maiden, Machine Head, Metallica, Pantera and Slayer. So, being rather new to heavy metal as a genre, I approach SinAriA the way that I would approach any new band. Do the songs have clever lyrics? Do the beats make me want to drum along on my thighs? Does the music have me playing the songs exclusively ad nauseam for the next six weeks?
Happily, the answer in this case is a resounding yes. SinAriA styles itself as a fusion of the ugly (sin) and the beautiful (aria). In practice, this means that the band produces structured, irresistible melodies, thanks in large part to the tight work between guitarist Erin Ludewig and drummer Tom "Riz" Rizzo. Once you're hooked on the beauty, the relentless force of Paul Gruntz bass attacks you, along with vocalist Mike Peranio's snarls.
I listened to two songs from SinAriA's 2004 EP, Transgression of Sin, as well as their three-song demo (2005 Garage Recordings). Throughout all tracks, they maintain an infectiously ferocious energy. Of the EP tracks, "Let Me Bleed" starts off with guitar, bass and drums in driving lockstep -- a delicious assault upon the senses. Then Riz breaks out for a cracking drum solo that I wish were longer. The other EP track, "Hold On," starts gently enough, but soon whales on your eardrums with unbridled relish.
But wait -- SinAriA is more than just metal to head-bang to. Two stand-out songs on SinAriA's demo, "Don't Eat Shit" and "20/20," show that the band has matured since their earlier Transgression. "Shit" and "20/20" fuse greater control and power to make SinAriA's newer work more compelling.
The anthemic "Don't Eat Shit" features Ludewig deftly wielding her guitar like a percussion instrument. Meanwhile Peranio ejects the lyrics with brute force, sounding like Rammstein's Till Lindemann, only hoarser and in English. I would be singing this one for days, if I only knew the words. As it is, I'll be jumping around the house, yelling, "Don't eat shit; just keep on talking! Uh, something, something, something..
"20/20" cements my respect for the band. For this track, Peranio reins in his yowl (a bit) and collaborates more closely with Ludewig's barely restrained guitar. Rizzo on drums and Gruntz on bass thunder in the background, but the band keeps everything together for a savage tune that dances on the edge of anarchy.
From everything I've heard and seen, "20/20" epitomizes SinAriA. The band jams tightly together with an increasingly masterful volatility, threatening to explode. I predict that soon SinAriA will puncture the national consciousness, then crush its skull, send blood squirting from its ears and leave a shit-eating grin on its face.
SinAriA is featured as one of the first 4 artists to be on Mistress Juliya's brand new show THRASH TALK featured on RAWK TUBE.
http://www.dovetail.tv/app.html?contentId=1525 - Thrash Talk on Rawk Tube w/Mistress Juliya
FREETIMES: What's the best unsigned band you've heard?
JULIYA: Actually, there's a band in my neighborhood in Brooklyn called Sinaria. We're trying to get them on the Sounds of the Underground tour. They're really heavy, almost metal thrash. They're young kids in early twenties and they have a girl guitarist who's out of control. I was really drunk when I was watching them and yelled out hookers and heroine for no real reason. They've since written a song with that title and dedicated it to me. - Ohio Free Times
FREETIMES: What's the best unsigned band you've heard?
JULIYA: Actually, there's a band in my neighborhood in Brooklyn called Sinaria. We're trying to get them on the Sounds of the Underground tour. They're really heavy, almost metal thrash. They're young kids in early twenties and they have a girl guitarist who's out of control. I was really drunk when I was watching them and yelled out hookers and heroine for no real reason. They've since written a song with that title and dedicated it to me. - Ohio Free Times
The perfect package - a hot and talented female lead guitarist, brutally melodic music with old school NYHC elements, and intense live performances making you scream "STEP INTO MY FIST!" SinAriA is a force to be reckoned with. - Revolver Mag August 2005
The perfect package - a hot and talented female lead guitarist, brutally melodic music with old school NYHC elements, and intense live performances making you scream "STEP INTO MY FIST!" SinAriA is a force to be reckoned with. - Revolver Mag August 2005
WINSTON-SALEM � Hard, heavy and not for the fainthearted: That is the music of SinAriA, a New York-based heavy metal band slated to play at Hartley’s House of Rock on Saturday. SinAriA hails from Long Island and is positioning itself and its music to take over the Northeast like a very angry Hurricane Hugo. If you chase your metal with a glass of water, then this is not the band for you. However, if you like your heavy metal to be stronger than 20-gauge steel and to evoke much head banging, you will want to check out this band. This tightly formed outfit belies the fact that it has been together for less than a year and that its median age is somewhere around 25. An EP will be released this month, so this is your chance to hear the band live and working hard to make your ears bleed but in a good way. Joining SinAriA will be NIRO, Structure of Summer and Absolute Eden. Tickets are $7. Hartley’s is at 2620 S. Main St., Suite 109, High Point. - Go Triad Scene - Kim thore
WINSTON-SALEM � Hard, heavy and not for the fainthearted: That is the music of SinAriA, a New York-based heavy metal band slated to play at Hartley’s House of Rock on Saturday. SinAriA hails from Long Island and is positioning itself and its music to take over the Northeast like a very angry Hurricane Hugo. If you chase your metal with a glass of water, then this is not the band for you. However, if you like your heavy metal to be stronger than 20-gauge steel and to evoke much head banging, you will want to check out this band. This tightly formed outfit belies the fact that it has been together for less than a year and that its median age is somewhere around 25. An EP will be released this month, so this is your chance to hear the band live and working hard to make your ears bleed but in a good way. Joining SinAriA will be NIRO, Structure of Summer and Absolute Eden. Tickets are $7. Hartley’s is at 2620 S. Main St., Suite 109, High Point. - Go Triad Scene - Kim thore
1. You quote that Metallica is one of your influences but when I heard you I immediately thought Danzig...so my first question is about the musical influences and what you've picked up from whom?
Answered by Erin: Well our musical influences vary by individual person, which in part is how we get our sound. For instance Tom has heavy influences by Mudvayne and Slipknot which is why you will hear a lot of double bass and off-beat patterns in his drums. I would say my guitar riffs are closer to that of Metallica or maybe Pantera, I don't think my riffs are in the likes of Danzig. Maybe the closest thing with Danzig would be something circa 1996, something from the Black Acid Devil album, or maybe the song Sacrifice or something like that if that is the era you were talking about. Danzig has changed much over time as well. I think most of their new stuff sounds more like Rob Zombie if anything, compared to the first few albums that sounded like Doors meets Black Sabbath. (Kim's note--yes while it dates me I must say the Danzig of '96 was what I was referring to)
Answered by Tom: I don't think the beats that I write correspond to those of Danzig, I personally was never very impressed with the Danzig drumming.
2. What's the metal scene like in NY--how does it differ from other parts of the country?
Answered by Band: The metal scene in NY has had some rough times, but is finally making a big comeback. In a recent article I read that Long Island (the part of NY we are from) is the new "Seattle" but for punk/emo bands. Everywhere you go here there is some guy with an electric guitar with no distortion crying about how his girlfriend cheated on him and that he could only afford the BMW not the Mercedes. However when you do go to a real metal show in NYC you know you're in New York F***in city.
3. What are the fans saying and liking about your music?
Answered by Band: We have had a good run so far, it seems everywhere we have played up here we have come out with a bunch of new fans. Some of the more recent quotes from some fans and bands we have been playing with are: "Wow, you guys are REALLY heavy", "It's good to hear a metal band that doesn't use the same riffs and beats over and over, each song has its own identity" , "Your music made me want to go fight someone" , ...and our personal favorite (jokingly from one of our first fans) "Deeply Disturbing, I fear for my unborn child"
As you can tell we have a dark sense of humor as do most of our fans
4. Have you had any critical reviews and if so what are the critics saying?
Answered by Tom: We haven't had any critical reviews yet, we are currently working on our EP which we are very excited about and plan on sending it to the mass media critics, radio personalities, etc.
5. What can people expect from a live show?
Answered by Band: We go and give 110% every show whether we are playing in front of 10 people or 200 people. We put all of our energy and time into this music, and you'll be damn sure to see all that come and melt your face off in a live show. There are too many bands that go and play a show and stand still and play their instruments, with SinAriA there is a certain ore generated through our performance, that whether you like it or not you'll be banging your head. After the show, of course, involves hanging out with our pals Jagermeister and Captain Morgan.
6. Plans for the future?
Answered by Tom: As I mentioned before we are in working on our EP and plan on releasing that out to everyone. Hopefully from that we will be able to score a label that is interested in us. Other than that we are going to keep writing new material and spreading it around like an infectious disease. We are also planning on playing a slew of shows in the Northeast.
Batten down the hatches, North Carolina--SinAriA is coming our way.- Kim Thore
- Go Triad Mag - Kim Thore
1. You quote that Metallica is one of your influences but when I heard you I immediately thought Danzig...so my first question is about the musical influences and what you've picked up from whom?
Answered by Erin: Well our musical influences vary by individual person, which in part is how we get our sound. For instance Tom has heavy influences by Mudvayne and Slipknot which is why you will hear a lot of double bass and off-beat patterns in his drums. I would say my guitar riffs are closer to that of Metallica or maybe Pantera, I don't think my riffs are in the likes of Danzig. Maybe the closest thing with Danzig would be something circa 1996, something from the Black Acid Devil album, or maybe the song Sacrifice or something like that if that is the era you were talking about. Danzig has changed much over time as well. I think most of their new stuff sounds more like Rob Zombie if anything, compared to the first few albums that sounded like Doors meets Black Sabbath. (Kim's note--yes while it dates me I must say the Danzig of '96 was what I was referring to)
Answered by Tom: I don't think the beats that I write correspond to those of Danzig, I personally was never very impressed with the Danzig drumming.
2. What's the metal scene like in NY--how does it differ from other parts of the country?
Answered by Band: The metal scene in NY has had some rough times, but is finally making a big comeback. In a recent article I read that Long Island (the part of NY we are from) is the new "Seattle" but for punk/emo bands. Everywhere you go here there is some guy with an electric guitar with no distortion crying about how his girlfriend cheated on him and that he could only afford the BMW not the Mercedes. However when you do go to a real metal show in NYC you know you're in New York F***in city.
3. What are the fans saying and liking about your music?
Answered by Band: We have had a good run so far, it seems everywhere we have played up here we have come out with a bunch of new fans. Some of the more recent quotes from some fans and bands we have been playing with are: "Wow, you guys are REALLY heavy", "It's good to hear a metal band that doesn't use the same riffs and beats over and over, each song has its own identity" , "Your music made me want to go fight someone" , ...and our personal favorite (jokingly from one of our first fans) "Deeply Disturbing, I fear for my unborn child"
As you can tell we have a dark sense of humor as do most of our fans
4. Have you had any critical reviews and if so what are the critics saying?
Answered by Tom: We haven't had any critical reviews yet, we are currently working on our EP which we are very excited about and plan on sending it to the mass media critics, radio personalities, etc.
5. What can people expect from a live show?
Answered by Band: We go and give 110% every show whether we are playing in front of 10 people or 200 people. We put all of our energy and time into this music, and you'll be damn sure to see all that come and melt your face off in a live show. There are too many bands that go and play a show and stand still and play their instruments, with SinAriA there is a certain ore generated through our performance, that whether you like it or not you'll be banging your head. After the show, of course, involves hanging out with our pals Jagermeister and Captain Morgan.
6. Plans for the future?
Answered by Tom: As I mentioned before we are in working on our EP and plan on releasing that out to everyone. Hopefully from that we will be able to score a label that is interested in us. Other than that we are going to keep writing new material and spreading it around like an infectious disease. We are also planning on playing a slew of shows in the Northeast.
Batten down the hatches, North Carolina--SinAriA is coming our way.- Kim Thore
- Go Triad Mag - Kim Thore
"Transgression Of Sin" - 5 song EP
1. Hold On
2. Let Me Bleed
3. Intoxicated Dreams
4. J.W. (Everytime)
5. Silent Screams
2006 Professional DEMO
1. DES
2. 20/Twenty
Full Length Release - "Vinco Vici Victum"
Coming 2009

Sin (n.) - A transgression of a religious or moral law, especially when deliberate; An act regarded as shameful, evil or utterly wrong.
Aria (n.) an elaborate song for solo voice; An air or song; a melody; a tune.
Since late 2003 SinAriA has been breaking new ground with every step they take. Immediately thrusting to the head of the Long Island Metal scene as the sought out band for many national act openers SinAriA gained support quickly and was named Mistress Juliya's "Best Unsigned Metal Act" of 2006.
With only a 5 song EP and a 2006 Demo SinAriA went on small tours through 2005-2006.
In the midst of recording a full length album this summer, SinAriA unexpectedly parted ways with singer of 4 years Mike Peranio. Nick Carr formerly of Long Island's Shatterpoint came in for an audition and immediately took his rightful place at SinAriA's center stage. Nick brings complex vocal schemes that range from soothing to destructive and will surely be bringing SinAriA's music to the next level. SinAriA will complete there album for an early 2008 release and gear up for tour dates
Sam Ash Music (samashmusic.com)
Coffin Case (coffincase.com)
Oblivion Clothing (oblivionclothing.com)
Hansenfutz (hansenfutz.com)
Knucklehead Strings (knuckleheadstrings.com)
Silver Fox Percussion (Silverfoxpercussion.com)
Sikworld Clothing (Sikworld.com)
Band Members