Rebecca Dru
West Hollywood, California, United States | INDIE
"Wichita, Heart of the U.S.A." is one of the 957 songs that didn't win the Wichita Area Chamber of Commerce's Wichita Song Contest, but it's winning some fans ...
"It's a killer tune, a real good one," said Pete Brier, the music director at KFH. "It's not a regularly scheduled song here, but we've been getting so many requests, we play it quite a bit." - The Wichita Eagle-Beacon
Wichita (Heart of the USA) - A catchy country tune.... - USA TODAY
Rebecca Dru. RI0 Records, $14.99. www.nightsongs.com
The sophistication of this collection of lullabies and night-themed music might be lost on young children, but anyone who listens will fall under the spell of Rebecca Dru’s rich vocals and dreamy lyrics about prancing carousel horses
and billowy sails on the breeze. Also available in an Italian version entitled Canti Notturni.
(Ann Oldenberg, USA Today) - Parent's Guide to Children's Media
Dru, I just wanted to write to thank you for your recent appearance on KALEIDOSCOPE. We enjoyed hearing you sing "Wichita (Heart of the USA). Apparently many of our viewers enjoyed it too, because the station was swamped with calls in that regard following the program.
- Kaleidoscope, KAKE, Wichita, KS
Rock It Down / Brother & Sister. Here is a smooth, very upbeat song with what we now believe to be an excellent groove. Randy Wilson produced for Dru Productions. DeWayne Lewis was associate producer, and Rebecca Dru was executive producer. DeWayne also provides the lead vocals. The 7:23 version on Shtup City Records was edited to about 5:30 for extra energy and flow.
- Disconet DJ NEWS (sugarscoop, inc)
Every song on this album is sung in Italian, yet even if you don't speak it, you can still understand the meaning behind the lullabies. The lyrics and music are beautiful; parents might even find themselves wanting to listen to it for their own enjoyment. It's a risky move to put out a chidren's album in a foreign language, but this one passes with flying colors. - Children's Magazine
For this song, I went back to Garageband.com, first visit there in a while just to see what new things they have there and I encountered a delightful song. I think you'll like it, it actually fits the mood of the international flavor of this show, given talking about Les Blogs with people from 20 odd countries. This is a song in Italian by a singer called Rebecca Dru who I discovered after I listened to it and thought, yup, this is definitely the one for today's show. She actually lives in Los Angeles. The song's called CARA LUNA AMICA, that's Italian obviously and I was trying to think, what does that mean. I speak Spanish and I can think of the similar equivilant in Spanish, but I ran it through the Alta Vista Babel Fish on-line Translator and it, of course, gave me the literal translation. So according to that the literal translation is Beloved Moon Friend. Rebecca Dru is the #1 Female Vocalist of all time in the Latin Category at GarageBand.com and I think you'll enjoy this song. It's a very romantic ballad and very pleasant listening. - For Immediate Release:The Hobson and Holtz Report
Brother and Sister on Shtup City Records
Midnight Desire/Rock it Down on Disconet
Rebecca Dru...Heart of the USA
Rebecca Dru...Night Songs
Rebecca Dru...Canti Notturni
Rebecca Dru...Voices from Within

Rebecca Dru, singer /songwriter, is back singing LIVE after 24 years. She recently opened for Wendy Hammers’ TASTY WORDS™ and will be playing The Santa Monica Playhouse in April.
Rebecca Dru is the solo vocalist on REBECCA DRU.... NIGHT SONGS & REBECCA DRU....CANTI NOTTURNI as well as co-composer. She self-produced her CD, the instrumental, VOICES FROM WITHIN and rereleased "Heart of the USA" with an additional 4 tunes. She completed her instrumental CD "Travelogue"; instrumentals created along her travels and currently working on her next CD, "SAND IN MY SHOES" as well as "The Early Years" a CD of earlier works as requested by long time fans. She’s currently collaborating with Carole Blake.
Rebecca Dru began her music training at the tender age of three. Born and raised near Boston, Massachusetts, she comes from a musical family of seven children. Rebecca has been living in Los Angeles, California for over 31 years, where she frequently works as a singer on recording sessions. She has also written songs for syndicated television and movies and has been a featured guest artist and teacher at UCLA as well as her songs featured on Dick Clark's American Bandstand.
She was a winner in the '97 John Lennon Song Contest and a two time winner in the 1999 PARENT'S GUIDE TO CHILDREN'S MEDIA AWARDS as well as the 1999 GoGirls.com internet award. CANTI NOTTURNI was a winner in the 1999 CHILDREN'S MUSIC WEB AWARDS and both versions of the CD were winners in the 1999 JUST PLAIN FOLKS MUSIC AWARDS. In 2004 Rebecca Dru was voted #1 Female Latin Artist on Garageband.com
Her instrumental "Aerial View" was just picked up for the soundtrack of an upcoming full length surfing movie.
CHILDREN'S Magazine said The lyrics and music are beautiful; Parents find themselves wanting to listen to it for their own enjoyment.
JUST PLAIN FOLKS said,....a nice CD to sit by the fire and listen to on a cold night ....
REBECCA DRU can be heard on iTunes, Amazon.com CDbaby.com macjams.com, last.fm and a plethora of other sites.
For more info: www.rebeccadru.com and Facebook.com/rebeccadru2