Atlanta, Georgia, United States | SELF
Atlanta artist Lauren Fareira’s stage name, SeñoritAwesome, suggests something showy and gimmicky, though truth be told, she’s anything but. As soon as her music begins, you’re immediately taken in by her warm, soulful jazzy pop vocals, intelligent lyrics, plucky ukelele and intimate acoustic guitar. There’s also some fine instrumentation that includes strings, flute, piano, percussion, though the focus is squarely on Lauren’s compelling storytelling.
Her debut album, I Sing, I Play, I Write… was released back in March of last year, and true to the DIY spirit, she recorded and edited her demo album using GarageBand, Logic and Pro Tools (and iMovie to create her promo videos). She’ll be conducting a workshop on using these important tools at the Apple Store on Boylston Street, Boston, Wednesday February 22, 2012 at 7pm. The presentation will also include a short acoustic set from her album, and she’ll discuss how she uses Apple software to run her music career. This sounds like a very interesting evening for musicians just starting out, and for music fans who’d like to check out a natural talent. Awesome indeed. - Musings From Boston
Atlanta artist Lauren Fareira’s stage name, SeñoritAwesome, suggests something showy and gimmicky, though truth be told, she’s anything but. As soon as her music begins, you’re immediately taken in by her warm, soulful jazzy pop vocals, intelligent lyrics, plucky ukelele and intimate acoustic guitar. There’s also some fine instrumentation that includes strings, flute, piano, percussion, though the focus is squarely on Lauren’s compelling storytelling.
Her debut album, I Sing, I Play, I Write… was released back in March of last year, and true to the DIY spirit, she recorded and edited her demo album using GarageBand, Logic and Pro Tools (and iMovie to create her promo videos). She’ll be conducting a workshop on using these important tools at the Apple Store on Boylston Street, Boston, Wednesday February 22, 2012 at 7pm. The presentation will also include a short acoustic set from her album, and she’ll discuss how she uses Apple software to run her music career. This sounds like a very interesting evening for musicians just starting out, and for music fans who’d like to check out a natural talent. Awesome indeed. - Musings From Boston
"SenoritAwesome, a very apt name for an awesome singer/songwriter. Her music is witty, poignant, intelligent and she has gotta be one of the most enthusiastic people to ever have been on the podcast." -Andy Hall - Andy Hall (Podcast)
Music is a lost art, these days if you can talk, chances are you can get a deal; but the passion is lacking, originality is lacking, creativity is one dimensional and yet somehow in the midst of this mine shaft of a community called “music,” buried deep is a diamond and we have the privilege of admiring her beauty….Ladies and gentlemen meet Lauren Fareira aka SenoritAwesome!
An Army Brat, Lauren Fareira (aka SenoritAwesome!) spent much of her childhood moving around the country. While attending high school, SenoritAwesome! discovered her love for the guitar and has been married to the craft ever since. SenoritAwesome is a writer, a singer, a musician ......translation an ARTIST.
SenoritAwesome is a breath of fresh air in an otherwise polluted world of music and we had the honor of checking out some of her music Serenade, Imaginary Love Song, and Nod Your Head. “Serenade,” is an amazing footprint leading you into a musical journey step by step; moment by moment she pulls the listener into a melody filled journey empowered by the sweetest love ever known. “Imaginary Love Song,” camouflages pain under a beautifully put together acoustic sound, and reminds us that love hurts but the memories can be less painful, while “Nod Your Head,” ft iYana is clearly a stand out song, it reminds me of that “feel good music,” my father talks about …..only for our generation. Simply put if SenoritAwesome! Is any indication of a dawn of a new day…then Thank God for the morning finally we can wake up. - Spilled Ink
Meet Senorita Awesome.
No, really, she’s awesome. I’m not just saying that because she played the most awesome set along with Corinne Stevie at my birthday party last month. I am humbled by the talent and skill and grace and comedy with which she moves through the world. I love this chica’s style, and if you haven’t realized it by now, I LOVE female guitarists. :-) - Ekua Adison
Meet Senorita Awesome.
No, really, she’s awesome. I’m not just saying that because she played the most awesome set along with Corinne Stevie at my birthday party last month. I am humbled by the talent and skill and grace and comedy with which she moves through the world. I love this chica’s style, and if you haven’t realized it by now, I LOVE female guitarists. :-) - Ekua Adison
Name: Lauren T. Fareira (SenoritAwesome!)
Current Job Position Title: Independent Musician/Professional Bad A**
Contact Information: (: www.senoritawesome.com :)
Special Skills: Making something out of nothing.
Describe your job story (how you got the job, what it takes to do what you do, etc.):
Well, music-related jobs have been a part of my side hustle since college. Paying for Spelman was no joke. In addition to my work-study as a desk aide and weekends at the Gap, I worked as a musician (teaching guitar lessons and singing/playing with the choir) at Our Lady of Lourdes Church for several years, even after I was no longer attending Spelman.
Around the latter part 2006, I began performing my original music at open mics in the Atlanta area. People really seemed to dig it. Honestly, I was surprised at how well my music was received. During this same time, I was hired as a show manager for Big Time Entertainment (now Afton Live), a national booking agency based in Oregon. Not only did I get to listen to and meet some pretty amazing local bands, I learned a TON about event planning, dealing with unhappy egos, and getting booked (and pizz-aid!) at clubs and venues.
Didn't take me long to start applying my knowledge. As my performance load became heavier and heavier, my calendar was bursting at the seams. Any night I had I off from waiting tables (or ringing up customers at the Gap or managing the pizza shop or running around as a camp counselor, etc…lol), you could find me on somebody's stage with my guitar. Eventually, I ended up quitting or getting fired from my random assortment of jobs and started doing music full time.
It takes a lot of dedication and sacrifice to pursue a career in the music industry, especially on an independent level. It's not an industry for the faint of heart. It can get pretty cutthroat on the way to the top. Some people are willing to do anything for fame and fortune, and you need insane amounts of personal accountability and strength to keep from getting swept up in the politics, or blinded by the glamour.
Currently, I mainly balance my time between doing freelance studio work (ie. songwriting with different producers, artists, and musicians) and performing either as SenoritAwesome!, or accompanying one of my many musically-talented friends on guitar at their shows. I set my own hours, make my own rules and I LOVE IT! Ultimately, I strive to start my own record label, as well as have a studio/venue. I'm hoping to use the millions I plan on making as an artist and songwriter to achieve these goals.
What did you want to be when you were a child/ teenager?
Growing-up, I just knew I was going to be a veterinarian. But after spending nine months volunteering at a veterinary clinic during my junior year of high school, I totally changed my mind. Don't get me wrong, I loved the work I did there. I just knew I couldn't do that everyday, for the rest of my working life. I didn't really have a clear vision of what I wanted to do after that until I got to Spelman and fell madly in love with music.
Are doing your dream job?
I feel incredibly blessed to say that I most certainly am! Thanks in large part to a host of wonderful people who made sacrifices so I could continue living my dream. I have no idea where I would be without all the love and good energy being sent my way.
What do you like MOST about what you do?
Getting to meet all different kinds of people. Music is so powerful and it feels great to be a vessel for spreading something that brings so much happiness to EVERYone. All colors, sizes, shapes and ages! :)
What do you like the LEAST?
I would love to be able to spend more time with my family and close friends. Traveling to play shows and loooooooong studio hours make having a social life pretty tricky. I will say it has really helped me to truly appreciate and treasure the moments I do get to share with my loved ones.
Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
On top of the world.
Are you happy with where you are in life?
For the most part. But I've learned that the road to awesome is paved with a lot of bull manure. I just keep myself focused on the end result. It's hard to stay sad about the little stuff when you know how amazing it's all going to turn out.
What more do you want to do with your life?
Tinted windows, bigger rims, and world peace….just kidding. Except the part about world peace ;)
What drives/motivates you?
Knowing that I have a special gift that only I can share.
What else do you do?
Make people smile.
What is your advice to those who are seeking employment and have no hope?
The universe will take care of you as long as you stay committed to the life you ultimately want to lead. Faith is the key to everything. Visualize your success, believe in your dreams, and the rest pretty much follows. ?! - Neely Terrell
About Artist:
Once upon time, in 2006, a shy girl got up on stage with her guitar at an Atlanta open mic and performed an original song. To her amazement and delight, the crowd loved it. Inspired by the twist and turns of this thing called life, she began penning songs about everything from sappy love to social injustice.
Soon folks began asking her to play gigs at local tea houses, art shows, restaurants, fundraisers, even birthday parties. Before she knew it, Lauren Fareira (SenoritAwesome) had assembled a little fan base of all shapes, colors and sizes.
Interview Details:
Tell us a bit about yourself and where the name 'SenoritAwesome' comes from?
My favourite thing to tell people about myself is that I was born in Hawaii and raised by pirates….just to see their reaction. I love to read books, cook delicious food and stalk my friends (Laughs) regarding my stage name, I logged into my Facebook account one day to find my name had been changed by somebody. I thought it was hilarious so I just left it there, I figured it wouldn't be a bad thing to be known as 'Senorita Awesome Fareira'. A few years later when I really started getting into performing I used it on stage a few times. I wasn't 100% sold on the name, but it just ended up sticking.
Now, SenoritAwesome! Has become her own little brand of monster...
How would you describe your genre of music?
An acoustically driven smash-up of folk, rock, country and pop. Kind of like if - Jason Mraz, Chuck Berry, Tegan and Sara, Tracy Chapman and Earth, Wind and Fire had a set of twins. I would at least be their musical fairy godmother.
Which artists inspire you?
Well, I learned how to play guitar to Jars of Clay, Chris Tomlin, Michael Jackson and India.Arie albums. My showertime concerts featured Mariah Carey, Lauryn Hill, Uncle Kracker, Yolanda Adams… even Will Smith and Bone Thugs-n-Harmony. In college I fell in love with Nina Simone, Outkast, and Women's Chamber Music. I draw from so many sources; it's hard to pinpoint how any one artist inspires me.
If you could collaborate with anyone who would it be?
Adele!!!!!!!! I love her so much. She's amazing. Also, The Noisettes, Santana, Beyonce and Petey Pablo.
What inspires your writing?
Pain. Which sounds incredibly melodramatic, but even my so called "happy" Songs come from some pretty dark places. Those records are born from me imagining the peaceful place I would rather be instead of whatever slump I happened to be in. When I'm down, I can get extremely lost in myself and it's basically up to music to pull me back out.
What challenges have you faced so far?
Where to begin? From surgeries to being evicted to people just straight up anti-swagging me, I have overcome quite a bit in my twenty-five years of life. I try not to dwell on those hiccups though because I know it's all leading up to greatness and success. Besides, these little notches on my belt will make for an epic tale to tell the grandkids one day.
What is your biggest achievement to date?
The Pop! Sensibility Tour. In July / August of 2009, my good friend and fellow dope singer / songwriter Danny B! and I embarked on three and a half week journey from Atlanta to Texas and back…. and we did it ALL on our own.The two of us sat down one day pulled out a map and picked some cities, Googled some venues, made some calls and before we knew it, we were putting our pennies together, packing our gear into an Integra (later we rode in a Charger, even a Prius) and hitting the road.
Such an incredible experience. Everything that could go wrong did; it's amazing the kinds of trouble a couple of kids with guitars can get into. I am extremely proud that we were able to work through each bump and make it back home in one piece.
You are currently working in an album to be released later this year, how is it going?
Actually, I released "I sing, I play, I write…" on iTunes just over a month ago. I'm still experiencing a bit of disbelief that it's finished. This project had to be stopped and restarted three times in two years. But as a result, I was able to build the perfect team to help me create the sound I wanted.
I won't know how my album is doing as far as sales are concerned for a few more weeks, but I have had a lot of my friends, family and fans contact me and tell me they love it; and that they could tell I put a lot of time and effort into making the music. It feels good to know that something I invested so much of myself into is being received and appreciated.
What can we expect from you in the future?
Some Grammys, 808s and lots more ukulele!
What advice would you give to an up and coming artist?
Hold onto the truth that you are the only one who can do what you do. You have to be the one who ultimately defines your worth and success. It takes a lot of hard work and perseverance to even make a blip on the music map. You MUST believe in yourself and then just leave it to the universe to ha - Niji Magazine
Well last night at Keep It Classic as I stood there with my girlie Promise, guess who walks up to me guitar in arm....none other than Senorita Awesome! LOL! I cant tell you how excited I was to see her. Im sure my other Spelman sisters can attest to this, when you run into a sister who you actually get along with...it can be like a mini reunion where ever you are!! I was uberly excited to see her locs had grown longer and the guitar in hand let me know that I was gonna finally get to hear her sing. As the night progressed I started to get a bit anxious to hear her and another artist I was waiting to hear for the first time. Im glad I waited. Just as she was in SCGC Lauren was once again a breath of fresh air.
She got on a stage following rappers and heavy rap/r&b tracks with her guitar and a mic and sounded AMAZING! Now BabyKayks yall already know how eclectic my taste in music is, so I was sitting there thinking I hope people in here can appreciate this because I was loving it. Once she got off stage I went to let her know that I so dug her music and she let me know that she actually reads here every now and again, so you know my next thought..."do you have anything on youtube I can blog!?!?" LOL! Gotta love a blogger right? So found a few clips, this one I particularly liked and I wanted to share her with you all. I hope you dig my Spelsis! Well wishes to you Lauren and keep us updated!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmsbjqlZmjk&feature=related - KaykiSpeaks.com
Acoustic Swag EP (independently released March 2009)
One.22.Ten Live @ Red Light Cafe (digitally released March 2010)
I sing, I play, I write... (digitally released March 2011)
A Dollar For Your Love Demo (digitally released February 2012)

Born to military parents in Honolulu, Hawaii, Lauren Fareira (aka SenoritAwesome!) spent much of her childhood moving around the country. While attending high school in Houston, an acoustic guitar arrived in the mail. Not sure of what else to do with it, a young Senorita taught herself how to play. She made sure to bring her guitar along to Atlanta, Georgia when she left Texas in 2003 to study Vocal Performance at Spelman College.
In 2006, after deciding to take some time off from school, Senorita began performing original tunes at Atlanta area open mics. To her amazement and delight, the crowds loved it; she began penning more and more songs about everything from sappy love to social injustice. Nearly every week she presented a new song and soon folks began asking her to play at local tea houses, art shows, restaurants, fundraisers, even birthday parties. Before she knew it, SenoritAwesome! had assembled a little fan base of all shapes, colors and sizes.
Eager to share her music with her friends, family and fans, Senorita spent a weekend in a friend's basement and recorded her first EP, Acoustic Swag, which was independently released in March 2009. A few months later, she teamed up with Danny B!, good friend and fellow singer/songwriter. The two combined their big dreams and the couple bucks they had in their pockets to put together the "Pop! Sensibility Tour", a month long trek to Texas and back. Aside from in-store performances at every Hot Topic in between, the 16-city DIY tour brought them to such venues as Art Ambush in Waco, TX; Bill’s Records in Dallas, TX; Speakeasy in Austin, TX; Neutral Grounds Coffeehouse in New Orleans, LA; and Madhatter's in San Antonio, TX.
In the two years since returning to her home base in Atlanta, GA, SenoritAwesome! has performed at more festivals, fundraisers and other various events around the country than she can count. Early 2010 saw the release of One.22.Ten Live at Red Light Cafe, a 6-track live EP recorded in Atlanta, GA. And March of 2011 found Senorita releasing I sing, I play, I write…, an 11-track studio album recorded at Atlanta's 177 Studios. Ms. Awesome collaborated with her circle of Atlanta's best up-and-coming musicians and engineers to add a little extra to her acoustic sound.
2013 promises to be an exciting year. With recording under way for her sophomore studio album, SenoritAwesome! will be heading out on The Little Brown Room Tour this September. The 20-city Tour will also feature Senorita's amazingly talented little brother, Giorgio Fareira of The Interstate Life. Visit the Calendar to see when they're coming to a city near you!