luXury bob
Toronto, Ontario, Canada | INDIE
Why did you write the song I Love My Bike?
Johnny McMullin decided the whole bike versus car thing was getting out of control here in Toronto and in the media and we were thinking; why can’t we all just get along? I went over to his place to write and he had the concept for the song when I got there. You know, Johnny walks everywhere. He doesn’t drive. He doesn’t bike. He walks — everywhere. He may begrudgingly take transit sometimes. I ride my bike three seasons, walk and take transit and cabs. My car is more of a necessary evil. It’s for big hauls, humping gear and long distances. Riding is the best because I don’t have to tangle with traffic — which is really bad downtown. I can get there a lot faster. I love riding at night in the city when the streets are all mine and I can write lyrics in my head.
Do your ride in dresses and heels?
Yes, of course, I ride to gigs in my frocks and frills, but the heels can sometimes end up in the basket. Fluevogs — which I’m wearing today — are the best for riding in. (John Fluevog is also a cyclist.) I am actually working on a song called “In my Fluevogs” now.
What’s your commute like?
I have my favourite sneaky routes to take me to Johnny’s or the studio or to Kensington Market to shop that avoid most of the main streets. I prefer alleyways and side streets. Unfortunately, there are no bike lanes on Queen or Dundas.
What are you working on now/upcoming projects?
We have a gig tonight (Friday September 16) at Winston’s bar at 288 Eglinton Ave West. We’re just firming up gigs at The Press Club and The Gladstone. We did the August car-free Pedestrian Sunday in Kensington Market and it was a blast!
- Tammy Thorne
LUXURY BOB'S debut CD release "IN FLAGRANTE DELICTO" on SONIC UNYON is "ALL HITS & NO MRS.!" The Toronto, Ontario based Singer/Songwriter DONNA KERBEL & her partner in noise crimes JOHN McMULLIN are possibly the best dynamic pop duo since LEE HAZLEWOOD & NANCY SINATRA! This influence really shines through on the first track, "CUT & PASTE!" where you'll find the talented Ms, Kerbel playing the upright bass while singing with vocals so sweet that you would think actress JENNIFER TILLY was whispering sweet nothings into your ear! Just when you think you're going to get a toothache from Donna's sugar coated vox box... in comes John McMullin's deep NICK CAVE~like vocal response that saves the damsel in distress tied to the tracks from the oncoming train!
WORD OF CAUTION!!!: ..The infectious tunes on Luxury Bob's "IN FLAGRANTE DELICTO" (Now available on I~Tunes)... will get you hooked like a bad habit with its arsenal of non~stop pop sensibilities! Donna Kerbel's inspiring & thought provoking lyrics are coming from a brutally & beautifully honest place with just enough humor to keep you laughing in the face of the devil! In the track "MONKEYS & ANGELS" you just have to love it when Donna croons ..."HOW COULD YOU DO IT!?!...YOU SUNK MY BATTLE SHIP!"...and then there is the morbid knee slapper of a pity ditty called "OLY GOT DEAD" , inspired by a grotesquely obese longshore ~ man from Vancouver, B.C., who also moonlighted as a heroin dealer. Oly broke rule number one as a drug dealer when he chose to get high on his own supply. Eventually Oly ended up paying the ultimate price!
LUXURY BOB'S band name was inspired from an infamous roadie, also known as "Luxury Bob", (Who coincidently also died from a heroin overdose), LUX BOB ran a booze can with the same namesake in the late 80's, and roadied for Vancouver's legendary punks, D.O.A., ART BERGMAN's "POISON" (not to be confused with the American metal band!) , THE SCRAMBLERS etc..
Of the 12 brilliantly produced songs by GENE HUGES on LUXURY BOB'S debut "IN FLAGRANTE DELICTO" , I honestly can't tell you which song that I like the best!...The icing on the cake is the bonus track "DECADENT LOVE" featuring fabulous vocals by JUNO AWARD winning rebel rouser, ART BERGMAN which fits LUXURY BOB's chemistry like a pair of fingerless gloves! - Ginger Coyote
really nice guy - itunes single
oly got dead - itunes single
In Flagrante Delicto LP 2011
hi-hat recordings/ sonic unyon

recent quotes:
''timeless... music for the new dirty thirties''
- art bergmann
''...listened to it three times today...wowsa!! ... a beautiful storyteller; her voice holds a beautiful mystery that folks would be lucky to 'get'. beyond sexy-cool. luXury bob is my uncle.''
- mary margaret o'hara
''...lyrics are the ginchiest & the most.''
- gerry-jen wilson of jp5, the east vamps & trash maven fanzine
''... one of my favorite sets at the hi-hat relaunch party. well done.''
- lonely vagabond
'' best band i ever drummed for.''
- cleave anderson of blue rodeo & the battered wives
Sincere and damaged this group of mis-fitted musicians forms a unique blend of romance & mayhem.
Luxury Bob is led by Donna Kerbel’s quiet bravery, which can be attributed to growing up with such polarized influences of friends like Handsome Ned and Frankie Venom. Kerbel’s writing is both sweet & bawdy; a more gentle
Lydia Lunch. Kerbel is backed by; John McMullin, a prolific singer –songwriter with
jazzy undertones and folky inclinations, Jon Knowles (Hijoulie, anal Chinook) on bass, Gene Hughes (Telejet, Mahones) on guitar, and Cleave Anderson (The Battered Wives, Blue Rodeo, The Screwed) on drums.
The experienced group of musicians have banded together and formed an innovative musical project and in turn have re-defined themselves and their genre. Luxury Bob aims to create a multi-media performance that is audience inclusive, encouraging participation. In addition the band has greatly valued
their many collaborative efforts with other Toronto artists, including Clint Griffin (album art & videos), video treatments written by Bruce La
Bruce, and teaming up with Art Bergman & director John Lecuyer for the two- time award winning video “Really Nice Guy”.
Luxury Bob collectively resides in Toronto where they have become a staple in the city's music scene. The band's success can be attributed to Kerbel’s honest and endearing voice amidst the not so quiet chaos that defines Luxury Bob.
Band Members