St. Gabriels Celestial Brass Band
Lafayette, California, United States | INDIE
Dear Tom:
Thank you for your "Amazing Performances at the 2006 Red Sea Jazz Festival" You guys were a great replacement act for The "Preservation Hall Jazz Band" and so exciting. Maya Levy, Artist Co-ordinator.
Dear Tom,
I would like to thank you and all the band members for the wonderful shows you gave in our festival. It was a pleasure working with you as everything was done in the most professional manner one can expect and I hope that we'll work together again sometime in the near future.
Maya will send you all the press/publicity files.
Best regards,
Dan Gottfried, Festival Director - RSJF Director
I was very glad to receive a copy of the latest album released by the Saint Gabriel‚s Celestial Brass Band: I gave a quick listening to the tracks featured on www.sonicbids.com/ and they're great. The music of this ensemble is well rooted in the New Orleans tradition but at the same time it has the fire and excitement of the Balkanian brass bands.
I am happy to play them on my program in Italy.
Massimo Ferro, Radio Voce Spazio, - Radio Voce Spazio, Italy
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
St. Gabriel’s Celestial Brass Band
Most people I know have no connection whatsoever to jazz. The music bores them. They think they don’t get it. It’s either too complex or too antiquated. They can’t relate to it in any visceral sort of way. Like me, they grew up listening to rock, and that’s a lousy foundation for developing an ear for any music that isn’t rock.
I used to try and turn my friends on to all these outdated sounds I can’t keep away from, but I’ve largely given up on that. I got tired of seeing their faces go blank with disinterest in the presence of something as boisterous and engaging as Bud Freeman’s 1939 recordings. Still, there’s a part of me that can’t keep from proselytizing. There are a few modern Brass Bands out there that are great for getting people who have no taste for jazz into this music; Bands like the New Birth Brass Band or the Tremè Brass Band or the New Orleans Nightcrawlers are jazz bands that are hard for anyone to resist.
And here’s another excellent brass band that I heard for the first time a couple weeks ago – St. Gabriel’s Celestial Brass Band. These guys play tough. You can hear every shade of Jazz in their music; from blues through swing and into modern jazz.
A deep funk lurks beneath all of it. Listening to some of their songs last night I even experienced a weird moment where I heard the trumpet player, (he’s a hot player by any standard) get off a few be-bop licks that actually made sense to me. Now, that was a shock!
Here’s a link to their website where they have a choice bunch of downloads waiting. On first listen keep an ear out for the guys on baritone sax and tuba. The way they play off each other is incredible.
If Jazz is going to survive as a living music and not just something “preserved” by academics or music hall Kulture Kops it’ll be bands like this one that make it happen.
- Mr. Lee. Wisconsin USA
More than 300,000 parade attendees feel the call of the drums to "Join IN" the annual San Francisco Carnival Parade.
It was hot enough to melt wads of chewing gum flat onto the bottom of your shoes, as many parade goers discovered, the percussive baterias were incessant, but the beer was cool, and there was lots of it available.
Saint Gabriel's Celestial Brass Band trumpet players gave the Second Line Call and brought the San Francisco Mission district to it's feet again for the annual Carnival Parade and Street Celebration. The resultant roar of appreciation for Saint Gabriel's Celestial Brass Band and their Mardi Gras Dancers made Jack Wright smile with delight. "I love this city," said Wright,holding his wide eyed two year old son Jason in his arms while performing what he called the St. Charles Street Strut. "I'm from New Orleans, we have Bourbon Street, the French Quarter and the Latin Quarter, but you folks have the Marina,the Mission district, the Golden Gate Bridge, and this frabulous parade."
"This is the Funkiest New Orleans Brass Band I have ever heard man, they are simply awesome, I mean they are Real New Orleans and a whole lot more"...
Saint Gabriel's grabbed the crowd's attention with traditional gospel songs like, Will the Circle be Unbroken and Saints Go Marching In, Fats Domino tunes like Mardi Gras in New Orleans and Hello Josephine, then launched into Herbie Hancock's, Chameleon, and Canteloupe Island, Sonny Rollin's St. Thomas and Sly Stone's Dance to the Music for a really eclectic mix of high energy dance music. ...
Sunday's Grand Parade was the best event in San Francisco this year... Saint Gabriels' Celestial Brass band summed it all up musically with their great performances of Summertime, and Joe Zawinul's song "MERCY MERCY MERCY" made popular by Cannonball Adderly. Now where is that Beer wagon? - San Francisco, Examiner Jazz
Zorina London & Saint Gabriel's Celestial Brass Band, entertained the High Royalty Government officials and dignitaries at Pori Jazz Festival in Finland... at the VIP Gala party for the President of Finland, the Mayor of Pori, the prime minister of Culture and many other dignitaries.
Zorina London, clearly the most beautiful woman and certainly the best dressed at the affair, thrilled everyone in attendance with her genuine warmth and fabulous personality, and her incredible talent. The Mayor of Pori, organized this gala event for all the visiting dignitaries attending the groundbreaking ceremonies for the new Pori Cultural Arts Center. Laying of the cornerstones was performed by Rock Star Phil Collins, and Blues Legend B.B. King. Saint Gabriel's Celestial Brass Band performed at the ceremonies.
When Zorina London first enters a stage, the audience does not know if she is Sarah Vaughn, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, Lena Horne, Josephine Baker, Mahalia Jackson, Ethel Waters or even Tina Turner. However; they know that they are about to be entertained by a sensationally gifted and accomplished entertainer. After listening to her for about thirty minutes they realize that this stunningly beautiful and talented lady is all of them in one great package, yet surprisingly, she is also ZORINA LONDON, a rare commodity in singers. Zorina London is the epitome of the "Singers Singer."...
Zorina London and Saint Gabriel's were voted the best act at the festival by the entire festival staff and they were one of the most fun acts to ever play in Pori. - Me Naiset Magazine
"How was the Great Belgium Rhythm 'n' Blues Festival at Peer?"
Well known as one of the best Festivals in all of Europe, this year's edition proved to be nothing short of sensational....partly because the Big Brass Band that Tom Wiggins brought to Europe was entertaining the crowd during this festival, and when I say entertaining, I MEAN ENTERTAINING.
Saint Gabriel's Celestial Brass Band has a great bunch of musicians, playing authentic music with a refreshing new sound to hear and a great show to watch. Walking everywhere, in and outside, the dancing people followed these guys who were really having fun in Belgium. It even appeared that they were having more fun than their awestruck audience. All memebers of this great band are very highly qualified musicians. They sometimes looked like a bunch of school kids on a bus trip, eating, laughing, sleeping and playing their lungs out for a most appreciative audience. A lot of FUN was the key word.... They played for three days on the event that headlined with Little Richard, and Chuck Berry, along witih a stellar lineup of great blues acts. Saint Gabriel's clearly conquered the hearts of the festival when they were invited back to the stage by Tom Rigney and the Sundogs who were set to close out the four day Festival.
The Sundogs were winding down their 90 minute show of New Orleans Cajun style music and Tom Rigney called for Saint Gabriel's Celestial Brass band to come back and play a New Orleans. number with them for a finale.
Fiddle player Tom Rigney kicked off a hot New Orleans number and Saint Gabriel's came marching out onto the stage again. Tom Wiggins paused at the edge of the stage and said something to the stage manager, who sent his crewout stage front, to build them a ramp down into the audience during the number. Saint Gabriel's marched right on down into the crowd that even after four days and nights of great music and truck loads of beer, once again were immediately electrified. It was like the festival had just begun, and turned out to be the most sensational festival finale on record for the event. As the impromptu jam session got under way it quickly brought many of the earlier performing stars back to the stage to join in the fun.
The festival organizers, the fans and the media were all treated to one of those truly Rare Magical Musical Happenings, as the boys turned up the heat for another 90 minute performance after the festival had officially closed.
Saint Gabriel's Celestial Brass Band gave new meaning to "Let the Good Times Roll"... They let it Roll on an on an on all night long. - Lick a Touch of Blues Magazine
"Saint Gabriel's Celestial Brass Band from the USA are true road warriors" they finished a six day performance run in Getxo/Bilbao Spain, and drove straight through to arrive in den Hague two hours before doing a Street Parade show for the Heats the Hague Festival.
Despite being tired, these musical troopers romped down the streets of Den Hague like it was Mardi Gras time in New Orleans, captivating the crowds that followed them to the concert plaza.
They took a break for lunch and came back that evening and did it again at the concert venue. Clearly this group led by Tom Wiggins was having a good time as were all around them.
The following three days found them performing all over the fifteen stage areas of the North Sea Jazz Festival. Opening shows for the major Jazz acts, and playing in between headliners, indoor parades, outdoor concerts. Seemed like wherever you went in the Festival these guys were blowing hard and had people dancing in the aisles, on the stairs, rooftop gardens, all over the festival site. Truly a Unique Band On the Run as they were billed for the progam.
This band presented some great music totally different than what any other attraction had to offer, and won the hearts of everyone who saw and heard them perform, musicians and audiences alike. Their music is simply infectious and defies the audience to Not have fun.
The festival organizers said to them at the close of the festival, "Your group really brought a breath of fresh air to this festival this year, we look forward to your coming back again soon."
Following the North Sea engagements they left immediately to drive back to Vitoria Jazz Festival in Spain for another week then on to Italy for three weeks of Festivals. The people in Spain and Italy are in for a real treat.... - Den Hague Newspaper
"Tom Wiggins and his St. Gabriel's Celestial Brass Band are wonderful Ambassadors of new Orleans Music.
They provided a sensational Program for our Funeral Director's Convention and taught us how to have an almost Tearless Funeral Service and Life Celebration Ceremony. They immediately changed the mood of the memorial Service we were having for a group of departed members of our organization."
J.A. Executive Director Ca. Funeral Directors Asso.
" We got an opportunity to see and hear a Funeral performance by St. Gabriel's Celestial Brass Band at a recent funeral service at our facility."
It was indeed a very moving experience for all in attendance, and we heard our client say to Tom Wiggins at the close of the service,
"I can see my Mother Dancing thru the Pearly Gates right now" Thank you so very much on behalf of the entire family."
V. Morris/ Chapel of the Chimes
"Tom thanks for the wonderful Home Going Send off for William, your musical selections took all the friends and family on a short journey to New Orleans where we had been with William many times.
You can rest assured he was honored by your performance for his service as were all of us for helping us Celebrate his wonderful life and time with us and easing our sadness at his untimely loss."
"All Funerals Services should be like this, what a fabulous way to remember and celebrate a life that was always so full of friendship and love." Simply a beautiful Service and perfect music. Thank you Thank You Thank you." O'Hara Family
Funeral at St. Gabriel's Church S.F. for Maureen O'Hara
- Funeral Directors Asso.
“Rockin’ The Cemetery” with St. Gabriel’s Celestial Brass Band an
Authentic New Orleans Jazz Brass Funeral Marching Band...
Fun, food, face-painting join Hayward's Memorial Day solemnity
Chapel of the Chimes's event links patriotism with party atmosphere.
Festive isn't the adjective that usually describes Memorial Day, a time set aside on the last Monday in May to honor living veterans and decorate the graves of deceased troops.
But, no doubt about it, events were festive Monday during the Memorial Day activities at Chapel of the Chimes Memorial Park.
Despite the late morning cold and wind, Buki the clown of Santa Rosa was painting butterflies and Spiderman on the faces of excited children.
Several thousand people enjoyed the music of The St. Gabriel's Celestial Brass Band as they rocked the sprawling cemetery, as it toured hills and flatlands via motorized cable car, while playing such appropriately-themed favorites as "When The Saints Go Marchin' In." Down by the Riverside, Just a Closer walk with Thee, Amazing Grace, When I lay my burdens down, Bye & Bye, as well as Patriotic favorites delivered in New Orleans Brass Band style.
People placed lawn chairs around grave sites and sat down to enjoy picnics, and music ...
St Gabriel's is on a nationwide campaign to reinstate the Traditional Brass Band Funerals so popular prior to 1900.
- Hayward Daily Review
#1. Jammin' On The Street Corner
#2. Red White & Blues Festival
#3. St. Gabriel's Million Seller Hits avail. 2009
#4. Gimme Dat Ole Time Religion avail. 2009
#5. Dancin' In The Streets avail. 2009
#6. May Da Funk Be Wit You (coming soon)
#7. Funk In da' Bayou (zydeco - coming soon)
#8. Street Church (gospel- coming soon)

Whether your event desires the strictly "Traditional" New Orleans Brass Band sound or, more modern day arrangements and repertoire. Saint Gabriel's is the band that can and will deliver what is best suited for your event. We offer a solid danceable selection of music that spans 100 years of American music.
Everything from Louis Armstrong to Sly & The Family Stone and Stevie Wonder. Comfortable playing on any kind of event or show, Country, Gospel, Jazz, Blues,Cajun/Zydeco, Latin or Rock Festivals and everything in between. Saint Gabriel's shows have something for everybody in the audience from 3 to 103 years of age. The strongest highlight of Saint Gabriel's Celestial Brass Band is the ultimate rhythm section of four drummers and two of every other instrument for extra power. You literally Feel this band coming down the street long before you see them. The highlight act at almost every event they play no matter who is on the bill. They open shows, close shows, play in the middle of shows and usually STEAL the Show. They are always The Act the audience goes home talking about. They have played with countless major Jazz, Blues, and Latin Stars from many countries including B.B. King, Taj Mahal, Buddy Guy, Marcia Ball, Tito Puente, Herbie Hancock, Havana Report, El Greco, Top Secret, Michel Camillo, Manhattan Transfer, Tony Bennett, Van Morrison, Little Richard, Chuck Berry, Bo Diddley, Ike Turner, Hank Ballard, Chick Corea, Screamin Jay Hawkins, The Soul Stirrers, The Dixie Hummingbirds, James Brown, Dave Holland, Joe Zawinul, Clarence Gatemouth Brown, Fats Domino, Percy Sledge, Peter Green, Phil Collins, Diane Shur, Tania Maria, Al Rapone, Buddy Miles, The Gypsy Kings, Chaka Kahn, Gonzalo Rubicala, Mory Konte, Mingus Dynasty,and many many more.
We also have an excellent BIG BAND up to 20 pieces playing a repertoire of Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Fats Domino, & The Dorsey Brothers if you should have need for same.
We can also provide you with an Authentic New Orleans Traditional Jazz/ Dixieland combo of 8 players.
Want a Motown Show? not a problem only a matter of switching a couple of key players and vocalist.
Want a down home old time religion gospel show ? we got that too. we can literally play ANY PLACE ANY TIME.
Call or write for dates now :
email: St.Gabriels@ambassadorsofamericanculture.com