Porto, Porto, Portugal | Established. Jan 01, 2005 | INDIE
"Coming from another planet ... the best sound that has
appeared in Portugal." In Blitz
"The OliveTreeDance won the last Rockastru's. Acoustic
show, responsibility of Renato Oliveira (didgeridoo), Tito
Silva (drums) and Paul Cave (percussion), the OliveTreeDance
are one of the most exciting projects of our time. Magic ... »
In atrompa.blogspot.com
"The best that this world can offer OliveTreeDance is a space
station... overlooking the galaxy of Sun Ra." In Blitz, Sérgio Gomes da Costa
"The second day of the festival once again failed to capture the attention of the public
and the scenery became bleak. Fortunately, the OliveTreeDance concert managed to
transform the empty space into a meeting of celebration, and multi-cultural. The group
uses in a perfect way the potential of percussion, focusing on didgeridoo to create a
tribal climate, something primitive, and it involves body and soul in a breeze from the
African continent (...) It is easy to see why the OliveTreeDance have achieved some
progress internationally, they are good at making music." Felgueiras in News
"In concert, they place the free jazz and psychedelia hiding trance, funk intruding,
techno and drum'n'bass in search of an outlet, and a number of ethnic groups on the
way home. The organization asked the public not to rise, but it all ended in a healthy
buzz." In Blitz - general
“…É banda para três pessoas (Renato Oliveira, Paulo das Cavernas e Tito Silva), distribuídas por um didgeridoo, percussão e bateria. Em concerto, põem o free jazz e o psicadelismo a esconder o trance, o funk sempre a intrometer-se, o tecno e o drum’n’bass à procura da tomada eléctrica, e uma série de etnias a caminho de casa. A organização bem pediu que as pessoas não se levantassem, mas acabou tudo num saudável alvoroço. Por essa altura, a diferença de temperatura entre a rua e sala deve ter rondado os 4OC, à custa de muita gente num espaço tão exíguo e de tanta combustão dançante. O encore teve direito a Teresa Gabriel, num tema específico para o festival, porque sentiram que era preciso dar «um ar mais étnico» à visita. Foi o pior tema, a provar que o melhor que este mundo pode oferecer aos OLIVETREE é uma estação orbital... com vista para a galáxia de Sun Ra. “ In Blitz, Sérgio Gomes da Costa - BLITZ - Portugal
Os Olivetree do Porto venceram o último Rockastru's.
Espectáculo acústico da responsabilidade de Renato Oliveira (didgeridoo), Tito Silva (bateria) e Paulo das Cavernas (percussões), os Olivetree são um dos projectos mais estimulantes da actualidade.
- - http://atrompa.blogspot.com/
"Auto intitulado reporter atritos sonoros no estrangeiro reporta 2 momentos musicais 100% nacionais.
o primeiro, no café concerto do Centro Cultural Vila Flor (Guimarães) no passado sábado, foi a actuação dos FRAME (frame.no.sapo.pt) projecto de musica electrónica da autoria de Luis Miguel Ribeiro (Oliveira de Azeméis). a apresentação durou cerca de uma hora onde tocou 9 temas de sua autoria. uma sonoridade envolvente bem construida com bom ritmo e melodia. o espectaculo contou com a participação de um Vj. aconselha-se alguma atenção a este projeto.
O segundo, no espaços Maus Habitos no Porto também no sábado à noite, foram os OLIVETREE (olivetreedance.com) um projecto de musica de dança acustica. constituidos por 3 elementos/instrumentos (didgeridoo, bateria e percussão). Tive hipotese de apreciar este projecto num ambiente de festa e de sentir tudo o que estes rapazes têm para ofereçer a quem os escuta. uma boa onda e um ritmo contagiante são das poucas coisas que sou capaz de descrever. aconselho a visita ao site para mais informações, porque estes jovens ainda vão dar que falar. pelo que sei iram estar presentes no BOOM Festival.
bom, por hoje é tudo. este auto intitulado reporter despede-se de todos com um GRANDE bem haja e um Grande beijo para o nossa Irmã. P.S.- continua a dar-lhe no terço. "
- http://atrompa.blogspot.com/ ( referente à festa ZONA6 nos MAUS Hábitos)
Dia 08 de Julho
O segundo dia do festival voltou a não captar a atenção do público e o cenário chegou a ser desolador. Felizmente, o concerto dos Olivetree (na foto) conseguiu transformar o vazio do espaço num encontro de celebração musical e multi-cultural. O grupo usa e abusa das potencialidades da percussão, centradas no didgeridoo, para criar uma envolvência tribal, algo primitiva, e que envolve o corpo e o espírito numa brisa vinda do continente africano. Acompanhada pelo odor característico da Terra e das suas raízes. É fácil perceber a razão pela qual os Olivetree têm conquistado uma certa progressão internacional; eles são bons na música que fazem.
- Diário de Felgueiras
2010 DIDJI DANCE ALL BEAUTY recorded by Renato Oliveira, Tito Silva and Pedro Vasconcelos is the debut album of Olive Tree Dance and undoubtedly a pearl of Powerful UpBeat Ethnic Acoustic Trance Music with, 11 complex and very dynamic compositions. In this Album OTD creates its own New style of Dance Music. This album quickly reached the 3rd of Portuguese Billboard Charts.
2014 SYMBOLOGY is the 2nd album of Olive Tree Dance recorded by Renato Oliveira, Márcio Pinto and Pedro Vasconcelos and its the one in which the band adds to its already unique style of rhythm and patterns a whole new world of melody and meaning with 13 songs that are interconnected and by a the concept “spell wave” of the Mayan Calendar. A matrix of time they used to help this Civilization to Grow spiritually. This work is also a boardgame that leads people to understand in depth the concept of their music and the mystic of this calendar. Until this date OTD is the first and only band creating this kind of Masterpiece as music and cover album artwork.
2021/22 announcements with the band preparing " Water Return" with 8 studio recording tracks to be released in the end of this year. The concept is inspired by the Knowledge that Modern Industrial Society has relied upon the power and Caracter of Fire to forward civilization war and destruction and left behind the Awareness of Emotion for Reason used Light against Darkness and so have unbalanced the Elements in Our Culture, "Water Return" calls for the new Age of Ecology, Emotional intelligence and Cultural Fluidity with songs that speak and sound About Permaculture, Non-Violence and Oneness being part of universal movement of discovery, dissolving borders and boundaries.

Classified as
This project from Portugal born in 2005 and fuses dance music, all-acoustic, with the tribal sounds of indigenous instruments, combining the style of contemporary composition of sound machines of our time, creating an unforgettable experience that has attracted a diverse audience.
The geniality of this uplifting sound highly energetic, is played using only a regular set of drum kit, percussion and didgeridoo.
Completely out of reach of the musical standards that we are commonly used to, these elements of Nature make this band one powerful and energetic act. With a huge tribal spirit they enable the creation of memorable collective dance moments.
Embracing all the beauty and potency of OliveTreeDance live performances, Didj Dance All Beauty! is the name of the Debut Album, which has reached the 3th place in the Portuguese ranking of sales in the week of 8th of March.
Using just real instruments with an astonishing capacity, without any effect, sample or overdub
OLIVETREEdance is a trio with strong live energy, that plays a fusion of latin, jazz and afro brasilian styles full of ancient sounds with contemporary rhythms of tecnoland which creates a vibrating and fresh organic dancemusic, featured by irregular tempos and tasty grooves.
"Coming from another planet ... the best sound that has appeared in Portugal." In Blitz
"The OliveTreeDance won the last Rockastru's. Acoustic show, responsibility of Renato Oliveira (didgeridoo), Tito Silva (drums) and Paul Cave (percussion), the OliveTreeDance are one of the most exciting projects of our time. Magic ... » In atrompa.blogspot.com
"The best that this world can offer OliveTreeDance is a space station... overlooking the galaxy of Sun Ra." In Blitz, Sérgio Gomes
"The second day of the festival once again failed to capture the attention of the public and the scenery became bleak. Fortunately, the OliveTreeDance concert managed to transform the empty space into a meeting of celebration, and multi-cultural. The group uses in a perfect way the potential of percussion, focusing on didgeridoo to create a tribal climate, something primitive, and it involves body and soul in a breeze from the African continent (...) It is easy to see why the OliveTreeDance have achieved some progress internationally, they are good at making music." Felgueiras in News
"In concert, they place the free jazz and psychedelia hiding trance, funk intruding, techno and drum'n'bass in search of an outlet, and a number of ethnic groups on the way home. The organization asked the public not to rise, but it all ended in a healthy buzz." In Blitz
Band Members