Gypsy Revival (formally DATCC), the night's headliner, blew the roof off the place by sending a switch up that no one was expecting. The guitarists belted out the notes in a way you believed he could feel them. Next, almost without warning, they began playing "Good Times Bad Times" by Led Zeppelin. They were rocking to the point you could see people leaving the neighboring "Crackers Comedy Club" and trying to find their way to this kickoff event. After a few more, frontman Davey Allen felt the need to wrap up the set and leave the crowd rocking and ready for the evening's closer. - IndieMag By Dave Plough
Thursday, March 18,2010
Gypsy Revival
By Tom Irwin
In early 2009 Gypsy Revival rose from the ashes of a popular Indianapolis band called Davey and the Chorus with a firm idea of creating a new original sound within the rock Americana genre. Davey Allen (guitar, bass, keys, vocals), Jesse Langebartels (guitar, bass, vocals), Andy Nathan (bass) and Mike Sanson (drums, vocals) spent time last summer in Nashville with producer Phil Harris recording songs for a CD EP scheduled for release on April 24. Listing influences from classics such as the Allman Brothers, Bob Dylan, Willie Nelson, Ray Charles, and The Band along with more modern iconic figures like Weezer, Coldplay and the Black Crowes, the young and dashing quartet lands squarely in the area of standard blues-country-rock-pop and proud of it. They consistently walk the line on stage throughout Indiana, with recent jaunts to Chicago, Cincinnati and now, for the first time, Springfield, garnering praise from fans and critics alike, for “one of the most energetic shows around,” based on good music done well.
Gypsy Revival
Friday, March 19, 10pm
Bar None
- Illinois Times
We plan to release our self titled EP early in the fall of '09.

Gypsy Revival is a vintage rock band with modern relevance whose influences cover many decades and genres. If you were to keep track of the records played on the tour bus, you would hear artists such as The Allman Brothers, Bob Dylan, Willie Nelson, Coldplay, Ray Charles, Joe Cocker, Tom Petty, Led Zepplin, The Band, Weezer, The Greatful Dead and The Black Crows. Such a wide variety of influences creates a new sound like none other. While most bands pick a band or group of bands that they want to sound like, Gypsy Revival has set out to invent a new sound that is their own.