She Craves
Austin, Texas, United States | INDIE
Although they hail from the indie rock capital, Austin, TX, She Craves proves alternative pop rock isn’t dead. Providing an engaging and high-energy performance, She Craves is an ideal cure to reinvigorate a lack-luster crowd.
-Samantha Morgan - The Advocate - Baton Rouge, LA
[The] lead singer is a great performer and entertainer. The band is tight and powerful. Very good, believable and from the heart… I see so many bands that I just don’t believe so this is a big deal to me - -Jimmy Landry, Virgin Records A&R/Producer
She Craves defines the true meaning of rock-n-roll. It’s a raucous, rebellious and rowdy package that appeals to the masses. - -Benton Nichols – Re:D Magazine
She Craves is one of the few bands that gets it. It’s about the fans, it’s about the show. It’s about forgetting about life for a few hours and rocking out to a band you can actually understand and sing along with. - Sean Claes, INsite Austin
She Craves has this song, Radio Days, that just leaps out at you, screaming for heavy air rotation. Solid, chunky power-chord guitars throb against heavy, steady drums, and the throaty, sexy vocals of Christine Ely pushes the band onward to the hi-octane riff rocking of mid '90s stalwarts like Letters To Cleo and Eve's Plumb. This was the sound that Alanis Morrisette polished up and turned multi-platinum. She Craves leaves the rough edges on, and there will assuredly be lots of fist pumping and metal signs thrown at their show. - Kelly Minnes, The Eagle (College Station, TX)
"Static" -EP/Interactive CD -Release Date- 10.04.08
"Goodbye Radio Days" - LP Release Date - 9.21.07
"Come Around" - EP - Release Date - 02.03.07

Charged with the spirit of rock and roll, She Craves delivers an undeniably captivating and addictive live show with the music to match. The foursome employs a unique style of up-tempo, driving rhythm as the foundation to their sound. It’s to the point, in your face rock, tangled with the right dose of intimate sincerity. Dig into She Craves to find that their spin on alt-rock is all at once energetic and reflective. Their message is clear: get it out, rock it out, be yourself, and have fun doing it. With 3 years of regional touring under their belt, the band shows no signs of slowing down a continuous touring schedule that takes them through Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma on a year round basis.
Static, the latest CD from She Craves, is an interactive adventure brought to life by a collaboration between She Craves and Austin based design firm Fireside Creative. The disk contains 5 songs that were recorded in Austin, Texas, at Jacketweather Studios with long time collaborator and producer, David Dreesen. She Craves wanted to give their fans more than just the music this time around. They wanted to show behind the scenes and give fans a glimpse into the recording process that was the creation of Static. The idea to make the interactive CD was born and so was the Suitcase Television, the launching pad for the interactive content and the basis for the disk's packaging. By clicking through the graphics, one realizes not only can they find videos, demo songs, pictures of the band, and lyrics, but they will unravel the story of the man who invented the Television Suitcase. It's mysterious and fun and there are many hidden gems to find. With slick, custom packaging as well, even the case itself becomes part of the experience. She Craves aimed to set themselves apart from other bands at their level, create a great rock record, and give their fans something to bite into. They succeed with their 3rd release, Static.
- Management and booking: shecravesmusic@gmail.com
- Label: Fuel 4 Five (Indie)
- Matt Cole is sponsored by Rattle Can Effects
Check our the video for our single "Radio Days" on Youtube at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99BjtWjxv4s
Check out our 30 second promotion spot on Youtube at: