Humboldt Lagoon
Chicago, Illinois, United States | INDIE
Humboldt Lagoon’s self-titled debut impresses with its range – from rock to jazz to psychedelic pop – and songwriting sophistication. Largely the effort of writer and performer Erik LaVergne, the mix of styles isn’t haphazard, but rather well-executed. “Holy City” and “Playa Langosta” are especially good tracks among the 11: the former for its harder-edged guitar work and vocals, and the latter for its delicate and atmospheric instrumental approach.
– Jason Scales - Illinois Entertainer
... - Skope Magazine
It’s rare that a place like MZ that hears literally hundreds of new songs by hundreds of new artists every month, encounters something this good, that it hadn’t known about before. But it’s really that good. Humbodlt Lagoon, for those of you too fickle, ADD or otherwise, to listen, is pulsing, breathing, stream of consciousness, mind-bending, intellectual, visceral and fucking rocks. It’s like all of Broken Social Scene got stuffed into one guy’s pocket like a stick of chewing gum, along with – man I don’t know – Phleg Camp, Fugazi, Pavement, Mercury Rev, Shudder to Think, Jesus Lizard, Deftones, Soundgarden, sparklehorse, Tool, Afghan Whigs, Tricky, His Name Is Alive – and then he shows you that he has a whole haversack of other cool things that he made all on his own.
Go find this album, and buy it. Why? Because it deserves your less-than-ten-measly-bucks-you-were-planning-on-spending-on dumb-shit. Bring back music in this way, please. We need it, and the artist needs to know you are there for them. Especially when they are doing this kind of thing. - MusicZeitgeist.com
"The act is inventive and playful, yet deadly accurate when it comes to inviting sounds." - Indie-Music.com
"We have been enjoying your refreshing and mysterious self-titled CD, Humboldt Lagoon"...
- Bryan Farrish Radio Promotion
Self titled LP/CD 5/11/10 on Reason Being Records
"Maxwell Market / Strut" single released 5/10
"Happy Holidays" single released 12/1/10
"Holy Water" single released 12/8/10
"Swandive" single releasd 12/15/10

Humboldt Lagoon is a cinematic, musical adventure that fuses rock, jazz, blues, electronica and psychedelic pop with a punk past.
Hailing from the heart of Chicago's Humboldt Park, Humboldt Lagoon is the music and collaborations of songwriter/performer Erik LaVergne.
A veteran multi-instrumentalist, recording geek and unique songwriter, Erik set up shop in the Spring of 2009 to explore the art of song and sound. Humboldt Lagoon was born.
Influences are drawn from a deep well of timeless, contemporary music. The result is a "sound" all it's own, yet reminds you of something, someone or somewhere.
Spring of 2010 saw the release of Humboldt Lagoon's self-titled debut album. The result being an ambitious effort that is gaining positive press and feedback from around the globe.
HL released an additional three singles in 2010 and is currently beginning production on the next full-length...